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Stonehenge is a primitive monument located in Wiltshire , England about 2

millions (3km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) most of Salisbury. One
of the most famous sites in the world Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of
standing stones set within earthworks . it is in the middle of the most dence
of flex of Neolithic and bronze age monument is England including several fin
burial mounds .
Archeologist believe it was constructed from 3000 DC to 2000 BC . The
surrounding circular earth bank and litch witch constitute the earliest phase
of the monument have been doted to about 3100 BC . Dating in 2008 suggest
that the first
bluestones were raised between 2400 and 2200 BC . Another
theory suggest the bluestones may have been raised at the site as early as
3000 BC
Archeological evident found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2000
indicates that Stonehenge could have been a burial ground from its earliest
beginning The dating of cremated remains indicate that deposits contain
human bone from as early as 3000 BC when the ditch and bank ware first dug
eat period of the monument is use and the monument that it we still relay
munch a domain of the dead
Stonehenge balled in several contraction phase spading at eat 1500 years
there is evident of longer school contraction on the around the monument
there perhaps extends the London cope s time from to 6500 years
Before the monument (8000BC forward)

Archeologist have found four ,or possibly five ,large Mesolithic postholes ,
which date to around 8000BC , beneath the nearly modern tourist car-park
These held pine posts around 0.75 meters in diameter wich were erected and
eventually rotted in situ .Three of the posts were in an last-west alignment
which , have been found im Scandinavia Salisbury Plain was them still
wooded but 4,000 years later , during the earlier Neolithc ,people built a
causewayed enclosure at Robin Hood s ball and long barrow tombs in the
surrounding landscape . IN approximately 3500 bc ,0stonhege Curcus was
buil 700 meters north of the trees and develop the areas A number of other
and adjacent stone and wooden structures and burial mounds , previously
overlooked , y date as for back as 4,000bc.
The first monument consisted of a circler bank and dith enclosure made of
late cretaceous slaford chalk, measuring about 110 meters in diameter , with
a large entrance to the south . It stood in open grassland on a slightly
shoping spot . The builders placed the bones of deer and oxen in the botton
of the dith , as well as some worked flint tools . The bones were considerably
older than the antler picks used to dig the ditch , and the people wo buried
them had looked after them for some time prior to burial .the ditch was
continuos but had been in sections , like the ditches.
Stonehenge 3III (2400 BC to 2280 BC)
Later in the Branze Age, although the exact details of activities during this
period are still unchear, the bluestone appear to have beem re-erected. They
were place within the auter sanen circle and may have beem trimmed in some
way. Like the saven, a few have timble-working style cuts in them suggesting
that, during this have, they may have beem linked with limtens and were part
of a larger structure.


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