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To give an action formula that strengthens family relationships.
After the talk, participants will create a list of concrete steps to strengthen their families. They
can plot it in the calendar by using the two weekend rule of YFC.
Speakers Profile:
A member of CFC or a family counselor who has a background on pastoral care for families and
emulates strong family ties between members of the family.
Scope of the workshop:
The workshop is focused on the how children (YFC members) of families can contribute to
strengthen their families. Discussions and examples should be tailor fitted for the target
Discussion Points:
Family life is a system of human relationships designed by God to provide man's needs. In the family,
man finds companionship, and learns love, which is an attribute of God himself. It is in the family that
children learn to become socialized. No other arrangement has ever been devised as a successful
alternative. Today, the family system of life is a major issue in the Devil's warfare against God's design
for a fulfilling human relationship. Many couples are asking themselves what is missing in their
relationship with one another? Why don't parents really feel close to their children? Why doesn't the
family have that warm, close feeling that families should have? Could anything change the situation and
bring the joy back into family life? Increasingly, these are the questions being asked by all segments of
our society, and for good reasons. For example, there is evidence that negative, unhappy family life is
associated with mental health problems and juvenile delinquency. There is a higher incidence of divorce
and marital unhappiness among persons who are reared in unhappy families.
The challenge of strengthening family life depends upon gaining knowledge about strong, healthy
families. We might ask what can we learn from strong, healthy families that can be applied to our own
family to strengthen it? Studies have demonstrated that strong families are characterized by five


Number one is the expression of appreciation. William James, one of the greatest psychologists
America has ever produced, once wrote a book about human needs. Some years later, he commented
that he failed to include the most important need of all - the need to be appreciated. We like to be
around people who show us appreciation, yet, how often we fail to express appreciation to our parents
and siblings. One study showed that only 20% of a family's time was spent in having fun or saying nice
things to each other. To change this, a family must begin to look for each other's strengths. Try not to
miss an opportunity to give each other a sincere compliment. It is important to let others know, "You are
important to me I care about you . . . You have many contributions to offer to the world".
An outstanding example of the expression of appreciation is found in the Apostle Paul's letter to the
Thessalonians. The first chapter of I Thessalonians is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving for the faith, love
and steadfastness of the Thessalonians. Paul certainly expressed his appreciation for these members of
the family of God.
Second, an outstanding characteristic of strong families is the great amount of time they spend
together. They work and play together. They enjoy being together, even if they are not doing anything
in particular. Life today has become very much a "rat race". Family living can be improved by not
allowing our lives to become overly fragmented. Strong families intentionally cut down on the number
of outside activities and involvement's in order to minimize fragmentation of their family life. When you
find yourself becoming so busy that you are not spending time with your family, it is time to look at
what you're doing that's taking you away from your family. You may find that some of those
involvements are not so important after all. Try to keep you family "number one" in, terms of how you
spend your time.
Third, strong families spend a lot of time in family discussion and in talking out problems as they come
up. There are quarrels in every family, but by getting things out in the open and talking about them, the
problem can usually be identified and the best alternative for resolving the conflict can be chosen.
Successful family relationships are characterized by positive, open channels of communication. It is not
just a communication which contributes to the strength of a family, but communication of a positive
nature, marked by a frequent expression of appreciation toward each other.
The fourth characteristic of a strong family is a high degree of religious orientation. In addition to
attending church as a family, the members pray together and read the Bible and other inspirational
books together. The role that religion plays in strengthening families is much more than simply
participating in religious activities. It is the knowledge that God is with you every day and is directing
your life. Knowing God cares and is the greatest friend you have, and has a purpose for your life is a
great comfort. The awareness of God's love makes the family more tolerant and forgiving.
Christianity emphasizes values such as commitment, respect, and responsibilities for the needs and
welfare of others. These values contribute to good interpersonal and family relationships.

Commitment is the fifth quality of a strong family. A strong family is committed to helping and making
each other happy. Their actions are geared toward promoting each other's welfare. Time and energy
are invested in the family. Individual goals are frequently sacrificed for the welfare of the family.
An action formula for strengthening your family can be summarized in these five steps:
1. Develop the art of expressing sincere appreciation to your spouse and children. Concentrate on their
individual strengths.
2. Arrange to spend more time with your family. Plan more family activities that all find enjoyable. Learn
to say "no" to outside demands which aren't really that important anyway.
3. Open the communication channels. Take time to talk with each other often and be a good listener.
4. Explore ways that spiritual strength might be added to your family life. Participating in church
activities as a family, reading religious materials and family devotionals are only a few of the ways this
might be accomplished.
5. Build a high degree of commitment toward your family. Make family life your number one priority.
Invest your time and energy into the relationships with your spouse and children. The result can, and
will be a stronger, more fulfilling family life.

Sample schedule:

~ October 2015 ~


























Chapter Assembly

Family time:
Bonding with
mama and papa

Household prayer

Family time:
Movie watching
with kuya

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