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Days of Deceit: 12/07 and 9/11

he number one issue facing America and the world today, which
must be faced down by the People (i.e., the citizens) of the United
States of America, is the so-called “War of Terror”. This includes,
especially, the on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a belligerent U. S.
attitude toward Iran, continuing U. S. support of Israel, eavesdropping on
U. S. citizens, assassination of U. S. citizens overseas, and the suspension
of due process of law for U. S. citizens who are suspected of being
terrorists amongst (many) other things. In short, the current U. S.
government in Washington is conducting what amounts to a never-ending
belligerent and war-making attitude toward those nations that it perceives
to be its enemies and the establishment of a police state here at home.

Many Americans have bought into the Washington government’s

concept that the “War on Terror” is keeping us safer. Although Americans
run virtually no risk whatsoever of ever being killed in a terrorist attack,
they continue to believe that they (or someone they love) are truly in
danger of being killed in such an attack.

Most Americans were not endangered by the 9/11 attacks, nor did most
Americans lose someone whom they loved on that fateful day. These many
Americans also, seemingly, accept the Washington government’s official
account of what happened that day. However, those who were endangered
on 9/11 and those did lose someone whom they loved on that fateful day
do not as easily accept the Washington government’s account of what
happened on the day of 9/11.

Question: “If you had lost someone whom you loved on 9/11, would you
still as easily accept the Washington government’s official account of what
happened on that day?”

I bring up 9/11 for a reason: our government is still, to this day, telling
us that the reason for our troops being in Afghanistan is to hunt down
Osama bin Laden (and al Qaeda), whom our government says is solely
responsible for the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The fact of the matter is that
U. S. Special Forces had Osama bin Laden, trapped at his cave complex at
Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in December 2001 and they were instructed by
our government in Washington to allow him to flee into Pakistan at that
time. As you might imagine, once bin Laden was surrounded by U. S.
Special Forces in Afghanistan, it was impossible that U. S. forces could not
have apprehended him as he was fleeing to Pakistan and toward freedom.

Our government in Washington did this for one reason: So that, for the
past nine years, they could say that we were “still on the hunt” for bin
Laden. This, however, is beyond belief: the Special Forces know how to do
their job; and they did their job two months after 9/11, which is just about
how long one would expect for them to take in order to get that particular
job done.
I read a book, a few years ago, about the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, and in
the book, the author, Robert Stinnett, proves—conclusively—that our
government in Washington intentionally withheld (from the base
commander of Pearl Harbor) information that could have prevented the
tremendous loss of 2,390 American lives from that attack. Stinnett is a U.
S. Navy veteran who served in World War II and concludes his book by
saying something to the effect of, and I’m paraphrasing here, that
“Although it breaks my heart to say this, our government in Washington
allowed those men to be killed in order to have an excuse to enter World
War II.”

What most people fail to realize is that our government in Washington,

especially the military and intelligence services, uses a deontological
moral reasoning. For one who is aware of this type of moral reasoning, in
which the rightness of an action is determined by the amount of greater
good this action brings to the world, it is easy to see how our
government—or any government—can cause or allow the deaths of nearly
3,000 souls (e.g., 12/07 and 9/11) in order to bring about the greater good
of making the world safe for democracy.

What first tipped me off that something was wrong, and that our
government in Washington wasn’t telling the truth, was the attack on the
Pentagon on the day of 9/11. It was said that a commercial airliner, a
Boeing 757, had crashed into the side of the Pentagon, yet there was no
visible wreckage of the aircraft on site. The fact that a commercial airliner
could hit the side of the Pentagon, which is made of reinforced concrete,
and leave virtually no trace of its existence simply strained my credulity.
For example, the aircraft’s tail section—the most durable section of any
commercial jetliner—was missing from all photos of the crash site that I
was seeing on television that day. Another fact that tipped me off that day:
the section of the Pentagon that was hit was under construction and
mostly unoccupied. (A side note here: I had a friend at the time, who, on
9/11, was working, in intelligence, at the Pentagon. She, like Rumsfeld,
was in the side of the building opposite the impact.)

Many months after 9/11, I was surprised by the Washington

government’s release of (very brief) video footage of the attack on the
Pentagon. What surprised me was that the fireball in the video, which was
caused by the impact, is clearly the result of high explosives and not
aircraft fuel. I realize that many, if not most, Americans are unfamiliar
with high explosives, but a simple comparison of the photos of the aircraft
hitting the World Trade Towers to the photos of the explosion at the
Pentagon, show obvious dissimilarities.

My question to you is this: “If our government in Washington—for the

greater good of what it perceived to be the creation of a safer world—was
responsible for the deaths of nearly three thousand American citizens on
September 11, 2001, would you really want to know?”

If you DO want to know, I suggest that you begin your investigation


History Commons

Global Research: 9/11 and the War on Terrorism

9/11 Truth

9/11 Revealed

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