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Salmn ahumado sobre blini


levadura 10gr
leche 20cc
harina 000 50gr
harina 000 60gr
leche 10cc
yemas 4un
claras a nieve 4 un
crema 10cc
sal 2gr
crema de lima:
queso crema 20gr
lima 1un
crema 50cc
sal 1gr
pimienta negra 1gr

salmn ahumado 200gr

brotes de cressonette 20gr
huevo 4unidades
caviar negro 15gr
Hacer la masa de blini:
Realizar una esponja con levadura desgranada, leche tibia, .harina y dejar fermentar.
Agregar la harina restante, la leche y las yemas a la preparacin anterior, unir la mezcla
con batidor de mano. Por ltimo, incorporar la crema y las claras a nieve . Dejar
descansar la masa por 30 minutos.
Sobre una sartn caliente, con un poco de manteca, verter un cucharn de mezcla de
masa y cocinar por 2 minutos cada blini, de cada lado.
En un bol a aparte, mezclar el queso crema , la ralladura y jugo de lima, condimentar
con sal y pimienta. reservar.
Cortar el salmn ahumado en fetas.
Brotes de cressonette limpios.
Hacer un huevo mollet (5min) de coccin en agua a punto de ebullicin.
Huevas de lumpoo negras.
Montado del plato:
Sobre un plato colocar el blini tibio, untar con el queso crema, ubicar 2 fetas de salmn
ahumado y en el centro colocar el huevo mollet.
Por encima de todo, terminar con brotes de cressonette, una cucharadita de huevas de
lumpo y rociar con aceite de oliva extra virgen.



Ingredientes (para 10 raciones):

800 gr. chocolate Ocumare
250 gr. manteca
10 u. huevos
100 gr. harina
60 cc crema
40 cc. leche
120 gr. azcar
10 bochas helado de crema americana de buena calidad
200 gr. azcar
2 u. naranjas
150 cc. de agua
100 cc. de jugo de naranjas frescas
C/n menta para decorar
25 gr. azcar impalpable
1. Preparar los moelleux
En un bowl, con batidora elctrica, batir los huevos con el azcar hasta que la
preparacin quede espumosa, cremosa y plida.
Fundir el chocolate, previamente picado, junto con la manteca, en un bowl a Bao
Verter el chocolate fundido a la mezcla de huevos, con movimientos envolventes.
Aadir la leche, la crema, y por ltimo, la harina tamizada de a poco.
Enmantecar y enharinar 10 moldecitos de flan o mini budineras y llenar con la mezcla
hasta 3/4 de cada molde. Llevar a enfriar por 2 horas y cocinar en horno a 200 C por 8
2. Preparar la salsa
Hacer un almbar con el azcar, el agua y el jugo de las naranjas. Cocinar a fuego suave

hasta que tenga una densidad media. Reservar e incorporarle los gajos a vivo de naranja.
3. Montado del plato
Servir el moelleux caliente, acompaar con una bocha de helado, salsear el plato,
decorar con hojas de menta y azcar impalpable.


Los blin son uno de los platos ms antiguos de la cocina rusa. Son una seal
del final del invierno. Los blinis calientes y redondos son un smbolo del sol.
Para preparar los blinis se utiliza harina de trigo, trigo sarraceno, centeno o
mezcla de trigo y trigo sarraceno. Se comen con mantequilla, nata agria,
envolviendo en ellos un relleno de caviar, con pescado salado... Ms raramente
se comen con relleno caliente.
Los blini deben ser ligeros, finos, semitranslcidos.
La sartn para los blini no se debe fregar. Hay que calentarlala con aceite
caliente y sal y despus frotar cuidadosamente. La masa para los blini se echa
en la sartn untada en aceite en una capa muy fina y se tuesta por ambos

Blini de trigo
600 gramos de harina de trigo
20 gramos de azcar
25 gramos de mantequilla
1 huevo
25 gramos de levadura
10 gramos de sal
950 gramos de agua o leche
40 gramos de aceite
Aproximadamente de la leche se calientan a 30-35C. Disolver la levadura, aadir
azcar, sal, huevo, mantequilla y mezclar bien. Despus aadir poco a poco harina de

trigo y revolver rpido. Tapar el recipiente de la masa con una tela y colocarlo en un
sitio templado. Cuando la masa haya subido, aplastarla y aadir el resto de la leche
caliente. Despus de 1-1,5 horas (despus de que la masa haya subido por segunda vez)
hacer los blini en la sartn.
Servir los blini con mantequilla, nata agria, caviar, arenque.

blin de trigo sarraceno

Para la pasta:
300 gramos de harina de trigo sarraceno
10 gramos de azcar
35 gramos de levadura
300 gramos de leche
2 huevos
Para la masa:
300 gramos de harina de trigo sarraceno
20 gramos de azcar
12 gramos de sal
500 gramos de leche
5 6 horas antes de hacer los blin, preparar la masa: disolver la levadura y el azcar en
agua o leche caliente (2/3 del total de la usada para la receta), aadir mantequilla
calentada, las claras de huevo, mezclar bien y batir fuerte. Echar la harina y batir de
Poner la masa en un sitio templado y cuando suba, echar sal y el resto de la leche o
agua, batir bien y dejas que suba de nuevo. Antes de batir por segunda vez, se pueden
aadir las claras bien batidas. Servir con mantequilla o nata agria.
Volver al comienzo de la pgina

blin rpidos
500 gramos de harina
3 vasos de agua
2-3 huevos
1 cucharada sopera de azcar
0,5 cucharas de t de sal
0,5 cucharas de t de soda
0,5 cucharas de t de zumo de limn
50 gramos de aceite
Mezclar los huevos con agua templada, aadir la sal, azcar y soda. Despus echar poco
a poco la harina y revolver bien, para que la masa salga sin grumos. Disolver el zumo de
limn en un vaso de agua y echar en la masa. Mezclar e inmediatamente empezar a
tostar los blins.
Si no hay cido ctrico, la masa se puede preparar as: harina, huevos, azcar y sal se

mezclan con leche cida, y la soda se disuelve en un vaso de agua, que se echa en la
masa antes de hacer los blins.
Volver al comienzo de la pgina

blins de calabaza
600 gramos de harina
20 gramos de azcar
20 gramos de mantequilla
1 huevo
25 gramos de levadura
10 gramos de sal
800 gramos de leche
400 gramos de calabaza
50 gramos de aceite
Asar la calabaza, rallarla, aadir leche, levadura disuelta en leche caliente y harina.
Mantener en un sitio templado. Cuando la masa est lista, aadir la mantequilla
calentada, los huevos, mezclados con azcar, sal y tostar los blins.

Cocktail Blini
Makes 24

Blini are the one Russian dish that has migrated around
the world to smart restaurants and parties everywhere. They could have been specially
designed as finger food in fact-each blin is about 1 to 1-1/2 inches in diameter, a perfect
one-bite snack (or two bites if you're being dainty!) You can buy cocktail blini in many
supermarkets and delicatessens, but usually they're not made authentically with
buckwheat flour. Be different!
1 cup buckwheat flour
or half and half with all-purpose flour
1 package active dried yeast (1/4 oz.)
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg separated
1 teaspoon sugar

3/4 cup lukewarm milk

1 tablespoon butter for sauting
To serve:
Crme friche or sour cream
Small pots of caviar and/or salmon keta
Herbs, such as snipped chives and dill sprigs
About 4 pieces smoked salmon, finely sliced

Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Beat the egg yolk
with the sugar and 3/4 cup warm water and add to well. Mix well, then cover with a
damp cloth and let rise at room temperature until doubled in size, about 2 hours.
Beat in the milk to make a thick, creamy batter. Cover again and leave for 1 hour until
small bubbles appear on the surface.
Beat the egg white to soft peak stage, then fold it into the batter.
Heat a heavy-bottom skillet or crpe pan and brush with butter. Drop in about 1
teaspoon of batter to make a pancake about 1 inch indiameter. Cook until the surface
bubbles, about 2-3 minutes, then flip the blini over with a spatula and cook the second
side for 2 minutes.
Put a plate in the oven to keep warm while you cook the remaining blini. Don't put the
blini on top of each other. Serve them warm.
To serve, top with a spoonful of crme friche or sour cream, some snipped chives or
dill sprigs, and a small pile of caviar or keta or a curl of smoked salmon.
Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
Reheat in the oven at 400 degrees for about 5 minutes.
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Blini With Three Caviars Ingredients:

2 1/2 tb Sugar
2 tb
Unsalted butter, melted,
Plus additional for brushing
the griddle
Buckwheat flour (available
at natural foods stores and
Specialty foods shops)
All-purpose flour
1 ts
2 lg
Eggs, separated
3/4 c
Well-chilled heavy cream
Blini With Three Caviars Instructions:
(Buckwheat Yeast Pancakes With Three Caviars) from 1989 a 1/4-ounce package (2 1/2
teaspoons) active dry yeast about 2 cups sour cream as an accompaniment about 4 ounces
each black caviar, golden caviar, and salmon roe In a large bowl proof the yeast with 1/2
tablespoon of the sugar in 1/3 cup lukewarm water for 10 minutes, or until it is foamy.
Stir in 1 cup of the milk, heated to lukewarm, the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons
of the butter, and the buckwheat flour, beat the batter for 1 minute, and let it rise, covered with
plastic wrap, in a warm place for 2 hours or chill it, covered tightly, overnight.
(Chilling overnight produces a tangier flavor.
Let the batter come to room temperature before continuing with the recipe.
) Stir in the remaining 1 cup milk, heated to lukewarm, the all-purpose flour, the salt, and the
yolks, beat the mixture for 1 minute, and let it rise, covered with the plastic wrap, in a warm
place for 1 hour, or until it is double in bulk and bubbly.
In a bowl beat the cream until it holds soft peaks and fold it into the batter.
In a metal bowl beat the egg whites until they just hold stiff peaks and fold them into the batter
gently but thoroughly.
Heat a griddle or large skillet over moderate heat until it is hot, brush it lightly with the additional
melted butter, and spoon tablespoons of the batter onto the griddle, spreading them to form 3inch rounds.
Cook the blini for 1 minute on each side, or until the undersides are golden.
Transfer the blini as they are cooked to a platter and keep them warm, covered with a kitchen
Make blini with the remaining batter in the same manner, brushing the griddle lightly with the
butter as necessary.
The blini may be made 2 days in advance and kept covered and chilled.
Reheat the blini, covered with foil, in a 350~ F.
oven for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they are warm, or microwave them on a microwave-safe
platter, covered with microwave-safe plastic wrap, at high power (100%) for 2 minutes, or until
they are warm.
Arrange 3 or 4 blini on each of 18 small plates, top them with some of the sour cream, and
arrange some of the caviar decoratively on the sour cream.
Serves 18 with blini to spare.

Comensales: 50
Pas: Rusia
Tiempo de preparacin: 2 hours 40 mins
Tiempo de coccin: 2 mins
Tiempo total: 2 hours 42 mins

En un recipiente disolver la levadura con el agua.
Incorporar la leche y dejar reposar durante 5 minutos.
Combinar las dos harinas con sal a gusto. Ir
incorporando de a poco a la leche, mezclando muy
bien para que no se formen grumos.
Agegar batiendo, el yogur y las yemas de huevo. Dejar
reposar tapada, durante 1 hora o hasta que la masa
tenga burbujas y est esponjosa.
Batir las claras a nieve e incorporarlas muy
suavemente a la masa.
Tapar nuevamente y dejar levar durante otra hora. La
masa debe resultar esponjosa y liviana.
Con la mantequilla derretida engrasar ligeramente una
sartn y calentar a fuego mediano.
Echar 1 o 2 cucharadas de la preparacin para cada
Cocinar durante 1 minuto, hasta que las burbujas
revienten. Dar vuelta y dorar del otro lado.

Comentarios del Autor:

Ir acomodando en una fuente a medida que estn
listos. No apilarlos ya que se humedeceran.
Acompaar con rellenos dulces o saldaos

comentarios sobre esta receta

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Recetas de Cocina:

1 cdta. de levadura seca
2 cdas. de agua tibia
275 ml. de leche descremada tibia
125 gr. de harina de maz o integral finas
125 gr. de harina comn
3/4 cdta. de sal
125 ml. de yogur natural
2 huevos grandes
2 cdas. de matequilla sin sal, derretida


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Home-made Russian-style Oladie (commonly mistaken for blini) with sour cream, roe
and chopped onion.

Frozen pre-packaged blintzes may be fried.

A blintz, blintze or blin (plural: blintzes, Lithuanian: Blynai, blynai; Russian:
blin, (pl.) Polish: bliny; Ukrainian: , mlyntsi; Yiddish: blintze) is a
thin pancake (similar to a crpe).

[edit] Etymology, origins, culture

The English word blintz comes from the Yiddish "( blintze"), which in turn comes
from blin. "Blin" comes from Old Slavic mlin, that means "to mill" (compare the
Ukrainian word for blin , mlynets).
Blins had a somewhat ritual significance for early Slavic peoples in pre-Christian times
since they were a symbol of the sun, due to their round form. They were traditionally
prepared at the end of the winter to honor the rebirth of the new sun (Pancake week, or
Maslenitsa). This tradition was adopted by the Orthodox church and is carried on to the

present day. Bliny were once also served at wakes, to commemorate the recently
Traditional Russian bliny are made with yeasted batter, which is left to rise and then
diluted with cold or boiling (zavarnye bliny) water or milk just before baking them in
the traditional Russian oven (to this day the process of cooking bliny is referred to as
baking in Russian, even though these days they are almost universally pan-fried, like
pancakes). By Russian tradition the first blin is always destroyed while frying. Blintzes
(blinchiki in Russian, considered to be a borrowed dish) are made from unyeasted batter
(usually made of flour, milk and eggs) and are nearly identical to French crpes. All
kinds of flour may be used for making bliny: from wheat and buckwheat to oatmeal and
millet, although wheat is currently by far the most popular.

Home-made thin blintzes

Blintzes were popularized in the United States by Jewish immigrants who used them in
Jewish cuisine. While not part of any specific religious rite in Judaism, blintzes that are
stuffed with a cheese filling and then fried in oil are served on holidays such as
Chanukah (as oil played a pivotal role in the miracle of the Chanukah story) and
Shavuot (when dairy dishes are traditionally served).
Blins may be prepared and served in three basic ways.

They may be eaten "as is". In this case the batter may contain various add-ins,
from grated potato or apple to raisins. These blini are quite common in Eastern
Europe and are more solidly-filled than the spongy pancakes usually eaten in
North America.
They may be smeared with butter, bacon fat, sour cream, jam, honey or caviar
and possibly folded or rolled into a tube. In that form they are similar to French
crpes. The caviar filling is popular during Russian-style cocktail parties.
(The term "blintz" is mostly applicable to this version): A filling such as jam,
fruit, potato, cottage cheese or other cheese, cooked ground meat, cooked
chicken and even chopped mushrooms, bean sprouts, cabbage and onions (for a
Chinese eggroll-type blintz) is rolled or enveloped into a pre-fried blintz and
then the blintz is lightly re-fried, sauted or baked. Such a blintz is also called
nalysnyky in that form (Ukrainian: ) or blinchiki (Russian: ).

Buckwheat bliny are part of traditional Russian cuisine, almost forgotten during the
times of the Soviet Union. They are still widespread in Ukraine where they are known
as hrechanyky (Ukrainian: ), and Lithuania's Dzkija region, the only region

in the country where buckwheat is grown. It is traditionally called Lithuanian: Griki


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Cookbook | Recipes | Bread | Cuisine of Russia
blini (singular blin; in Russian, []) are small Russian pancakes, typically topped
with sour cream, jam or caviar.
The following recipe makes 20-25 blini.

[edit] Ingredients

1.3 pounds (5 cups) of wheat flour

1 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
5 teaspoons of butter
1 ounce of yeast
1 egg
4 cups of milk
5 teaspoons of olive oil

[edit] Procedure
1. Dissolve the yeast in 3 cups of warm (80-95 degrees Fahrenheit) milk. Add half
a tablespoon of sugar, tablespoon of salt, egg yolk and molten butter.
2. Stir, then add half the flour and knead the dough.
3. Cover the pan with the dough with cloth or towel and leave it in a warm place
for 1.5-2 hours, or until the volume of the dough is doubled.
4. Mix in the rest of the milk, which must be heated to 122 degrees Fahrenheit,
then add the rest of flour and sugar. Pour in well-whipped egg white.
5. Knead the dough again and leave it until it raises.
6. Heat an oiled frying pan. With a large ladle pour the dough (it should be liquid)
in the center so it makes a circle.
7. When the bottom of the blin is ready turn it over.
8. After it is ready, put the blin on a large plate and start making the next one.
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Blinis con Salmn Ahumado

Tiempo de preparacin:
Tiempo de coccin:
Tiempo adicional:

6 porciones
30 minutos
25 minutos aprox.
3 horas, 5 minutos (de leudado)

Vierta el agua en el bol pequeo, espolvoree con la levadura y deje reposar

hasta que la mezcla comience a burbujear, formando espuma, unos 5 min.
Luego, tamice las harinas junto a la sal, sobre el bol grande y forme una
corona. A fuego medio, caliente 175 ml. de leche, hasta entibiarla y vierta en el hueco
de la corona.
Incorpore de a poco la harina, moviendo suavemente con el batidor, desde los
borde de la corona al centro, hasta tener una mezcla de consistencia fina. Entonces,
cubra con el pao y deje reposar, en lugar clido, hasta que se formen burbujas en la
superficie, ms o menos 3 h.
Pasado ese tiempo, entibie el resto de la leche y aada a la preparacin
anterior, batiendo. Luego, casque los huevos, separando las yemas y claras en boles
medianos diferentes.
En la ollita, a fuego lento, derrita la mitad de la manteca. Bata las yemas y
adalas, mezclando muy bien, a la preparacin junto con la crema y la manteca
Despus, a potencia media, bata las claras a punto nieve, no muy firme e
incorprelas suavemente con movimientos envolventes, de abajo hacia arriba.
Encienda el horno a temperatura media/baja y coloque la fuente dentro, para
calentarla. Luego, coloque la manteca restante en la sartn y, a fuego medio, derrtala
y vierta, con el cucharoncito o una cuchara, pequeas porciones de masa.
Fra los pequeos crpes unos 2 min. o hasta que estn dorados, entonces, d
vuelta y deje que se doren del otro lado, tardarn entre 1 a 2 min..Repita la operacin
hasta terminar con la masa.
Cuando haya hecho la primer tanda, apague en horno y coloque los blinis
dentro de la fuente, sin retirarla del horno, para mantenerlos calientes.
Distribuya los blinis en los platos, coloque en el centro el salmn, encima
coloque la cebolla de verdeo y luego, forme un copete con la crema agria, cuidando
que en los bordes se vea el salmn.
Por ltimo espolvoree con el cebolln y sirva, enseguida, pues deben estar

Una opcin de menor costo, pero igualmente sabrosa en con rbano rallado, pepino
agridulce picado, cebollas de verdeo, alcaparras y queso crema.

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