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Pollution is now a common used term, we hear about various forms of pollution, a

nd read about it thhrough media. Air pollution is only one of the forms of a mor
e complex and pressing issue that refers to the contamination of air, indoors or
outdoors. The sustainment of all living beings is due to a combination of gases
that collectively form the atmosphere; the inbalance caused by the increase or
decrease of the percentage of one or more of these gases can be harmful for surv
ival. The ozone layer which is considered crucial for the existence of the ecosy
stems on the planet is depleting due to increased pollution. Global warming, a d
irect result of the increased inbalance of gases in the atmosphere has come to b
e known as the biggest threat and challenge that the contemporary world has to o
vercome in order to survive.
Causes of air pollution:
-burning fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, gas, and other factory combustibles); ve
hicles such as trucks, cars, airplanes or trains cause an immense amount of carb
on dioxide, we rely on them for our basic needs of transportation at the price o
f endangering the environment and all the living beings sustained by it; carbon
monoxide is caused by incomplete or improper combustion and is generally emitted
by vehicles, along with nitrogen oxides;
-agricultural activities:
activities and is one of
insecticides, pesticides
erably; they emit harmful
water pollution

ammonia is a common by-product of agricultural related

the most hazardous gases in the atmosphere; the use of
and fertilizers in agricultural works has grown consid
chemicals into the air and can also be responsible for

-exhaust from factories and industries: manufacturing industries release large a

mounts of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, organic compounds and chemicals into th
e air thereby depleting the quality of air; petroleum refineries also release hy
drocarbons and various other chemicals that pollute the air and also the land
-indoor air pollution: household cleaning products and painting supplies emit to
xic chemicals in the air
Effects of air pollution:
-several respiratory and heart conditions; children living in areas exposed to a
ir pollutants are said to commonly suffer from pneumonia and asthma
-global warming: the temperature at the surface of the earth is increasing, lead
ing to increases in sea levels, melting the ice from colder regions, displacemen
t and loss of habitat
-acid rain: harmful gases are released into the atmosphere during the burning of
fossil fuels, when it rains, the water droplets combine with these air pollutan
ts, become acidic and then fall on the fround in the form of acid rain, affectin
g humans, animals and crops
-depletion of ozone layer
-destruction of natural habitats; species of animals threatened with extinction
Sollutions for air pollutions:
- use public transportation or try to make use of car pooling
-conserve energy: switch off fans and lights when going out; large amounts of fo
ssil fuels are burnt to produce electricty
-re-use and recycle (for different purposes: instead of throwing away old jars,

store cereals or coins in them)

-use clean energy if possible: clean energy technologies such as solar, wind and
geothermal are increasingly used around the worl; install solar panels for your

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