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Thank God we pray to the presence of God Almighty, for His grace and
karuniaNyalah, this paper can be resolved properly, just in time as for the
purpose of this paper is to fulfill the task of Course of Nursing Basics I, in
the first semester, school year 2012, with the title abortion. In the
completion of this paper, we experienced many difficulties, mainly due to
the lack of scientific support. However, thanks to the guidance and
assistance from various parties and we say to the mother Rossy
Rosnawati, S.Kep. Nurses who have been briefing us so our bias finish this
paper. Therefore, it is appropriate if we would like to thank all those
involved. We are aware, as a student who is still in the learning process,
this paper still has many deficiencies. Therefore, we are expecting
criticism and suggestions are positive, to writing a paper that better in the
future. We hope that this simple paper, can provide awareness of its own
for the young generation

Karawang, 25



INTRODUCTION I ..............................................................................

Ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................


A. Background 1 ...............................................................................
B. General Objective 1 .....................................................................


A. Definition 2 ..................................................................................
B. Abortion type 2 ............................................................................
C. Causes of action 2 .......................................................................
D. Risk of Abortion 3 ........................................................................
E. Law - laws governing abortion 4 ..................................................
F. Legality of Abortion in the Special Conditions according to Act 4 .
G. things that can be done to avoid abortion (illegal 5 ....................



A. Conclusions 6 ...............................................................................
B. Recommendation 6 ......................................................................




A. Background
Abortion is death and the spending of the fetus from the uterus either
spontaneously or accidentally before 22 weeks gestation. A specific
number of weeks of pregnancy can vary between countries, will depend
on the local legislation.
According to Potter & Perry (2010), half of pregnancies in the United
States are unplanned; the majority of unplanned pregnancies occur in
adolescents, women aged over 40 years, and African-American women on
low incomes. Nearly half of unintended pregnancies end in abortion.
Meanwhile, although prohibited, either by the Criminal Code, the Law, and
the MUI fatwa or assemblies tarjih Muhammadiyah, the practice of
abortion (abortion) in Indonesia remained high and reached 2.5 million
cases annually and are mostly done by teenagers. This is caused by a lack
of education about sex and promiscuity as well as its impact, both in
terms of health and social to the public, especially teenagers. In addition,
supervision of parents also have a very important role in avoiding things
that are not desirable as an unwanted pregnancy that is the result of
promiscuity is no small end with abortion.
Abortion or abortion is often synonymous with negative things for ordinary
people. For them, abortion is an act of sin, break the law and so on.
However, the fact that not all abortion is an act that is negative because
there are times when an abortion is recommended by doctors for the sake
of maternal health condition better.
In the case of abortion encouraged doctors, nurses not only as conselor or
the role and functions of the other nurses, but also can run nursing
principles and ethical principles are there to help patients who have been
facing a choice (abortion). Furthermore, in this paper we will discuss about
abortion and its impact at the same time the role of parents to avoid these
B. General Purpose
1. Knowing the definition of abortion
2. Knowing the factors that contribute to abortion
3. Knowing the effects of abortion
4. Knowing the example of abortions that occur in Indonesia
5. Knowing respond to the existing case based on the principles and the
ethical principles of nursing

A. Definition
Abortion is death and the spending of the fetus from the uterus either
spontaneously or accidentally before 22 weeks gestation. A specific
number of weeks of pregnancy can vary between countries, will depend
on the local legislation.
B. Type of Abortion
Classification of abortion or abortion by the medical world, namely:
Spontaneous Abortion
Spontaneous abortion is an abortion that takes place without the action /
expenditure fetus spontaneously before the fetus is considered viable.
Abortion is divided into three, namely:
a) threatened abortion, at less than 20 weeks of pregnancy bleeding from
the uterus or womb, where the fetus is still in the uterus, and cervix has
not dilated (no dilation of the cervix).
b) Abortion insipiens, meaning that pregnancy is impossible to continue.
Often there is a severe vaginal bleeding due to placenta vast area
separated from the uterine wall
c) Abortion inkompletus, the release of some organs of the fetus before 20
weeks old, but the fetal organs are still lagging behind in the womb
d) Abortion kompletus, all products of conception (fertilization) has been
issued. This tends to occur at the age of eight weeks of pregnancy.
Abortion artificial / accident / Abortion provocatus Criminalis is the
termination of pregnancy before the pregnancy of 20 weeks or fetal
weight of less than 500 grams as a result of a deliberate act and realized
by mothers as well as the executor of abortion (in this case a doctor,
midwife or TBA).

Therapeutic abortion / abortion provocatus therapeuticum artificial

abortion is performed on medical indications. For example, mothers who
are pregnant but have chronic high blood pressure or severe heart disease
that could endanger both the expectant mother and the fetus. But this is
all on medical considerations mature and unhurried.

C. Causes Abortion Measures

Every action must have caused it. Here are some of the causes of
abortions performed:
1. Age
2.Incest (incest) as a rape committed by a father to his son.
3.Kehamilan undesirables (KTD) such as pregnant outside of marriage
4 Parity mother
5.Adanya chronic disease or medical indication
6 Sexual activity at a young age
7.Kurangnya knowledge about the impact of abortion
Sociocultural and religious 8.Perspektif
9.Tingkat education about sexual and reproductive health of low
10.Kurangnya public awareness of the impact of unsafe abortion
D. Risk of Abortion
Abortion has a high risk to the health or safety of a woman. Not true to
say that if someone had an abortion he "did not feel anything and
immediately allowed to go home". This is very misleading information for
every woman, especially those who are confused because they do not
want a pregnancy has occurred.
There are two kinds of health risks to the woman who had an abortion:
1.Resiko physical health and safety
At the time of an abortion and after an abortion there are some risks that
will be faced by a woman, as described in the book "Facts of Life" written
by Brian Clowes, PhD, namely:
A. Sudden death due to severe bleeding
B. Serious infections around the womb
C. The very next.
D. Breast cancer (due to an imbalance of estrogen in women)
E. Ovarian cancer (Ovarian Cancer)
F. Cervical Cancer (Cervical Cancer)
G. Liver cancer (Liver Cancer)

H. abnormalities in the placenta / placenta (placenta previa), which will

cause a defect in subsequent children and severe bleeding during the next
I. Risk of becoming sterile / not able to have children again (ectopic
J. Infection pelvis (pelvic inflammatory disease)
K. Infection of the lining of the uterus (endometriosis)
2.Resiko psychological disorders
The process of abortion is not just a process that has a high risk in terms
of health and safety of a woman physically, but also has a very great
impact on the mental state of a woman.
This phenomenon is known in psychology as "Post-Abortion Syndrome"
(Post-Abortion Syndrome) or PAS. These symptoms are recorded in
"Psychological Reactions Reported After Abortion" in publishing The PostAbortion Review (1994).
Basically a woman who had an abortion will experience things like the
A. Loss of self-esteem
B. Feel diasing in society
C. nightmare many times about the baby
D. Want to commit suicide
E. Start trying to use illegal drugs
F. There could enjoy longer sexual intercourse
Excluding the above-mentioned things the women who have abortions will
be filled with feelings of guilt are not lost during the years of his life. Guilt
can cause psychological or emotional stress, the stress caused by
disorders of psychological situation (Hidayat, 2007).
E. Law - laws governing abortion
Regarding abortion, in Chapter XIX of the Criminal Code Article 346 s / d
350 is expressed as follows:
1. Article 346: "A woman who intentionally abort or shut down abortion or
tell others to it, shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of four
2 Article 347:
(1) Whoever intentionally abort or shut the womb of a woman without her
consent, punishable by a maximum imprisonment of twelve years.
(2) If the act results in the death of the woman, shall be punished by
imprisonment of fifteen years.

3.Pasal 348:
(1) Whoever intentionally abort or shut the womb of a woman with her
consent, punishable by a maximum imprisonment of five years and six
(2) If the act results in the death of the woman, shall be punished by a
maximum imprisonment of seven years.
4. Article 349: "If a doctor, midwife or interpreter medications help commit
a crime under section 346, or help commit one of the crimes in articles
347 and 348, the offense specified in article it can be coupled with the
third and inalienable right to run search in which the crimes were
committed ".
F. Legality of Abortion in the Special Conditions under the Act
Artificial abortion, if the terms of the legal aspects can be classified into
two categories namely:
1. artificial legal abortion (abortion provocatus therapcutius)
Ie abortion carried out according to the conditions and ways that justified
by the law, because of the very basic reason for doing so, such as
lifesaving / cure the mother.
2. artificial abortion illegal
Namely abortion whose purpose other than to save / heal the mother,
performed by personnel who are not qualified and not qualified and the
means justified by law.
In the Code of Penal (Penal Code) abortion deliberate action classified into
crimes against life (Chapter XIX Article 346 s / d 249). But in the law No.
23 of 1992 on health in Article 15 paragraph
(1) stated that in case of emergency in an attempt to save the lives of
pregnant mother or her fetus, can do certain medical procedures. Then in
(2) stipulates certain medical procedures can be performed:
1) Based on the medical indications that require the action taken
2) By health professionals who have the expertise and ability to it and
conducted in accordance with professional responsibility and
consideration of the expert team
3) With the approval of the related pregnant mother and her husband and
G. The Things That You Can Do To Avoid Unsafe Abortion Genesis
There are several things that can be done to minimize and prevent
abortion unsafe / illegal, are as follows:

1. To provide education to the community, especially among adolescents

about sexual and reproductive health comprehensive information about
sexuality, contraception and gender relations.
2. Motivating parents for taking part in supervising their children in the
3. Provide high-quality counseling services that can provide accurate
information about abortion and the dangers to health
4. Working closely with all stakeholders such as schools, health centers
and others to reduce the number of abortions there.
5. Provide a means or a quality health services and qualified
In addition to the things mentioned above, there are some important
things that can be done by parents, is as follows:
1. Provide appropriate early sex education to their children
2. To supervise the children socially
3. Instill good morals and ethics to avoid the things that break the rules /
law, both in the community and even within the State.

A. Conclusion
Abortion is death and the spending of the fetus from the uterus either
spontaneously or accidentally before 22 weeks gestation fetus atu before
given a chance to live.
Abortion is unlawful and not justified under any circumstances except for
the benefit of the mother. It is already set in law Negara.Aborsi has a very
harmful to a person who do it, in terms of both health and social. Besides
abortion who do not qualify and are not done by a professional can lead to
complications that are very dangerous and even can cause death.
B. Suggestions
A medical personnel must often provide health education particularly on
abortion and its impact on health and knowledge so that people can have
a correct perception of it, and is expected to reduce the incidence of
abortion is both legal and illegal

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Online sources
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