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Oils, blends & products recommended:

Oils & Blends: Respiratory BlendC, CloveC, EucalyptusEC, Protective Blend,

PeppermintEC, RosemaryEC

Breathe, Cuisoare, Eucalipt, On Guard, Menta, Rozmarin

Also consider: Digestive BlendC, GingerC, LavenderC, LemonC, MelaleucaC,
ThymeC, White FirC
Luati in considerare si: DigestZen, Ghimbir, Lavanda, Lamaie, Melaleuca,
Cimbru, Brad argintiu

Suggested protocols:
To address infection and symptoms (light):

Respiratory Blend

Protective Blend

Apply topically to sinus areas and cup and inhale or diffuse.

Pentru a trata infenctia si simptomele mai usoare: Breathe si On Guard
To address infection and symptoms (medium):

2 drops Lavender

2 drops Melaleuca

2 drops Rosemary

Apply topically with a cotton swab inside the nostrils or mix the above with a cup
of warm water and, using a Neti pot (nasal irrigation device available at most drug
stores) irrigate the nasal passages.
Pentru a trata infectii si simptome medii:

2 picaturi Lavanda

2 picaturi Melaleuca

2 picaturi Rozmarin

Aplicati pe piele cu un bat cu vata in interiorul narilor sau amestecati-le cu

o ceasca de apa calda si, folosind un Neti Pot (aparat pt irigarea narilor,
se gaseste la farmacii), irigati narile (sinusurile).
To address infection and symptoms (heavy duty):

1-4 drops Eucalyptus (1 sufficient for most, 4 is very strong)

2 drops Rosemary

2 drops Frankincense

1-2 teaspoons sea salt

Mix the above with 2 cups of warm water and, using a Neti pot (nasal irrigation
device available at most drug stores) irrigate 2 times per day (or more). See
suggestion from Cherie in Experiences and Testimonials.

Pentru tratarea infectiei si simptomelor dure:


1-4 picaturi de Eucalipt (1 e in general suficient, 4 e foarte puternic)

2 picaturi Rozmarin

2 picaturi Tamaie

1-2 lingurite sare de mare

Amestecati-le cu 2 cesti de apa calda si, folosind Neti pot (vezi mai sus)
irrigati de 2 ori pe zi sau chiar de mai multe ori. Vezi sugestiile lui Cherie de
la Experiente si Marturii.
For added help:

4 drops Frankincense

4 drops Protective Blend

4 drops Oregano

Add the above to a capsule and take 3 times per day.

Repeat daily as needed.
Pentru ajutor suplimentar:
4 picaturi Tamaie
4 picaturi On Guard
4 picaturi Oregano
Se pun toate intr-o capsula si se iau de 3 ori pe zi. Repetati de cate ori e
To address symptoms:

Use Respiratory Blend with cup and inhale or diffuse

Or use Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint (see allergies protocol)

Pentru simptome:
- folositi Breathe in diffuser (aparat) sau puneti in palma, frecati palmele intre
ele, apoi faceti din ele ca o cupa si inhalati
- sau folositi Lavanda, Lamaie, Menta (vezi protocolul pt alergii

Cherie I believe its critical to guide people in proper preparation of sinus

rinse if you are going to suggest it as treatment. There are dangers associated
with using tap water. Some tap water contains low levels of organisms, such as
bacteria and protozoa, including amoebas, which may be safe to swallow
because stomach acid kills them. But these bugs can stay alive in nasal
passages and cause potentially serious infections, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Also, is probably important to use
medical grade sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate mixture (i.e. NeilMed
premixed packets) rather than making your own with table salt that may have
impurities not safe for nasal membrane, etc.
What types of water are safe to use in nasal rinsing devices? Distilled or sterile water, which
you can buy in stores. The label will state distilled or sterile.
Boiled and cooled tap waterboiled for 3-5 minutes, then cooled until it is lukewarm.
Previously boiled water can be stored in a clean, closed container for use within 24
hours. Water passed through a filter with an absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller, which
traps potentially infectious organisms. CDC has information on selecting these filters, which
you can buy from some hardware and discount stores, or online.

E periculos sa folosesti apa de la robinet pt irigari nazale pt ca contine in mici cantitati

organisme, ca bacterii si protozoare, inclusive amibe, care e ok daca le inghiti, fiindca
acidul din stomac le omoara. Insa ele pot ramane vii in sinusuri si pot cauza infectii. E
important sa folosesti sodium chloride si sodium bicarbonate medical decat sa pui sare
de bucatarie care poate avea impuritati si nu e buna pt membrana nasului.
Apa buna pt spalaturi nazale: distilata sau sterila. Fiarta si racita fiarta 3-5 minute si
poate fi tinuta 24 de ore intr-un recipient curat, inchis. Apa trecuta printr-un filtru cu
pori de 1 micron sau mai mici, care opresc micro-organismele infectioase.

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