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"I've been meaning to share this story for months.

Two of my children
suffered with warts on their feet. My youngest had warts taking over
his whole foot. We tried everything available including have a
dermatologist cut off the quarter sized ones but they rapidly grew
back. Duct tape, cider vinegar, compound W and even oils topically
with very little relief. Finally I convinced him to take a capsule of
Oregano oil for ten days. In reality it was ten days out of 14 because
we are terrible at consistency, BUT the warts literally peeled off.
They are actually flat underneath and grow up like mushroom tops.
When the oregano killed the virus, the warts died and fell off leaving
no scars. Perfect skin underneath. Aside from the scars left by the
two we unsuccessfully had cut off, there is no evidence of his warts.
This has been the case with my daughter too, who had them on
hands and feet."

Birgit Vd Berk
24 mai la 20:08

What oils can I use for the warts? He has them his entire life already but he told
me he let me try my oils on him... need something good & strong

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3 persoane apreciaz asta.

Lisa Miller Look up protocol for oregano capsules. I've seen before and after on feet. 10
days only.
24 mai la 20:18 mi place 2

Crystal Pava Oregano diluted to area a few times a day. I also agree with using veggie
caps also.
24 mai la 20:20 mi place 1

Lisa Miller Says they used 10gtt oregano and a few drops of peppermint. The oregano oil
makes you burp, the peppermint calms the stomach to decease burping. One capsule a

day. 10 days. Check amounts for age specific. I'm only relaying this message I read. I've
never used capsules or swallowed oil, but apparently it works great.
24 mai la 20:23 mi place

Lisa Miller

24 mai la 20:24 mi place

Bonnie Belott I would soak them, scrape them down and then apply oregano...might want
to put gloves on tho after cuz oregano is hot
24 mai la 20:25 mi place 1

Lisa Miller

24 mai la 20:25 mi place 2

Lisa Miller Age?

24 mai la 20:26 mi place 1

Birgit Vd Berk 35
24 mai la 20:36 mi place

Birgit Vd Berk Can I do rollerbottles? One with Frank & one with Oregano? In a 10ml - how
many drops of oils?
24 mai la 20:42 mi place 1

Shirley Watkins I just took a real stubborn one off of my arm by applying frankincense
every day several times a day and in two weeks it came off. Who knows if I would have
used Oregano it may of went faster.
24 mai la 20:45 mi place 1

Lisa Miller If my hand looked like that, I would take one oregano capsule a day. Topical 3x
a day is hard to remember and keep on your skin without washing your hands. I'm a nurse
p though...we wash our hands too many times a day.
24 mai la 21:40 Editat mi place 1

Hilary Rodriguez I would try applying Frankencense a few times a day until they are gone.
24 mai la 22:10 mi place 2

Roger Webb I prefer frankincense. Topically. It's much more gentle than oregano, and just
as effective.
24 mai la 22:47 mi place 5

Lisa Miller Could you add Frank to lotion and use that throughout the day? Ratio?
24 mai la 22:53 mi place 2

Birgit Vd Berk Would you tell me how to dilute the Frankincense in a 10ml rollerbottle please !?
24 mai la 23:08 mi place

Tracy Hagen I would not use a roller bottle. Warts ate caused by a virus and you'd risk
transferring the virus in to the roller bottle and reinfecting the site.
24 mai la 23:30 mi place 3

Hilary Rodriguez Just a apply a drop of frankincense directly to the area. It's a very mild oil
and doesn't need to be diluted
24 mai la 23:46 mi place 1

Richard E. Oceguera I've had GREAT success using Oregano and OnGuard. I had warts
on the bottom of my feet and now they are completely gone. I applied one drop of each,
layering either one first. Wait 30 seconds then put the second drop. I did it morning and
night and one day I realized I didn't have to do it anymore! I did not dilute, used the oils
24 mai la 23:52 Editat mi place 6

Birgit Vd Berk amazing thank you all - now I should try all
24 mai la 23:58 mi place 2

Michelle Markham Oh boy! Richard is right. warts are tough suckers I personally tell my
patients to use the oils neat - undiluted for both fungus and Warts. I wouldnt use a
rollerbottle because when you add in a carrier oil it takes longer to soak into the
tissue. ...Vezi mai mult
25 mai la 00:45 mi place 3

Kylie Pickens I used oregano neat and layer with onguard 3x a day. Took 10 days but the
ones I got on my feet from a pedicure are gone.
25 mai la 00:50 mi place 3

Birgit Vd Berk Michelle Markham - one more question Oregano is a hot oil right, but I
still should use it pure layered with OnGuard?
25 mai la 02:19 mi place

Michelle Markham its "hot" but not necessarily do people have a "hot" reaction. Keep
some carrier oil nearby and if it feels uncomfortable apply the carrier oil. On the palm of the

hand, the tissue is a lot thicker and less sensitive compared to the face or the inside of the
25 mai la 02:23 mi place 2

Birgit Vd Berk Thank you

25 mai la 02:25 mi place

Michelle Markham just remember, everyone is different and every area of the body is
different. What works for you may not work for your best friend and what works for you
today may not next week. Respect the oils. They are powerful. but don't fear them, because
if you respect them - they are not dangerous
25 mai la 02:28 mi place 2

Birgit Vd Berk I do kinda both I am new with oils and I am 8month pregnant and we
have a 17month old boy - I am being more then careful - thats all but I trust experienced WA
- watch & learn
25 mai la 04:01 mi place 1

Diana Metzler Henkel consider cleansing the digestive track. Another alternative is 2 drops
of Oregano 2x;s a day in a capsule for 10 days....think viral
27 mai la 08:36 mi place 2

Lisa Miller Any progress in the last week?

2 iunie la 05:50 mi place

Birgit Vd Berk we didn't start yet - we are on vaca and he said he wants to do it after ... but
I will keep you posted also with pictures if you would like so emoticon wink
2 iunie la 07:22 mi place 1

Lisa Miller We would love!!!

2 iunie la 07:40 mi place 1

Debbie Boushley Foster Drink apple cider vinegar too will help stop them from can wash with this too prior to oil use...
11 iunie la 19:14 mi place

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