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Christians suffer a form of Grief during Holy Week.

As Christians prepare for “Holy Week” which celebrates the death and resurrectio
n of Jesus the Christ, people around the world will suffer the loss with the tho
ught of Jesus dieing on the cross. It’s a form of loss that in many ways, our w
estern society has great difficulty in coping with.
Grief is a multi-faceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone o
r something to which a bond was formed. Although conventionally focused on the e
motional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social,
and philosophical dimensions. Common to human experience is the death of a loved
one, whether it be a friend, family, or other companion.
While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement often refers to the
state of loss, and grief to the reaction to loss.Losses can range from loss of e
mployment, pets, status, a sense of safety, order, or possessions, to the loss o
f loved ones. Our response to loss is varied and researchers have moved away fro
m conventional views of grief (that is, that people move through an orderly and
predictable series of responses to loss) to one that considers the wide variety
of responses that are influenced by personality, family, culture, and spiritual
and religious beliefs and practices.
Bereavement, while a normal part of life, carries a degree of risk when limited
support is available. Severe reactions to loss may carry over into familial rela
tions and cause trauma for children, spouses and any other family members: there
is an increased risk of marital breakup following the death of a child, for exa
mple. Issues of faith and beliefs may also face challenge, as bereaved persons r
eassess personal definitions in the face of great pain.
While many who grieve are able to work through their loss independently, accessi
ng additional support from licensed psychologists or psychiatrists may promote t
he process of healing. Grief counseling, professional support groups or educatio
nal classes, and peer-led support groups are primary resources available to the
bereaved. In the United States, local hospice agencies may be an important first
contact for those seeking bereavement support.
Christians gather together during holy week on “Good Friday” to once again bear
witness to Christ’s death on the cross. 3 days later his resurrection is celebr
ated in the holiday called Easter. In many ways the process of designing, creat
ing and choosing a memorial can be a form of “Holy Week”-like respect for a love
d one. Whether it’s a grave marker, tombstone or granite memorial, or even a pe
t memorial, the process of choosing a granite memorial can be therapeutic and co
mforting for the grieving family members.
At Murphy Granite you will be guided through the memorial creative process by a
authorized memorial councelor. Contact Murphy Granite for a free consultation a
nd have your memorial layout designed and created totally free of charge. Murph
y works with people to take care of memorial needs of all types, sizes and shape
s. Check out their website for more valuable information.
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ecause you are not a Suite101 member, your comment will be moderated before …
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This scenario is very similar to the grieving process that I go through. Althoug
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Tags: bereavement, granite memorial, grief, headstone, loss, pet memorial, tombs

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