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Cent huitime Leon Le Quartier

108th Lesson The Neighborhood

Lappartement de Jean-Michel et Claude se trouve
dans le quatorzime arrondissement, prs du Parc
1 Jean Michel and Claudes flat is in the 14th arrondissement
, near Montsouris Park.
2 cest un quartier rsidentiel, mais comme certains
quartiers de Paris, il ressemble un petit village.
2 The neighborhood is residential, but like some
neighborhoods in Paris, it resembles a little village.

Depuis une vingtaine dannes, les grandes surfaces

se sont multiplies en France, et maintenant
beaucoup de gens y font leur courses.
For twenty years, the number of supermarkets in
France have multiplied, and many people now do their
shopping in one.

mais dans chaque ville, il y a un march au moins une

fois par semaine. Et Paris il y en a mme une

But each city has a (farmers) market at least once a

week. In fact, in Paris there are (even) around ten.

Nos amis habitent une petite rue tranquille, loin des

grands axes qui mnent au boulevard priphrique.

Our friends live in a small quiet street, away from the

major roads that lead to the Boulevard Peripherique.

le dmnagement sest bien pass. Les meubles sont

arrivs en bon tat, et le couple sest install
The move went off well. The furniture arrived in good
condition, and the couple settled in quickly.

Claude sest occupe de toutes les formalits, comme

le changement dadresse et limmatriculation de la

Claude took care of all the formalities, like the change of

address and car registration,

Et trs vite, ils sont devenus de vrais Parisiens.

And in no time at all (very quickly), they were (became)
true Parisians.
9 Nous avons nos cartes oranges et nous sommes
immatriculs dans le soixante quinze mais la Bretagne
me manque beaucoup!
We have our Orange Card and we are registered in the
75 but Brittany misses to me much = We have our
travel passes and the car has Paris plates but I miss
Brittany a lot!
10 cest dimanche, et Jean-Michel et Claude dcident
daller faire leur march et de se balader dans leur
its Sunday, and Jean-Michel and Claude decide to
do their market and to walk themselves in their
neighborhood = decide to do their shopping at the market
and troll around their neighborhood.
11 donnez-moi un kilo de pomme de terre, une livre de
carottes et une demi-livre de champignons, sil vous
11 (the waiter arrives.) What can I get you? (sir-maam?)
a tea with milk and a coffee, please. sure (very well sir)
12 Et avec a? une botte de radis, un filet doignons.
Et une barquette de fraises. a sera tout.
12 And with that? A bunch of radishes, a bag of
onions and a punnet of strawberries. Thatll be all.


Aprs avoir fait les courses et mang un croquemonsieur dans un bistrot prs du march, ils partent
la dcouverte du quatorzime.
13 After finishing the shopping and eating a croquemonsieur in a bar near the market they set off to
discover the 14th.
14 Tout prs du rservoir, ils dcouvrent une charmante
impasse avec des maisons trs originales.
14 Just near the reservoir, they come across a
charming cul-de-sac lined with very unusual
15 daprs le guide, cest la villa Seurat. Il y a plein de
gens clbrent qui y ont vcu.
15 According to the guide, this is the Villa Seurat.
Lots of famous people have lived in it.
16 Trs jolie, mais il est temps de rentrer. Demain, cest
mon premier jour de travail.
16 Very pretty, but its time to go home. Tomorrows
my first day at work.
1 Y a-t-il un march? il y en a mme une dizaine.
1 In fact, there are around 10.
2 jy fais mes courses au moins deux fois par
2 I do my shopping there at least twice a week.
3 Tout sest bien pass? trs bien, merci. Le repas
tait fameux.
3 Was everything to your satisfaction? fine, thank
you. The meal was spendid.
4 Paris me manque beaucoup.


I miss Paris a lot.

daprs eux, cest une rue o plein de gens clbres
ont vcu.
5 According to them, its a street where lots of famous
people have lived.

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