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Andrew Jackson was a Democratic President like none other. His leadership was different
from other Presidents because he had little to no formal education but was a good leader and a
good general. But his attitude towards the minorities of the time period was less than friendly.
Especially towards the Native Americans whom he thought should be removed from their land
and placed west of the Mississippi River. President Jackson and his administration, who was
compiled of his friends, would go on to sign the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This allowed the
removal of the Five Civilized Tribes from their land. Listed are the tribes removed: the
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. The Cherokee tribe had already
assimilated into some US ways of life, but President Jackson believed them to be savages and
supported the removal of the tribe from their land. All that being said, President Jackson may
have been a good leader but he was very much a racist who forcibly pushed the expansion of the
United States into territory that was not ours to begin with.
Now the removal of the tribes from their land gained President Jackson and his people
multiple adversaries. One such adversary was the Cherokee tribe that was removed from their
land in Georgia. They believed that the state had violated treaties by removing them their land.
But suing government in Georgia did no good as President Jackson supported Georgia in their
effort thus the tribe losing their battle. Prior to the Indian Removal Act, Jackson gained
adversaries in within the Creek tribe known as the Red Sticks. The Red Sticks where composed
of Creek Indians and escaped slaves. Well, that didn't stop Jackson and his men from stomping
them into the ground and acquiring land in Georgia and Alabama. Last but not least, Sauk who
was the leader of Black Hawk rose up against Jackson and his government in order to reclaim
their land in Illinois. Unfortunately, Sauk and his band of 1,000 followers could not stand up to
US forces. The funny part is, Sauk was hoping to avoid violence go figure.

There happend to be multiple outcomes from removing the Five Civilized Tribes from
their land. One of the most commonly spoken of outcomes comes in the form of the Trail of
Tears. In most cases Andrew Jackson is blamed for this although he had already left office prior
to it happening. Baisically, 18,000 women, children, and men where forced to move east and
one fourth of them died during the winter of 1838-1839. Another outcome of the removal was
the Second Seminol War. This war lasted from 1835 through 1842, when the Seminoles of
Florida where being forced to move. During this war there where great casualties on both sides,
each side loosing about 1,500 warriors and soldiers.

Whats seems interesting is that Andrew Jackson seemed to take more of a states' rights
perspective on this. It can be seen from his support of Georigia after the Cheerokee tribe sued the
state. Looking at the whole situation it seems that Andrew Jackson did all of this to pretty much
toot his own horn and push his ideals on the idividuals of these United States

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