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Exam 2014 Spring

(New Course)
Section "A"
Very Short Answer Questions

[10 2]
Attempt all the questions
1. Mention any three misconceptions about psychology?
2. What is perceptual distortion?
3. Define conformity?
4. What is endocrine system?
5. How is memory related to brain?
6. State the individual differences in intelligence on the basis of I.Q.
7. Give any three causes of stress.
8. Differentiate between common sense and psychology.
9. What is neural impulse?
10. Give two examples of prototype.
Section "B"
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any six questions
11. What is social influence? How prejudices are originated? What are the techniques that can reduce them? Explain.
12. Define problem solving. Explain the various elements of thinking.
13. What do you understand by memory? Explain memorization process and the causes of forgetting.
14. Define personality. Explain Freudian theory personality.
15. How is behavior studied through experimental method? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Explain.(4)
Please refer 2010 Fall Q.No. 1b Actually it should be in chapter 4 but last time it was in chapter 5 by mistake

16. What is operant conditioning learning? How can it be used in strengthening and weakening behavior? (4)
Please refer 2006 Spring Q.No. 4c

Operant conditioning learning is also known as instrumental conditioning. It is the method of learning that occurs through
rewards and punishments for behavior.
It can be used in strengthening the behavior like positive reinforcement that are the favorable events or outcomes presented
after the behavior. Behavior is strengthened by the addition of something such as praise, payment. Similarly negative
reinforcement help to weaken the behavior, sometimes positive punishment involves the presentation of an unfavorable event
or outcome in order to weaken the behavior for e.g. when dog barks a shock from an electric collar is given to the dog then dog
stop barking. This type of punishment is positive punishment which helps to weaken certain behavior.
17. Define attitude. Explain how attitudes are formed along its types.( new chapter 8)
Attitudes are evaluation of a particular person, behavior, belief or concept.
Attitudes are also called a tendency to response positively or negatively towards certain idea, person object or situation. Attitude
formation is the result of a number of different influences with only one thing in common. They are all forms of learning.
Direct contact
Attitudes are formed by direct contact with person, idea, situation or object.
Direct instruction
Attitudes are formed through direct either by parents or other individual for Eg: parent s may tell their children that
smoking cigarette is dangerous and unhealthy then children will form negative attitude about smoking.
Interaction with others
Attitudes are formed by interacting with other people with similar attitude for eg: if the head of the family is smoking at
home in-front of his family members/children then those children will easily formed attitude towards smoking.
Observational learning
Attitude are learned through the observation of other people's action and reaction to various objects/people or situation.
For Eg: A mother showed positive attitude towards music, it may help her child to grow positive attitude towards music.

Section "C"

Case Analysis
18. Read the case situation given below and answer the questions that follow.
Rajesh is 25 years old. The first full time job he got during last summer break after completing his bachelor level was a clerical
job in a large office. He had to take his job to support his study further. He found the job most tedious and boring. He had to
arrive every morning at 9 am and stay there up to 5 pm. His duty consisted of filing various letters and forms. Everyday, he had
to stand for hours in front of a long line of file cabinets. He soon discovered that he could finish the work in about three hours
and remain the whole day doing nothing.
This resulted him to learn to work in slow motion and to turn off attention so that he could stand there after hours like the clock
laboriously tick away the minutes. The only thing he enjoyed was his lunch and tiffin breaks. Since he needed money for his
further education, he had to stick to it.
His salary was 15,000/- per month. For that, he was expected to be there at times to stay until 5 pm. There is another college
student who was a year senior of him in the college. He soon noticed that the guy rarely arrived in time and often disappeared
for hours in the middle of the day. The guy was paid 1000/- more than he was. Rajesh felt insulted. Does a year's seniority
qualify that guy for so many perks? How can Rajesh get along in this condition? He also found that the guy was a son of a local
politician. This made Rajesh more serious and the remaining motivation he had flew out of window.
Case Questions:
a. What kind of motivation does Rajesh have in the case?
b. Explain the factors related to the work motivation?
c. What are the wrong aspects associated with the job of Rajesh and explain them?
d. What would you do, if you had been the head of the section Rajesh is working in?

(New course)
Q.18/a) What kind of motivation does Rajesh have in the case?
Initially Rajesh has positive motivation that was payment or(money) which he needed for his future education. since
Motivation is a psychological process useful for encouraging employee to take more interest in the work assigned. It is
also related to human relations. Positive motivation influences the workers the possibility of gain or rewards. The pull
mechanism are the most commonly used terms for praise, prestige, promotion and pay. So in this case Rajesh has
positive motivation. it ensures a high performance of employees, and increase in the efficiency and productivity of
Q.b Explain the factor related to work motivation.
The factor related to work motivation are as follows
1. Recognitions and rewards
Most people like other people to know that they have been successful and have done the good job. Lack of
recognition work can be very discouraging. Employee will get motivated when they get recognition of their job and the
reward like prizes, promotion, pay and increase incentive should be given along with recognition.
2. Job satisfaction
The job which suits capability of the workers and having fair distribution
of workload.
3. Working condition
a) Good salary/ Good pay
b) Job security
c) Working hours
d) Benefits like gratuity/medical benefits
e) Insurance, loan, provident, fund, pensions.
f) Fair evaluations, supervision and good physical facilities.
g) Good interpersonal relationship
h) In service education and promotion.
Q.c) What are the wrong aspects associated with the job of Rajesh
and explain them?
The wrong aspects associated with the job of Rajesh are:
Boring job: Everyday he had to stand for hour in front of a long line of the cabinets.
Office timing: Because he can finish the work in about three hours but has to stay in office from morning
9am to 5pm. According to the payment office hours is not appropriate 15000 per month. He was
expected to be there at time and stay until 5pm. On same office another guy was paid 1000/- more than
Rajesh even though that guy used to spend less time in office and used to arrive late and often

disappeared for hours in the middle of office's hours. Because of that Rajesh became more serious and
he was no more motivated towards the work assigned to him.
Q.d)What would you do if you had been the head of the Section Rajesh is working in?
If i had been the head of the section, i would have motivated the Rajesh with positive mechanism like payment, praise,
prestige and promotion. Among this i would pay him according to his work performance and duration of work he is
spending in office.
Second one is i would distribute work load fairly to all employee in the office according to capability of the workers. By
doing fair evaluation and supervision. I would have encouraged Rajesh to perform better work.
Good interpersonal relationship is important factor which enhance better working environment among the
employees of the organization that i would maintain with the Rajesh to enhance his performance and to provide
psychological in working environment.

Exam 2015 Fall

Section "A"
Very Short Answer Questions

[10 2]

Attempt all the questions

1. Introduce major sub-fields of psychology.(1)

Psychology includes many different approaches to the study of mental processes and behaviour. Below are the
major sub-fields of psychology:

Abnormal Psychology.
Child Psychology.
Cognitive Psychology.
Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

2. What is the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system? (2)

Please refer to 2009 spring Q.No.2a

3. Mention the difference between compliance and conformity. (8)

Define Sensory Threshold.

What is retroactive interference?
Write the component (tools) of thinking.
What is an IQ?
Define Psychoneuroimmunology of stress.
Discuss briefly emotion and types of emotion.
How the Freud defines Oedipus complex and Electra complex.
Section "B"
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any six questions
11. Psychology is a science that studies human behavior and mental processes. Discuss.
12. "Neuron play major role in transforming information from body to brain centers and brain to body parts". Explain with a diagram
the functions of Neurons.
13. What is Social Cognition and Behaviors, Elaborate the Process of Social Cognition. Explain in Brief: attitude, social influence,
prejudice and discrimination.
14. Define personality and explain briefly the role of biological and environmental factors in the development of personality.
15. Define learning and critically examine the conditioning learning theory of Ivan Pavlov.
16. Explain Problem Solving Steps; Preparation, Production and Judgment with appropriate examples.
17. Define motivation and explain the importance of Push (drive) and Pull (incentive) theories in organizational setting.
Section "C"
Case Analysis
18. Television and Violence
In an episode of The Sopranos television series, fictional mobster Tony Soprano murdered one of his associates. To make
identification of the victim's body difficult, Soprano and one of his henchmen dismembered the body and dumped the body
parts. A few months later, two real-life half brothers in Riverside, California, strangled their mother and then cut her head and
hands from her body. Victor Bautista, 20, and Matthew Montejo, 15, were caught by police after a security guard noticed that the

bundle they were attempting to throw in a dumpster had a foot sticking out of it. They told police that the plan to dismember their
mother was inspired by the Sopranos episode (Martelle, Hanley, & Yoshino, 2003).
Like other "media copycat" killings, the brothers' cold-blooded brutality raise a critical issue: Does observing violent and
antisocial acts in the media lead viewers to behave in similar ways? Because research on modeling shows that people
frequently learn and imitate the aggression that they observe, this question is among the most important issues being
addressed by psychologists.
Certainly, the amount of violence in the mass media is enormous. By the time of elementary school graduation, the average
child in the United States will have viewed more than 8,000 murders and more than 800,000 violent acts on network television
(Huston et al., 1992; Miff in, 1998).
Most experts agree that watching high levels of media violence makes viewers more susceptible to acting aggressively, and
recent research supports this claim (Boxer et al., 2009; Carnagey, Anderson & Bartholow, 2007; Savage & Yancey, 2008). For
example, one survey of serious and violent young male offenders incarcerated in Florida showed that onefourth of them had
attempted to commit a media-inspired copycat crime (Surette, 2002). A significant proportion of those teenage offenders noted
that they paid close attention to the media.
Violent video games have also been linked with actual aggression. In one of a series of studies by psychologist Craig Anderson
and his colleagues, for example, college students who frequently played violent video games, such as Postal or Doom, were
more likely to have been involved in delinquent behavior and aggression. Frequent players also had lower academic
achievement (Anderson et al., 2004; Anderson & Carnagey, 2009; Swing & Anderson, 2007).

Case Analysis

[ 20]

(a) Are violent behaviours learned behaviour? Explain with above examples.

Yes violent behaviours are learned behaviour because a major part of human learning consists of observational learning
which is learned by watching the behaviour of another. Two real life half brothers also displayed the same kind of
behaviour what they have observed in episode of the sopranos Series.
(b) What are the reasons that make people to media copycat the aggressive behaviour?

Because the people frequently learn and imitate that aggression that they observe and Sopranos episode have been
linked with actual aggression.
(c) Why children and youth are more prone to media inspired copycat crime?
Children and youths usually view more than 8000 murders and 800,000 violent acts on network television. Watching high level
of media violence makes viewers more susceptible to acting aggressively.
(d) Briefly describe the process of observational learning as explained by Bandura.

According to psychologist (Albert Bandura),a major part of human learning consists of observational learning which is
learning by watching the behaviour of other person, or model. Specially mimicking the aggressive behaviour almost
identical (similar)
Not only negative behaviours are learned through observational learning but also it is particularly important in acquiring
skill which is not possible through others method of learning.

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