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Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619


Pesticide contamination of the coastline of Martinique

a,* b
Gilles Bocquené , Alain Franco
IFREMER, Rue de l’Ile d’Yeu, BP 21105, 44311 Nantes Cedex 3, France
Laboratoire de Rouen, 49 rue Mustel, 76022 Rouen Cedex 3, France


In January and February 2002, the presence of certain agricultural pesticides throughout the coastline of the Caribbean island of
Martinique was investigated. The tropical climate of the French West Indies is suitable for banana production, which requires inten-
sive use of pesticides. An inventory of all pesticides used on the island (compounds and tonnage) was compiled. Surveys and analyses
revealed the presence of pesticides in the plumes of seven rivers. The organochlorine chlordecone and metabolites of aldicarb were
detected at nearly all of the monitored sites, even though the use of chlordecone has been prohibited since 1993. Two triazines (amet-
ryn and simazine) were also identified. The concentrations of carbamates and triazines detected in the water and sediment samples
from Martinique are comparable to those reported for mainland France. Chlordecone concentrations in the sediment and partic-
ulate matter samples were, however, particularly high in the samples from Martinique. Toxicological implications are discussed. Of
particular concern are the high levels of chlordecone (which is bioaccumulating and carcinogenic) and further monitoring of this
compound is recommended, especially in fish and other sea-food products.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Martinique island; Contamination; Pesticides; Triazines; Chlordecone; Aldicarb

1. Introduction In Martinique, the crops essentially consist of bana-

na, sugar cane and pineapple. The main crop is banana,
Concerns regarding the intensive use of pesticides in with production in 1999 of approximately 300,000 ton-
agriculture and their associated ecotoxicological risks, nes. Sugar cane is a traditional crop and the production
has resulted in the undertaking of surveys and the devel- in 1999 was 200,000 tonnes. Pineapple production was
opment of monitoring networks for pesticides in the of the order of 17,000 tonnes for the same year.
coastal areas of mainland France and its overseas The tropical climate, whilst suitable for crop growth,
Departments (Martinique and Guadeloupe islands, is also favourable for pests and has resulted in the use of
French Guyana, and Reunion island). nematicides, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides,
Martinique, a 1128 km2 tropical island in the French especially in banana plantations.
West Indies, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the In the 1960s, most insecticides and nematicides used
east and the Caribbean Sea to the west. The sea is never were organochlorines (OC). The main compounds were
more than 12 km away from any point of the island. hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH; marketed under the
Martinique has a volcanic, mountainous, and rocky name lindane), aldrin, and dieldrin. During the 1970s,
landscape, and is characterized by abundant precipita- the efficacy of another OC, chlordecone (Curlone,
tion. The combination of high rainfall and high temper- Kepone), was discovered. Although the persistence of
atures allows rapid crop growth. this OC allowed the frequency of application to be re-
duced, problems associated with soil and aquatic
Corresponding author. resource contamination arose. The use of chlordecone
E-mail address: (G. Bocquené). in Martinique was prohibited in 1993.

0025-326X/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Bocquené, A. Franco / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619 613

Table 1 and sediment samples were collected at the mouth of

Pesticides imported into Martinique between 1977 and 2002, in metric the Lorrain (1), Capot (2), Galion (3), François (4)
tonnes of marketed formulation
and Cacao (5) rivers, located on the east coast of the
1977 1986 1990 1996 1998 2002 island and the Carbet (8) and Lézarde (9) rivers located
Insecticides 2184 1985 2219 1924 1816 1375 on the west coast (Fig. 1). Sampling was performed on
Herbicides 217 120 339 493 459 526 the ebb tide within the plumes of rivers, at sites where
Fungicides 61 75 97 94 152 148
Miscellaneous 24 92 61 51 295 331
salinity was approximately 0& (freshwater), except for
samples collected at the mouth of the François river,
Total 2486 2272 2716 2562 2722 2382
where salinity reached 11& and in the Baie du Robert,
where three samples were collected at different sites
along a salinity gradient: in the estuary of the Cacao
In the 1980s, the first generation of organophospho- river in freshwater (5), approximately 30 m away from
rus pesticides, such as malathion, methyl parathion, the mouth of the river, where salinity reaches 25& (6)
disulfoton and diazinon became widely used on the is- and in the middle of the bay, where salinity is 35&
land. At the beginning of the 1990s, these compounds (7) (Fig. 1).
were replaced by less ecotoxic organophosphorus com-
pounds, such as cadusafos (Rugby), terbufos (Coun- 2.2. Extraction procedure
ter), izasofos and phenamiphos. During that same
period carbamates, such as aldicarb (Temik) and At each site, 5 l of water were collected in acid
oxamyl (Vydate) were imported into Martinique. cleaned, dark glass bottles and 500 g of sediment were
The use of aldicarb was also prohibited in 2003. The collected in Teflon-coated boxes. These were then re-
herbicides currently used in banana plantations in turned to the laboratory. Water was vacuum filtered
Martinique are triazines such as simazine (Gezatop through glass fibre filters (GF/F, diameter = 47 mm,
Z), substituted ureas such as diuron (Karmex), 0.7 lm nominal porosity) to separate the particulate
and quaternary ammonium compounds such as para- phase from the dissolved phase. Filters and sediments
quat (R. Bix), diquat (Reglone) and glyphosate were immediately frozen at 20 C. Sediments were
(Roundup, Basta). freeze-dried just before extraction (below). The filtrate
Between 1977 and 2002 the amounts of pesticides im- was refrigerated at 4 C until solid phase extraction
ported to the island appears to have been relatively con- was conducted. Surrogates were neither added to water
stant (Table 1). There was, however, an increase in the nor sediments.
imported tonnage of herbicides and fungicides, while Half of the filtrate was acidified (pH  3) with H2SO4
tonnage of insecticides decreased. for optimal carbamate extraction while the remaining
From 1994 to 1996, given the volumes of pesticides filtrate was not pH adjusted, for organophosphorus pes-
used, authorities initiated a series surveys to determine ticide and triazine extraction.
whether these compounds could be detected in surface Solid phase extraction (SPE) was carried out on the fil-
waters. trates within 2 h of sampling. OASIS HLB (Waters, St
The first data collected by the French Ministry of Quentin en Yveline, France), a copolymer of pyrrolidone
Environment (DIREN, 2001) and the French Ministry (hydrophilic) and divinylbenzene (lipophilic), was used as
of Health (Direction de la Santé et du Développement a SPE cartridge sorbent, as it allows efficient recovery and
Social de Martinique, DSDS, 2001) revealed widespread extraction of a broad spectrum of compounds.
pesticide contamination of rivers and streams (discussed Recoveries cited by the sorbent manufacturers for aldi-
below). carb (carbamate), atrazine (triazine) and chlorpyrifos
Given the potential for transport of pesticides from (organophosphate) are 86%, 100% and 100%
rivers to the coastal zone we undertook a baseline inves- respectively.
tigation of pesticides and metabolites at nine different For GFF filters (i.e. the particulate phase), acceler-
sites located in the plumes of seven rivers in Martinique ated solvent extraction (ASE) was used, as developed
in early 2002. by Dionex (Voisins le Bretonneux, France). This uses
high temperatures and pressures to increase efficiency
of extraction. A dichloromethane:acetone (50:50) mix-
2. Materials and methods ture, followed by an extraction with an acetone:metha-
nol mixture (50:50) was selected.
2.1. Sampling After lyophilization, sediment samples were also pro-
cessed by ASE with a dichloromethane:acetone (50:50)
In January and February 2002, water and sediment mixture for organophosphorus and organochlorine pes-
samples were collected and analysed for the presence ticides and an acetone:methanol mixture (50:50) for
of pesticides and some of their metabolites. Water carbamates.
614 G. Bocquené, A. Franco / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619

Fig. 1. Location of sampling sites in the plumes of rivers along the coastline of Martinique Island.

2.3. Analyses Solvent extracts from eluted SPE cartridges and ASE
were evaporated to near dryness (using a gentle stream of
The most widely used pesticides that might be present nitrogen), and the residue dissolved in 1 ml solvent, the
in the environment were selected for analysis (Table 2). nature of which was specified by the chosen chromato-
For the dissolved phase, analyses were directed towards graphic technique. Analyses were performed as follows:
more soluble compounds such as some triazines, Organophosphorus pesticides/triazine herbicides/tria-
fungicides, aldicarb and its metabolites, as well as zole compounds. Gas-chromatography with thermoionic
compounds with a more hydrophobic behaviour, such nitrogen/phosphorus detector or ion trap mass spec-
as some organophosphorus compounds. In the particu- trometer: GC conditions were as follows: DB5 column,
late phase and in sediments adsorption properties 60 m length, 0.25 mm diameter. The GC oven was held
guided the focus of analyses: organophosphorus com- at 50 C for 5 min, then ramped to 200 C at
pounds, aldicarb (and its primary metabolites) and 20 C min1, held at 200 C for 10 min, then ramped
chlordecone. to 300 C at 30 C min1 and finally held at 300 C for
G. Bocquené, A. Franco / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619 615

Table 2 and simazine herbicides and 10 ng l1 for aldicarb sul-

List of searched compounds and analytical methods (see text for fone and sulfoxide.
Compounds analysed in filtered water Analytical method 2.4. Quality assurance
Simazine, atrazine, terbumeton, GC/NPD Quality assurance testing included the analysis of
secbumeton, desmetryne, metribuzine,
ametryn, prometryn, cyanazine,
blanks, assessment of recoveries and reproducibilities
terbuthylazine, terbutryne, and accuracy of the data relative to standard reference
desethylatrazine, desethylsimazine materials. The analytical laboratory participates regu-
Fungicides larly in international intercomparison exercises in the
Pyrifenox, cyproconazole, hexaconazole, GC/NPD framework of the EU project QUASIMEME (Quality
flusilazole, penconazole, Assurance of Information for Marine Environmental
propiconazole, tebuconazole Monitoring in Europe). The laboratory is under accred-
Insecticide itation of COFRAC (French Committee of Accredita-
Cadusafos, isazofos, terbufos, GC/NPD HPLC HPLC/ tion No. 100-1: water chemical analysis) based on ISO
ethoprophos, phenamiphos fipronil, fluo Kok method 17025. The laboratory is also approved for official con-
aldicarb, aldicarb-sulfone,
trol by the MEDD (French ministry of the sustainable
environment, Approval No. 8, organic contaminant in
Compounds analysed in Analytical method brackish and salt waters including organochlorine,
particulate matter/sediment organophosphorous and triazine compounds). Follow-
Insecticides ing recovery data provided by the sorbent manufactur-
Cadusafos, isazofos, GC/NPD ers, recoveries were only tested for carbamate
terbufos, ethoprofos compounds and not for other pesticides. The perfor-
Phenamifos, GC/NPD
mances for recovery of aldicarb sulfoxIde, aldicarb sul-
Aldicarb, aldicarb-sulfone, HPLC/fluo Kok method
aldicarb-sulfoxide fone and aldicarb were >60%, >80% and >80%
Chlordecone GC/ECD respectively.

3. Results
5 min. The GC inlet was operated in splitless mode at
250 C, with a 1 ll injection volume. The detector was Results are presented in Table 3. At 3 of the 9 mon-
held at 300 C. itored sites, no pesticide contamination was detected un-
Chlordecone. Gas-chromatography with electron der the described sampling and analysis conditions.
capture detector or ion trap mass spectrometer column: These sites included the two sampling sites located along
GC conditions were as follows: DB5 column, 60 m the salinity gradient of the Baie du Robert (6, S = 25&
length, 0.25 mm diameter. The GC oven was held at and 7, S = 35&), Fig. 1 and the sampling site located in
60 C for 4 min, then ramped to 200 C at 20 C min1, the estuary of the Carbet river (8) on the Caribbean Sea
held at 200 C for 20 min, then ramped to 320 C at coast. Samples from the other six monitored sites sam-
5 C min1 and finally held at 320 C for 10 min. The ples were all contaminated by pesticides, often by more
GC inlet was operated in splitless mode at 250 C, with than one compound. At these sites, the pesticides
a 1 ll injection volume. The detector was held at 300 C. detected and quantified were chlordecone, aldicarb,
Confirmation was undertaken using a DB1701 column, and triazines.
60 m length, 0.25 mm diameter. Here the GC oven was
held at 60 C for 2 min, then ramped to 200 C at 3.1. Chlordecone
20 C min1, held at 200 C for 20 min, then
ramped to 280 C at 5 C min1 and finally held at Levels of each compound found within this study in
280 C for 16 min. Inlet and detector conditions were Martinique were compared with concentrations re-
as above. ported for the same or closely-related compounds from
Carbamates. High-performance liquid chromatogra- mainland France.
phy with diode array detector, and fluorescence detector In Martinique, chlordecone was frequently found in
after post column derivatization with PICKERING particulate matter isolated from river water and in sed-
system (HPLC/fluo. KOK method) (column: Supelco iments. It was quantified in sediment samples from the
LC-8; 250 mm · 4.6 mm and LC-ABZ; 250 mm · Lorrain (1, 44 lg kg1), François (4, 38 lg kg1), and
4.6 mm). Column temperature was 40 C. Lézarde (9, 31 lg kg1) rivers, as well as in particulate
The detection limits were 2 lg kg1 for chlordecone matter samples collected in the plume of the François
in sediment and particulate matter, 2 ng l1 for ametryn (4, 57 lg kg1), the Galion (3, 52 lg kg1), Lézarde (9,
616 G. Bocquené, A. Franco / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619

Table 3
Levels of pesticides in water, suspended particulates and sediments from different locations of the Martinique Island in January and February 2002
Chlordecone Chlordecone Aldicarb Aldicarb Simazine Ametryne
(in particulate (in sediment) sulfoxide sulfone
Capot river <10 <10 0.043 0.083 <0.010 <0.010
Lorrain river <10 44 <0.030 <0.030 <0.010 <0.010
Galion river 52 <10 0.052 0.032 0.016 0.017
Cacao river 22 <10 <0.030 <0.030 0.015 0.010
Baie du Robert (25& sea water) <10 <10 <0.030 <0.030 <0.010 <0.010
Baie du Robert (35& sea water) <10 <10 <0.030 <0.030 <0.010 <0.010
Du François river 57 38 <0.030 <0.030 0.018 0.300
Lézarde river 45 31 <0.030 <0.030 <0.010 <0.010
Results are expressed as lg l1 (water) and lg kg1 (particulate matter and sediment samples).

45 lg kg1) and Cacao (5, 22 lg kg1) rivers. Although This is the case for the estuaries of the Sèvre Niortaise
chlordecone has never been used in mainland France, (0.030 lg l1) and the Charente (0.040 lg l1) rivers. In
levels can be compared with DDT, another OC insecti- other European estuaries, simazine levels can reach
cide with similar biogeochemical behaviour. Chlorde- higher values, e.g. up to 3 lg l1 (Tauler et al., 2001;
cone levels in sediment samples from Martinique were Garmouma et al., 2001; Drevenkar et al., 2004).
far greater than those measured for DDT in mainland
France, where DDT levels in sediment generally range
between 0 and 2 lg kg1. The chlordecone levels were 4. Discussion
also much higher than DDT levels measured on the
French Mediterranean coast, where they reach This study builds upon 2 earlier surveys carried out in
10 lg kg1 (RNO, 1998). the upstream reaches of the rivers of Martinique. In
1999 and 2001, the DIREN conducted three surveys
3.2. Carbamates based on samples collected at 33 sites located in the riv-
ers of Martinique. Nineteen pesticide active ingredients
Carbamates were detected in the dissolved phase were identified and found to be present at various
samples from the northeastern part of the island. Aldi- concentrations and frequencies (DIREN, 2001). The
carb metabolites (sulfone and sulfoxide) were found in DIREN reported the recurring presence of chlordecone
the plumes of the Capot (2) and Galion (3) rivers. Levels in waters of the Galion (1.20 lg l1, in October 2000),
reached 0.043 and 0.052 lg l1 for the sulfoxide metab- Rouge (2.13 lg l1, in August 2001) and Pocquet
olite and 0.083 and 0.032 lg l1 for the sulfone metabo- (2.07 lg l1, in August 2001) rivers. These rivers are
lite in these rivers respectively. Although aldicarb is not located in the north and middle-east parts of the island,
used in mainland France, comparisons could be made very close to the banana fields. Contamination of river
with related compounds such as carbofuran and carba- waters by chlordecone may reflect the presence of resid-
ryl. These compounds are rather regularly found in ual levels of this compound in treated soils. Although
streams and rivers and are present at concentrations of the use of chlordecone has been prohibited since 1994,
the order of 0.020 lg l1. Carbofuran levels in the Seu- levels reaching 5000 lg kg1 were recorded in the soils
dre river of up to 0.200 lg l1 were observed in May of the Gradis farm located near the river Rouge in
2001, while carbaryl levels of 0.250 lg l1 in the Vilaine August 1999 (DSDS, 2001).
river were reported in 1997 (GRAP, 2002; CORPEP, The assessment of river water quality conducted by
2000, 2001). the DSDS showed that 36 pesticide active ingredients
were present in all drinking water sources. The insecti-
3.3. Triazines cide chlordecone was ubiquitous, being found in 95%
of samples collected by the DSDS from January 1999
Triazines partition primarily to the dissolved phase. to May 2000 and in 100% of samples in June and July
Simazine and ametryn were detected in the Galion (3), 2000, together with HCH beta, another prohibited orga-
François (4), and Cacao (5) rivers. Levels of ametryn nochlorine insecticide. The highest values were observed
measured in the François (4) river, in brackish water in the Capot river, with a maximum level of 3 lg l1 in
(S = 11&), were high (0.300 lg l1). Existing data on the Gradis source (unfiltered water). Chlordecone still
simazine levels in European estuaries show that concen- chronically contaminates most water resources, notably
trations found in Martinique and mainland France are the drinking water inlet of the Capot river. Chlordecone
of the same order of magnitude, i.e. a few tens of ng l1. was also found at levels reaching 2.51 lg l1 in the
G. Bocquené, A. Franco / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619 617

Rouge river and 2.13 lg l1 in the Pocquet river (unfil- exposure to only 0.08 lg l1 chlordecone. Goodman
tered water). The following herbicides were also identi- et al. (1982) showed that the lethal concentration in
fied: bromacil, diuron, simazine, atrazine, and sheepshead minnow embryos was 0.02 lg l1 after a
ametryn. In August 2001, diuron (2.47 lg l1) was de- 21-day exposure. Chlordecone has estrogenic activity,
tected in the François river and ametryn (1.14 lg l1) i.e. it can affect the reproductive system in many species
in the Pilote river. In the DSDS surveys, ametryn and including humans (Okubo et al., 2004; Donohoe and
simazine were present in 16% and 13% of samples, Curtis, 1996). Chlordecone was also shown to be carcino-
respectively. genic in trout (Donohoe et al., 1998) and rats (Guzellian
Aldicarb is rapidly degraded. However, according to et al., 1992). According to the International Agency for
the DSDS surveys, the presence of its more stable Research on Cancer (IARC, 1979), chlordecone is ‘‘pos-
metabolites was frequently detected. Aldicarb sulfone sibly carcinogenic to humans’’ and is therefore consid-
concentrations, measured at the drinking water inlet of ered as a Group 2B compound.
the Capot river, reached 0.162 lg l1 in June and July Aldicarb, a highly toxic pesticide (WHO, 1991), and
2000. The water quality survey of the Capot river also its two main metabolites do not accumulate in the suc-
revealed the presence of the insecticides oxamyl and cessive trophic levels of the food chain. The LC5096
cadusafos. Runoff of water from an area of cropland for many fish species ranges between 80 and 600 lg l1
treated with aldicarb was analyzed by the Centre de (Mayer and Ellersleck (1986) and Mayer (1987) both
Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique in WHO, 1991), but the LOEC (lowest observed effects
pour le Développement (CIRAD) in 1999 (CIRAD/ concentration) has been shown to be as low as 4.5 lg l1
IRD, 2001). Results showed that aldicarb sulfoxide for the fathead minnow (Moore et al., 1998). The same
and aldicarb sulfone levels were 11.5 times higher than authors showed that crustaceans are much more sensi-
aldicarb levels 10 days after treatment. tive to aldicarb, as shown by a LOEC of 0.5 lg l1 in
Organophosphorous compounds were not detected the water flea Daphnia magna. Bivalve molluscs are
during the current study, despite terbufos, cadusafos, apparently insensitive to the presence of this compound
isazofos, and phenamiphos accounting for 700 of the in their environment (LC5048 for oysters is 8800 lg l1,
1816 tonnes of insecticides imported in 1998. The DSDS Mayer (1987) in WHO, 1991). Aldicarb is not consid-
reported the presence of tetrachlorvinphos and cadusa- ered carcinogenic. As is the case with organophospho-
fos, while the DIREN reported the presence of methyl rous insecticides, aldicarb and its metabolites are
parathion. The biogeochemical behaviour of these com- acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and as such are consid-
pounds is complex and understanding this requires a ered neurotoxic. Moreover, salinity appears to be an
better knowledge of the metabolism of these neurotoxic aggravating factor for the neurotoxic effect of aldicarb.
molecules. El-Alfy and Schlenk (1998) established a direct correla-
Fungicides were also not detected in the current tion between salinity and aldicarb toxicity to the meda-
study. The monitoring network implemented by the DI- ka fish, which may be due to a higher absorption of the
REN recorded the presence of the fungicides tebuconaz- compound and a greater production of the sulfoxide
ole, propiconazole and thiabendazole at levels of nearly metabolite at higher salinity. The use of aldicarb has
1 lg l1 in the north-eastern part of the island in March been prohibited in the French West Indies since January
2000. 2003.
Chlordecone is considered hazardous to the aquatic Portmann and Wilson (1971) report the LC5048 for
environment and human health due to its stability, per- the triazine ametryn in the common shrimp (Crangon
sistence and potential to bioaccumulate in the food crangon) as being between 33 and 100 lg l1. Fish, on
chain (WHO, 1984). Its bioconcentration factor can the other hand, appear to be less sensitive: the LC5048
reach 9350 in the oyster Crassostrea virginica, 11,425 was estimated at 5800 lg l1 for the sheepshead min-
in the shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, and 16,600 in the fat- now, 5000 lg l1 for the medaka fish, and 5700 lg l1
head minnow Pimephales promelas (Bahner et al. (1977) for the fathead minnow (EPA, 2000). Simazine toxicity
in WHO, 1984; Huckins et al., 1982). The LC5096 for the is of the same order of magnitude. LC5048 values were
blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) has been reported as estimated at 10,000 lg l1 for the European green crab
210 lg l1 and the LC5048 for the brown shrimp (Paen- (Carcinus maenas) and 100,000 lg l1 for the common
eus aztecus) as 85 lg l1 (EPA, 2000). Chlordecone is shrimp. Hashimoto and Nishiuchi (1981) reported a
acutely toxic to the fathead minnow and sea lamprey, LC5048 of 10,000 lg l1 for the medaka fish. According
with LC5096 values of 69.5 and 414 lg l1 respectively to the EPA (2000), LC5096 for the sheepshead minnow is
(EPA, 2000; Mallatt and Barron, 1988). Sublethal effects 6400 lg l1.
occur at much lower concentrations in long-term (36 Triazines are potent photosystem II inhibitors and
day) exposure experiments. Hansen et al. (1976) in ametryn is known to impact photosynthesis of the endo-
(WHO, 1984) reported reduced growth of juvenile symbiotic zooxanthellae of corals at low (ng l1) concen-
sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) following trations (reviewed in this issue by Jones, in press). A
618 G. Bocquené, A. Franco / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 612–619

recent study (Jones and Kerswell, 2003) on the effects of in suspended matter and sediment samples were far
herbicides on zooxanthellae within the host tissues of the greater in Martinique than, for example DDT levels in
coral Seriatopora hystrix also reported that the concen- mainland France. Chlordecone is a carcinogenic and
tration of ametryn required to reduce chlorophyll con- bioaccumulating pesticide which has a strong potential
tent by 50% was 1.7 lg l1. Simazine has also been for causing endocrine disruption. Monitoring of this
shown to impact coral zooxanthellae photosynthesis, compound should therefore be one of the priorities of
although it appears to be less toxic when compared to any pollution monitoring network such as the Réseau
ametryn and diuron (Jones, in press). Herbicides have National dÕObservation, which has been implemented
also been associated with damage exhibited by man- in mainland France. Use of chlordecone has been pro-
grove trees in the NE region of Australia (Duke et al., hibited since 1993, but as chlordecone appears to be
2005). ubiquitous, important areas of cropland may still con-
Data reported herein were obtained from samples tain residual contamination today. There is a high risk
collected after a five month period characterised by daily that runoff and seeping water will continue to contami-
tropical rainfall events. Rainfall during the 2001–2002 nate the aquatic and marine environments of the island
winter season was exceptional in terms of duration. for years to come. Considering the fact that chlordecone
The dry season usually lasts from October to June, how- is extremely stable and given the lipophilic properties of
ever, in December 2001 precipitation reached 240 mm this molecule, as well as its capacity to bioaccumulate,
(the monthly average for 2001 was 117 mm). For effi- transfer of this compound to other trophic levels of
ciency/economic reasons, pesticide application is limited the food chain, notably marine species, such as fish
during the rainy season. The observed precipitation may and crustaceans, which are consumed in large quantities
have caused a significant leaching of pesticides from by the local population, should be investigated.
soils. Consequently, the most soluble molecules, such The presence of any contaminant that inhibits photo-
as fungicides and many herbicides, may have been read- synthesis of corals, which are of fundamental importance
ily transported to coastal waters and dissipated, which for the structure and function of reef environments,
may account for the fact that they were not detected could have serious ecological consequences (Owen
in this study during January and February. Under such et al., 2002). Given reports of contamination of both riv-
conditions, identification of simazine and ametryn in ers and their coastal plumes by herbicides in this and pre-
surface waters may suggest recent application. For the vious studies and growing evidence of the low level effects
same reasons, maximum potential pesticide concentra- of these chemicals on coral photosynthesis, further inves-
tions within the plumes may have been missed. Only tigation of the distribution of these herbicides and their
compounds such as chlordecone, which binds more impacts in the reef ecosystems adjacent to catchments
readily to soil particles, are leached in a more regular with significant agricultural activity in Martinique is
way throughout the erosion process of the catchment recommended.
area. Data reported in this study may underestimate
the pesticide loads to the marine environment.

CIRAD/IRD, 2001. Etude du transfert de molécules nématicides-

5. Conclusions
insecticides à lÕéchelle de la parcelle. CIRAD. Fort-de-France.
Martinique Island, France, 10p.
The intensive use of pesticides for many years has led CORPEP, 2000. Etude de la contamination des eaux superficielles de
to widespread contamination of rivers and streams in Bretagne par les produits phytosanitaires. Rapport annuel 1999,
Martinique. As surface water contamination had been Préfecture de la Région Bretagne. Rennes, France, 25p.
CORPEP, 2001. Etude de la contamination des eaux superficielles de
previously reported by the DIREN and the DSDS, fur-
Bretagne par les produits phytosanitaires. Rapport annuel 2000.
ther investigations were warranted to try to determine Préfecture de la Région Bretagne, Rennes, France, 25p.
whether the coastal environment had been affected. DIREN, 2001. Le suivi de la contamination des rivières de la
Samples collected in the estuaries of seven rivers identi- Martinique par les produits phytosanitaires. Bilan à lÕissue des
fied a number of compounds entering the marine envi- trois premières campagnes de mesure. DIREN, Fort-de-France,
Martinique Island, France, 12p.
ronment. An organochlorine insecticide, chlordecone,
Donohoe, R.M., Curtis, L.R., 1996. Estrogenic activity of
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