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Thien Christian Nguyen

Prep #10
Preparing to Participate: Chapter 12

Benefits of Visual Literacy

1. What are the two sides of visual literacy?
The two sides of visual literacy are production and consumption.
o Production side includes what happens when we produce information (e.g., writing,
speaking, creating)
o Consumption side describes what happens when we consume information (e.g. reading,
listening, interpreting)
2. Why is it important for public speakers to be visually literate?
It is important for public speakers to be visually literate because
o You will know how to interpret visual messages accurately. It also allows a deeper
interaction with texts and enhances the analytical thinking process.
o You will also know how to create effective visual message for your audience, through
analysis of the situation, the audience, and the goal of the speech, to achieve ethical and
competent communication.
Types of Presentation Aids
3. What are the types of presentation aids?
Written language can take the form of bulleted lists, numbered lists, or tables than you can easily
incorporate into a PowerPoint presentation.
o Full sentences are inappropriate as visuals for your audience
o Bulleted list would be a useful way to preview the main topics in your presentation; it can
serve as reminders for your audience of where you are in your speech and prove a visual
roadmap to help them follow what you are saying.
However, they are overused since many presenters rely too heavily on bullet
points by simply reading their slides to the audience.
o A numbered list can display rankings or other ordered content.
Different order: (1) sequence: order of steps in a process, (2) priority and (3)
membership not in any particular order.
o A table often includes numbers as well as words.
Data Graphics: Data graphics are pictures of numbers.
o Pie graphs are constructed from small data sets and the values are reported as
percentages. Therefore, all the pieces of the pie should add up to 100%. Pie graphs
visually display how individual categories relate to the whole.
o Line graphs are also called time series plots and are very common. Basically, one and
more variables are plotted against a time interval. The other variables values are plotted
on a graph that allows viewers to see how that variable changes over the time period
o Bar/Column Graphs: A vertical bar graph can also be a time-series graphic, although the
date set is usually not as large as the one you would use in a line graph. But it does allow
for quick comparison between groups.
Bar graphs can also be used without a time-series element (one-month period)
o Data maps are compared in space, not time
Adjusting the details of the map to fit the goal of your speech
Diagram is a visual representation that shows relationships between abstract ideas. However, the
information is not quantitative.
o Diagrams are composed of text, boxes, lines, and arrows that give form and direction to
your topic.
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Thien Christian Nguyen

Prep #10

There are different types of diagram:

Flow chart steps in a process
Organization chart shows the hierarchy chain-of-command, and/or reporting
process within an organization.
o Illustrations and paintings are visuals that resemble what they represent.
o Clip art is a very common and thus overused form of illustration.
o Image editing software can manipulate photos easily ethical problems arise when you
present images to your audience that you cannot vouch for.
o Label the images as photo-illustration ethical communication.
o Three dimension: width, height and time.
Objects: The most concrete visual aid available is an object. Your audience will see exactly what
you are talking about in three dimensions.
4. Which types best suit your topic, audience, and classroom situation?
For my topic, I am going to use the following types of visual aids:
o Photographs: The picture display the hardship that the Syrian refugees are going through
in refugee camps, including lack of food, water and security.
o Pie graph: The amount of Syrian refugees came to the US compared to those coming
from other countries.
o Data map to display the travelling itinerary of Syrian refugees to escape their home
countries to reach Europe and also which countries in Europe have opened their borders
for Syrian refugees.
Display Technologies
5. What are the various ways you can display your presentation aid?
Screen presentation include the use of overhead transparencies, computer/video projectors, and
computer/television monitors.
o Overhead transparencies: The machine that projects overhead transparencies is
sometimes called a vu graph.
o Computer/Video projectors:
Basically, either a computer or a video device is connected to an electronic
projector to display information.
o Monitors:
Paper: The visual you create to support your presentation can be printed as handouts for each
person in the audience, or you can create large prints and posters to show form your speaking
6. Which of these technologies will you have available to present your speech? Which of these
technologies do you think you might use in your profession?
Video project will be available in my classroom my speeches.
I might use video projectors and paper in my profession. Since my profession in the future may
be marketing, handouts printed on paper will come in handy for customers to the important
Design Considerations
7. What are the design considerations for presentation aids?
Design principles including:

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Thien Christian Nguyen

Prep #10

Contrast: to show contrast, you can vary the size of the visual elements you use.
Information varies in terms of importance, and using contrasting sizes helps communicate
with variability (fonts, font sizes, colors)
o Repetition: Once you have established a look or color scheme, stick with it by using
repetition. If you change the background, the audience will start to wonder if the change
means something and they will quit listening to what you say.
o Alignment: Creating some strong alignments and edges you can clean up a messy visual
relatively quickly.
o Proximity: If two or more visual items are related, group them closely proximity.
8. Can you think of a time when someone used a poorly designed aid? What were the consequences?
A poorly designed aid include bad choices in background and text color (green on read or red on
blue), constant change in background color scheme, center alignment for every text and
paragraph, and far distance between photographs that are closely related.
o Poor choice of visual aid reduces the productivity of your speech since the audience
cannot fully comprehend your message.
o It also reduces your credibility as a speaker since you appear to be not organized and
thoughtful of how your customers may interpret your message.
Integrating the Presentation Aid Into the Speech
9. What are some guidelines for integrating your presentation aid into your speech?
Before the presentation, you should inspect the room for lighting and general setup, assemble
everything needed to display the presentation aid.
Practice combining your speech and your visual aid rehearse your presentation until you are
comfortable with the presentation aid and know how to handle it during the speech.
Maintain eye contact with the audience and avoid talking to the presentation aid.
Timing is important
Do not display the next aid until you are ready to use it
Always be prepared to do without visual aids
10. Given your classroom set-up, what can you do to integrate your presentation aid in an efficient and
effective way?
First, I will inspect the room and learn how to upload my visual aid to the system and how to pull
it up when necessary. Moreover, I will learn how to use the remote controller to move between
slides and point at specific details in my visual aid.
Find the best place to stand during my speech to maintain good eye contact with my audience but
still be able to control my visual aid content.
Media Interaction: Chapter 12
1. How do each of these images change your perception of the results of the election?
The first image may change my perception of the result of the election it may display that the
Republicans won the election since there is more red of the map than there is blue.
The second and third one change my perception about the result since each of the state in the data
map has been rescaled according to their population and their number of electoral votes. more
blue than red
The next two ones change my perception since they take into account the result in each county.
The last four maps uses red, blue, and shades of purple in between to indicate percentage of
2. Which one best represents reality?

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Thien Christian Nguyen

Prep #10
This map best represent reality since it takes into consideration the
results in country-level election, while at the same time, displaying
the percentage of votes toward Republicans or Democrats.
3. What did you learn about interpreting graphics?
Without understanding about what information is presented and
how it is understand, graphics can be misleading and may be
interpreted differently from the reality (that Republicans won the
election since there is more red than blue on the map)

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