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Social protection in africa.

Social protection it s based on the notion of entitlements (Amarta syn) Risk and vunlaribaility
SP is a part of a anti poverety strategy
Lack of political commitment, weak institutional capacity and inappropriate social welfare models, together with inadequate financial resources
The no-figuring of SP in PRSI its due to a llck of political commitment , abbsenc of instituionak and a lacking of Financial ressources.

Un rle mineur des marchs financiers dans la stabilisation des taux de cotisation dans les branches et la rentabilisation des fonds

Programmes d.ajutement structurelle successives dimin nombre des travailleurs :

Les organissmes de scurit sociale fonctionnant presque exclusivement grace aux cotisa des salris, lleur prpore survie dpend de leur
capacit largir leur clientle
A moindre mesure e financ de ces organsimes est assur par les subventions de lEtat les revenus des placements de fonds et les dons et legs
Popu inf ruran, faib et irrgul de leeurs revenus
Enjeux : Marche financier , maturite, couverture , gouverance
Persep : Mutuelle de sant micro assurance sant
Exclusion pais social , pricinpe deocratie objec de milinaie
Tarfis de assu priv n pas acce a tous
Les modes de fin ont montre leurs llimites
Pas de pais durable sans jiistice sociale pa e just social sas secut social ahmadou diop
security. Social security is part of the global ILO strategic policy framework for a decent work
This means that
at different ages within the life-cycle, individuals go through different patterns of income and expenditure. These patterns often lead
individuals to go through a life-cycle of surpluses and deficits. And every society must decide how the deficit is financed.
have traditionally relied on the extended family system that took great responsibility of caring for children, the aged and the infirm .
Out of the 9 benefits stipulated in ILO Convention 102, most schemes in Africa offer only three benefits: survivor, disability and old age pension.
Most of the schemes also pay very low pensions, making it difficult for pensioners to adequately smooth their consumption and protect
themselves and their families from the risk of poverty.

Social security schemes in Africa also face administrative challenges. Oftentimes, political interference and bureaucracy have rendered schemes
inefficient to meet the needs of scheme members.

The informal sector in Africa is dominated by women and young people gender inequity and vulnerability
57 percent in
Ghana, 65 percent in Benin, 58 percent in Malawi and 53 percent in Namibia

Pension reforms are relatively new on the continent. Nevertheless many countries have either
undertaken major reforms or are in the process of doing so. The key goal has been to expand
coverage by introducing tiered schemes that serve different groups (Ghana), changing financing
mechanisms - from contributory to non-contributory schemes (Lesotho), parametric reforms
involving changing the formula for calculating benefits (Kenya, Senegal and Uganda) and


introducing unified schemes for all workers (Zambia and Ghana). It is only in Nigeria where
structural reforms that change benefit calculations, administration and financing mechanisms
all at the same time have been seriously proposed.

Plusieurs pays ont dj passer laction en mettant quelques rformes, avaient pour objectif essentiellement , llargissement de la couverture
par la cration de nouveau rgimes (Ghana), changement du mcanisme de financement (de contributif non-contributif) (lesotho), rformes
paramtriques pour le calcul des prestations (Kenya , Sngal and Uganda) ), et seulement au Niger ou un rforme structurel a t propos
concernant le mode de gouvernance , le mcanisme de financement et le calcul des prestation.

Main Features of Social Protection Programmes in Africa

After colonial . fund schemes that were limited to workers in the civil or public service.
Most of the schemes that currently exist in countries are contributory earnings-related defined benefit schemes.

Few countries, mostly in Anglophone Africa, have maintained provident fund schemes inherited at independence. These include The Gambia,
Kenya, Swaziland, Tanzania and Uganda.

For a majority of countries in Africa, social protection is modelled along Bismarck-type social protection schemes where beneficiaries are
expected to contribute and acquire pension right or the right to use a given facility as in the case of health insurance.

For a majority of countries in Africa, social protection is modelled along Bismarck-type social protection schemes where beneficiaries are
expected to contribute and acquire pension right or the right to use a given facility as in the case of health insurance.
These schemes are the classic social insurance schemes in which coverage is determined by ability and willingness to contribute a proportion of
one's income while in active service. The typical country in Africainherited and continues to operate a defined benefit scheme in which the
formula for calculating benefits is determined upon enrolment.
Social security is mandatory for formal workers (i.e., workers who have employer-employee relationship) in most countries. Informal workers
can enrol or participate voluntarily.

Individuals faced with myopia (short-termism), liquidity constraints and imperfections in capital and insurance markets can be expected to save
Governments then step in to mandate compulsory savings in the formal social security contributions to prevent mass poverty in old age

There are few countries in Africa mostly in the southern part of the continent that have established the non-contributory schemes (basic
pensions) that pays pension to all residents who attain a given eligibility age, usually the mandatory pensionable age.

Another important feature of social protection on the continent is that most countries maintain separate programmes or schemes for civil
servants and for workers in the private sector.
sector. Just about 11 countries have integrated schemes for the entire workforce.

For the most part, social security schemes in Africa maintain retirement age ranging from 55 to 60 years. Some countries have different
retirement age for men and women and for workers in different occupations.

The average for men in Africa is estimated at 59 while that for women is 58 years. Nearly all the countries have provision for early retirement
age with the average being 50 years.


The vesting period (the minimum years of contribution that qualifies one for benefit) differs considerably among countries. The average is 15
years in Africa compared to the world average of 16 years. The relatively low vesting period in Africa should be understood i n the context of the
generally low life expectancy on the continent as shown in figure 2.

The accrual rates of national pension schemes fall in the range of 1 to 2 percent

Coverage Rates of Social Protection Coverage rates can be measured before retirement using the proportion of the labour force that is
contributing to the scheme
Either way, Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region with the lowest coverage rates in the world.
Social security in Africa covers only a minority of the workforce. Large segments of the labour force remain outside the reach of social security
and are also not covered by any other forms of social protection.

The low coverage of social security in Africa reflects the declining trend of formal employment
on the continent.

Self employment , low productivity .

These groups of workers earn very little that enforcing mandatory contributions on them appears not feasible.
Pension portability is almost non-existent in Africa.
There may be only one scheme or the legal framework restricts contributors to a particular scheme, even where multiple schemes exist.
Countries do not have the legislative framework permitting contributors to carry benefits to another scheme
Shutlle back and forth
Given that the typical worker in Africa tends to shuttle between the formal and informal sector,

lack of portability and long vesting period weakens incentives for voluntary enrolment.


ILO Convention 102 defines nine (9) benefits to be provided by every social security system.
These are old age, invalidity, survivor's benefits (commonly referred to as pensions), unemployment benefits, maternity
benefits, medical care (health insurance), employment injury, family allowance, and sickness benefits.


time; benefits are added onas countries grow and become more prosperous

Old-age, invalidity and survivors' pensions are the common benefits provided across Sub-Saharan African
Few countries mainly francophone provide benefits such as work injury, maternity and family/child benefits through the social
security system.

Pension/Retirement (Old age, invalidity and survivors' benefits)

Empoloyment injury qre provided in some countries as an employement liabilities, but in others , they are provided as a public social security

Sickness: Sickness benefit is an employer liability in most African countries. Usually, the labour laws of countries mandate employers to provide
for employees paid sick leave and paid annual leave.

Maternity leave: Like employment injury, maternity benefit is usually an employer liability or covered under public schemes in different

Unemployment: Unemployment benefit is provided through social assistance programmes in few countries such as Mauritius and South Africa.
Medical care: Ghana, Gabon, Kenya and Morocco have established comprehensive health insurance schemes for all residents. The labour laws
of some countries mandate employers to pay some proportion of employees' (and their dependents') medical bills.

Mutual funds or mutual health insurance schemes are usually the initiative of community associations, cooperatives, nongovernmental
organizations or health care providers. These schemes usually target operators in the informal sector.

Family Allowance: Family and child benefits are provided usually under limited schemes on the continent. In some countries, family benefits
are mainly disability allowance to people who have in their care a disabled person.

Financing Social Security Schemes in Africa

The mandatory social security schemes in Africa are typically financed from payroll taxes with joint
contributions from employers and workers.
The non-contributory pensions are financed out of general tax revenues.
Sub-Saharan Africa has the least expenditure on social security after South Asia.
Less than 2 perc of GDP

Social security schemes supported by a few working people are not sustainable

With the shedding of labour by the public sector and the failure of the formal private sector to absorb
more of the labour force, current contributions are increasingly falling short of what is required to meet
current payout.


Au niveau de la gouvernance, des trusts publics grent les rgimes public, dots dun conseil
dadministration compos des reprsentants du gouvernement, des employeurs et des syndicats. La
scurit sociale peut tre offerte travers des tablissements privs (institutions financires ) ou tre
un produit dun partenariat public-prive.

High administrative cost remains a major challenge facing many schemes in Africa. In some countries as
much as one-third of contribution revenues are spent on administration.
Cause :Low coverage reduces the base and prevents economies of scale

delayed payments of retirement benefits as well as low values of benefits.

Legal and Institutional Framework

Legislative and institutional harmonization is deemed necessary to eliminate fragmentation, rationalize
contribution rates and benefit entitlements, as well as promote portable benefits rights.
La pluparts des pays africains ont des framyork incoren ett non pas encore ratifier la convention 102 du
BIT et leurs constitutions ne reconnaissent pas la scurit social comme un droit humain fondamental.
Lhamroization est crucial pour eliminer la segemstion er rstionalizaer le taux de contribtion et les
prestation toute en assurant une portabilit des droits acquis, dailleurs cest lune des raison pour la
creation de CIPRE
However, most African countries lack comprehensive legal framework on social security.

colonial legacy without adequate constitutional, legislative and institutional environment

example, most countries have not ratified the ILO Convention 102 and their constitutions do not
recognize social security as a fundamental human right.

Most schemes on the continent have fragmented policy environment. Different policies guide different
schemes, leading to a plethora of laws.

Social Security Reforms in Africa

Many of these reforms have focused on redesigning pension schemes, introducing health insurance
schemes or expanding coverage of existing schemes to operators in the informal economy

Others are changing from

pay-as-you-go basis to fully-funded individual savings accounts.
The difficultly of expanding coverage of mandatory and contributory schemes to the informal sector has
also led some countries in Africa to introduce non-contributory social pensions.



La protection sociale comme la dfinit le Bureau international du travail (BIT) est un
ensemble des mesures publiques que la socit offre ses membres dans le but de les protger contre le
dnuement social et conomique. Dclare comme un droit humain fondamental depuis 19551 par le BIT,
la protection sociale constitue, du surcroit quelle fait partie de la stratgie globale du BIT pour un emploi
dcent, dans le contexte africain un levier stratgique contre la pauvret et lexclusion.
Il se rvle utile, avant dentamer le cas africain, de rappeler brivement le sous-bassement
thorique de la protection sociale, qui est la thorie des trois piliers prne par la Banque Mondiale, et par
la suit on prsentera une bref description des systmes de la protection sociale en Afrique pour en identifier
les enjeux et les problmatiques :
Les systmes de la protection sociale sont gnralement organiss en trois piliers2 :

Le 1er pilier : Reprsente la scurit sociale, gre par ltat et finance par les impts (Pay-as-you-go).
Le 2eme pilier : Constituent les rgimes professionnels qui offrent un complment la scurit social, organiss
au sein dune entreprise (ou secteur), financs par des cotisations salariales et patronales.
Le 3eme pilier : Cest une forme de protection volontaire releve de la responsabilit individuelle (assurance vie,
produit dpargne).

Aprs lindpendance, la plupart des pays africains ont hrit (ou bien instaur) des rgimes
de prvoyance qui ont t limits aux travailleurs de la fonction publique, avant dtre tendus aux
travailleurs du secteur priv (formel) et rendus obligatoires.3
Aujourdhui, la plupart des rgimes existants sont contributifs (Bismarck) prestation
dfinies, obligatoire pour les travailleurs dans le secteur formel et facultatif pour ceux de linformel.
Certains pays dans le sud du continent ont tabli des rgimes non-contributifs qui pays des pensions pour
tous les rsidents atteint un ge ligible. Une autre caractristique de la protection sociale en Afrique est
que plusieurs pays ont opts pour la sparation des rgimes publics de ceux adresss aux secteurs privs.
(Seulement 11 pays qui un systme de protection intgr)
Lge la retraite en Afrique varie entre 55 et 60, et la dure minimale de contribution pour
tre ligible aux prestations (vesting period) est variable dun pays lautre avec une moyenne de 15 ans,
cette courte dure explique notamment par une faible esprance de vie.
Toutefois, les pays africains Sub-sahariens ont un taux de couverture le plus faible dans le
monde. Donc un large segment de la population reste non couvert avec les systmes de protection sociale.
Cette faiblesse de couverture due la diminution de lemploi formel dans le continent, au profit de lautoemploi et lemploi informel caractris par une faible productivit et donc des salaires faibles rendant toute
tentative dinstauration dun rgime contribution obligatoire est non envisageable.
Au niveau des risques couverts dans le cadre de la protection social, sur 9 prestations
stipules dans la convention 102 du BIT4, la plupart des rgimes africains offrent seulement 3 types de
prestations : invalidit, vieillissement et dcs, il y a eu lieu de not que les rgimes francophones ont largi
la gamme des risques couverts pour inclure maladie, assurance travail, maternit. Mais en contrepartie,

ILO convention 102

Pierre Devolderm ; Jacaues Janssenm Raimondo Manca , Stochastic Methods for Pension Funds,p.14
3 A lexception de certains pays anglophones qui ont gards des rgimes hrits des colons : Gambia, Kenya, Swaziland, Tanzania et


les prestations de : vieillesse, maternit, aux familles, dinvalidit, de survivants, de chmage , en cas daccident de travail ;
les soins mdicaux et les indemnits de maladie

contrairement aux rgimes anglophones, ninclus pas les travailleurs du secteur informels et les autoemploys.
Les rgimes de scurit social en Afrique sont financs par les charges salariales (payroll
taxes) et les contributions des travailleurs et des employeurs, les rgimes non contributifs sont financs
par la taxe sur le revenu.
Au niveau de la gouvernance, des trusts publics grent les rgimes publics, dots dun conseil
dadministration compos des reprsentants du gouvernement, des employeurs et des syndicats. La
scurit sociale peut tre offerte travers des tablissements privs (institutions financires ) ou tre un
produit dun partenariat public-prive.
Plusieurs pays ont dj passs laction en mettant quelques rformes, qui avaient pour
objectif essentielle , llargissement de la couverture par la cration de nouveau rgimes (Ghana),
changement du mcanisme de financement (de contributif non-contributif) (lesotho), rformes
paramtriques pour le calcul des prestations (Kenya , Sngal and Uganda) ), et seulement au Niger o un
rforme structurel a t propos concernant le mode de gouvernance , le mcanisme de financement et le
calcul des prestation.

La pluparts des pays africains nont pas encore ratifi la convention 102 du BIT et leurs
constitutions ne reconnaissent pas encore la scurit sociale comme un droit humain fondamental.
La hausse des cots dadministration reste lun des vrais problmes, en effet dans certains
pays, plus dun tiers des contributions sont absorbes par les cots administratifs, ceci peut tre expliqu
par une mauvaise gestion et une sous-exploitation des conomies dchelle due un faible taux de
couverture (figure) produisant une augmentation des taux de cotisation en futures ce qui dissuaderai les
travailleur dans les secteurs informel entrer dans le formel (cercle vicieux).
Les systmes de retraite de repartition qui prdominent en Afrique, est dans le rouge avec
un risque norme de longvit d une amlioration de lesprance de vie.
Les rgimes de protection sociale en Afrique souffrent galement de ltroitesse des
marchs financiers rgionaux qui rende la stabilisation des taux de cotisation dans les branches et la
rentabilisation des fonds une mission assez difficile.
Un decalage temporel entre les cotisations et les
prestations a engendr une mauvaise rpartition des cots
entre les generations et un mauvais paramtrage do la
necessit dun recalcule actuariel de la ralit.

Les rgimes de la protection sociale en Afrique
fait face plusieurs enjeux :
Lharmonisation est un enjeu crucial pour
liminer la segmentions er rationaliser le taux de contribution
et les prestations toute en assurant une portabilit des droits
acquis, dailleurs cest lune des raisons de la cration de CIPRE.
La necessit dun rforme des rgimes de base avec des fondements actuariels solides avant
de llargir une nouvelle population et la Cration de nouveaux rgimes couvrant dautre risques toute
en nvitant le pige de la rpartition.


Elargir la couverture des rgimes dautres populations (informel, entrepreneurs,

profession libral.), moderniser la gestion des caisses de la scurit sociale et maitriser les cots de gestion
en informatisant les procdures et la gestion.
Le dveloppement dune Coopration rgionale permettant de bien mutualiser les risque en
accdant a une large communaut de risque, cette coopration permettra aussi dchanger des
expriences en matire de gestion et de reformes
Donner un cadre juridique a un Audit actuariel obligatoire des Caisses de la scurit sociale
chaque 5 ans (recommandation de CIPRES)


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