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Left brain dominance can cause you to think like an android because it suppresses emotion.

can also cause you to have psychopathic-like personalities. On the other hand, right brain
dominance can make you naive, lazy and irresponsible, leading to spiritual ignorance. To
prevent these psychological side effects, you need to become aware of your thoughts and
emotions and take necessary actions to heal them, so that they are more balanced

Diminansi otak kiri dapat disebabkan karena kamu berfikir seperti android karena dapat
menekan emosi. Ini juga dapt disebabkan karena kamu memiliki kepribadian yang sakit.
Disisi lain, dominasi otak kanan dapat membuatmu naif, malas, dan tidak punya tanggung
jawab, dan mendorong ketidaktahuan spiritual. Untuk mencegah efek dari psikologi itu, kamu
harus sadar dari pemikiranmu dan emosi dan ambil tindakan penting untuk menyembuhkan
mereka, maka mereka akan seimbang.
When your left and right brain are balanced and communicating properly dengan baik, you
have achieved true intelligence. Most scientists arent truly intelligent because they lack
kekurangan holistic thinking and cognitive skills. By learning how to combine the left and
right brain into a unified organ, it allows you to harness the power of intellect and the power
of creativity, allowing you to understand life and reality beyond any atheist scientist. The key
to uniting your right and left brain is energy balance.
Once you understand that most peoples brain is out of balance, you may agree with me that
we live in a sick and ill society. This illness is the reason why we have such a hard time
understanding other cultures and living in harmony with nature, and why we have so many
social conflicts, such as wars, racism and spiritual ignorance.
Our brain is seperated lenghtwise into two different hemispheres. In the middle the two
hemispheres are connected via the Corpus Callosum which allows instant communication
between them.
The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain the right side.
Allthough the two sides are similar, there are some small differences in anatomy and their
functions are slightly different.
Test your Brain to find out which of your two brain halves dominates.
There is statistic evidence that 95% of right-handed people have a left hemisphere dominance
in certain areas like for example language. But only 19% of left handed people have right
hemisphere dominance.

Left and Right Brain Functions

There is a widespread discussion about the validity of brain lateralisation and research into
the subject is ongoing.
But let me tell you what we do know:
Our left brain is the reasonable and logic side. That is where we control time, or try to have
an objective overview in a given situation.
The ability to move to a rhythm is often dominated by the left side of the brain, melody is
dominantly in the right side.
While we chose the words with the left brain, we chose the tone of voice with our right brain.
We process our emotions with the right side. The right brain keeps us in the present, while
the left analyses the past and plans for the future. The right side talks subjectively about
events and rather feels into a situation.
When you improve your brain, you activate the dormant abilities of your non-dominant
hemisphere and learn new ways to master life's challenges.

To see how your brain works try this

Say the COLOUR of the word

Your right brain tries to say the colour, BUT your left brain insists on reading the word. This
shows us once more how our left brain is dominant.
It is possible to improve your brain: The fastest way there is with Binaural Beats and best
technology using binaural beats is the sound technology called Hemi Sync. Once we learn
how to synchronize our brain or reach the so called Whole Brain State - we keep it for life. It
is like learning to ride a bicycle.
There is a lot to our brains we do not know. While science is doing their research in to the
brain, the mind and its power needs to be developed. The synchronisation of our brain is one
way of activating it.

No Coincidence to the Left Brain Dominance

According to this video, it is not a conincidence that we are left brain dominant.
Our Western society promotes left brain, logical and analytical thinking. Therefore those who
naturally have a left brain dominance thrive in our society and become the leaders and law
makers. When it is their turn to lead the society, they in turn put emphasis on left brain
dominant thinking.

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