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format (3 hours):
Multiple choice
Short Answer
Essay (must complete 2 will have multiple options 2 written pages,
1. See lecture slides for sample que also, Ive asked the following in the past:
Whose life chances are better: a white male born into poverty or a black
male born into the upper middle class?

What is
o sociology
o public sociology
o sociological theory
o macro/micro sociology
o theory empirical consequences
Authors: Stinchecombe, Mills, Giddens, Marx/Engels
o The big 3
Their dynamic of modernity
Unit of analysis
o Transition from pre-modern modern society
o Capitalism
Dynamics of
o Bureaucracy
Dynamics of
o Modernity
Protestant ethic
Spirit of capitalism
Social phenomena
Ethos of capitalism
Philosophy of avarice
the calling
o social fact
o sociological imagination
o social integration/social cohesion
o social solidarity mechanical & organic


o division of labor
o educational transformations shifts in scholasticism
o Jesuits
Authors: Marx/Engels, Weber, Durkheim
o Unit of analysis
o Main hypothesis
o Methods used
o Conclusions/take away message
o 3 types of students
o types of values/attitudes
o cultural capital including the absence of
o symbolic cultural boundaries
o cultural spaces
o 2 types of skills
o Table 3.1
o Panethnic identity
o Minority status
o Gender differences
o Link btwn race & culture
o Fictive kinship
o Table 5.1
o Table 5.2
o Social capital & success
o acting white
Fischer et. al.
o Who theyre responding to (Authors)
o What are they refuting
o How social policies create, maintain, shift, eradicate inequality
ISSI Diversity Report
o Purpose
o Changes in demographic trends
o 1968 1989
o 1980s/Affirmative Action
o Proposition 209
o In/out group experiences
o Unit of analysis
o Method
o Data
o Hypothesis
o acting white
o culture

o what motivates academic success

o conceptual model
o model minority
o findings
Lopez & Espiritu
o Panethnicity
o Models of transformation
Assimilation completely take on new culture
Ethnic succession about achieving economic parity over time
Assimilation v. adaptation
o Cultural & structural factors
o 4 group comparison
o activism
o organization
Tyson, Darity & Castellino
o Unit of analysis
o Method
o Data
o Hypothesis
o Black adolescent achievement orientation
o Burden of high achievement among whites
o Unit of analysis
o Method
o Data
o Hypothesis
o Foci (practical & theoretical)
o Stereotype threat
o Domain
o Social structure as obstacle to academic achievement
o Threats to academic achievement
o Self-rejection
o How to counter/protect
Zhou & Bankston
o Unit of analysis
o Method
o Data
o Hypothese
o Immigrant culture & academic success/future success
o Why study Vietnamese in NOLA
o 2 views on cultural orientation & social capital
o role of social capital
o social integration/social cohesion
o mediating social institution
o ethnic involvement

o results ethnic social integration creates .

o White ethnic groups experiences
o Ancestry choice & factors influencing
o Other political considerations
Ethnic consciousness
o a costless community
o symbolic ethnicity
o paradox of white ethnicity
o ethnicity & race
o symbolic ethnicity & race
o fluidity of ethnicity (v. race)
o Parts I & II
o Background info on Robert Peace
o Structural barriers
o Social supports
o Non-traditional forms of social/cultural capital
o The social institutions that helped him
Post Midterm:
o Sex v. gender
o Social construction
o Gender roles
o Gender stereotypes
o The 2nd shift
o Leisure gap
West & Zimmerman
o doing gender
o sex v. sex category
o role theory
o Bad Boys
o Intersectionality
o How schools attempt to shape and create complaint students
Shape & create race
Shape and create gender
o Gender, race & discipline
o Convergence of racially biased institutions
o School to prison pipeline
o Masculinity
o Gender as performance
o How schools reinforce heteronormativity

o How race fits into this

o Fag
o Masculinity & gender resistance
o Gender blending, bending
o Gender reconstruction
o Queer politics & movements
o Queer theory
o The problem of unidimensional framework/single oppression
Whats the solution
Class Inequality
o Intersection of class & race/ethnicity
o Intersection of class & gender
o Cultural capital & class
o Earnings/wealth & race; earnings/wealth & income
o SAT scores & class
o Unit of analysis
o Cultural capital
o Habitus
o Achievement ideology
o Reproduction theory
o Social reproduction
o Personal deficiencies
o Aspirations v. expectations
o Leveled aspirations
o What happened to clarendon heights, brothers & hallway hangers?
o Can you live on minimum wage?
o 1996 welfare reform define & discuss
o Educational inequality both across & districts
o Racial segregation & education
o Funding #s in lecture slides
o Do we value all children equally?
o Class & child rearing how parents social class impacts childrens
life experiences?
o Wrt. General inequality; ed. Inequality; occupational inequality
o Culture of logic
Table child rearing
Tallingers v. Taylors
o urban as social & cultural construct

o units of analysis why these 4 cities?

o How do demographic changes in cities effect the character & quality of
public schools?
o Race v. space
o Social capital
o Social closure
o Weak ties
o Urban schools as social supports
Harlem Children Zone
o Define
o Goals/aim
o Program parts
o Funding structure
o Critiques
o Social reproduction
o Why zone approach?
R. Reich
o Snap back v. snap break
o Economic inequality
M. Reich
o Racism & capitalism
o Becker v. Reich
o White working class & racism
o Racism & inequality
o Measuring racism
o Inequality in America
o Distribution of wealth
o Assumptions about distribution
o What does this say about inequality in the US?
o White ethnic immigrants
o The home
o Ghetto v. slum
o Voluntary character of white ethnic segregation
o White ethnic immigrants & blacks
o Restricted covenants
o Extension of whiteness
o Race making
o Social dislocation
o Caused by social, demographic & economic changes
o Social problems of urban life problems of racial inequality
o Tangle of pathology
o Race & crime
o Family dissolution & welfare dependency

o Concentration effects
o Social transformation social dislocation social isolation
o Is it a cultural issue?
Bobo & Tuan
o Group position
o Group conflict
o Legislative bias
o Know the details of the treaty rights dispute
o Social institutions that define, confine & control
o 4 insitutions (Table, Lecture 22)
o What is the mark of a criminal record
o Unit of analysis
o Audit study
o Selection, transformation, credentialing
Reducing inequality
o Bill Heiser, CEO
o Program components
o State of corrections/incarceration in CA refer back to #s
o Poverty & incarceration
o Who goes to prison?
o Social, cultural capital
o Concentration effects
o What is academic tracking
o The social and academic consequences
o Marginalization
o Single-axis framework
Hobbs Parts IV thru end

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