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Now let us see this subject scientifically.

Our body is made by five of Tatva,

Elements, and this thing is already described in Purana. We will first try to
understand these five elements Each of these Five elements has its own
character and celestial elements from which our body has formed. Which are
these? These are as:

Earth, also we call as Pruthvi

Water, also we call as Jal
Fire, also we call as Agni
Air, also we call as Vayu
Ether, also we call as Akasha

And when the Sixth Tatva, Sixth Element Almighty God lighten this small
Candle our Soul (Our Body) by his own Param Tatva means Sacred
Element, then only our body called as Alive Person.
You can see more information at following link, by just click on it.
Now we should know about the Live Formation of a babys body into his
mothers womb. Actually before that we should know about our complete
body. Do you know now as per the Medical Terms, Doctors first examines
the patient's Heart and after that Brain. If the Brain is not dead, the
doctors keeps patient alive by providing him Oxygen by ventilator or by any
other substitute. It means the Doctors say as, till the Brain is not found
dead, the person (Patient) is alive. And this is almost right also.
Long back ago, our Scientists have already found, that every part is
individually alive at our body. And because of this system, we can donate our
Blood and Body Organs.
Now we will see what happens into a mother womb, as soon as a male alive
sperm enter the womb through the cervix and join with her egg, for this
moment we call as conception takes place, and fertilized egg travels down
the fallopian tubes and may succeed in implanting into the uterine wall. Next
as soon as got succeed to build this uterine wall, it means it turned into
Individual Cell. Now here you can see the Changes is the Natures Theory
of Evolution. Now from this Individual Cell is getting feed by mothers live
blood, become bigger, after becoming bigger, gives birth to another
Individual Cell, and turned again as the first Original shape of Individual
Cell, now there are two Individual Cell, again by getting feed by mothers
live blood, these two Individual Cell becomes bigger, and each Individual
Cell gives birth to another one Individual Cell, and turned again as the first
Original shape of Individual Cell, Now there are four Individual Cell. As
like this the development takes place and get built up our Blood, Flesh, and
Organs. Now here again you can find Almighty God the Only Param
Tatva can enter via the Male Live Sperm and Mothers Live Blood to each

of Individual Cell, and keeps the Individual Cell alive, and reproduce
another Live Individual Cell.
I am telling this truth, because I knew about this Param Tatva can enter
into whatever Nano Micron space available. And for your kind information I
will tell you, if you go to see any Live Creature or any Human Being
having Nano Micro Holes not only on our Skin, but inside our Flesh and
Blood Cells also. If we cover these 0.1% holes of the entire body, we cannot
stay alive. The same thing you can find with Trees and whole Nature also.
This is the Natures Theory, and by this way the Almighty God with his
Param Tatva keeps an eye on every kind of notice and information.
Everyone knows, that whatever expectedly or unexpectedly happens in this
world, is made by God. Why this happens? Everybody is thinking on it. Why?
I am a very small person in front of Almighty God, and those people, who
have written so many Books on Religion or on Science, and also not so much
of experienced to talk with people and doing Social Activities. But I will try to
explain you, with the help of only Almighty God. May you will not agree it,
but whatever I am telling you is, seen with my own eyes. So please trust me.
What do you think about accidents happens on roads, we think it is all
because of negligence, yes, it is. Now we have to think, this kind of
negligence, how these people can do, which may cause them harm,they
might become handicapped for years or lifetime and even chances of losing
their life also. Do you think, whichever people have suffered from any of the
accidents, and admit their mistake, they are fool? Not knowing this important
If you ask them, the cause of an accident, they will reply, that was his
mistake. If you ask, how this foolish mistake he can do? He will answer,
unknowingly. This thing happens with anybody, may the person is clever
enough, experienced or wearing any type of resistant wear. The humans
mind becomes totally helpless.
Here is the actual thing, which is quite important, and we all have to know.
There are many examples which we see every day at any city. Now I will tell
you, if you watch any busy traffic road, and the people, wants to cross it. We
follow their activity as they follow the road both ways, means coming
vehicles from right and left side also, if divider is there, they will watch
coming vehicles side, and as soon as they find, that coming vehicle will take
time, and the road is empty, the person will cross the road. Everybody does
the same thing, from childhood. Now you can think, whoever have suffered
with an accident at the time of road crossing, he has not seen that coming
vehicle, secondly who was the driver of that vehicle from which this accident
taken place, has not tried to save? Yes he has tried, but accidently there was
opposite reaction done by the person at the time of an accident, who has

suffered, the accident has taken place.

Here we should not ignore any simple thing. The suffered person, purposely
did this? The driver of that vehicle, made it purposely? Definitely not. Then
why this accident taken place. I am telling you the real thing, at that time
the fellow who suffered, wasnt in the position, to think about, his mind
wasnt able to understand. He was totally blank at that moment. You all my
dear readers, you must notice this. You can find many of this kind of cases in
every hospital.
Now I will tell you, rare case, which you will follow very often. Very recent on
Friday 10 th of July, there at Marathi News Paper called Maharashtra Times
I found a news, a baby girl child, name Zoya 3 years old had an accident,
at Nasik, Maharashtra. Her mother is a home servant, was going for her
work, and this girl was following her without notifying her mother, while her
mother was getting across the road, also Zoya was following her, at the
same time, a big SUV Car name (Brand) Toyota Enova landed on her.
The both front and rear tires passed on Her Stomach, everybody had
thought, that this baby will not get survive. As soon the baby reached at
hospital, and the Doctors over there, known about this, firstly the Doctors
checked her physique and her blood group, they found, her blood group is
A- which is very very rare to get avail in urgent case, also they found there
was no single injury on her body, but found Swelling inside Her Stomach
and on Liver. So the Doctors told her mother to keep her at hospital for two
days, to give medicines and attention on her. Now the girl baby Zoya is out
of danger, and went for her home.
(I have kept this copy of Maharashtra Times News Paper)
Now you all my dear readers, can you tell, how this baby girl has been
saved? And by whom it has been done? It was mistake, but by whom?
I knew, might somebody from all of you, will tell, this is a mistake of that
baby girl Zoya. I wont agree with it, why I am thinking like this? Can you
please answer?

My dear extreme readers, might be you are eager to know, about my view,
to look at on this incident. Yes I will explain you.
Do you know, we are as being Human, are part of this Nature. But never
thought about its way of working. So let us know more about Nature.
As we are having brain, but there are divisions to do each kind of work.
We have got power by Almighty God. as we can keep in mind at in
separate division, somethings to be remembered, and when we have
plenty of remembered things kept in that part of mind, at the same

time we are also working on different work, and due to rush of work or
might by any accidental things appears, we also have to face it. And
we need to remember any thing urgently, that time the memory
division, may get crash with another division, and we may lose
somethings from our memory division, and might because of this we
may not remember some of these important things, and might suffer
by loss of time or money. Do you know why this happens? Actually,
everything is kept remembered at that memory division, but as soon
as means accidentally, we rush up by many thoughts to that memory
division, that time all the divisions of our mind are working fast, and
due to it, our blood circulation moves faster into our brain, and brain
couldnt work properly.
When we are doing any work, A) First, we take granted to do that
work in our mind, B) If we are doing that work for the first time, we
pay our full attention (all the brain divisions) into that work, and our
mind (every division) get exercised for the same. C) When doing same
work again at 2 nd time, the 80% concerned divisions of mind are
working, and main part of mind pays little attention on it, also thinks
on other needed work. D) When doing 3 rd time as regular the same
work, only memory of concerned division is working along with the
persons body. It means the person who is working on the same job, is
working as a machine, nothing else.
We can find this behavior described at A, B, C, D, the above 2 nd part,
at 92% to 97% of the people. And that is why the accidents takes
place. You can find the same thing (habit) at Birds also. You can find
it very easy, the birds choose from among themselves, a young, clever,
paying attention every time, as a leader, and wherever they wants to
fly, the first bird is flying alone in front, and the other birds are always
following the first bird.

Near about the same things are happening in at Nature. Though this
Nature is following Almighty God, it has its own limitations.
This Nature is somewhat some like as Machinery. You will ask me how?
I will explain you, with an example. Anybody who will put his hand or any
part of body, in the fire, what will happen? His hand or part of body, was in
the fire, will get burned. Though the person is knowing Almighty God or not
knowing, Nature is not responsible for it. The same thing for flood, or any
of incident. The Nature has its own principals, its get change every single
minute, every day, there will be a night, every single minute you will find
Earth is moving around the Sun, the Almighty God made it such way,
that nobody can stop it. And if any case it get stopped, this total Nature will
get collapsed, including us.
Yes, if anything goes wrong, according to Almighty God, he change the
situation, but not the Nature.

The same thing happened with Zoya the baby girl accident, which news was
at News Paper, and I described at Page No. .. At this situation, the nature
has done its job, but it was wrongly affected to Zoya, so Almighty God,
has taken immediate action, and pulled the car, when the car was passing
over her stomach. Thats why, she only suffered with swelling inside her
I will tell you a example, which happened with a Saint. His name was
Goroba Kumbhar. His traditionally workmanship was making utensils of soil.
He was a Saint, was not acting as a Satguru. While making utensils, it
requires to make soil mixture with water neatly, and after making these
utensils, it requires to be kept at furnace as per the needed time. But
Goroba Kumbhar was a person like, doing any work, his mind and his
mouth use to sing Almighty Gods lories, so his attention on his work was
very less, as it was required.
One day, what happened, a cat belongs to Goroba Kumbhar was pregnant,
delivered that day. The cat was sleeping in a big narrow mouth Vessel
(Ghada), and her four baby kittens were playing in at the same vessel. This
vessel was kept already at that place, where Goroba Kumbhar use the
same place as furnace. Unknowingly Goroba Kumbhar was doing his
regular work, not given any attention, and singing lorry, has put wooden
branches and plenty of dried grass all over the utensils and vessels, and fired
it. After some time the elder daughter of Goroba Kumbhar came at that
place, and asked Goroba, where about that cat, the Goroba was become
upset, telling his daughter, the cat was here only, just before delivery, and
had four kittens. They both became worried for cat and her four newly born
kittens. Accidently, Goroba, has remembered, that he heard a noise of
those kittens from a Ghada, and the cat might be sleeping in it.
Now Goroba, was terribly upset, was abusing himself, rushed to see at the
fire, but fire was at it full of temperature, and when Goroba realized, no
one can save those five pretty Soul, except Almighty God. Now Goroba
was filled with full of sorrow, and has started arguing to Almighty God, his
daughter ran away for their home, to tell about this incident, and everybody
started to curse him. Goroba has not given any attention to his home
people, after his prayers has completed, up to that time the fire of that
furnace also became at low temperature. That time the Goroba has to wait
for little time to come down the temperature of vessels, but he has tried to
see, he touched one of those vessels, he felt it is cool. So he started to see
one by one, when reached the middle line of vessels, and lifted, heard a
noise of kittens.
He was suspicious about his hearing, so he saw inside, the cat was still
sleeping, and kittens were playing with each other.
This Goroba Kumbhar, example is already written at the Puran. Not told or
made by myself. Actually I knew all about its trueness. Only you have to
keep faith on Almighty God.

Now I will give you some live examples. Which will again help you to keep
faith on God.


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