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Never Lies
A Practical Guide To Health And Nutrition

Ted Aloisio, BA CNM

Llumina Press

The information herein is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional. The concepts that are presented are non-medical in nature. You are
advised to consult with your health care professional with regards to matters relating
to your health.

Copyright 2004 Ted Aloisio

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including
photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from both the copyright owner and the publisher.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of this work should be
mailed to Permissions Department, Llumina Press, PO Box 772246, Coral
Springs, FL 33077-2246
ISBN: 1-932560-94-7
Printed in the United States of America by Llumina Press

To my lovely wife Anna. The angels were smiling on me that day
in 1980 when we first met and they have been smiling on me ever

To my family, my wife Anna, my four daughters and my son; putting up with me during this time of great focus was immeasurable.
To John and Janet Marvin, mentors and friends. Their belief in me
in the beginning made everything possible.
To Nicole Bonnin, who was the first to introduce me as a future author. I liked how it sounded and after that, I had no choice but to write
the book.
To Mr. Steve Denk, a man whose wisdom is only paralleled by his
compassion. I owe him so much.
To Mr. Bob Proctor, a mentor and a friend. His teachings, especially about the concept of the Razors Edge compelled me to pick up
my manuscript from the floor, where I had thrown it countless times,
and continue writing.
To the players, coaches and staff of the St. Johns Maple Leafs
hockey team of the American Hockey League, and Maple Leaf Sports
and Entertainment Ltd., owners of the National Hockey Leagues Toronto Maple Leafs for granting permission to do nutritional work with
the players.
To Dr. X. (who asked not to be identified for fear of professional
reprisal) you were my guide through the complex world of allopathic medicine and your insights were indispensable.
To my editor, Sharon Crawford. Her skill and dedication helped
make my words sparkle.
To my clients who have let me poke fingers in their clinics,
health clubs, spas, gyms, offices and homes.
Most importantly to the 10,000 or so people whose fingers I poked.
Without you none of this would have been possible. On many occasions I was learning more from you than you were from me.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18

Normal Blood
Protein Linkage
Erythrocyte Aggregation
White Blood Cells
Thrombocyte Aggregation
Bacterial Forms
Crystal Formations
Protoplasts Number 1
Protoplasts Number 2
16 Stages of Bacterial Forms
Potty Pellets, courtesy Greg Storring, Storring Septic Service, and all his customers that
consume cartoon supplements


Table Of Contents


The Basics

Chapter 1

What is Microscopy?

Chapter 2

The Great Debate

Chapter 3

Is Our Current System Working?

Chapter 4

The Life is in the Blood

Live Blood Observations




The Problems

Chapter 5

Those Poor Soils


Chapter 6

Essential Nutrients


Chapter 7

The Acid-Alkaline Balance


Chapter 8

The Four Horsemen

of the Nutritional Apocalypse



The Solutions

Chapter 9

Cartoon Supplements


Chapter 10

The Power of Water


Chapter 11

Attracted to Magnets


Chapter 12

The Top Ten List


Chapter 13

Medical and Scientific Validation




Appendix A
US Senate Document No. 264


Appendix B
Saliva PH Acid Challenge


Appendix C
Static Magnetic Field Therapy for
Symptomatic Diabetic Neuropathy:
A Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Trial


Further Reading


About the Author


As the saying goes, Ive had a book in me for sometime. I resisted
writing this book for two reasons. First, I knew the task would be
monumental, and probably the most difficult undertaking of my life.
Second, and more importantly, I did not want the book to turn into just
another persons opinions about health issues.
Over the last few years, I have personally performed over 10,000
live cell blood nutritional assessments. People from all walks of life
have let me poke their finger. Afterwards we spent from 30 minutes
to several hours discussing what we saw on the screen as well as general nutrition and health. I have assessed the blood of the young, the
old, the motivated, the dragged-in-kicking-and-screaming, the athletic,
the sedentary, the sick, the healthy, the open-minded, the sceptical, and
the close-minded. In many instances, I learned more from them than
they learned from me. As a scientist, I am aware that the results and
observations culled from over 10,000 sessions are statistically significant. As a nutritional professional, I have validated many principles
taught to me and a few I suspected.
In this book I will share with you some startling conclusions. Many
of my insights may be totally contrary to those rendered by your health
care provider. I toyed with the idea of calling this book No Matter
What Anyone Says, The World Is Round. Up until 500 years ago, almost everyone would have told you that the world was flat. If you rely
solely on your sense of sight, the world is flat. Everyone believing that
the world was flat did not make it any less round. One brave man was
stoned for promoting the concept that the world was round. I hope I
dont meet with a similar fate.
I dont ask you to accept anything I write. I dont ask you to accept
anything at face value. I certainly dont. I encourage you to ask questions. If the answers make sense to you, great. If the answers do not
resonate, make your own choice. I am not trying to convince anyone of
anything. I am sharing knowledge and information. I never ask others

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to accept my words with blind faith in any of my sessions, in my counselling or in my writing. I have no way of knowing what is in your best
interest; that is for you to figure out.
I only have one wish for everyone I meet and for everyone who
reads this book. Whatever you do, do it with awareness, not blind faith.
I dont want you to give your power away to anyone.



Chapter 1

What Is Microscopy

f you are interested in health you will be hearing a great deal about
microscopy in the future. Although it is referred to by many names,
the basic technology is the same. Some of the most common names
include live cell microscopy, blood cell microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, darkfield microscopy, wet-mount microscopy and nutritional
microscopy. These names and many others refer to the same basic
method of assessing. For simplicity I will use the term nutritional microscopy, live cell microscopy or simply microscopy.
Nutritional microscopy is more of a process than a procedure. Microscopy means employing a microscope for investigation and
assessment, nutritional is self-explanatory. It would be a mistake however, to assume that nutritional microscopy is simply using a
microscope to scientifically determine nutritional deficiencies. Microscopy involves more than that.
A nutritional microscopy session appears quite straightforward in
nature. A drop of blood is painlessly extracted from the clients body
usually from the finger. The finger is not squeezed to assure that the
sample is not damaged. The capillary blood is allowed to come out on
its own and then immediately placed between two pieces of pre-cleaned
glass. The blood begins to slowly dry out however it is protected from
oxygen by the glass long enough to allow the assessment to be completed. Technically, this is known as a wet-mount examination or a
peripheral blood smear.
At this point the sample is placed on the stage of a very specialized
microscope. Most microscopes have one function and that quite simply

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is making small things big. The type of microscope used by a microscopist has been adapted with special condensers and objectives, which
allows the blood to be viewed in a special way. The light does not pass
through the specimen but around it. The combination of special viewing apparatus coupled with the fact that no fixatives or stains are used,
reveals many components of the blood that would be hidden from conventional blood analysis.
Up until this point we have seen some interesting differences between conventional blood analysis and nutritional microscopy. As we
continue there are even more striking differences. This type of microscope is almost without exception connected by colour camera to a
monitor. One drop of blood is its own universe. Stated another way, the
drop of blood we are viewing is a holographic image of the rest of the
blood as well as the body as a whole. As such, there is a myriad of entities to be viewed. The microscopist and the client will view that blood
together for 30 minutes to an hour. The client can ask questions and is
truly part of the procedure.
Thus far I have explained the technical aspect of the procedure. The
skilled microscopist is well versed in the dynamics of blood, the correct
amounts and condition of cells and numerous other factors. In other
words, he or she knows what should be there, what its condition should
be, and what shouldnt be there. The art of microscopy is far less tangible. The microscopist must use the technical knowledge he or she has
acquired, couple it with the profile, wishes and needs of the client and
create a direction of health. The analogy I use with my clients is that I
create the roadmap (live cell microscopy and nutritional assessment),
they purchase the vehicle somewhere else (supplements, food, water
etc.), and as long as they actually want to make the trip, they will arrive
at their destination (good health).
Despite all of its advantages over conventional blood testing, nutritional microscopy is not a diagnostic tool. Neither is the microscopist a
doctor, he or she is usually not a medical person. More and more doctors now use nutritional microscopy but not as a diagnostic tool.
Doctors have far superior methods for diagnosing disease at their disposal. We can realize the superiority of assessing blood while it is still
live if we understand how conventional blood testing works. The nurse
draws several vials of blood and places them in a specialized container.
Because the blood will not be analysed immediately, a preservative
such as EDTA (the same stuff they put in mayonnaise) is usually em-

Blood Never Lies

ployed to reduce decay. The blood goes to a lab and gets analysed at a
later date. The blood is stained and a chemical fixative is applied. The
lab technician then proceeds to analyse the dead blood. This procedure is the equivalent of a post mortem (autopsy). Many components
can be analysed but many more are lost. Just as a live patient can tell
you more than a dead one, so it is for blood. After the blood analysis,
the technician sends your doctor a number of sheets containing abstracted numbers, values and terms.
Lab technicians have argued (erroneously) that conventional blood
analysis is technically far superior to live cell assessments. This is
through no fault of their own as they have not received training on nutritional microscopy technology and most lab technicians have no
familiarity with it. Even if we charitably concede technical superiority
to the proponents of traditional blood testing, artistic aspects in nutritional microscopy oversteps conventional blood testing.
The art of microscopy pertains to the interaction between client and
microscopist. The client will view the actual state of his or her own
blood. The blood itself will show conditions within the body as a
whole. The effects of nutritional deficiencies will show up not only pertaining to the bloodstream but how they affect the body as a whole. The
microscopist will use the visual presentation to educate the client about
the complexities of the human body and the ultimate influence we have
over our own health. Simply showing these imbalances to the client
may help the client understand how deficiencies have led to health
At this point the educational component of the artistic aspect fully
comes into play. If the microscopist merely cites an imbalance and
makes overall health recommendations to the client, he or she falls into
the allopathic medical trap. The standard procedure of an allopathic
(drug-based) health care professional is examine, assess and prescribe.
The client learns nothing from this model. He or she might feel better,
but without the accompanying education, the treatment (many of which
only mask the problem or problems) will probably lead to further complications. In the long run, this is a disservice.
A client should leave a nutritional microscopy session far more
enlightened. The client will see many red blood cells, white blood cells,
creepy crawly organisms and a myriad of microorganisms never before
imagined as residing within the body. The client might see a white
blood cell only 12 microns in diameter fill an entire computer screen

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and gobble waste like a vacuum cleaner. We can see this occurrence
because the blood is still alive. This alone dispels the myth that traditional blood testing is technically superior. This sight can have quite an
impact on the client. I have spoken in front of large groups and chosen
one person from the audience to volunteer to have their blood assessment done for the whole room. On many occasions I have made quite a
big impression on an entire room full of people with one blood sample.
The visual impact is indeed impressive. When coupled with information and education it becomes astonishing. The visual impact
motivates the elimination of bad habits, and the introduction of good
habits. Upon reassessment, if the client sees noticeable changes, the
clients notion that they are in control of their own health is further reinforced.
There you have in a nutshell exactly what nutritional microscopy is.
This basic description will be further enhanced throughout the next
chapters. The main dynamics of nutritional microscopy furnish participants with a real opportunity to benefit from the procedure. One
question that I am asked on a continual basis is, This technology is so
amazing, why dont regular doctors use it? Some have argued that
doctors do not use microscopy because they are unfamiliar with the nutritional aspects of health. Others have argued that the equipment is too
expensive. Others have cynically argued that the accuracy and preventative power of microscopy would cost the health care business too
much profits. However, the real reason that doctors and other traditional health care providers use this technology sparingly has its roots
in a great debate which began more than a century ago.

Chapter 2

The Great Debate

read a lot of books. Many of these books included a history of the

subject. Almost invariably I skip that chapter. Sometimes I speed
read the section and if I deem it germane to my understanding of
the subject I read it in its entirety. If you wish you can certainly skip
this chapter, however, I strongly recommend that you read it. Not only
do I think it important to understanding this subject, I think it is essential. A complete understanding of nutritional microscopy will give you
an incredible insight into health, disease and our current health care
woes. A grand promise perhaps, but please read on.
The history of nutritional microscopy began innocently enough
with the invention of the microscope in the 16th century. In 1595, the
very first microscope was produced. It was nothing more than a powerful magnifying lense. Many notable scientists of the era used this new
invention that magnified objects 20 or 30 times their normal size.
In 1632, a man by the name of Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was born.
Van Leeuwenhoek was an unlikely scientist. He did not receive higher
education, had no wealth, and dwelled outside the scientific elite of the
day. Yet this man revolutionized microscopy. His skill at grinding glass
and his naturally acute eyesight enabled him to build a microscope that
could magnify over 200 times with amazing clarity.
In his lifetime Van Leeuwenhoek built over 500 microscopes. His
observations, rather than his device, distinguished him in the annals of
microscopy history. He was the first to discover bacteria, blood cells,
sperm cells and much more. His most notable experiment caused quite


Ted Aloisio

a stir among the scientific whos who of the day. He collected some
stagnant water and analysed it with his microscope. He noticed a bevy
of little creatures in this water. His naturally inquisitive mind led to an
incredible discovery. He collected clean rainwater and sealed it in sterilized pipettes. At first, his analysis revealed nothing. Day after day he
looked at the sample and saw nothing. On day four, a startling transformation occurred. The same creatures that were observed in the
stagnant water had somehow made their way into this sealed container.
Van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to ever see a phenomenon
known as spontaneous generation. His naturally inquisitive mind
wanted to ascertain how procreation could happen without a mommy
and daddy germ. He had sealed the pipette, keeping the water sterile
and yet four days later life emerged. He shared his observations with
notable scientists of the time including Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle
and Sir Isaac Newton. They summarily dismissed his observations, not
on scientific merit, but rather because they were not in keeping with the
religious dogma of the day. To create life, the powerful church of the
day dictated, there must be a mommy and a daddy. Scientists dismissed
Van Leeuwenhoeks work not on merit, but because it did not keep
with the popular belief (How dare you say the world is round!).
You can actually recreate this experiment yourself. Dr. Kurt Donsbach calls this experiment making protozoa. Mix hay and sterilized
water in a sealed, sterilized tube. At this point, if you scrape the hay you
will see nothing. Do the same scraping a few days later and you will see
several life forms. The key question is where did these germs come
from? Sealed and sterilized and yet germs appear. Because the answer
could not be reconciled with church dogma, the question was not answered then, or more startling, since. If you dont believe me, pick up
any conventional microbiology textbook and see if you can find this
question answered or even acknowledged. It is conveniently omitted.
Scientists could dismiss Van Leeuwenhoeks findings, but couldnt
ignore one facet of his work. He had discovered a microscopic world a world that could be studied, analysed, and documented. He had laid
the groundwork for the development of the germ theory. In the 19th
century, noted microbiologist Louis Pasteur was intrigued with this microscopic world and developed the germ theory.
The germ theory hypothesizes that all infections and contagious
disorders (diseases) are caused by germs. This theory erroneously presupposes that the blood is sterile until invaded. This piece of nonsense

Blood Never Lies


is still promoted by modern-day bacteriologists. One look at live blood

dispels this fallacy. Each disease has its own germ, the germ theory asserts. If the malaria germ invades you, then you contract malaria. If the
cancer germ invades you, then you get cancer and so on. If you have
any hope of curing the patient, this theory dictates that you must kill the
germ. Modern medicine is based on the germ theory. All the tools of
modern medicine drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and so on
are all designed to kill the germ before the germ kills you. Problem is
the germ theory is flawed and even Pasteur recanted it on his deathbed.
How can modern medicine be based on a lie? To fully understand the
answer to this question we must first study the works of another microbiologist of the era. His name was Antoine Bchamps and he was a brilliant
man. He did not have the resources, connections or flamboyance of Louis
Pasteur but he was every bit as competent a microbiologist. In fact, some
have argued that Bchamps was the most erudite scientist of his time. Bchamps challenged Pasteurs theory by putting forth one of his own. The
pleomorphic theory, as Bchamps called it, had one very distinct advantage over its counterpart. Pleomorphic theory is based on the correct
premise that blood is not sterile. Bchamps discovered microbes in the
blood. He named these microbes microzymas. If an individual became
sick, these microbes would alter their state. Although Pasteur expressed
the firm belief that the blood was sterile in healthy people, microzymas
existed in healthy people.
Bchamps believed that disease came from within the body. The
environment or terrain of the body, not the germ itself, dictated whether
or not we got sick. The logic is irrefutable. Many people smoke; they
dont all get lung cancer. The Norwalk virus made its rounds on the
cruise ship and only some of the passengers contract it. Almost everyone drank the water in Walkerton, Ontario during a bacteria outbreak in
May 2000 and only 7 people die. Health authorities are continually
warning older people and people with weakened immune systems to
take extra precautions.
Pasteur however had other ideas. He used his power, influence,
money and flamboyance to promote his theory and discredit the pleomorphic theory. The germ theory became the accepted theory. This is
despite the fact that some forty years later Pasteur himself recanted
with the words, the microbe is nothing; the terrain is everything. It
was too late. Although he recanted, allopathic medicine has been entrenched ever since.


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Nutritional microscopy and many of the alternative or complementary modalities of health are based partially or completely on
pleomorphic theory. Yet many alternative practitioners have never
heard of Bchamps or his work. Acupuncture, which predates Bchamps by thousands of years, is completely based on pleomorphic
tenets. Consciously or unconsciously, all alternative practitioners employ pleomorphic theory as their basis for healing. Any time you hear
of a practitioner treating the whole body (holistic medicine) as opposed
to treating by symptom, the practitioner employs the pleomorphic theory. Change the environment or terrain of the patient and the patient
will be healed.
I consider German microbiologist and physician Guenter Enderlein
as the father of nutritional microscopy. He was Antoine Bchamps
student and his mentor taught him well. Enderlein studied live blood
for over 40 years and wrote over 300 articles. In 1925, he published a
book entitled Bacteria Cyclogeny. Enderlein dedicated his life to confirming that Bchamps was indeed correct. Enderleins basic theory is
that all microorganisms are one big family. They live in the air and they
live in our bodies. If our internal environment or terrain is balanced
(nutritionally, PH, etc.), then these microorganisms will remain in a
non-pathogenetic (non disease-causing) state. If the body is imbalanced, these opportunistic microorganisms will change form and
become pathogenetic. This echoes Pasteurs deathbed assertion, the
microbe is nothing; the terrain is everything.
Although not widely accepted in mainstream medicine, since the
1960s pleomorphic theory has made some inroads. Many reputable scientists have acknowledged the essentials of pleomorphism. However,
scientists still dispute whether the microbe or the terrain is the primary
importance in the determining of illness. Wholeheartedly accepting Bchamps and Enderleins theories would have a substantial effect on the
drug industry, the food industry, the medical establishment and the
reputation of many biochemists. If anyone can find one biochemist that
can disprove Bchamps and Enderleins theories, I would be glad to
listen. I have validated and verified the work of these two brilliant men
with each of the 10,000 plus nutritional microscopy sessions I have performed.
Allopathic medicine is based on monomorphism or the germ theory. Disease is an invasion by an outside force, injury, metabolic defect
or invading organism. To save the patient, the battle cry has become,

Blood Never Lies


kill the germ, burn the germ, cut the germ out. The alternative or
complementary healing approach is based on pleomorphic theory. Create an environment of balance in the body and any invading
microorganism does not stand a chance. Because the germ theory has
served as the basis for traditional medicine for over a century, a simple
examination of four basic diseases should give us a scorecard on the
actual effectiveness of the germ theory in combating disease.

Chapter 3

Is our Current
System Working?

lthough the pleomorphic theory is the correct theory of disease, it seems that the germ theory won the great debate.
Certainly it won the battle, but many of us are making sure that
it does not win the war. Because the medical mainstream (and some in
the alternatives) has unequivocally embraced the germ theory, let this
chapter be a scorecard on how well the germ theory handles disease.
I choose my sources well. I have taken my facts and statistics from
the most credibly sources available. I want the information in this chapter to be irrefutable fact. You can choose to disbelieve it, but your
disbelief will not change the reality (The world will still be round!).
The majority of the statistics presented have been collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. With over
8,500 employees, the CDC has the resources and manpower to accurately collect data about disease and related issues.
Over 30 years ago, then president of the United States, Richard M.
Nixon declared war on cancer. He proclaimed it would be cured in his
lifetime and appointed Benno C. Schmidt as cancer czar. Despite having a czar and billions and billions of dollars to spend (in fact, the
United States federal government alone has spent over $35 billion since
1971) on the problem the result, since Nixons declaration, has been
zero total progress on cancer. In fact, total mortality rates in the United


Ted Aloisio

States have actually increased by eight per cent. Dr. Samuel Epstein,
University of Chicago Medical Center, was recently interviewed on
CNN and when asked whether we were losing the war on cancer replied, Oh, I think weve really lost the fight against cancer. There have
been major increases in cancer rates over the last four decades.
The statistics are frightening. In the United States alone 1,500 people per day die from cancer. In 1996, the World Health Organization
estimated that 10 million new cases of cancer would occur in the world
each year. Mishio Kushi, the Nobel Prize winning physician and founder of the Kushi Institute has stated that the lifetime risk of cancer is 50
per cent. That means we will all be affected; either we get the disease
or we become a caregiver for someone who contracts it.
Cancer ushered in the 1900s as the 8th leading cause of death in
North America. It closed out the century as the second leading cause of
death. A medical system based on the germ theory uses the standard
approach of kill the germ, kill the microbe, kill the tumour. Radical
surgery, toxic drugs and radiation are all used to kill the cancer. The
chemotherapy drugs are so toxic that the Los Angeles Times reported on
September 13, 1983 that the American Cancer Society states that the
increased risk should be of great concern to those handling anticancer
agents. Those handling them? What about those consuming them?
What about those getting them shoved into their veins?
Dr. M. Ghoneum is quite an expert on the subject. Dr. Ghoneum
earned his PhD. at the University of Tokyo, Japan, in radioimmunology, and did his post-doctoral work at the University of California, Los
Angeles, School of Medicine, in cellular and molecular immunology.
Dr. Ghoneum is considered a leading expert in the emerging field of
cancer immune therapy. He states, We have seen that it is difficult for
(conventional medicine) to achieve a 100 per cent kill rate without killing the patient in the process. At best, we can hope to kill 95-98 per
cent of the cancer cells with these therapies. At this point a patient may
be considered to be in remission. Therapy is discontinued and the patient closely monitored. However, as most oncologists are painfully
aware, these remissions are frequently short-lived. This is quite a
shocking quotation from a member of the traditional medical establishment. Is he insinuating that if we do not change the environment
that breeds cancer then the cancer will return?
The search for the cure for cancer has been the search for one magic
bullet after another. In the late 1930s and early 1940s when penicillin

Blood Never Lies


and sulfa drugs were discovered the magic bullet for cancer was a
wonder drug. Keep funding the research and some chemist somewhere
would certainly discover the wonder drug that would cure cancer. Now
that more than half a century has passed and no wonder drugs have appeared on the horizon, the new magic bullet is the human genome. Now
the medical mantra is keep funding the research and we will discover a
genetically modified protein that will cure cancer. I hope no one is buying this. Cancer is not a localized disturbance. You do not contract
cancer of the elbow, toe or ear. When you receive a diagnosis of cancer, you have cancer of the whole body. How many people have had
cancerous parts removed and still succumb to the disease? The cancer
may have manifested in the elbow, but if all you do is remove the elbow without changing the environment, then the cancer will manifest
Cancer is a holistic reaction to an environment that is conducive to
it. The germ theory seems to have failed us in the fight against cancer.
To make matters worse, cancer also has an ally. That ally is the profitability of cancer. Cancer is big business. The American Cancer Society
has the resources and budget of a major corporation. The ACS spends
$1 million per day. If you ever visit the head office of the ACS you will
notice an elegant placard that states something to the effect that it will
close its doors when cancer is cured. The ACS is a major corporation
with upper echelon management earning large salaries and other perks,
so how many of them want the doors closed anytime soon? Regrettably, the situation in Canada is no better. Cancer can be beaten is the
slogan used by many cancer agencies. I have personally seen enough
evidence and emphatically believe this. The problem is that the big
cancer machine juggernaut is a far more formidable foe. If you truly
believe that we are making progress in the war on cancer I would like
you to ponder these words as reported in the London Daily News, A
man of middle age would have difficulty in numbering the cures for
cancer which have appeared and disappeared in his lifetime. Millions of
animals have been tortured throughout the world to find the cure of a
malady which has been steadily increasing for 50 years. Flare headlines
in the daily newspapers once more announce, or at least suggest, that
we are on the eve of the most sensational medical discovery of the
age. This was written on February 1, 1924. Almost 80 years has
passed and were still hearing the same load of malarkey.

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Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart disease and stroke (cardiovascular disease or CVD) kills
more people in North America than any other cause. According to the
CDC, 725,192 people died in 1999 of heart disease and stroke in the
United States alone. In 1997, 15 million new cases of CVD were diagnosed. Currently, one in four North Americans suffers some form of
CVD. These statistics include:

50 million with high blood pressure

12 million with coronary heart disease
6.2 million with angina pectoris
4.4 million that have had a stroke
1.8 million with rheumatic heart disease
1 million with congenital cardiovascular defects
4.6 million with congestive heart failure

Since 1900, CVD has been the leading case of death in every year
but one (1918). The aforementioned statistics should be both appalling
and disturbing. After you have finished this book, I suggest you re-read
these statistics. I guarantee you that you will be twice as appalled and
twice as astonished.
The medical community has laid much of the blame for CVD on
cholesterol. The germ theory battle cry has manifested as kill the
germ, kill the microbe, kill the cholesterol. So current mainstream
treatments for CVD include angioplasty, which inflates an already
weakened artery or arteries, drugs and coronary by-pass surgery. In
1998, 67,889,000 prescriptions were filled in the United States alone
for cholesterol lowering drugs. At an astonishing cost of $4.596 Billion, these drugs are the number one selling class of drugs in North
American and sales are booming.
Although we spend all this money fighting cholesterol, it is not the
evil monster as purported. Cholesterol is an essential nutrient as essential to life as food and water. Because essential means you would die
without it, how has cholesterol been so vilified? Cholesterol does not
cause CVD. To my knowledge no medical study has ever conclusively
confirmed that cholesterol causes CVD. Having high levels of blood or
serum cholesterol (especially the LDL, the so-called bad cholesterol)
indicates that something is amiss. Some of the imbalances that could
cause this problem include: thyroid issues, dehydration, liver issues,

Blood Never Lies


low minerals and low B-group vitamins. High cholesterol is not caused
by a deficiency of cholesterol medication (the so-called statins). The
answer is not to consume a toxic drug and chemically impair the livers
ability to produce cholesterol. Perhaps we should concentrate on why
the cholesterol is high and fix that problem. I am not advocating that
anyone prescribed cholesterol medication stop taking it. Prescription
drugs are a dangerous substance one look at the laundry list of side
effects the druggist gives you when you get most prescriptions filled
testifies to that. Your doctor should carefully control your drugs and the
dosage. Always consult with your doctor when you want to stop poisoning your body with unnecessary medication.
Much attention has focused lately on the connection between homocysteine levels and CVD. In the late 1960s, a pathologist named
Kilmer McCully made an interesting discovery. While on staff at Harvard Medical School, McCully observed that two children had died of a
disease called homocystinuria, the autopsies revealed severe arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Because homocystinuria is
associated with elevated levels of homocysteine, and hardening of the
arteries rarely happens in children, McCully concluded that high levels
of this amino acid could be responsible. This was such a radical departure from the cholesterol theory that Harvard gave McCully his walking
In 1997, almost 30 years later, the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed that high levels of homocysteine do indeed increase the
risk of CVD. If McCully was right all those years ago, why did Harvard
unceremoniously banish him? Cholesterol lowering drugs control cholesterol. Adequate consumption of three B group vitamins; B6, B12 and
folic acid controls homocysteine. In the fight against CVD, Pan American Laboratories recently began producing a breakthrough drug
called FOLTX. This drug does indeed lower homocysteine levels
and costs approximately $38 U.S. for a months supply. Would anyone
care to guess what the components of this drug are? B6, B12, and
folic acid are the only components. Kilmer McCully is vindicated, albeit 30 years too late. How many people have died from high
homocysteine levels who could have been saved if we had listened to
McCully 30 years ago?
The germ theorys battle cry of kill the germ, kill the microbe, kill
the cholesterol has not served us well in the battle over CVD. On May
4, 2002 the noted scientist, Dr. Mathias Rath, addressed Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. On that date, Rath made an historic

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speech. He declared, unequivocally, that heart conditions and stroke

were not diseases at all. His extensive research indicates that all CVD is
a result of vitamin, mineral and essential nutrient deficiency over several years. According to Dr. Rath, a well-respected member of the
conventional medical elite, more than one million North Americans
will die this year from an easily correctable deficiency. From my own
experience, 8 out of 10 people are nutrient deficient. I validate Dr.
Raths findings and I believe he validates mine.
Of the four major diseases that are discussed in this chapter, diabetes is by far the most hideous. Heart disease certainly claims more
lives; however, the increase in rate of new diabetes cases is numbing.
Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases characterized by high levels of
glucose due to defects in insulin production, insulin action or both.
Many complications including early death are associated with diabetes.
There are two main types of diabetes. Type I diabetes was formerly
known as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. Type II diabetes was
formerly known as non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes. Type
I diabetes occurs when the bodys immune system destroys pancreatic
beta cells. Beta cells are the only cells in the human body that can produce the hormone insulin. Type I diabetics need insulin injections or
insulin pumps to survive. Type I accounts for only 5 to 10 per cent of
all diabetes cases.
Type II diabetes is quite different. Type II diabetes is not so much a
lack of insulin as a condition of ineffective insulin. In Canada and the
United States approximately 20 million people have diabetes. This figure represents approximately 6.5 per cent of the population. Over one
million new cases are diagnosed every year. In 1999, in the United
States alone 450,000 people died from the complications of diabetes
making it the sixth leading case of death.
The risks of diabetes have more to do with the complications than
with the disease itself. Diabetics have two to four times more heart disease that the general population. Diabetics have two to four times the
risk of stroke. The rate of kidney disease, blindness and nervous disorders runs much higher in diabetics. The number one cause of
amputations in North America is diabetes.
Because diabetes is considered a chronic condition instead of a terminal condition, the suffering is greater and over a much longer period

Blood Never Lies


of time. Medical costs associated with diabetes are much higher than
terminal diseases. In 1997, The American Diabetes Association commissioned a study that calculated medical cost of diabetes in the United
States alone at an astonishing $98 Billion per year. The germ theory has
truly failed here. Although almost $100 Billion is spent per year, there
is absolutely no progress being made. Amputations are up; diagnosis in
children under 12 is way up (one of the reasons Type II is no longer
called adult-onset); blindness rates are up, and suffering is way up.
Clearly we need a better plan than kill the germ, kill the microbe, kill
the excess blood sugar.
Arthritis is a disease of immense proportions. Because arthritis has
been around for so many centuries we perceive it as a natural part of
growing old. Most people are not aware of how complex a condition
arthritis really is. Over 27 different types of arthritis exist and that excludes other related conditions such as fibromyalgia and scleroderma.
Some medical texts have reported over 100 causes for arthritis.
Arthritis affects over 50 million people in Canada and the United
States thus making it the most prevalent disease. Arthritis in some form
afflicts one in six people. As the baby boomers age, conservative estimates indicate that over 70 million people will be afflicted by the year
2020. Although we have already seen that many different types of arthritis exist, the two main forms are rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, involves inflammation of the lining of the
joints and/or internal organs. It is a systemic disease that affects the entire body. RA is characterized by inflammation of the membrane lining
the joint; this inflammation results in pain, stiffness, warmth, redness
and swelling. The inflamed joint lining, the synouium, can invade and
damage bone and cartilage. The involved joint can lose its shape and
alignment, resulting in pain and loss of movement. RA is considered an
autoimmune disorder, that is, the bodys own immune system does not
operate as it should, and attacks joint tissue causing damage.
The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, or OA. OA is a
degenerative joint disease characterized by the breakdown of the joints
cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the end of the
bone. When cartilage breaks down, bone begins to rub against bone,
reducing mobility and causing pain.

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Regardless of the form of arthritis analysed, the germ theory has

failed miserably. The germ theorys battle cry here has manifested as
kill the germ, kill the microbe, kill the pain. The medical model for
arthritis is control the pain as long as possible and then perform surgery. Using this approach, sacrifices are made in every instance. The
sacrifice might be in the form of speedy degeneration of the effected
area or it might be in other forms such as the side effects associated
with drugs and surgery. Lets examine some of the most popular medical approaches to arthritis.
Acetaminophen, or Tylenol as it is commonly referred to, is one
of the most commonly used pain relievers for arthritis. Because it is an
over-the-counter remedy, acetaminophen gives people the false sense
that it is benign and without side effects. Nothing is further from the
truth. Acetaminophen has been associated with severe liver toxicity and
liver failure has also been linked to this harmless remedy. It certainly
does relieve pain, which is why it is the fastest growing pain reliever in
North America. Acetaminophen may relieve the pain but it does not
cure arthritis and it certainly does not assist in the healing.
Another over-the-counter pain reliever that is quite popular is ibuprofen, Advil being one the most common brand names. This
medication does indeed relieve the pain and acts as an antiinflammatory; but it also does not assist in the healing. The relief one
receives comes with a heavy price tag. Common side effects include
dyspepsia, indigestion, vomiting, gastrointestinal hemorrhage and perforation, peptic ulcers and diarrhea. Ibuprofen is part of a group of
drugs known as nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs.
NSAIDs are drugs that block the bodys inflammation response without
the use of steroids.
Prescription NSAIDs
One of the newer NSAIDs that does require a prescription is Vioxx. Although Vioxx is classified as an NSAID, it is considered a

Blood Never Lies


Cox-II inhibitor. Doctors recommend this drug over older drugs and
over-the-counter remedies because they believe less stomach irritation
will result. However, the trade off is that some scientists (and nutritionists) have argued that Vioxx poses an increased risk of cardiovascular
events. Some possible serious side effects include stomach bleeding,
stomach ulcers, serious allergic reactions, serious kidney problems and
serious liver problems. More common, but less serious, side effects include: headache, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn,
swelling, back pain, tiredness and urinary tract infections. We could
argue that the side effects would be worth it if the drug cured arthritis,
but all we accomplish is limited pain relief. We pay a princely sum for
a limited reward.
Another Cox-II inhibitor that has received a lot of negative publicity recently is Celebrex. Celebrex has the same list of side effects
that Vioxx touts, with a few more of its own. Celebrex has been
linked to increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Steven Nissen, MD
and vice chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic stated that
people taking Celebrex are three times more likely to have heart attacks (CVD is already the number one killer; it doesnt need any allies).
A formal study that appeared in the Journal of American Medicine
(JAMA, August 22, 2001) confirmed Dr. Nissens statement. Although
Vioxx and Celebrex do not cure arthritis, and do not assist in healing one iota, billions of dollars worth of these drugs is sold each year.
When over-the-counter and prescription NSAIDs no longer relieve
the pain, the medical professionals call in the heavy artillery. Steroids
such as Prednisone are more powerful, but come with even more
hideous side effects. Prednisone is a synthetic hormone similar to hydrocortisone, a natural hormone produced by the adrenal glands.
Prednisone belongs to a loose group of drugs known as corticosteroids. Prednisone does not cure arthritis, nor does it assist in the
healing. It kills the pain and it does so with a plethora of side effects as
its price. Those side effects include sodium retention, increased appetite, increased fat deposits, increased stomach acid, increased sweating
(especially at night), increased hair growth, acne, bone and muscle
problems, eye problems, growth problems in children, increased sugar
in the blood, increased sensitivity to the sun, delayed wound healing,

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decreased ability to fight infection, thrush, accelerated mineral loss

from bones, negative effect on friendly bacteria in colon, and a subdued
immune system, which leaves you open to far more dangerous diseases
than arthritis.
Another popular arthritis drug is Methotrexate. This drug alters
the bodys use of folic acid (a B-group vitamin) to relieve pain. As you
notice, the common theme in drug therapy for arthritis is kill the pain at
considerable cost in side effects. Methotrexate is no different. It is
even more discerning than the other drugs for two reasons. First, it is
prescribed often in conjunction with NSAIDs. This combo means that
you get a double helping of side effects. Second, one of the most serious side effects of Methotrexate is that it inhibits and subdues the
bone marrow. This action can lead to a condition where the key components of the blood red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
are not manufactured with enough quality or quantity to perform their
vital functions. This action can lead to diseases far more hideous than
arthritis. This is over and above a myriad of minor side effects.
When drugs no longer control the pain, only surgery remains in the
arsenal. Hip replacements, knee joint replacements and the like are big
business. In the United States, hip replacements are performed quite
quickly after the medical profession diagnosis the need for them. In
Canada, things are a little different. There is actually a waiting list for
hip replacements. In a country of only 30 million people, currently
20,000 people are waiting to have their natural hip replaced with an artificial one. The effectiveness of hip replacements is also questionable,
as many people have required multiple replacements. At last count,
Elizabeth Taylor, the Hollywood movie icon, has had three hip replacements. She may be a movie legend, but Im quite sure she only
has two hips, just like the rest of us.
Each of the treatments documented thus far actually contributes to a
worsening of the condition. The reduction of pain is not always in the
best interest of the patient. Pain has many useful purposes. For example, without pain, if we put a hand on a burning hot stove element, we

Blood Never Lies


would probably not realize it until we smelled the flesh burning. Inflammation in a joint has a protective function. Part of the
inflammatory response of the body is white blood cells rushing to the
scene of the problem and protecting the area. The downfall is that the
same inflammation provides painful discomfort to the afflicted area.
Thus, we can surmise that pain in an area is the bodys mechanism to
inform us that an area requires attention. Rather than heed that warning,
we have become accustomed to taking a painkiller and then carrying on
as if nothing was wrong. Conservative figures estimate that this bit of
poor judgment intensifies deterioration in the affected area by three
times or more. The analogy that I use in my many presentations to illustrate this point is that of a medieval warrior. Dressed in a bulky suit
of armour (protective inflammation), he is uncomfortable (pain). If he
gets hit by an arrow (degeneration) he will survive. If he gets uncomfortable and decides to remove the armour (takes a painkiller), the first
arrow that comes along creates severe injury (triple the rate of degeneration).
Medical System in General
It is obvious that modern medicine is struggling with major illnesses. The state of medical care, in general, also leaves much to be
desired. A new study found that one in five hospital patients experienced adverse effects due to inadequate medical care after leaving
hospital and returning home. Medical errors account for more deaths
than breast cancer or highway traffic fatalities. Prescription drugs accounted for negative effects on 66 per cent of the 400 patients involved
in the study. The researchers concluded that more thorough examinations, better monitoring, and better information regarding drug
interactions and side effects could reduce these negative events. This
study appears in the February 4, 2003 issue of the Annals of Internal
I believe that the current approach to the four aforementioned diseases is not an indictment of doctors, the medical establishment, or
even of pharmaceutical companies; it is an indictment of the fundamental principles of the germ theory of disease. Although the germ theory
has some value, using it exclusively without pertinent input from pleomorphic theory has led to the health care crisis felt all over the world. I
would like to make this point perfectly clear; pleomorphic theory


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would not magically cure worldwide disease. However, I do believe

that if researchers began incorporating pleomorphic theory into their
work, at least they would begin looking under the right rocks. Disease
research presents a difficult challenge when you are looking under the
right rocks; when you are looking under the wrong ones, as the score
card presented would attest, the only result seems to be a futile waste of
time and money. More money never fixes a problem of inefficiency; all
more money does is create more expensive incompetence.



Chapter 4

Live Blood Observations


he supreme goal of every capable microscopist is to achieve

homeostasis or balance in his or her clients body. As nonmedical practitioners we arent all that interested in labels such
as arthritis or lupus. Often the labelling exercise has little value.
For example, a patient journeys into a doctors office complaining of
stiff hands. After numerous tests, countless specialists appointments
and expenditures of time and money, the patient receives the diagnosis
of arthritis. Arth means joint and itis means inflamed. The patient with
the stiff hands has just been told he or she has inflamed joints, seems a
little redundant.
Homeostasis or balance can be difficult to achieve. As you will see
in the third part of this book, there are many imbalancing forces. The
microscopist is faced with a bevy of imbalancing enemies. Toxicities,
both external and internal, and deficiencies can be great imbalancers.
The greatest ally in the struggle for balance is the human body itself. In
the words of the great philosopher Henry David Thoreau, it is the job
of the physician to keep the patient occupied while nature heals them.
Why Blood?
Why do we use blood? We have many other bodily fluids and substances, which are easier to extract. We could use saliva, perspiration,
mucous, skin samples, urine, or feces, to name a few. The reason we
use blood is because blood is a very unique substance with very unique


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A very influential theory in contemporary physics attempts to understand the universe through the model of a hologram. A hologram is
unique because every part of it contains all of it. If you shatter a hologram into a hundred pieces and then look at each of these pieces, you
would see the entire image in each piece.
Memories are recorded holographically in our bodies, which means
that every cell in our body has recorded every experience in our life.
The information gets passed on to new cells so although not a single
cell exists in your body from 25 years ago, you can still remember
things that happened back then. As is the atom, so is the universe; as is
the macrocosm, so is the microcosm. One drop of blood is the same as
every other drop. When you assess one drop, you assess all five litres,
Blood is the main transportation mechanism of the body. The tissues receive oxygen from the lungs and the lungs receive the byproduct, carbon dioxide, for exhalation. Nutrients and metabolites are
also transported to the tissues. Without a doubt, blood is the fluid of
Although the total amount of blood in the human body varies based
on body size, an average person would have approximately five litres
of blood coursing through their blood vessels, delivering essential nutrients, and removing harmful wastes. The three main components of
blood are red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma. Plasma is actually the liquid blood travels in. It is approximately 90 per cent water
and accounts for just over half the volume. The other components of
blood, red blood cells (also known as erythrocytes), and white blood
cells (also known as leukocytes) are actually suspended in the plasma.
Red blood cells are red because they contain protein known as hemoglobin. As blood passes through the lungs, oxygen molecules attach
themselves to the hemoglobin. As blood flows through the body, the
hemoglobin releases the oxygen to the cells. Blood is the fluid of
health, transporting disease-fighting substances to the tissues. White
blood cells are an integral part of the immune system. When a germ or
infection enters the body, the white blood cells race towards the scene
of the crime. They also act as lookouts for signs of trouble. There are
various types of white blood cells, each with distinctive and complementary functions. The most common types of white blood cells in the
blood are classified as either granular or non-granular. Traditional
blood tests rely on counts and ratios to determine if there are issues.

Blood Never Lies


Counts and ratios that are off (too high or too low) indicate irregularities are present either in the blood, the rest of the body or both. Counts
are certainly germane to the determination of homeostasis, but the viability of those same cells is far more important. What use to the body
would a perfect count of inactive, disintegrating, disoriented white
blood cells be? To use a military analogy if the white blood cells are
the soldiers and the lookouts in the bodys battle against invaders, what
would the right amount of soldiers matter if the soldiers were all illequipped and confined to the army base?
What Live Blood Looks Like
Normal Blood (Figure 1)

When blood is perfectly balanced (homeostasis), the red blood cells

are loose and free flowing. Their colour is quite dark and slightly lightened in the centre (because red blood cells are actually biconcave
disks). The red blood cells in the sample are all uniform in size (approximately seven microns). The red blood cells are predominantly
round (not oval, oblong, jagged, or varying in size). The background or
plasma appears clear, free of bacteria, fungus and other floating masses
and debris. The white blood cells (neutrophils) are approximately twice
as large as the red blood cells. There is approximately one white blood
cell for every 700 to 900 red. They can occur in any shape, but they
must have crisp, clean borders and have extensive movement.


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Some Common Imbalances
Red Blood Cell Variations

When a vast majority of the red blood cells viewed appear in ideal
condition, the red blood cells are in a homeostatic condition. Occasional variations from the norm are attributed to the vast quantity of red
blood cells produced by the body (approximately 15 million per second). When excessive variation in red blood cell appearance occurs, the
microscopist becomes concerned about various potential imbalances.
Figures two through nine illustrate some of the more common variations that can be observed in red blood cells.
Each of the imbalances can occur from disease as well as nonmedical causes. Because nutritional microscopists are generally not
medical professionals, they tend to base their advice and observations
on client interview and observation. Microscopists recommend actions
based on sound nutritional principles, not as replacements for medical
treatment or diagnosis.
Macrocytosis (Figure 2)

Microcytosis (Figure 3)

Blood Never Lies


Red blood cells which vary in size, no longer perform their duties
as effectively. When a substantial proportion of the red blood cells are
bigger than seven microns in diameter, this condition is known as macrocytosis (Figure 2). When a large proportion of cells are smaller than
seven microns this is referred to as microcytosis (Figure 3). If variations in size are observed to both extremes it is known as anisocytosis.
Many nutritional deficiencies can cause these imbalances. These include deficiencies in Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Vitamin A,
Vitamin E, and iron. They can also be caused by inadequate amounts of
intestinal flora or poor digestion. Imbalances of this nature can also be
associated with shortness of breath, fatigue, and light-headedness.
As we will explore in future chapters, vitamins and minerals do not
operate in an isolated vacuum; they rely on each other for absorption,
utilization, and transport. This led a well-known nutritionist to exclaim,
You cant always fix iron deficiency with iron! This is one reason
that a microscopist will not rely solely on the blood sample to determine nutritional recommendations. To do so would be at the peril of
ignoring possible disease implications and/or recommending a course
of action that may or may not be successful.
Poikilocytes (Figure 4)

Poikilocytes (Figure 4) are red blood cells that have edges shaped
like a bottle cap. Sometimes microscopists colloquially refer to them as
bottle cap formations. I do not recommend that microscopists use this
term as it is scientifically inaccurate, albeit visually correct. Many factors can cause red blood cells to deform in this manner. One of the most
common causes is prescription drugs (as well as, of course, illegal
drugs). Other causes include lipid peroxidation or free radical damage,
poor digestion of fats, low unsaturated fatty acids, food additives, ciga-


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rettes and other tobacco products, environmental chemicals, exposure

to radiation and toxins. Poikilocytosis is usually coupled with poor circulation, low energy and accelerated signs of aging.
Echinocytes (Figure 5)

Echinocytes (Figure 5) are red blood cells with sharp burrs or

spikes. These red blood cells are dying. Even if one per cent of the red
blood cells in a sample are spiked in this manner it is considered normal. In fact, if the clients spleen has been surgically removed up to
two per cent is normal. Prescription drugs can cause higher percentages
of echinocytes. Perhaps some of these side effects should be added to
the plethora of side effects already listed by drug companies. Other
causes for increased echinocytes include: free radicals, toxins, excessive alcohol, spleen stress and lack of essential nutrients. Excessive
echinocytes can be associated with low energy, weak liver function,
and weak cell reproduction.
Schistocytes (Figure 6)

Schistocytes (Figure 6) are red blood cells with damaged cell membranes. The cell membrane is the perimeter of the cell and is
responsible for cell integrity. When the cell membrane fragments or

Blood Never Lies


turns fragile, the red blood cells no longer remain round. They can take
many interesting and unusual shapes. The primary cause of schistocytes
is inhaling fumes, smog, and tobacco. Excessive amounts of schistocytes are usually associated with low energy, fatigue, and possibly
disease implications.
Red Blood Cell Formations
Sometimes, the condition of the blood cells is not at issue. Instead,
the formation of these blood cells becomes the defining factor in the
assessment. In homeostatic blood, the red blood cells are loose and free
flowing, gently bouncing off each other. Often the blood cells will begin to align in undesirable formations. These formations add quite a
complex dynamic to the blood. Red blood cells could be round, uniform, and in generally good condition, but if the formation is awry then
homeostasis cannot be achieved. The most common of these formations
are protein linkage, rouleau and aggregation.
Protein Linkage (Figure 7)

Protein linkage (Figure 7) is the first indication that the bodys

ability to digest is impaired. Protein linkage is characterized by red
blood cells which appear to be linked by a fine strand. The connection
between the cells leads to stresses on the cell membrane; these stresses
alter the red blood cells appearance. Rather than round, the red blood
cells begin to appear lemon-shaped.
Protein is the hardest and most concentrated food processed by the
body. Excessive amounts of protein, especially animal protein can be
the culprit. However, to attribute protein linkage to excessive consump-


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tion of protein in every case would prove far too simplistic an observation. Excessive stress, blood toxicity, digestion issues or an imbalanced
pancreas can also cause protein linkage. When red blood cells are
shaped in this manner they have a more difficult time transporting oxygen, and as a result many individuals with protein linkage are quite
Rouleau (Figure 8)

The second alignment that is considered an imbalanced formation is

rouleau (Figure 8). This alignment is often referred to as stacked red
blood cells because the red blood cells appear to be piled on each other.
One of the most underemphasized causes of rouleau is dehydration.
Water effects more processes in the body than most people are aware.
Because dehydration might only contribute to rouleau, this is a condition that doesnt usually respond to take two glasses of water and call
me in the morning.
Rouleau presents one of the more complex findings. Rouleau
causes a reduction in cell surface area that can lead to a great impairment in the cells ability to transport oxygen. Rouleau may also
compromise the red blood cells ability to exchange carbon dioxide and
oxygen gases. Furthermore, red blood cells perform optimally when
they are loose and free flowing. Rouleaus constriction of the cells can
lead to further complications. It is also noteworthy that incompatible
dietary lectins can create temporary rouleau for several hours after eating. Dietary lectins are explained fully in Dr. DAdamos book Eat
Right 4 Your Blood Type

Blood Never Lies


Erythrocyte Aggregation (Figure 9)

The third imbalanced formation that may be observed in the blood

sample is known as aggregation (Figure 9). Erythrocyte aggregation, or
blood sludge as it is commonly referred to, is a more severe finding
than protein linkage or rouleau. Aggregation impairs capillary flow and
blood gas exchange. The causes of aggregation are quite numerous.
Long-term exposure to stress, toxic environment or both is usually implicated.
Aggregation can put an excessive strain on the heart and adversely
effect circulation. Because this is a serious finding with many causes, a
microscopist would be wise to recommend a program of general health
and nutrition rather than addressing a myriad of probable causes, one at
a time.
The last sentence of the last paragraph is a very important one and it
would be easy to read without grasping its essence. I would like you to
reread that sentence. The microscopist must use his or her expertise,
client interview and observation in addition to the blood sample to create a plan of action. This is far more efficient than attempting to
eliminate possible causes one at a time.

Ted Aloisio

White Blood Cells

White Blood Cells (Figure 10)

White blood cells, or leukocytes (Figure 10) are one of the bodys
primary defences against disease and infection. Normal blood contains
approximately one white blood cell for every 700 to 900 red. In the absence of disease and infection, it is normal for a visual observation to
yield a low ratio of white blood cells to red blood cells. A higher ratio
of white blood cells is a perfectly correct biological response to infection. A ratio of one white blood cell to every 500 red blood cells is
usually an indicator that the body is fighting an infection; once the infection is neutralized, the excessive white blood cells get reabsorbed
back into the system.
Although the blood has many types of white blood cells and even
more types in the body as a whole, the microscopist is most concerned
with two categories of white blood cells. The first and most common
type of white blood cell is known as granular leukocytes. The microscopist will gather the most information about the immune system from
this category of white blood cell. Granular white blood cells are further
divided into neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Information can be
gathered by observing each of these three types of white blood cells,
but the most useful (and incidentally the most entertaining) of the three
is the neutrophil.
Neutrophils comprise approximately 70 per cent of the white blood
cells in the bloodstream. In essence, neutrophils are the vacuum cleaners of the blood. They lay their own liquid, just as a snail would, travel

Blood Never Lies


in it, find invaders and pull them in. This is a process known as phagocytosis. By focusing on one neutrophil for several minutes, the
microscopist can gain valuable insight into the immune system as a
whole. This is another example of the holographic nature of the blood.
Neutrophil viability is one of the most important assessments a microscopist can perform. The main criteria used for determining the
viability of a neutrophil include size, condition and activity.
The size of a neutrophil is quite important. A neutrophil should be
approximately twice as big as a red blood cell or approximately 14 microns in diameter. Although normal size is 14 microns, variations I
have personally observed range from half the size of a red blood cell to
over four times the size. The condition of the neutrophil is also a key
indicator. By examining the white blood cell vis--vis established
norms, a microscopist can judge, quite accurately, the condition of a
white blood cell. Key determinants in this regard include the condition
of the cells border and segmentation.
The most useful criterion for establishing neutrophil viability is activity. This activity is where live cell microscopy distinguishes itself
and establishes its superiority to traditional blood tests. The particles
within the neutrophil, which appear as tiny black dots, have a very useful role to play. Ideally, many of them should be present actively
streaming within the cell. There should also be great movement within
the white blood cell, and the cell itself should also move about in the
plasma at a rapid clip. Variations from my own observation range from
neutrophils that do not move at all to neutrophils that move so rapidly I
have to continually adjust my microscope to keep up with them.
To my knowledge, nutritional microscopy is the best method of observing neutrophil viability. I have performed live cell microscopy on
many medical doctors and they all commented that they had never seen
a white blood cell move in the past; although they had all seen countless dead white blood cells during their training.
Traditional blood tests are primarily concerned with the amount and
ratio of the various white blood cells. The ratios and tally are certainly
important in a diagnostic setting. The limitations of traditional blood
testing were apparent to one medical doctor whose blood I had just finished assessing. He was quite taken with my technology and he
quipped, Of what use is a good white blood cell count if they all just
sitting there like Humpty Dumpty? The good doctor articulated such a
major advantage so eloquently that I still refer to this quotation in my

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Weakness in white blood cell viability can be attributed to many

factors. The difficulties experienced by the white blood cells can be
caused by simply not having enough minerals in the body. Impaired
function can also be attributed to weak organ function, specifically
bone marrow, spleen, liver, colon, bladder and kidneys. Yeast imbalance, lack of exercise, excessive consumption of alcohol, and a myriad
of other factors can also cause this impaired function. Poor sleep can
also reduce immune function by up to 30 per cent. It is here that the
microscopist is aware of a very important fact which I will reiterate.
Because immune system function is so important and since so many
factors can cause a weak immune system, a microscopist will usually
attempt to balance the body as a whole. Although several herbs, vitamins and formulas are designed to improve immune system
performance, if the client consumes any of these, it is still wise to concentrate on improving the balance of the body as a whole. Pleomorphic
theory demands it. Holistic medicine demands it. The utter failure of
symptomalogical approaches in these instances makes it a necessity.
As I have already noted, plasma is simply the liquid that other components of the blood travel in. Consequently, it would be an easy
assumption to make that its value is negligible. Nothing could be further from the truth. Some individuals, microbiologists and scientists
(some of whom I know personally), consider plasma so important that
they have presented theories postulating that plasma is the only key to
health. Keep the plasma in pristine condition, the theory states, and regardless of all other factors, health and longevity will be yours.
I certainly consider the plasma to be a key piece of the health puzzle; it is a major part of the terrain Enderlein and Bchamps alluded
to. Even if I concede that the plasma is a very large piece of the puzzle,
I cannot agree with the theory that the plasma is the entire health puzzle. To convey the importance of the plasma to my clients, I frequently
employ a suitable analogy. If I were to set out on a 100-kilometre or
60-mile drive on a beautiful Sunday morning on a newly constructed,
well-maintained super highway, I would experience an enjoyable trip.
This trip would probably take about an hour. Imagine taking that same
trip during a snowstorm, on a poorly maintained highway filled with
potholes, tire debris and other obstacles. That joyous trip would turn
into a stressful marathon session of swerving to avoid obstacles. The
trip would take several hours and be no fun at all. As you may have

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guessed, the highway in this analogy is plasma; the motor vehicle is the
other blood components, and the potholes and debris are the imbalances
that sometimes show up in the plasma. We will now take a closer look
at some of the more common potholes and debris.
Thrombocyte Aggregations
Thrombocyte Aggregations (Figure 11)

Thrombocyte aggregation (Figure 11) is an abnormal grouping.

Thrombocytes are more commonly referred to as platelets. Platelets are
small, enucleated bodies which are key to the bodys homeostatic process. Whenever the endothelial lining of a blood vessel is damaged, the
platelets rush to the area and form a plug. If the body is balanced, the
microscopist can observe platelets; they are very small, only two to
four microns in diameter. When the body is imbalanced, as in figure 11,
the platelets form larger masses known as aggregations.
Platelets are the clotting agent of the blood, so any abnormal agglomeration is quite ominous. Circulation, blood clots, capillary
blockage and general negative effects on the heart are some of the concerns associated with thrombocyte aggregations. The amount of
aggregations and the average size of the abnormal clusters are determining factors in assessing the severity of the imbalance.
Some of the more common causes of thrombocyte aggregation include high triglycerides, excessive consumption of caffeine or
carbonated beverages, low consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids or dehydration. Generally these aggregations seem to respond quite well to
nutritional and lifestyle improvements. If they do not, it is essential that
a qualified health care provider perform further tests.

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From a pleomorphic perspective thrombocyte aggregations are an

interesting phenomenon. Platelets are of a pleomorphic nature. As such,
platelets can grow arm and leg type appendages; some of which can
extend like a web across a large space. Much research has concluded
that the ferments of platelets are actually different from human cells.
Plant enzymes have actually been identified in platelets. This means
that platelets are living organisms, and can change (pleomorphically)
based on the environment provided them. Maintain an environment of
homeostasis and they remain two to four microns in diameter and perform many important functions in a symbiotic relationship. Subject
these same platelets to an imbalanced environment and they will grow
to an undesirable size and shape. The greater the imbalance, the more
masses the microscopist can find.
Bacterial Forms
Bacterial Forms (Figure 12)

Figure 12 is an example of a bacterial form. Hundreds, if not thousands of different types of bacterial forms can be observed in the blood.
Professor Enderlein dedicated much of his life to identifying and cataloguing the various incarnations of bacterial forms. The microscopist is
most interested in three aspects of this plasma debris. First, the microscopist must ascertain the type of bacterial form present. Is the type
viewed apathogenetic or pathogenetic? Second, the microscopist must
be concerned with the quantities of such forms. When the microscopist
observes only a few such forms, the microscopist usually dismisses it
due to minor variances between samples. If, on the other hand, the
sample teems with forms, there is cause for concern. Finally, the degree of mutation is also important. As the blood begins to dry out,
bacterial forms begin to change into higher valance entities.

Blood Never Lies


With every assessment a microscopist cannot help but witness the

validation of pleomorphic theory. Those members of the traditional
medical establishment that are proponents of pleomorphic theory have
been convinced in large part due to observations made during live cell
microscopy sessions. Even in the narrowest definition, that a single organism can exist in distinctively different shapes, we cannot dispute
pleomorphic theory after seeing it. I have personally convinced many
doubting members of the mainstream medical community in exactly
this fashion. To disbelieve a theory is one thing, but to disbelieve a theory after observing the empirical evidence firsthand is another. No
member of the mainstream medical community who has witnessed
pleomorphic theory can continue disbelieving it and remain in integrity.
Dr. Andrew Weil, an author and famous member of both the traditional medical establishment as well as the alternative healing arts, is
most concerned with what he calls the close-mindedness of the traditional medical establishment. He finds this close-mindedness the
complete antithesis of the scientific approach, which is open-minded
scepticism. Pleomorphic activity exists in live blood and I invite all the
open-minded sceptics to see it for themselves. I am prepared to take
any of you on a personal tour. As for the closed-minded members of
the traditional medical establishment, and according to Dr. Weil there
is a lot of you out there, I can only remind you of the old saying that a
mind is like a parachute; it only works when it is open.
The main purpose for observing bacterial forms is for benchmarking. If in subsequent sessions, there are fewer forms and they are of
lower valance, the microscopist can conclude that the body is moving
towards homeostasis. The reverse would also be the case if an increase
in amount, valance or both occurred.
Spicules (Figure 13)

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One of the most interesting observations of live cell microscopy is

spicules (Figure 13). Fibrin are known by many names including fibrin,
fibrogen, spicules, and filits. On the screen spicules resemble scratch
marks. They run the gamut from barely noticeable to so intensely thick
that it is difficult to see the plasma itself. Spicules denote congestions
and over acidification of the connective tissue. Many factors cause the
appearance of the spicules, but the most common seems to be liver and
colon stress. When observing spicules, a nutritional microscopist may
be inclined to recommend a liver cleanse, colon cleanse or both. If
other factors cause the spicule formation, liver and colon cleansing is
not a wasted and unnecessary procedure. In fact, many prominent people within the nutritional community (myself included) recommend
annual liver and colon cleansing for all.
The Liver
The liver is truly an amazing organ. Except for the skin, the liver is
the largest and arguably the most important organ in the body. The liver
has over 500 documented functions. My clients frequently are privy to
the warning when the liver goes, we go! That assertion may not be
completely accurate (in deference to transplants and other marvels of
modern medical science), but it certainly does convey to my clients exactly how important I consider the liver. Some of the more noteworthy
functions of the liver are:
x creates a liquid called bile, which the body uses to break down fats
stores excess sugar in the form of glycogen
x removes toxins from the blood, especially when the kidneys are
x absorbs nutrients from foods and supplements
x detoxifies pollutants that enter the bloodstream
x processes prescription drugs
x filters two and a half litres of blood per minute
x holds approximately one quarter of the bodys blood at all times.
The function of the liver is so complex and extensive that entire
books have been written exclusively about the liver. The simplest explanation for the function of the liver is that it works as a filter. In
mechanical devices, we either replace filters regularly, for example our
automobiles, or we clean them. Every artificial chemical (including

Blood Never Lies


food dyes and all those ingredients in your breakfast cereal that you
cant pronounce), pesticide, and hormone that enters our system must
be metabolized. Enzyme pathways within the liver perform this function with remarkable precision. As the trappings of modern society
expose us to more and more of these toxins, our livers are becoming
more and more overloaded. Some healthy people use over 60 per
cent of their livers for storage of toxins.
Periodic liver cleansing is essential to good health. Once a year is
certainly adequate for most healthy people. All automobile manufacturers recommend more frequent oil filter changes if the vehicle is
subjected to harsh treatments. Similarly, people who put undue strain
on their livers should cleanse more frequently. Some of the most common strains on the liver include removal of ones gall bladder, having
diabetes or heart disease, living near pollution or radiation, taking
heavy medication, drinking heavy amounts of alcohol, and consuming
heavy amounts of processed foods. The more of the aforementioned
stresses the liver is subject to, the more often you need to cleanse.
The Colon
When the late Dr. Bernard Jensen, a chiropractor coined the phrase
death begins in the colon, his medical contemporaries laughed. With
the advancement of medical science, drugs and surgery, why be overly
concerned about just another organ, they mused. Dr. Jensen died recently at nearly 100 healthy years of age. I assure you those who
laughed did not fare so well because the average life expectancy is approximately 75 years and even less than that among doctors. I think Dr.
Jensen was on to something.
The colon is designed to eliminate the toxins of the intestines, blood
and lymph systems. The colon is the end portion of the gastro-intestinal
system. The GI system is the plumbing system of the body. The colon
is a muscular, porous tube, which should be two and one half inches in
diameter. It has three main functions. First, the colon absorbs water and
certain nutrients. Second, the colon actually manufactures certain vitamins such as K and the B group. Finally, the colon is responsible for
eliminating toxic substances from the body.
The colon contains nearly 60 varieties of friendly bacteria. Friendly
bacteria or friendly flora as they are sometimes called, promote nutrient
production, proper PH balance within the body, and keep the unfriendly
bacteria at bay. The average person should have two pounds of friendly
bacteria in the colon. A person with a healthy colon will have two to
three bowel movements per day.


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The elimination should be easy; the stool should be formed, and

there should be no offensive odour.
Very few people have an ideal colon. The bacteria ratio within the
colon should be 80-20 in favour of the good. In most people, that ratio
is reversed with 80 per cent of the bacteria in the colon of the bad variety. Constipation, diarrhea and other bowel irregularities are quite
common. Most bowel movements are accompanied by quite a powerful
The most common cause of colon imbalance is the lack of friendly
bacteria. Many of the trappings of modern society are affecting the colon adversely. Negative impacts on the colon of modern society
include: chlorinated water (chlorine kills bacteria good and bad), antibiotics (They dont differentiate between good and bad bacteria; they
kill all bacteria), Prednisone, Cortisone, oral contraceptives and
other hormonal agents, and caffeine.
The lack of friendly bacteria can lead to many problems including
inefficiency in the colon. As previously stated, a colon should be two
and a half inches in diameter; a colon can however, expand to over nine
inches in diameter. Rather than holding three meals it can hold eleven
or more. Eleven or more meals in your colon for days or even weeks
can cause quite an overload. Is this common? After 10,000 sessions and
many years observing this phenomenon, I can unequivocally state
ABSOLUTELY. Sometimes people are lulled into a false sense of satisfaction with colon function simply because they have one bowel
movement per day. If that bowel movement is eliminating meal nine,
10 and 11 which were subsequently replaced, then the colon is contending with at least nine and up to 11 meals continually.
If a house or other buildings sewage system backs up, then the
whole property suffers. And so it is with the colon and the body as a
whole. Dr. Jensen was right; death does begin in the colon. On this
point, I am sure. But I am equally sure that it does not have to be so for
you. If you think you may require colon cleansing, discuss it with your
health care professional. Colon cleansing can be performed with products you consume orally or it can be performed rectally using colon
I would like to make one final point regarding the colon. Because
colon issues are rampant in modern society, and because many people
misguidedly consider the only criterion in evaluating a healthy colon is
having one bowel movement per day, the sale of laxatives is at an alltime high. Laxatives do not clean the colon. Laxatives, including herbal
laxatives, do evacuate the colon, but they perform this function by
shocking the colon into spasm. Laxatives are a bad product and will
only exacerbate the bowel problem over time.

Blood Never Lies


Crystal Formations
Crystal Formations (Figure 14)

When you look at live blood, you see that the crystal formations
(Figure 14) stand out the most. In sharp contrast to the bland background, these unusual and brightly coloured occurrences appear quite
Many different types of crystal formations can be encountered.
Trapezoidal formations are usually an indicator of cholesterol. The existence of cholesterol is not significant unless observed in large
quantities. Although cholesterol is an essential nutrient, which means
the body cannot survive without it, the medical establishment has succeeded in turning cholesterol into the most evil of substances. Do not
fear this essential nutrient, for it is a noted fact that as many people die
with normal cholesterol levels from strokes and heart disease as do
those with elevated levels. Cholesterol has become the perfect scapegoat of the medical establishment. Cholesterol-lowering drugs, the socalled statin drugs, are effective at lowering serum cholesterol levels;
however the science behind the necessity of doing so is dubious, at
Crystals that resemble broken glass are the more serious of the crystalline structures. These formations are actually triglycerides or
artheroscleratic plaque. Many of these formations can occur, often bigger than the red blood cells. As the amount seen in the blood represents
only a small portion of the total plaque on the arterial walls, these formations are of concern.
Brightly coloured crystals vary in significance based on the colour
observed. Orange or brown crystals can indicate liver or gall bladder

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imbalance; red crystals can indicate chemical or metal toxicities; blue

crystals can indicate thyroid imbalance; yellow crystals can be associated with excess uric acid production and white crystals can indicate
kidney imbalance. Their shape can also indicate differences; for example both circular and square shaped crystals are indicative of specific
With crystal formations, the key assessing factors are the type of
crystal and the quantity observed. Large amounts of crystals show an
imbalancing force within the body and all attempts should be made to
promote homeostatic intervention.
Protoplasts 1 (Figure 15)

Protoplasts 2 (Figure 16)

As far as I know, protoplasts (Figure 15 and 16) have more names

than any other blood conditions. Some of the more common names for

Blood Never Lies


this type of formation include protoplast, symplast, colloid symplast,

spheroplast, thallus, fibrous thallus, progenitor cryptocides and cell
without a nucleus. Protoplasts look like rocks in the blood plasma and
can be round or oblong; they also can have smooth or jagged edges.
They can vary in size from the size of a red blood cell to gigantic (relative to a microscopic world, of course). In small numbers, they are
usually discounted due to variances between samples. In larger quantities, it is an unfavourable observation. Their size alone can create a
hindrance to proper blood circulation. Protoplasts also indicate altered
biological terrain. They can denote blood toxicity and are more readily
observed in disease conditions such as diabetes. A declining number of
protoplasts observed over several sessions is a strong indicator that the
blood is moving towards a condition of better homeostasis. Of course,
the reverse is also true. A microscopist will use the type, quantity, and
size of protoplasts over time and cull a great deal of information about
the general direction of the clients health.
The Cell Rupture Test
Professor Enderlein's Theory (Figure 17)

One of the most useful tests a microscopist can perform is the cell
rupture test. The microscopist performs this test towards the end of the
session. By applying force to the top of the glass slide, a microscopist

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can actually force the collapse of the red and white blood cells. This
collapsing leads to the cell contents emptying directly into the plasma.
By destroying the cells, we create a large amount of cell fragments.
These cell fragments provide excellent food for the bacterial forms and
we witness a feeding frenzy immediately after rupturing the cells.
As noted earlier in this chapter, we can observe bacterial forms in
the plasma. These same forms can also enter the red and white blood
cells. Although many varieties of forms exist, there are a total of 16
stages. The more of the upper level stages we observe, the more imbalanced the blood. The accompanying chart illustrates the 16 stages,
according to Professor Enderleins theory (Figure 17).
The amount of pressure required to actually break the cells also indicates the cell strength. When we consume high levels of essential
fatty acids, our cell membranes become quite resilient. When the majority of our fats are the undesirable kinds such as trans fats,
hydrogenated oils and other fake or man-made fats, the integrity of the
cells suffers. A more in-depth discussion of fats will appear later in the
book. At this point it is enough to state that good fats make good cells
and bad fats make bad cells.
You would find it difficult to locate a member of the traditional
medical establishment who has heard of the cell rupture test. Traditional microbiologists and lab technicians are concerned about size of
cells, quantity of cells, condition of cells and ratio of cells vis--vis
other cells. They are not taught about the potential invaders of cells and
their significance. For entertainment value, the next time you are dealing with any member of the traditional medical establishment tell them
that your microscopist noticed a synascit (upper valance bacterial form)
after performing the cell rupture test. You should find the reaction
The preceding pages have explained and illustrated some of the
more common conditions noticed in blood samples. There are many
more conditions that I omitted due to the size constraints of this book.
My intention, however, was not to furnish the reader with an exhaustive
listing of every conceivable blood condition. My intention was to demonstrate some of the more common and pertinent conditions that we
observe. Part III of this book will focus on the imbalancing forces that
lead blood to conditions away from homeostasis. Part IV will focus on
the solutions that I have observed play an integral role in returning to or
maintaining homeostasis.



Chapter 5

Those Poor Soils

n the spring of 2000 I was asked to do a nutritional presentation in

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ottawa is the capital of Canada and unbeknown to me, one of the 70 or so people in attendance was a
high ranking official in the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture, the
branch of government, that among other functions is responsible for the
soils. All my presentations include a commentary on the poor condition
of North American soils. At the conclusion of the presentation the Canadian Government official approached me at the front of the room.
This official is an imposing figure who stands about 64. He put his
hand out and introduced himself. In all honesty, at this point, my heart
must have skipped a beat because I was certain he planned to chastise
me for denigrating his soils. Even if he agreed with my assessment, I
speculated, I would probably still experience his wrath for calling attention to a less than perfect situation.
He didnt chastise me. Instead, he stated, Youre dead on about
our soils, in fact, in many ways they are even worse than you say!
With newfound courage I put my hands on my hips and asked, So
whats being done about it? He replied, not a hell of a lot! That day,
a high-ranking official in the Canadian Government confirmed for me
what I had researched in books and seen before my very eyes in blood
samples. So what exactly is wrong with our soils?
Starting in the early 1900s there was a noticeable reduction in crop
yields in the United States. As farmers are paid for tonnes and bushels,
they were justifiably alarmed. Teams of experts were hired to investi-


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gate this phenomenon and until 1945, no progress was made in rectifying this situation.
In 1936, Dr. Charles Northen identified the problem. I consider Dr.
Northen to be the pioneer of the nutritional revolution we are presently
experiencing. Like many pioneers, the mainstream have maligned him,
but we can no longer ignore his Nostradamus-like predictions. Dr.
Northen concluded that the crop problems were caused by a lack of
minerals in the soils. He further concluded that this lack of minerals
would cause disease in people and animals that ate foods grown in
these soils. The United States Government deemed his views so important that the U.S. Senate ordered his article printed. The article is
referred to as U.S. Senate Document 264. I have reproduced verbatim
unabridged extracts of the most pertinent aspects in Appendix A of this
We must put this soil problem in historical context. The United
States Government was aware of the problem, but Dr. Northen presented his revelations during the height of the Great Depression. Even
during economic boom, remineralizing soils would prove expensive.
During a depression the cost would be prohibitive. So the United States
Government conveniently ignored the problem. For excuses, first they
cited the Depression, and then the Second World War.
In 1945, the United States Government ran out of excuses. Unfortunately, it did not run out of bomb-making materials. The multibillion-dollar fertilizer industry was born in 1945 essentially recycling
left over bomb-making materials. Crop yields increased dramatically
almost overnight. The farmers considered the problem solved. However, we still feel the nutritional and health implications today.
In 1845, Justin von Liebig, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Geissen, postulated that chemicals actually interact with human
beings. Furthermore, he promoted the concept that plants only needed
four minerals to grow. Three of those minerals, nitrogen (N), phosphate
(P), and potassium (K), are found in modern day fertilizers known as
NPK fertilizers. NPK fertilizers replace the need to practice soil conservation. NPK fertilizers create maximum yield, not maximum
nutrition. Minerals are stripped from the soils in many ways: repeat
cropping, grazing, and rainfall are three of the most notorious depleting
activities. The average plant strip-mines up to 60 minerals from the
soil. NPK fertilizers return three. If you had a bank account where everyday you withdrew $60 and deposited $3, how long would it be before
you were bouncing checks? Weve been bouncing nutritional checks

Blood Never Lies


for over half a century. Dr. Northen predicted the decline in health in
1936. Consider a few facts:
In 1936, no cancer hospitals existed
in 1936, no childrens hospitals existed
in 1936, no childrens wards in cancer hospitals existed
in 1936 Alzheimers disease and chronic fatigue syndrome did not exist
x fibromyalgia, and a host of other diseases did not exist
x in 1936, diabetes rates were low
x in 1936, 8 million children didnt need Ritalin (a narcotic) for behavioural issues

Our soils were and are sick. Dr. Northen stated, Sick soils means
sick plants, sick animals, and sick people. If our soils were sick in
1936, what has more than half a century of technologically advanced
farming done to improve the situation? The Earth Summit was held in
Rio in June of 1992. The Summit reported the following declines in
x African continent soil depletion was calculated at 74
per cent
x Asian soil 76 per cent
x Australian 55 per cent
x Europe 72 per cent
x South America 76 per cent
x North America a dismal 85 per cent.
At least were not alone. I suspected that world wide soils were depleted because the vast majority of blood that I assessed from people
outside North America showed the same signs of mineral deficiency as
the local samples.
We cannot blame humans only for the poor state of North American
soils. The minerals that are in the soils were created in the nuclear furnace of the sun. Minerals were distributed in varying amounts and at
different levels among the earths crust. Minerals cool and solidify at
different temperatures. This is why gold is found in veins, like chocolate ripple ice cream, and not uniformly blanketing the earth.


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Plants combine the suns energy, gases, water and minerals in the
soil into substances necessary for their existence. Plants do not manufacture minerals in the same way they manufacture vitamins and other
nutrients. If minerals are not in the soil, they are not in the plant. If
broccoli is grown in selenium-deficient soils, it has no nutritional selenium. It doesnt matter what the dietician says; it doesnt matter what
the four food groups say; it doesnt matter what the vegetarian says; if
there is no selenium in the soils, there is no selenium in the crops
grown in that soil. Period. Selenium is only one of many minerals that
are deficient naturally in North American soils.
Although we will explore the nutritional impact of poor mineral
consumption in later chapters, an illustration is necessary at this point.
Selenium is a trace mineral and the body requires only a small amount
each day. Areas of Georgia and the Carolinas with extremely low selenium levels are known as the stroke belt of the United States. The
cancer connection is even more compelling. The lowest levels of selenium in the United States are in Ohio and the highest levels are in
South Dakota. Cancer mortality rates are double in Ohio and no other
appreciable risk factors exist there. This is not an isolated occurrence;
throughout the world areas of low selenium have higher cancer rates.
The dismal treatment our soils have received at the hands of modern society has exacerbated inherent inequities in the mineral
distribution. There is no doubt that the worldwide soils have been sick
for the better part of a century. To argue otherwise is to deny the facts.
Senate Document 264 states that there are few minerals left in the soils.
The Rio Summit in June of 1992 arrived at the same conclusion. My
high-ranking official in the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture was even
more pessimistic. Professor Henry Cantwell Wallace, Iowa State College of Agriculture, stated it when he exclaimed, Nations endure only
as long as their topsoil. Just about every knowledgeable person with a
vested interest in this field (no pun intended) has unequivocally asserted the same fact; the soils are sick and we, as a species are doing
nothing to curtail the demise.

Chapter 6

Essential Nutrients

ur bodies are nothing more than a very complex chemical factory. Approximately 70 per cent of the weight of this factory is
water. If you could remove that water you would be left with a
few pounds of chemicals that would fill an average size breadbox. It
stands to reason that water plus the contents of that breadbox would be
very important to the function of this chemical factory.
Our dry weight is primarily composed of essential nutrients and
protein. Nutrients are labelled essential for two distinctive reasons.
First, the body does not manufacture essential nutrients. Instead, they
must be ingested in either food or supplement form every day. Second,
the body requires essential nutrients to function. If essential nutrients
are lacking for any length of time, disease and imbalance will result.
Approximately ten diseases have been attributed to deficiencies of each
of the 92 essential nutrients. Thats a staggering 900 diseases that are
preventable through proper consumption of essential nutrients.
The 92 essential nutrients are broken down as follows: 60 of them
are minerals, 16 are vitamins, three are essential fatty acids, and 12 are
amino acids. The final essential nutrient is water; a substance so important, and yet so misunderstood, it garners its own chapter.
60 Minerals
Minerals are the key to a persons overall health. As 60 of the 92
essential nutrients are minerals, it is logical that by sheer weight of

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numbers they would be important. The human body is inconceivable

without minerals. Every living cell on the planet cannot function without minerals. A complete list of all the functions carried out by
minerals in the human body is so vast that it would be difficult to compile. For our purposes, here are some of the more important functions
of minerals in the body:
formation of blood and bone
maintenance of healthy nerve function
proper composition of bodily fluid
muscle tone, including muscles of the cardiovascular
x all enzyme functions
x proper PH balance
x absorption and utilization of all essential nutrients.

There are two categories of minerals. The first category is referred

to as the bulk minerals or macrominerals because we require them in
large quantities. These include minerals such as calcium, magnesium,
sodium, and phosphorous. The second category is known as trace minerals because we require them in minute quantities. Examples of these
types of minerals include selenium, copper and boron. Trace minerals
are no less important than their hefty counterparts.
Most people are mineral deficient. As we have seen in the previous
chapter, soils worldwide are deficient in minerals. If the soils are deficient, then the plants are deficient. If livestock eats deficient plants,
then their flesh will not be as nutrient dense. If the plants are deficient,
then the people are deficient. The extent of the deficiency in our food
supply is appalling. Take for example these recent reports:
1) According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 54,
2B1S-2B7S (1991) all grains and vegetables produced during the agricultural revolution had generally poorer mineral
2) In the April 2002 edition of Medicine Today, it was reported
that iron in spinach has dropped 60 per cent in the last 50
years, and remember spinach wasnt all that good 50 years
ago to begin with

Blood Never Lies


3) In the same issue of Medicine Today, broccoli has lost 75

per cent of its calcium; carrots have lost 75 per cent of their
magnesium, and watercress has lost 93 per cent of its copper
4) In the same issue of Medicine Today, 27 varieties of vegetables assayed have lost 16 per cent of their potassium, 24 per
cent of their magnesium, 27 per cent of their iron, 46 per
cent of their calcium, 49 per cent of their sodium, and 76 per
cent of their copper.
These are only a few examples of the poor condition of our food
supply. A chiropractor named David Thomas noticed that some of his
patients, despite eating a healthy diet, showed signs of mineral deficiency. He suspected the nutritional quality of the food and that led him
to compile a study on the mineral depletion of the foods available to us
over the period 1940 to 1991. It was a British study but the results are
pertinent for North Americans. He used data from five editions of The
Chemical Composition of Food, written by McCance and Widdowson
and published under the auspices of the Medical Research Council, and
later the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Royal Society of Chemistry. The most frightening statistics were culled due to
Dr. Thomas interest in the rate of change. His fears were confirmed;
the rate of depletion of minerals is actually accelerating. For instance,
vegetables as a whole lost 57 per cent of their zinc from 1978 to 1991.
We can only imagine the state they are in today, a full 13 years later.
Some other figures that have voiced their opinions on the value of
minerals for health include some of the most notable names in the
medical world. Dr. D.W.Cavanaugh, M.D. Cornell University, stated,
The most neglected area yet to be fully researched is the subject of
minerals and trace minerals. This is remarkably curious as minerals and
trace minerals are the very building blocks of all life forms (authors
italics). Through erosion and poor farming practices, the soil has become nearly exhausted of these vital elements. Dr. Linus Pauling,
winner of two Nobel Prizes stated emphatically, You can trace every
sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency. The
medical establishments view on this matter seems to be that every
sickness, every disease and every ailment is caused by a deficiency of
drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. To reiterate a most important point; the soils are virtually devoid of minerals and consequently

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most human beings are deficient in minerals. All diseases can be traced
to a mineral deficiency. This goes a long way to explain why degenerative disease is rampant and our hospitals are full.
16 Vitamins
Vitamins are vital to life. By regulating metabolism and assisting in
biochemical processes of all types, vitamins promote good health. They
are termed micronutrients because they are needed in small quantities
vis--vis nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Vitamins
are sometimes referred to as coenzymes because vitamins work synergistically with enzymes to create many bodily functions. There are two
categories of vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins must be consumed daily
since the body cannot store them and will secrete excess amounts. For
this reason it is very difficult to overdose on water-soluble vitamins.
Water-soluble vitamins include the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C.
Oil-soluble vitamins can be stored for longer periods of time in the
bodys fatty tissues. These include Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
The mainstream media has reported much about the importance of
vitamins. Many people make the mistake of supplementing only for
vitamins. This is an exercise in futility for one very important reason.
Minerals are involved in every metabolic function in the body. If you
are deficient in minerals, you not only do not absorb the vitamins in
your food, but you also do not absorb the vitamins in your supplements.
12 Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of the human body. Amino acids
are the component parts of protein. Protein makes up the majority of
human dry weight. Protein substances make up the ligaments, muscles,
tendons, organs, glands, nails, and hair. Proteins also form the structural
basis of chromosomes. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is actually information regarding how to create that particular cells proteins.
Proteins are chains of amino acids linked together. It is the specific
amino acids present and their sequence which gives the various tissues
their unique functions. Proteins consumed in the diet are not the proteins
that constitute the human body. Dietary protein is divided into amino
acids, which in turn are utilized by the body as needed. This is the reason
that amino acids are the essential nutrients and not protein itself.

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Amino acids assist vitamins and minerals in performing their respective tasks. There are approximately 28 amino acids that combine to
create the hundreds of different amino acids present in all living organisms. The liver produces approximately 80 per cent of these amino
acids. The remainder, the essential amino acids, must be ingested in
food or supplements. Eating a well-balanced diet is important if we are
to ingest all the essential amino acids. Many things, however, can impair our absorption of amino acids, including infection, trauma, stress,
prescription drugs and imbalances of other nutrients. It is essential that
we consume an adequate amount of protein to avoid exacerbating other
factors which may affect protein absorption and assimilation.
Three Essential Fatty Acids
Up until recently, fat was considered the enemy. I remember an infomercial on television featuring a well-known diet guru ranting and
raving that fat makes you fat and fat is the enemy. In the final
analysis, he was only half right. The body requires fat as surely as it
requires oxygen. There are a group of fats known as essential fatty acids (EFAs), which are not manufactured by the body (hence the
moniker essential). Deficiencies of essential fatty acids have been
attributed to poor skin and hair, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Learning disabilities have also been attributed to children who are
low in EFAs. This is not surprising because the four food groups and
food pyramid are staggeringly low in EFAs.
Although there are three EFAs, there are only two basic categories.
Omega-6 EFAs include linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids. Omega-3
EFAs include alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acid. The key to
EFAs is balance. The diet of most North Americans is very low in
EFAs, especially of the Omega-3 variety, because North Americans
have followed the four food groups and food pyramid for nearly half a
century. Experts studying this subject estimate that early in human history the ratio between Omega-3 and Omega-6 was 1:1. Currently, most
North Americans consume 20 to 50 times more Omega-6 than Omega3. In North America, most of us consume enough Omega-6 and
Omega-9 EFAs in the foods we eat. Exceptionally good sources of
Omega-3 are all cold-water fish, fish oil, flax seed, flax oil, hemp oil,
hemp seed, and walnuts. EFAs can either be consumed in food or supplement form. Many studies have shown that EFAs protect against


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heart disease. We have already seen that platelets or thrombocytes can

aggregate and adhere to artery walls contributing to atherosclerosis. By
preventing this adhesion, EFAs act as a blood thinner (American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 60, October 30, 1987). Harvard University
and Johns Hopkins Medical School confirm that lack of EFAs are the
central component in a family of conditions ranging from hyperactivity
to schizophrenia, and include diabetes, asthma, allergies and thyroid
disease (Medical Post April 29, 2003). A study in the Journal of the
American Medical Association two years ago (2002) found that women
who ate about four ounces of fish, two to four times per week, cut their
risk of stroke by 48 per cent.
This is a very limited discussion of EFAs. It is a very complex subject and entire books have been written about the subject. My own
personal experience with EFAs is quite interesting. You will recall that
I perform the cell rupture test by actually bursting red blood cells. You
will also recall that the type of fats consumed dictate how much pressure I will have to apply to be successful. When the red blood cells are
stronger, the entire blood stream (and body, for that matter) is stronger.
I have to apply a great deal of pressure to rupture the cells of someone
who consumes adequate Omega-3. If the main fat source in the diet is
from potato chips and snack cakes, the pressure needed to rupture the
cells is dramatically less. I dont find it surprising that a myriad of studies conclude with the observation that EFAs, especially Omega-3s, are
capable of reducing cardiovascular disease.
I would like to make one final point about Omega-3s. Recently, a
new type of egg has appeared on grocery store shelves known as
Omega-3 eggs. They have several times the Omega-3 of their ordinary
counterparts. This is accomplished by feeding the chickens a diet high
in Omega-3 usually in the form of flax seeds. If a chicken is fed an ordinary diet such as chicken feed, and the carcass of dead chickens
(shockingly, this is quite common), the eggs have lower levels of
Omega-3s. Humans can employ this same nutritional strategy to increase their own internal Omega-3s levels.
I trust that this chapter has given you some information on the host
of essential nutrients that we have to ingest each and every day to
achieve optimal health. The lack of minerals in the soils makes it difficult for even those eating a well-balanced diet to consume adequate
amounts. Because minerals help in the absorption of other nutrients,
even if you are consuming enough of the other nutrients, due to the

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mineral problem you may not be absorbing them. However, there are
many effective methods of compensating for the shortcomings of our
food supply and I will handle them in detail in Part IV.

Chapter 7

The Acid-Alkaline Balance

t seems abundantly clear that each of the chapters in part III require
an entire book or series of books to fully explain them in detail.
The topic of acid-alkaline or PH balance is no different. Some
well-respected members of the healing world believe that PH is the
only factor in determining health. I personally believe that PH balance
is a very substantial piece of the health puzzle, but to conclude that it is
the only piece is to deny many truths about health and longevity.
PH balance is a very complex subject; and yet it can be distilled to a
level of simplicity. Otto Warburg discovered the earliest connections
between health and PH balance. Warburg was a doctor, chemist, professor and Nobel Prize winner. In 1931, Warburg won the Nobel Prize
for discovering the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme. This discovery opened up new approaches in the fields of
cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. Among other things, Warburg proved that cancerous cells could live and develop, even in the
absence of oxygen. This discovery will become more relevant as our
discussion into PH balance and health unfolds.
PH is a measurement of how acid or alkaline a substance is. PH or
potential hydrogen refers to hydrogen ion activity. Acids contain large
amounts of hydrogen ions (H+). Alkaline substances contain a large
proportion of hydroxyl ions (OH-). The PH scale is measured from 0 to
14. The scale is logarithmic, which means that small changes in numbers are much more substantial than they appear. A PH of nine is ten
times more alkaline than a PH of eight. A PH of nine is 100 times more


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alkaline that a PH of seven. A PH of one is almost pure acid, and a substance with a PH of one can make a hole in solid steel.
The average adult has approximately 45 litres of fluids in the body.
All of the fluids in the body require a specific PH. Most of these fluids
thrive only if they are slightly alkaline, with the exception of the fluid
in the stomach, which should be acidic. In essence, the human body is a
group of many cells held together by magnetic energy. All nerves send
signals through electrical currents. Cells and organs require energy to
operate and that energy is electricity. Because we are held together biomagnetically, and because electricity is our main power source, human
beings are actually electro-magnetic in nature. The energy in our body
is delivered through a delicate balance in our biochemistry. That balance creates an environment conducive to energy generation and flow.
Anything that affects that balance, affects our cells, affects our organs,
and affects the entire electro-magnetic processes of our bodies. Excess
acid in our bodies creates a biochemical breakdown.
North Americans are the most acidic people on the planet. No wonder North America leads the world in degenerative disease. Why are
North American so acidic? The answer to this question is multi-faceted.
Acid production by the body itself is the first source of acid. Metabolic
acid is acid that the body produces simply by existing. One example of
such metabolic acid is lactic acid, which is produced by physical activity. Every metabolic function produces acid from basic activities like
walking and talking to more complex biological processes like turning
food into blood, bones, muscles and tendons. Take for example eating.
The most common by-product of food processing in the body is carbon
dioxide. Lungs expel quite a large amount of carbon dioxide with every
exhalation. The lungs do not have the capacity to expel all of the carbon dioxide and the human body relies on several compensatory
systems. The carbon dioxide can combine with water, carbonic anhydrase, and zinc, creating carbonic acid which breaks down the toxin.
The carbon dioxide can also combine with ammonia, effectively being
converted into urea in the liver and then excreted by the kidneys. The
point here is that the human body creates metabolic acid, but because
PH balance is very important, it has numerous systems for maintaining
that balance.
Metabolic acid is a type of acid that will be with us all the days of
our lives. If that were the only acid the body had to contend with we
would have very few problems. Adding to the metabolic acid is dietary

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acid. The typical North American diet is almost pure acid; pizza, beer,
hamburgers, hotdogs, bread, French fries, deep-fried foods, processed
foods, preserved foods, rancid oils, carbonated beverages, coffee,
sugar, artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives and so on and so
on. We shouldnt be surprised when we overdo it and our stomach begins to hurt, we reach for antacids by the truckload.
A third form of acid which proliferates in North America is the
acid caused by prescription drugs. Ever wonder why drugs are swallowed and not chewed? Would it not be more convenient if we could
chew our drugs rather than looking for water every time we had to take
one? The reason drugs need to be swallowed is because they are bitter
and that bitterness is because they are highly acidic.
The absolute quantity of acid the body has to contend with overloads the bodys ability to deal with it. The first line of defence the
body uses is a set of very complex systems known as alkaline buffers or
the alkaline reserve. These buffers include substances such as malate,
citrate, lactate, phospate and acetate. Once these alkaline reserves are
all consumed, the body has no choice but to store acids. The favourite
location that the body uses for acid storage is the extracellular matrix.
Also known as the mesenchyme or the interstitium, these are the spaces
around the cells. If the acids keep coming, these spaces will one day be
filled to capacity. Then the acids will be pushed into the cells themselves and will displace potassium, magnesium and sodium. These are
three very important minerals for health and their displacement will
cause havoc.
When the cells have reached a high level of acidity, acid may begin
to reach the bloodstream. This is the point where the body has no
choice but to go into panic mode. A human being cannot survive very
long if the PH of the blood is not maintained in a very narrow range. If
the blood varies far from its ideal PH balance of 7.4 for any significant
length of time, death will surely result. If the body detects excess acidity in the blood, it will reach for the most alkaline substance it knows,
calcium. Calcium is actually taken from the bones to neutralize the acid
in the blood. This is a condition known as free calcium excess. This
leads to conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Ever wonder why
people get shorter as they get older? It is the result of the body stealing
bone to counteract acid in the body, in general, and the bloodstream
specifically (This is metaphorically accurate if not scientifically accurate).

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Some of the research about PH is so new that many in the scientific

or medical community are not familiar with it. One interesting bit on
research has proven that after all alkaline reserves are used up and the
body is forced to store acid in the tissues, it tends to be stored in areas
of the body that are genetically weak. This has led many researchers to
speculate that it isnt bad knees or heart disease that runs in the family,
but rather it may be excess acid that runs in the family. Further health
challenges that have been connected to acidity include:

Colds, infections increase in frequency and severity as

stressed cells are unable to remove toxins efficiently.
Essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals are
not assimilated as efficiently.
Sleep is not as refreshing.
Physical energy is depleted.
Free radical oxidation is more severe.
Friendly bacteria in the colon are destroyed, leading to
increases in levels of unfriendly bacteria.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the effects of poor acidalkaline balance. Suffice to say that when the chemistry of the body is
imbalanced, the entire mechanism is impaired.
As a person becomes more and more acidic, the body begins to
store acids in the tissues. The body compensates for this acid by placing
an alkaline molecule in the blood. This results in the blood turning
more alkaline. Initially, this may sound like a good thing but the blood
needs to be balanced; too much alkaline is as bad for the blood as too
much acid. When the blood increases in alkalinity, it has the ability to
increase its intake of oxygen. The blood can now maintain more oxygen, which initially sounds like an advantageous situation, but in reality
nothing could be worse. In science there is an effect known as the Bohr
effect. With rising blood alkalinity, the Bohr effect states, the red blood
cells become increasingly saturated with oxygen. These oxygensaturated cells begin having difficulty releasing oxygen. The tissues
and organs become oxygen starved. And we began this chapter by citing the work of Otto Warburg who discovered that cancer grows where
there is no oxygen. Sadly, very little research has been done regarding
Warburgs discovery.

Blood Never Lies


Testing PH Balance
Maintaining the PH balance of the body is absolutely crucial for
health and longevity. Testing your own PH balance is a simple but
poorly understood task. Many have relied on saliva and PH testing
strips. It is very simple to receive an incorrect reading from saliva. Saliva varies quite intensely; for example, when you put food in your
mouth, the mouth becomes full of amylase, an enzyme that the body
uses to begin breaking down starches. This amylase immediately raises
the PH of the saliva substantially. Urine is also often used to measure
PH balance. Once again, urine can vary substantially from reading to
reading. For example, if I had an alkaline meal this evening, say soup
and salad, my urine would be more alkaline in the morning. If I had an
acidic meal (pizza and beer), my urine would be very acidic in the
morning to compensate (another one of the amazing compensatory systems of the body). The most accurate method of measuring PH balance
I have run across is called the Saliva PH Acid Challenge. It has been
reproduced as Appendix B. It is simple, accurate and because it takes
seven days, it compensates for normal variation. I highly recommend
everyone take the time and ascertain their PH levels. It will give you an
excellent insight into exactly how much work you will have to do to
return to PH balance.

Chapter 8

The Four Horsemen of the

Nutritional Apocalypse

y clients will tell you that I do not preach. I believe in a philosophy of health rather than singling out specific activities
as good or bad. I have noticed that the negative emotion and
stress caused by the fear of eating animal flesh, or eggs, or fruit, often
negates the positive effect of these abstentions. However, I consider
four substances so toxic to humans that I refer to them as the Four
Horsemen of the Nutritional Apocalypse. I believe, and a bevy of scientific evidence concurs, that we should not consume these substances in
large amounts. These four substances are so severely entrenched in the
North American diet that I think one would have to move to the moon
to completely abstain. Another factor in my call for severe limitation of
these substances rather than total abstention is because I do not want to
cause any negative emotions if you attempt total abstention and periodically fall short.
Sugar is a sweet, crystalline carbohydrate typically extracted from
sugar cane and sugar beets. On packaging, it is known by many names
including granulated sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup,
dextrose, raw sugar, and malt. Some health care professionals espouse
the common belief that sugar in moderation is not all that bad. The reasoning usually offered is that sugar may have some bad attributes, but it
is natural. So, if it is natural it must not be completely bad.
This is faulty on two key points. First, sugar is touted as a natural
substance. In reality, sugar, as we usually consume it, is anything but a

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natural substance. If we picked a sugar cane plant and chomped on all

its components, including fibre, perhaps this argument would be valid.
However, sugar is greatly processed. Part of the processing includes
bleaching the sugar with chlorine. Chlorine bleach is a substance that
many people are sensitive to. Chlorine can also combine with organic
compounds and convert into dioxin, a lethal chemical.
For arguments sake, let us grant the sugar lobby its opinion that
sugar is natural. To this, I usually answer that snake venom and monkey poo is natural and I dont plan on eating either of these substances
any time soon. I usually receive roaring laughter when I use this line
during presentations, but facetiousness aside, because a substance is
natural doesnt automatically exalt it to good for you status.
Many studies have been conducted on how sugar affects the human
body, and the evidence is irrefutable. In 1973, the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition published a study by A. Sanchez showing that
ingesting 100 grams of simple sugar lowers white blood cell activity for
at least five hours. In 1991, T.W. Jones et al. published an article called
Independent effects of youth and poor diabetes control on responses to
hypoglycemia in children (Diabetes, Volume 40, 1991, pages 358-63).
These researchers found that sugar increases adrenalin, a stimulating
hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It was found that this adrenalin
increase was far more pronounced in children, one reason which explains why children who eat the same amount of sugar as adults get
more hyperactive.
These are two of dozens and dozens of studies which I reviewed
about sugar. Suffice to say that the mainstream medical community has
studied sugar. Here is a partial list of some of the negative effects that
have been documented as either being caused by this natural sweetener
or exacerbated by it:

heart disease
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
increase in uric acid in blood
kidney enlargement
hindered breakdown of dietary protein

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yeast overgrowth
muscle fatigue

The list goes on and on. Perhaps we would not see all these problems if people consumed moderate amounts of sugar. However, the
reality is that the amounts of sugar consumed in North America is staggering. In 1900, the consumption of sugar was approximately half a
pound per person per year. Currently, we consume half a pound of
sugar per person per day. When I state this figure in my presentations I
am usually met with fierce resistance. The conversation I have had
many times goes something like this:
Client:I dont consume anywhere near a half a pound of sugar a
TA:How many cans of soda do you drink in a day?
Client:Three or four.
TA:Because the average soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar per can,
youve already exceeded your half a pound and I havent even gotten to
the frosted something cereal, the breakfast pastry, the sugar in your
coffee, the hidden sugar in your processed foods such as ketchup,
which has 8 per cent more sugar than ice cream, the cupcakes, pies,
Client:I get the message but how did you know?
TA:Simple, statistics dont lie. As there are some people like me
out there who dont eat any sugar, statistically there must be people eating more than half a pound per day.
Sugar is addictive. Some have compared sugar to drugs such as cocaine and nicotine. Many wonderful people are hooked and dont know
it. Many people find quitting sugar a struggle. Those attempting to quit
can suffer severe withdrawal symptoms. Chills, body aches, and headaches are some of the most common symptoms. If you are hooked, I
recommend that you eliminate the sugar. The short-term pain will lead
to an incredible feeling of well-being.
The negative effects of heavy sugar consumption have been intensified by the poor condition of our soils. Sugar cane is notorious for
strip-mining the lions share of chromium from the soils it is grown in.
Crops planted near sugar cane are usually deficient in chromium even if

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the soils are rich in chromium. In her infinite wisdom Mother Nature
has made sure that sugar cane has plenty of chromium. Chromium is
the main mineral used by the pancreas to make strong insulin. The insulin then helps the body cope with the extra sugar. Unfortunately
humans dont have the same infinite wisdom. Humans process out the
chromium and feed it to the pigs (who by the way, dont get diabetes).
With the amount of sugar we consume and the poor amounts of chromium left in North America soils, little doubt remains why diabetes
rates have risen from negligible amounts in 1900 to one in eight people
Sugar has found its way into so many items, even salt and cigarettes. This proliferation has not gone unnoticed by the World Health
Organization. On April 23, 2003, the WHO published a report, Diet,
Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease. The report included
a recommendation to the food and soft drink industry to reduce sugar
by at least 10 per cent and caloric content by 25 per cent. As reported in
the Medical Post (May 23, 2003), the Sugar Associations president,
Andrew Briscoe, wrote a letter to the WHO Director-General threatening that the U.S. would curtail funding to the WHO if the WHO did not
withdraw its report. The WHO made the threat public and did not back
down. Bravo!
Carbonated Beverages
The addict feels faint. He needs his fix. He searches frantically for a
source of the stuff he needs. Hell do anything; hell pay any price.
He finds it; now he can have his fix. He consumes it and his energy
returns. Hell be all right for a couple of hours. Hell be alert for the
rest of the morning anyway.
This story isnt about a heroin addict and a syringe or an alcoholic
and a brown paper bag. This is the story of an 11-year-old student
roaming the halls of his school in search of a pop machine. Carbonated
beverages are toxic for the human body. The most toxic aspect of carbonated beverages is that they usually teem with sugar. As we have
already devoted substantial attention to the evils of sugar, I will turn the
focus to the myriad of other toxic substances in carbonated beverages.
With the possible exception of water, every ingredient in carbonated beverages is toxic to the human body. By examining each of these
ingredients separately, we can understand why carbonated beverages
are such a toxic brew.

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Carbonation is accomplished by pumping carbon dioxide into water

or other liquid. From chapter 7 on PH balance, you will recall that carbon dioxide is a waste product of food metabolism. The body has a
difficult time breathing out all the carbon dioxide it produces and relies
on several back-up systems to accomplish complete purging of carbon
dioxide. So why would anyone in his or her right mind want to add
more carbon dioxide into the system? Carbonated liquids further burden the system by weakening stomach acid, thereby interfering with
proper digestion.
Some soft drink manufacturers have attempted to sell soft drinks to
calorie-conscious consumers by replacing the sugar with artificial
sweeteners. When people ask me which is better consuming large
amounts of sugar or large amounts of Aspartame I usually respond
by asking, What would you rather be shot by, a 38-calibre or 45calibre gun? Aspartame is a low calorie artificial sweetener that
lowers metabolism. This means that you save 100 calories on the soft
drink, but the 400-calorie hamburger you eat with your drink, acts like
an 800-calorie hamburger in your system. The net result is your body
acts as if it consumed 300 more calories. Youd have better luck putting
out a fire with kerosene. This is one of the most brutal deceptions ever
inflicted on the unwitting dieter. Aspartame has also been linked to
convulsions, depression, insomnia, irritability, weakness, dizziness,
migraine headaches, mood changes, and mental retardation.
Many carbonated beverages also contain food colourings such as
Amaranth (red), Bordeaux (brown), Orange 1 (yellow), Carmel colour
and Ponceau (scarlet). All of these dyes are unfit for human consumption. Excessive consumption of food dye has been connected to many
ailments including ADD (Attention Deficient Disorder) and ADHD
(Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) in children. Dr. N.M. Walker
in his book, Water Can Undermine Your Health, states, Supposing
your knew that soft drinks could cause your brain to disintegrate (authors italics), would you drink them? More than a million children
today are afflicted with cerebral lesions and other afflictions caused by
soft drinks!
Many carbonated beverages, especially the colas, include as an ingredient a most hideous substance known as phosphoric acid.
Phosphoric acid is created by treating phosphorus with sulphuric acid
(yummy) and causes the soft drink to bubble and fizz. This bubbling
and fizzing can actually burn your insides. Phosphoric acid also upsets
the bodys delicate phosphorus-calcium balance. This imbalance can


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eventually lead to osteoporosis, a weakening of the skeletal structure.

After reading Chapter 7, the very word acid in phosphoric acid should
have you dumping any colas directly down the drain but I would advise
against it. That would be wasting your money. Instead, I recommend
you use the colas to clean your toilet or silverware; you wont believe
what a shine you will get. In 1994, The Journal of Adolescent Health
published a study concluding there was a strong association between
cola beverage consumption and bone fractures in girls. Another study,
published in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in June of 2000 confirmed this finding. This latter study concluded that the consumption of
cola beverages were highly associated with bone fractures. Colas are
disintegrating the bones of our youth.
These are only some of the more offensive substances found in carbonated beverages. We have not even touched upon the dehydrating
effect of carbonated beverages. The carbonated beverage industry is
huge and they wield strong political and economic power. In 1980, the
United States Department of Agriculture attempted to limit the sale of
soft drinks and other junk food in schools. The USDA adopted a regulation that prohibited the sale of soft drinks and other junk food before
the last lunch hour ended. In 1984, the National Soft Drink Association
countered this regulation by filing suit. A United States Federal Appeals Court sided with the association and ruled that the USDA did not
have the authority to ban competitive foods. It is obvious that our governments cannot protect us from the ravages of carbonated beverages.
The American Medical Association has known about the dangers of
carbonated beverages since 1942. The AMAs Council on Food and
Nutrition made this statement in 1942, From the health point of view,
it is desirable especially to have restriction of such use of sugar as is
represented by consumption of sweetened carbonated beverages and
forms of candy, which are of low nutritional value. The Council believes it would be in the interest of the public health for all practical
means to be taken to limit consumption of sugar in any form in which it
fails to be combined with significant proportions of other foods of high
nutritive quality. The AMA knows that carbonated beverages are unhealthy and so does the government. Unfortunately, they cannot seem
to help us. The government tried and failed in 1980. If you are a parent
and your childrens school has more pop machines than water fountains, it is up to you and other parents to demand they be removed.

Blood Never Lies


White Flour
The tragic treatment wheat has received in the past fifty years is
unparalleled in the history of agriculture. Wheat and other grains provide approximately 70 per cent of the food energy consumed in North
America. More and more people are diagnosed as having a wheat allergy. This allergy might be caused by the genetic modifications that
wheat has been forced to endure. Still others are intolerant to the gluten
in wheat. Gluten, a sticky protein found in wheat and other grains, may
be harmful to sensitive individuals. Gluten intolerance is also referred
to as celiac disease. The disease is thought to be a due to a deficiency
of enzyme in the mucosal cell, a defect in immunity, or a defect in the
mucosal cell membrane. Gliadin, a component of the protein gluten,
causes atrophy of the villi that line the intestine, and also causes abnormal growth of the mucosal glands.
Whole wheat can certainly cause problems and I recommend that it
be used in limited quantities. I also recommend that all of my clients try
some of the breads and other products that are made from the ancient
grains. These grains include spelt, kamut, amaranth and quinoa. They
are quite tasty and usually well tolerated by those with wheat allergies.
Those that have celiac disease must be extra cautious when trying all
grain products. Unprocessed, whole-wheat products may qualify as part
of a healthy eating regime. White flour, the mutilated result of processing, barely qualifies as food. Wheat can have up to 11 known vitamins,
essential fatty acids, and if grown in mineral rich soils (always the eternal optimist), six or so minerals. The processing of wheat removes all
these components. The processors then return four vitamins and one
mineral, and this lifeless powder is referred to as ENRICHED FLOUR.
Enriched flour had its beginnings during the Second World War.
The invention of the Roller Mill spelled the beginning of the end for
whole wheat. The roller ripper, as I like to call it, enabled the miller to
separate the three main parts of the kernel the outer layer or the bran,
which is where the B vitamins and minerals reside; the germ, which
houses the essential fatty acids and Vitamin E, and the endosperm or
starch. The United States government, blinded by wartime scarcity and
dubious assurances from nutritional experts, proceeded with plans to
promote white flour, much to the chagrin of knowledgeable nutrition
experts. Nutrition Reviews was quite dismayed at the United States
governments plan to go ahead with this nutritional folly and wrote, It
is a curious fact that enrichment of white flour and white bread was

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promulgated with little direct experimental evidence to demonstrate the

value of such a proposal to the human being. This was very advanced
nutritional thinking for 1943.
White flour has been stripped of the bran, the germ, the vitamins,
the minerals and the essential fatty acids. If the story ended here, perhaps white flour would not have made it as one of the four horsemen.
The chemical industry reared its ugly head and assisted mass production bakers with one key element; uniformity. Chlorine, a potent toxin
and carcinogen, was employed to remove the yellowish pigments in the
flour. Sadly, the yellowish pigments are actually carotene, which the
liver converts into Vitamin A. The chlorine also reacts with the gluten
to make an elastic dough; the greater elasticity holds carbon dioxide
produced by the yeast. Some of the other chemicals used to make white
flour include: aluminum chloride, azocarbonamide, benzoyl peroxide,
calcium propionate, calcium sulfate, chlorine dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,
potassium bromate, and potassium iodate. These arent products you
would find in most pantries.
I will grant that the amount of these chemicals in white flour is
nominal. My concern is that these are highly aggressive chemicals.
They most certainly interact with other natural ingredients in the heating process. The effects of these interactions and their byproducts have
never been investigated.
Perhaps the previous paragraph is too alarmist. If wheat only constituted a minute part of the North America diet then I would reconsider
my position. The wheat lobby is very influential and makes sure that
wheat remains an integral part of the four food groups and the food
pyramid. We eat so much of it that trace amounts of poisons are not so
trace anymore. White flour is a substance stripped of all its goodness
and then, to add insult to injury, bathed in a chemical nightmare. What
good can come of that?
Trans Fats
This section received more editing in the final draft of my book
than any other. Although the scientific community has known about
trans fats for more than forty years, they have received more publicity
in the last year than in the other 39 combined. I originally wrote that
the inclusion of trans fats in the four horsemen was probably the most
contentious selection. Now I am not so sure. I can assure you that in
North America, where we consume so many substances I consider to be
non food, trans fats are the crme de la crme.

Blood Never Lies


Trans fats are mainly contained in margarines, and commercial

cooking oils. Liquid oils are subjected to a process known as hydrogenation. During hydrogenation, several hydrogen atoms are thrust
upon each molecule of oil. A catalyst such as nickel or platinum is used
for this process to make the oil solid and reduce the tendency of oils to
go rancid. Hydrogenating oils also improve spreadability and mouth
feel. Mouth feel and spreadability is enhanced and all that is sacrificed
is safety. Randomly adding hydrogen atoms to polyunsaturated fats
converts natural components found in the food into other compounds,
some of which have never been encountered before. Some of these new
compounds are trans fats. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats in
the human body.
The irony of ironies in the health industry is the popularity of margarine. Margarine has taken up 90 per cent of the shelf space allotted
for spreads, leaving very little room for butter in grocery stores. Margarine sales went up as margarine was touted as the heart disease saviour.
Margarine companies donate extensively to heart research (the same
heart disease they actually cause). Many cities have annual charity
events for heart disease fund-raising sponsored by none other than the
margarine purveyors. Dont be fooled by margarines that are labelled
trans fat free. You cannot take the trans fats out of margarine because
trans fat is not in margarine; margarine is trans fat. Dont let the margarine mongers get away with that one. The only other instance that
resembles this bit of foolishness is when a well-known restaurant chain
created a boneless rib sandwich. Id love to see a boneless rib. Margarine is plastic butter. This is a valid description because under the
microscope, a world I am all too familiar with, a hydrogenated fat
molecule looks like a plastic molecule. In case you think I have been
too harsh on margarine I would like to quote famous health writer John
Finnegan who states (margarine is) lifeless, devitalized poison, packed
with carcinogens, fit only for lubricating the front wheel bearings of
your car.
The science behind the detrimental effects of trans fats is quite
complicated. Trans means on the other side which is what transpires
between hydrogen atoms on the fatty acid molecule. The hydrogen atoms flip to the other side of the molecule, resulting in a change in
physical condition. This change leads to a change in structural integrity
in human cells, which in turn affects the cells ability to regulate what
goes in and what comes out. Other components that are affected in-


Ted Aloisio

clude protein molecules that exist on the molecule. These proteins are
known as receptor molecules which receive chemical neurotransmitters
that neurons use for communication. There are many books written
about trans fats, and if you are analytical, you may want to read one or
two of them. For the purposes of our discussion, it will be sufficient to
state that trans fats are unnatural; trans fats are dangerous, and more
and more research is being presented daily verifying this. Some of the
harmful effects verified through study include interference with normal
function of essential fatty acids, interference with pregnancy, lower
quality of breast milk, decreased insulin response, decreased testosterone and sperm potency, increased risk of heart disease, and increased
risk of cancer. Dutch researchers reported in Journal Arteriosclerosis,
Thrombosis and Vascular Biology in the July 2001 issue that just one
month of eating margarine reduces normal flexibility in arteries by one
third. A study by Harvard University established a link between vegetable fats used in deep fryers and increased risk of heart disease (March
5, 1993, page A10). These are only two of a myriad of studies that unequivocally brand trans fats as toxic. The studies I have seen date back
to 1958, when Dr. Ancel Keys first warned about the dangers of trans
fats. Some of the other well-respected doctors that have arrived at the
same conclusion since include: Dr. Fred Kummerow, University of Illinois; Dr. George Mann, Vanderbilt University; Dr. Ed Pinckney,
American Medical Association, and Dr. Mary Enig, PhD.
Trans fats are the absolute worst of the worst. They are quite prevalent in processed foods and as such would be almost impossible to
eradicate from the North American diet. All I ask is that you do not add
to it by consuming large amounts of margarine in addition to processed
foods. Your best bet is to go to your fridge immediately, box up any
margarine you have in there and mail it to some terrorist organization.
Let them spread it on their toast (white flour, I hope), muffins (loaded
with sugar) and hopefully theyll wash it down with loads of cola. If the
four horsemen ride there, humanity may actually benefit.
Voices such as mine that have been silenced by the screams of the
mainstream (but my doctor says margarine is better for me than butter)
are finally being heard. New labelling in the United States and Canada
will finally begin revealing the hidden trans fats in food. The FDA has
estimated that simply revealing these fats will save 2,000 to 5,000 lives
annually in the United States alone. I applaud my fellow pioneers; this
goes to show that the mainstream scientific community can be taught.



Chapter 9

Cartoon Supplements

ne person that I truly respect and admire is Walt Disney.

Through the strength of his imagination he created cartoon
characters that are still entertaining children and adults alike
more than thirty-five years after his death. But Mickey isnt really a
mouse and Donald isnt really a duck. If you strip away the faade that
is modern animation, in essence they are fakes.
Supplement companies have learned a valuable lesson from cartoonists like Walt Disney and paradoxically, rather than earning my
respect and admiration, they have earned my contempt. I believe so far
this book has made a convincing argument that our poor soils and poor
food supply has made supplementation imperative for all those that are
interested in health. I have to make a crucial point at this juncture. Taking a poor supplement is worse than taking none at all. Without a doubt
these are the most important 11 words in this entire book.
Nutritional books seldom mention the differences in quality between various supplements. This lack might be from ignorance or from
an intention of not rocking the boat. My intention is not to merely rock
the boat; I intend to tip it right over.
First I will expose some of the more common shenanigans perpetrated on the unknowing supplement buying consumer. I call these my
Top Four Gruesome Tactics of the Cartoon Supplement Mongers. The
first tactic that these manufacturers employ is related to active ingredients. Here the manufacturers use the clandestine nature of supplements
as a shield. Most supplement purchasers are not chemists and even


Ted Aloisio

those purchasers who are chemists do not generally analyse their supplements before taking them. When a label says 10,000 I.U.s of beta
carotene how do you know that the pill actually contains this amount?
Unless you get each pill analysed, you will never know exactly what
you are getting. The cartoon supplement manufacturers realize this detail and use it to their advantage.
The June 2002 issue of the Medical Post featured a most disturbing
article entitled, Supplements way off on active ingredient amounts.
Dr. Laurence Klotz, a professor of surgery at the prestigious University
of Toronto and Chief of Urology at Sunnybrook Medical Centre made a
startling discovery. He and his colleagues purchased 13 supplements at
random in a health food store. The actual concentrations of the nutrients claimed on the label were generally low; one preparation contained
only 3 per cent of the amount stated on the label. How would you like
to purchase a calcium supplement and be promised 2,000 milligrams of
calcium and only receive 3 per cent or 60 milligrams? With calcium
supplements such as these on the market, it comes as no surprise that
we lead the world in degenerative bone disease. The occasions where
the manufacturers are caught constitute a small percentage of the actual
times they put in less than the full amount.
Labelling laws for supplement manufacturers are lax because
preparations are usually manufactured in large vats and uniformity in
every pill is next to unachievable. However, a few notable contraventions have occurred recently. In one case, a company had to recall a
maternity supplement when it was discovered that only one third of the
folic acid listed on the label was actually present. Low levels of folic
acid have been associated with increased risks of certain birth defects
and the Food and Drug Administration was not amused. FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan conducted private lab tests and found that
18 other products had only 50 per cent to 80 per cent of what the label
stated (FDA to Demand Supplement Makers Vouch for Contents,
Reuters, March 7, 2003,).
The second gruesome tactic employed by the cartoon supplement
manufacturers is ineffective blending of ingredients. Essential nutrients
do not work in isolation within the body. Nutrients are like an orchestra
which can make music that the instruments cannot possible recreate
individually. Orchestras, like supplements, require correct ratios for
effectiveness. An orchestra made up exclusively of tubas would at best
sound unusual. Many of us know that we need magnesium for proper
calcium absorption, but this is only one of many interactions. A quality

Blood Never Lies


supplement manufacturer will ensure proper ratios of nutrients for

maximum effectiveness. A cartoon supplement manufacturer will not
be as diligent.
The motivation for ineffective blending is greed. Vitamin B12 is the
most expensive of the B group of vitamins. Because the B group of vitamins work synergistically, a correct ratio of each B vitamin is of
paramount importance. Since B12 costs the most, it is usually the one
in lower than optimal quantities. This imbalance not only effects B12
levels, but also affects the utilization of the other B vitamins.
The third gruesome tactic used by the cartoon supplement manufactures is aptly referred to as dirty tricks. Until this point, we could
attribute the tactics used to poor manufacturing or poor regulation. In
the dirty tricks department, we will see various forms of dishonesty. A
news story heralding a health discovery makes the banner headline in
many newspapers. It reads something like 100 milligrams per day of
alpha-lipoic acid reduces risk of heart disease. A few weeks later
while at the local pharmacy you notice that the multi-vitamin is new
and improved. It now has alpha-lipoic acid. You remember the news
headline and purchase a bottle. You take it home and notice that there
is 100 micrograms of alpha-lipoic acid and because the number 100
rings a bell, you are pleased with your purchase. In reality youve just
fallen for a dirty trick. You need one thousand times more alpha-lipoic
acid to get the benefits because 100 micrograms is one thousand times
less than the 100 milligrams you thought you had. This scenario happens so often that it is revolting. In recent months, I have personally
seen this happen with saw palmetto (prostate protection) and lutein (vision improvement). Dirty tricks indeed.
The fourth and final gruesome tactic of the cartoon supplement
manufacturers is the use of questionable manufacturing techniques. All
supplements require binders and excipients. Binders hold the pills together and excipients help them to pop out of the mould. The long list
of toxic excipients used by the poor manufacturers rivals the witchs
brew manufactured by cola companies. Some of the more repugnant
substances used include: shampoo, sand, cork, carnauba wax, talc,
polyethylene glycol (anti-freeze), sodium benzoate, dextrose, various
chemical dyes, glue, shellac, and corn starch. These ingredients are far
less expensive than their inert and innocuous counterparts. The noxious
ingredients have the ability to turn a potentially good product into a
hazard. A sure giveaway is when a company lists the ingredients not in
the pill. For example a label might state no sugar, no wheat, no corn,


Ted Aloisio

but it doesnt state no shampoo or no cork. Please dont tell me what

isnt in the pill, tell me what is!
People like convenience. They like the concept of one pill per day
for all their supplementation needs. Cartoon supplement manufacturers
are shrewdly aware of this and quick to oblige. They are quite content
to jam all the nutrients in one easy to take pill. To compress the pill
enough, they usually have to apply hundreds of pounds of pressure.
Cheap binders and this exorbitant pressure combine to create a block of
cement. The Journal of Chiropractic Economics reported that 250,000
pounds of undigested multi-mineral and vitamin tablets and pills are
pulled out of the Seattle, Washington sewage filters every six weeks
many of them with the brand names still readable. If you know anyone
who has lost their colon and must rely on a colostomy sack, ask them
what the most annoying problem is and they will usually tell you it is
removing whole pills.
Two of my favourite people in the whole world are Greg and
Cheryl Storring. They live about two hours from Toronto in the small
town of Tamworth, Ontario. Cheryl is in the health business and has a
warmth and compassion about her I find almost intoxicating. Greg has
one of the best senses of humour I have ever run across. Greg owns
Storring Septic Service and has been emptying septic tanks professionally for over 30 years. Greg has an unusual hobby. He collects
supplements that people have swallowed. He finds these supplements
floating in septic tanks. My favourite line of his is, if you want a good
supplement see Cheryl, if you want a slightly used one, get it from me.
And if you are on my route, Ill sell it back to you in a month or so.
"Potty Pellets" (Figure 18)

Blood Never Lies


That story is both humorous and sad. People never believe me when
I tell that story, so years ago I asked Greg to part with some of his collection. Since then, I have been carrying a bag of slightly used potty
pellets as Greg calls them, to every microscopy session. I call it my
bag of humble pie. I have motivated more people to stop using cartoon
supplements with that bag than I have with all my years of experience,
knowledge and training. Humble pie, indeed! I have asked Greg to
temporarily part with some of his collection and reproduced it for your
viewing pleasure (Figure 18).
By now, you may realize that buying supplements and getting value
and avoiding being poisoned is not as easy as you thought. Fortunately
I have developed three rules to follow that will help you make an effective choice. The first rule is never buy supplements in a pharmacy.
Pharmacies carry a higher percentage of cartoon supplements than any
other purveyor of supplements (Note to pharmacists: please do not be
offended by this; I have a great deal of respect for you and your profession, but the facts are the facts).
Now that we no longer purchase supplements in pharmacies, we
will buy them elsewhere. There are many options for purchasing supplements. You can purchase them from a health food store, from your
health care professional such as a naturopath or homeopath, your
neighbour, if they distribute supplements, or even yourself, if you become associated with a direct selling company. All of these options are
merely distributions channels. None of these choices inherently guarantees you a quality supplement.
The second rule for increasing your odds of obtaining a quality
supplement is by performing the Dissolution and Disintegration Test.
DDT is an appropriate acronym for this test because the DDT is
deadly for cartoon supplements. In 1993, the United States Pharmacopoeia set standards for vitamins including disintegration and
dissolution. DDT testing at the USP is a complicated procedure which
involves using specific chemicals and high technology machines. You
can recreate this test quite nicely at home using a glass of vinegar. The
methodology is quite simple. Take a supplement in tablet form (This
test is not for capsules) and drop it in white vinegar (acetic acid five per
cent) for 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes you should have a
fine powder at the bottom of the glass. There should be no blobs that
look like shampoo (If there is, guess what one of the binders probably
was?). In some cases after many hours (my personal record is 26) the


Ted Aloisio

pill looks exactly the same (Thats another one to add to Gregs collection).
If you call a cartoon supplement company and ask them why its
supplement failed the DDT, be prepared for its wrath. The company
will tell you that a glass of vinegar cannot possible recreate the stomach. The company will insist that the stomach has heat, enzymes,
churning and other complex processes that you cannot possible replicate with something as simple as a glass of vinegar. Of course they are
right that a glass of vinegar cannot possibly mimic the human stomach
exactly. However, why is it that the same brands that fail the DDT are
the most prevalent ones in Gregs collection? Hmmm. I think they
know were on to them and they dont like it.
Of course I have not mentioned that having live cell microscopy
sessions performed over time will give you an accurate reporting of
whether your supplement is working for you. Another method of taking
the guesswork out of supplements is to purchase only pharmaceutical
grade varieties. It is ironic that rule number three is to purchase pharmaceutical grade and pharmacies dont seem to carry them. There are
two standards by which supplement companies can produce their
wares. They can follow FDA guidelines and produce a food grade supplement. Or they can choose to exceed these minimum standards and
produce their supplements according to the conventions set by the USP
and create a product based on pharmaceutical standards. Most of the
400 or so companies in North America that produce supplements
choose to adhere to the more lax standard of food grade.
The difference between food grade and pharmaceutical grade is
immense. Food grade supplements can contain a wide list of binders
and fillers; some of them we mentioned previously. To maintain food
grade supplement manufacturers cannot hold the pill together with nuclear waste or rat poison, but they can hold it together with petroleum
products, coal tar derivatives, shampoo, sand and so on. Pharmaceutical
grade products can only use binders and excipients that are inert and
innocuous; there is a very short list of quality and pricey ingredients.
Food grade supplements have less purity and quality requirements.
The FDA does not monitor the contents of supplements or the source of
the nutritional ingredient. This means the finished product may not be
potent enough. Manufacturers can use extracts that do not have enough
or any, active ingredients. They are allowed to use powdered forms
even though study after study shows that extracts are better utilized by
the human body. For example, ginkgo biloba has been touted as an

Blood Never Lies


amazing product for mental clarity. A 60 mg. dosage is usually the

amount included in a supplement. 60 mgs. of the highest quality extract
will have the desired effect. To get the same potency from ginkgo leaf
powder you would have to consume 50 times as much.
Pharmaceutical grade requirements for purity and potency are much
more stringent. The product must be in excess of 99 per cent pure. Onsite laboratory facilities must continuously monitor the output to ensure
the highest quality finished product. State of the art testing equipment
must be used, including High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC), Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometry
(ICP), Dissolution and Absorption, Microbiological Testing, and Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIR). All raw materials
must be tested to ensure they are free of pesticides, herbicides and
heavy metal contamination. All raw materials must be examined for
weight, ingredient homogeneity, colour standardization and content
The above lists only some of the rigorous requirements demanded
in the pharmaceutical grade product. Because of the strict procedures,
many companies prefer the simplicity and increased profits of maintaining lower levels of quality. They chose to lower the bar at the
expense of your health. Perhaps now you can understand why I insist
on pharmaceutical grade for my familys supplementation. In a time
where proper supplementation is absolutely essential, I find it saddening that most companies care more about their bottom line than they do
about making a health-enhancing product.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate: Part of the solution to our
health challenges is to supplement every day for each of the 92 essential nutrients. Quality of supplementation is the most important aspect.
Taking a poor supplement is worse than taking none at all. Not only do
you get a false sense of security that you are ingesting the essential nutrients lacking in your diet but often you are also toxifying yourself
with the potpourri of noxious substances found in cartoon supplements.
If you do the vinegar test and your supplement fails miserably, do not
be afraid to return it for a full refund. If the seller wont take it back on
the strength of your word then a trust issue exists between you and the
seller. I dont know about you, but I wouldnt buy anything this important from someone I had trust issues with.

Chapter 10

The Power of Water

rinking eight to 10 glasses of good, clean water will do

more for your health than just about anything else, Ted
Aloisio, Director Veritas Health Institute.
Every one the 10,000 people who have a blood assessment performed by me receive a recommendations sheet with that quotation
featured prominently. I firmly believe it and have personally witnessed
much evidence validating it. Take for instance the case of Thomas (not
his real name). Several years ago Thomas came to me and complained
about many health challenges. One of the questions I asked him was,
How well hydrated are you? He replied, Im well hydrated, I consume at least seven cans of cola per day. After I regained my
composure I asked, What about water? He replied, I never touch the
stuff! Plus theres water in cola, right? After I regained my composure
for a second time, I designed quite an extensive nutritional program. At
this point he informed me that he had been unemployed for quite a
while and was not in a financial position to participate. I then switched
to plan B. I recommended that Thomas begin drinking three litres of
good, clean water every day. I also informed him that he could drink as
much cola as he wanted but only after he consumed the three litres of
water. He agreed to follow my instructions and we set an appointment
for three months in the future. (My work with children has taught me
that the sugar and caffeine in colas is addictive and asking someone to
quit colas completely usually torpedoes the plan before it can get
started). After three months he returned and I could hardly recognize
him. His skin cleared up; he had a smile on his face, and a renewed


Ted Aloisio

vigour that was most impressive. Many of his health challenges were
gone or greatly diminished. His desire for cola lessened with every
passing day and he hadnt had any for two months. His new confidence
helped him to secure employment. He now had the resources to begin a
nutritional program. And the rest as they say is history.
Over the years, Thomas has referred many clients to me. Each of
them usually begin the session by saying something like, Youre a
miracle worker; I cant believe the change in Thomas. I usually reply,
Thomas deserves the credit; he persevered where many wouldnt have
had the fortitude to continue. His story is not an isolated incidence. It
is certainly one of the more dramatic transformations created by water,
but I have countless others.
Not a day goes by without someone asking me about whether water
is important. The answer is an unequivocal yes. The quotation at the
beginning of this chapter makes reference to both quality and quantity
of water. Each is equally important. Quantity is important for obvious
reasons. The human body is composed of over 70 per cent water. Not
70 per cent cola, not 70 per cent coffee, not 70 per cent apple juice, not
even 70 per cent herbal tea. Maintaining the water in the body is difficult because we deplete water in many ways. Water is lost by sweating
and in elimination. Most of the water removed from the body goes
through the kidneys. Adding to this drain are small amounts that disappear through evaporation, tearing, and breathing. The total loss of water
that an average human suffers in a 24-hour day is the equivalent of six,
eight-ounce glasses. If you add other dehydrating factors such as a hot
climate or workplace, consuming dehydrating beverages (for example
coffee or soft drinks), the need for water can increase substantially.
The following exemplifies where the human bodys compensatory
system is both a blessing and a curse. From my experience most people
are borderline dehydrated. The bodys sense of thirst is tricked into
satiety; you dont feel thirsty even though you are. The body then
places itself in starvation mode. The foremost authority on water and
health is Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. His book, Your Bodys Many Cries For
Water is an essential read for anyone interested in good health. I have
shared the stage with Dr. Batman, as he is affectionately known, and I
found him to be one of the most intense and driven people I have ever
met. In the late 1970s, Dr. Batman was confined to an Iranian prison.
He had very little medicine at his disposal and lots of sickness occurred
in the prison. He used the only medicine at his disposal water. He

Blood Never Lies


began to notice great improvements in just about every condition he

treated. Water repaired so many ulcers that I think drink water should
be the first thing out of any doctors mouth when treating a patient with
ulcers. His startling success is even more impressive considering that
he used Iranian prison water, which I assume isnt the most pristine of
Dr. Batman claims that the body goes into drought management.
A very complex rationing and redistribution system insures that more
important cells get water while other cells are restricted. The body begins closing capillary beds which can lead to circulation issues. These
actions are only the beginning. Some of the other reported symptoms of
dehydration include: blurred vision, headaches, overall weakness, dry
skin, dizziness, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, ulcers, constipation,
joint pain, sinus problems, sleep disorders, depression, impotence and
several others. Dr. Batman is convinced that the medical establishment
has treated dehydration with drugs and surgery for years. His mission is
to promote the consumption of water for health and I wish him all the
success in the world. He has come up against severe opposition, which
a less resilient man might not have been able to withstand.
How much water should we consume each day? The easiest signal
to look for is colour and odour of urine. If your urine is dark yellow and
has a foul odour, you did not drink enough water. The kidneys concentrated the waste residue in a smaller amount of water. The only
exception to this is morning urine which can be slightly darker even if
you are well hydrated. As a general rule, I usually recommend that clients consume half an ounce of water per pound of body weight as a
minimum. Consumption of dehydrating liquids, such as alcohol or coffee, living in a hot climate or sweating excessively increase the
minimum requirement of water necessary. Always err on the side of too
much water.
I would like to relay a warning that I give to all my clients. If you
havent consumed water on a regular basis for many years, do not immediately begin to drink a large amount of water. Your body is
accustomed to dehydration and to introduce that much water all at once
may confuse the body and you could feel as if you consumed the entire
contents of an Olympic-size swimming pool. Introduce the water
gradually, and give the body a chance to adapt. Also, if you believe that
you cannot possible drink all the water I have recommended, there is an
answer. On day one, drink one glass of water. On day two, drink two.


Ted Aloisio

Continue this pattern every day until you cannot drink any more. If you
peak at nine, thats better than eight. If you peak at five, thats better
than four. Many of my clients, some of whom never drank water consistently before, comment on how easy it is after they get used to it.
They also thank me for the incredible improvement in health that this
simple change has made.
Quality of water has received recent interest in the public eye. Most
people consume one of the three common types of water municipally
treated, well water and bottled water. Each of these three types of water
has advantages and disadvantages. Municipal water is filtered to remove clay and other organic debris. It is analysed, tested and treated to
ensure that it is safe to drink. By safe, I am not referring to longrange ramifications, but immediate ones. Of course, there have been
exceptions. In 1993, over 400,000 people were sickened in Milwaukee
when cryptosporidium, a parasite, managed to invade the water supply.
In May 2000, in Walkerton, Ontario, seven people died and over 2,000
others were sickened by E. coli bacteria.
Depending on where you live, your safe municipal drinking water
can have traces of lead, arsenic, asbestos, benzene, mercury, nitrates,
radium, nitrites, sulfates, PCBs, radon, coliform bacteria, and over 70
other contaminants. Furthermore, chlorine is added to water to kill bacteria. The dead body of the bacteria, as well as the chlorine remain in
the water. Chlorine is a toxic substance that has been linked to cancer,
heart disease and stroke. Chlorine is a substance that kills unicell life
forms. A human being is composed of billions of unicells held together
magically. Is it wise to habitually consume a substance that kills unicells? Chlorine can combine with organic materials in the water and
form unwanted by-products. Fluoride is also a controversial substance
added by many municipalities. Fluoride may be a carcinogen as well as
a leach on calcium from human bones. Many municipalities are eliminating fluoride or reducing its use substantially. In the test that water
must be good and clean for optimum benefit, municipal water fails on
both criteria. I would not recommend the consumption of municipally
treated water. When it comes directly out of your tap it is not quite
ready for human consumption.
The second option for drinking water is well water. Well water services approximately 16 per cent of the population in North America.
The responsibility for safe well water is a completely private one.
Wells are not regulated; not federally and not locally. You can certainly

Blood Never Lies


take safeguards to increase your chances of maintaining the best possible water. You must test frequently, at least once every six months. Of
course, if the water has a strange taste, smell or your family has an unexplained illness, the water should be tested immediately. When it
comes to whether well water is good and clean the answer is maybe.
Certainly well water is less likely to contain chlorine and fluoride.
However as every well is different, this type of water cannot be generally declared good or bad.
The final type of water is bottled water. Sales have never been
stronger. In 2002, almost six billion gallons of bottled water were consumed in the United States. Americans paid $7.7 Billion for bottled
water in 2002. Those same people who complain about $2 for a gallon
of gasoline do not seem to complain about paying more than twice that
for something they could get almost for free. Bottled water has the potential of being better than municipally treated water. There is no
chlorine, no bad odour and no bad tastes, with the possible exception of
a slight smell from the polymers leaching from the plastic containers.
Bottled water may be sold as pristine, but in reality it is processed
water. Many opportunities have arisen for contaminations. Two recent
headlines are a testament to that. USA Today ran an article entitled
Bottled Water No Safer Than Tap and the Los Angeles Times ran an
article entitled Studies Find Impurities in Bottled Water. In the
United States, organizations such as the FDA are supposed to carry out
inspections, but an inspection every five or six years does not garner
my confidence.
I do not want to brand all bottled water as being contaminated. Im
sure some of it is pretty good. There are inherent problems with relying
on bottled water. It is usually bulky and difficult to transport. Because
it is expensive it will not be used as often as it should. For instance,
around the home it is essential that clean water be used for many purposes that the expense of bottled water would render prohibitive. Water
for boiling rice or pasta, for tea and coffee, and for washing vegetables,
should be as clean as possible. I cannot see many consumers emptying
several containers of bottled water to soak lettuce. This explains why in
Walkerton, even citizens who drank only bottled water, were affected
by the E. coli outbreak.
If the three types of water are all questionable, what is the best type
of water to consume? In my opinion the best approach is to use a good
quality water filtration system which you control. The key here is that


Ted Aloisio

you control the quality of the filter; you control the maintenance including the changing of the filters, and so on. With the myriad of water
filtration systems available, many people are confused as to which is
the best. I hope to give you some independent and crucial information
that you may find useful in making your final decision.
The three main types of home filtration systems are distillers, reverse osmosis machines and ordinary filtration devices. Distillers
employ a system of thermal separation and evaporation. Water is
heated to produce stream. The steam is then cooled and condensed into
the final product. People partial to distilled water will tell you that
sediment, pathogens, chemicals and dissolved solids are removed during separation. However, the distilling process has drawbacks. One
drawback is that certain contaminants, such as chloroform and organic
materials, have a lower boiling point than water. This means that they
can vaporize into the finished product. Distillers also require a holding
tank which may get contaminated over time. The biggest drawback to
distilled water is that along with many of the impurities, certain important minerals are also boiled out. In essence, the baby is thrown out
with the bath water. This makes distilled water very acidic water with a
PH low enough to rival that of cola products. With North Americans
already having the distinction of being the most acidic people on the
planet, adding acid water to ones diet seems illogical. Some have argued that distilled water is not really all that acid. I challenge you to use
PH testing strips and decide for yourself. If you refer back to the two
criteria for water, you can make a compelling argument that distilled
water is clean water but I am not convinced that an argument can be
made that it is good water.
Reverse Osmosis systems work based on pressure. A semipermeable membrane separates the pure water molecules from most of
the contaminants. The membrane does not remove volatile organic
compounds, but most systems automatically come with a secondary
filter to solve this problem. Reverse Osmosis systems also require a
holding tank and a considerable amount of water is wasted in the processing; up to 18 litres of water is needed to make one clean litre.
Reverse Osmosis systems also leach out many important nutrients, and
although the water does not get as acidic as distilled water, it certainly
is acidic. That leaves ordinary filtration systems, which I consider the
best choice. To complicate matters, many different types of ordinary
filtration systems exist. The two most common types are mechanical

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and adsorption filters. Effectiveness of either of these two types of filters, as well as other less common types, is based on the kind of carbon,
the design, and quality. However, you can employ one strategy to take
the guesswork out of purchasing a good system.
National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF) is a public
health and safety company based in Michigan since 1944. This not-forprofit organization is the world leader in development standards for
public safety, including water filtration devices. NSF is widely recognized for its scientific and technical expertise. Its professional staff
includes engineers, chemists, toxicologists, and environmental health
It is imperative that you verify that your water treatment system
functions as promised. Without independent certification by NSF you
are taking the companys word for it. It is not required that a water filtration device be certified by NSF, but with the poor quality of drinking
water in North America I would not trust my familys health to a filter
without it. Certification by the NSF means that the manufacturers performance claims have been validated and that the materials used in the
construction of the product have been determined by toxicologists to be
safe for use with potable water. In addition, NSF ensures that the companys literature is accurate and not misleading. The NSF also performs
perpetual inspections of production facilities to certify that the water
treatment products continue to meet rigorous standards. When buying a
water treatment system, demand to see NSF approval, and if the company does not have it, shop elsewhere.
Having an abundance of good, clean water is one of the best things
you can do for your body. Oxygen is the only substance with a more
immediate effect on our bodies; without oxygen we would be dead in
minutes; without water we may survive five days. I think it is a good
idea to supply the body with a continuous flow of the best water possible. I would like to end this chapter the same way I started it by stating
that you can do more for your health with eight to 10 glasses of good,
clean water per day than just about anything else.

Chapter 11

Attracted to Magnets

ve been closely associated with various aspects of the health care

industry for over 14 years. Ive seen my share of companies come
and go. Companies with questionable products seem to disappear
as quickly as they appear. The huge profits in the growing health care
field are bringing the charlatans and snake oil salespeople out of the
woodwork. Get some doctor to endorse your product and you can make
millions long before anyone realizes your magic cure-all elixir is a crab
grass and twig mlange.
Many companies market exquisite products. As a microscopist, I
am frequently requested to verify the claims made by manufacturers.
Over the years I have assisted in the evaluation of many products and
many companies. My clients want to know not only that a product is
good, but also if that product is good for them. My assessments have
led to my recommending the use of certain products and the avoidance
of others. My clients find my independent evaluations indispensable.
Because I do not profit from the sale of products, my evaluation is not
based on vested interests, but rather on objectivity.
One company that I am impressed with is Nikken, Inc. In 1975, a
visionary by the name of Isamu Masuda started this company in Japan.
In just over a quarter of a century, Nikken has become one of the
largest corporations in Japan, with annual worldwide sales exceeding
$1 billion U.S. Mr. Masuda is still very actively involved in his company and recently moved the worldwide headquarters of this global
wellness giant to California (presumably to take advantage of the proximity to all us degenerating North Americans).


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Nikkens main focus is wellness through technology. Nikken is

primarily a research and development company (Nikken is actually
an acronym for Japanese Health and Research). Nikken has developed the most phenomenal marriage between cutting-edge patented
technology and the ancient healing arts. This is one reason that Nikken was able to achieve $1 billion U.S. in annual sales faster than
IBM or Microsoft. Impressive indeed. Nikken currently offers
hundreds of non-medical products that seem to have a great ability to
achieve positive health benefits. They have developed many new technologies and continually introduce more innovative products. This is
one of the benefits of having a gigantic research and development
budget. The three technologies that have impressed me the most are
magnetic technology, far infrared technology and PiMag water technology.
Nikken may not have invented magnetic technology, but I am
convinced they have perfected it. The first use of magnetics for health
occurred long ago when it was discovered that lodestones could relieve
the discomforts of the body. Lodestones are the by-product of volcanic
eruptions and are naturally magnetic. It is reported that Cleopatra even
wore magnets.
Over 8,000 studies have been performed in Asia asserting the effectiveness, and/or safety of magnetics. The best non-medical explanation
as to how magnets work is that although they do not heal the body per
se, they put the body in an environment which catalyses the bodys
natural healing mechanisms. I am not a physicist nor am I an expert in
magnetics. I have seen enough studies and enough anecdotal and empirical evidence both firsthand and from my clients that I am
thoroughly convinced that magnetics are a viable health modality.
I am an expert in nutrition and I feel confident in rendering my
opinion on nutritional issues. As I do not have the same confidence in
my abilities to explain magnetics, I would like to call upon an expert in
the field. Dr. Jim Walkenbach has a degree in engineering from the
United States Military Academy at West Point, a Masters Degree in
Biophysics from the Medical College of Virginia, and a chiropractic
degree from Logan Chiropractic College, St. Louis. Dr. Walkenbach is
an engineer, physicist, biophysicist and doctor of chiropractic. His credentials are most impressive and I consider his opinion on magnetics to
be an expert one. Dr. Walkenbachs video, Mysteries of Magnetics, is
the most comprehensive yet easily understandable explanation of mag-

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netics I have ever seen. Dr. Walkenbachs explanation of magnetics is

so good I felt compelled to reproduce it here.
First of all we must realize that life is evidenced by the results of
chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are exchanges of electrons or
other charged particles called ions. The laws of physics are immutable.
This means whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not,
the laws of physics affect you. The first law of electromagnetism states
that if an electron, or other charged particle, is moving it generates a
magnetic field. The corollary to the first law is that if an electron, or
other charged particle, encounters a magnetic field, it must move.
Every injury or disease produces acids. Acids are molecules that need
one or more electrons to be neutral. Acids in the body cause a reaction
called chemotaxis. Chemotaxis means that chemicals are taxied to the
area of injury or disease. Chemotaxis causes swelling. Swelling causes
80 to 90 per cent of residual pain after the pain of injury. One of the
chemicals taxied to the site of injury is antioxidants. Antioxidants are
molecules that can donate electrons and remain neutral. When you apply a magnet to an area, the acids of injury or disease are mixed with
the antioxidants found in the body. The acids receive electrons donated
by the antioxidants. This neutralized the acids. If you have no acids you
have no chemotaxis. If you have no chemotaxis you have no swelling.
And if you have no swelling, you have no pain. This is an immutable
law of physics. It has to happen. If you follow Dr. Walkenbachs sequence you cannot help but realize the power of magnetics.
The earths naturally occurring magnetic field is at an all-time low
level. People, especially those living in large cities, are further shielded
from the earths magnetic energy by concrete, asphalt and steel. Nikkens magnetic technology compensates for the two factors
mentioned above. Nikkens patented magnetic technologies have
been known to relieve discomforts, improve sleep and increase athletic
Nikkens magnetic products are used in many ways. First, magnetic mattress pads are used to sleep on, providing improved quality of
sleep. Better sleep refers to deeper sleep (the so-called delta phase of
sleep) for longer periods. This can result in better mental alertness, and
a more stress-free lifestyle. Second, Nikkens magnetic technologies
are used to reduce discomfort caused by injury, disease or aging. Magnetic pads applied to the effected area create an environment of healing
as explained eloquently by Dr. Walkenbach. I have witnessed so many
testimonials of this effect that I am quite awed.


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Third, people can walk on magnetic insoles. Nikkens first product in 1975 was a magnetic insole named Magsteps. It is still their
best seller to this day. You slip them into your shoes and your responsibilities have ended. The Magsteps increase energy, give you more
strength and better balance. They are one of my favourite Nikken
products and the following story will illustrate the reasons why.
Nikken products are non-medical products that have a profound
effect on health and well being. Dr. Michael Weintraub is an expert on
diabetes. He is with the New York Medical College Department of
Neurology and Medicine. Many of his patients have a diabetes complication known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy or DPN. DPN is a
common and often disabling complication of diabetes mellitus. As
many as nine million people in North America will experience neuropathic pain at some point in their lives. Dr. Weintraub was disheartened
that the drugs available were virtually useless and had many side effects. Simultaneously, many of his patients began coming in wearing
Magsteps and reporting substantial relief from DPN. At first, Dr.
Weintraub believed this was a placebo response; after all how could a
non-medical device with no side effects outperform the sacred fruit of
the pharmaceutical industry? He set out on a hopeless mission of disproving the value of the Magsteps. He commissioned a small study
and the results shocked him. Undaunted, Dr. Weintraub set up the most
comprehensive study of its kind using the most rigorous parameters he
could. He reasoned that when the ineffectiveness of the Magsteps was
proven, he did not want to leave any doubt about the methodology.
Therefore, he set up a randomized, double-blind, cross-over, placebocontrolled study in 47 sites using almost 400 test subjects. The results
of the extensive study were published in the Archives of Physical Medicine on May 5, 2003. Not only did the study not prove the
ineffectiveness of the Magsteps, but rather the present study provides convincing data confirming that the constant wearing of static,
permanent, magnetic insoles produces statistically significant reduction
of neuropathic pain. The study is key for two reasons. First, it validated by the most stringent medical standards possible the efficacy of
magnetics for health. Dr. Weintraub is quoted as saying, This is the
first randomized, double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled trial to
scientifically demonstrate the merits and clinical benefits utilizing static
magnets. The same protocol used in drug studies was used for this
study. Second, it confirmed that all magnets are not created equal and
that Nikken is the leading edge in magnetic technology.

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The 11-page study is reproduced in its entirety as Appendix C.

Permission to reprint this report in its entirety was received from
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American
Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. It is full of fancy
medical terms and technical styling that only medical people can appreciate fully. The significance of this study can be summarized in a
few words. Those words are if you have diabetes you would be a fool
not to have Nikken Magsteps in your shoes! I knew about this study
before it was published and have explained how important this is to
many people. I have been wearing Magsteps in my shoes for about
six years now. I love them. I get more energy; my feet dont ache anymore, and I have better balance. As I do not have diabetes, if someone
offered me $1 000 per day to never wear these insoles again I would
probably take it. If I had diabetes, not even $50,000 per day would motivate me to take the Magsteps out of my shoes. If you are suffer from
diabetes, get a pair of these insoles immediately - at less than $100 its
the best investment you can make in your health. Also, take this study
to your doctor because it is the type of validation doctors need before
they can begin recommending these types of products to their patients.
Another technology that Nikken possesses, which some (including me) have argued is even more impressive than the magnetics, is farinfrared technology. Like magnetics, far-infrared products are nonmedical in nature, but have the potential for an amazing impact on your
health. Far-infrared or FIR is quite simply a specific wavelength of
light. It cannot be seen, but it can be felt as heat. Light waves transmit
heat when they contact an object sunlight makes an enclosed car interior hot. FIR waves are unique in that they can penetrate the surface of
organic materials. For example, when regular heat strikes an object
cooking in an oven, the heat raises the temperature of the objects surface and heat is then transferred into the interior by a process known as
conduction. Energy from FIR will actually penetrate the object and
cook the meat directly.
Years ago an American company marketed a special plate which
defrosted meat very quickly. This was FIR technology in action. Nikken has used that same technology to promote health. As valiant an
activity as defrosting meat is, I believe Nikkens use of this technology is of better service to society. With this technology Nikken has
created fibres and incorporated them into a line of products that have
enormous impact. Nikken produces wraps that can be used for spot


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relief on various parts of the body; whole quilts that can be used nightly
instead of regular comforters; clothing ranging from vests and undershirts to long underwear, and more and more products are constantly
being introduced.
FIR fabrics are regular fabrics like cotton that have been laced with
ceramic compounds. They were originally developed for the space program. By using multiple methods of heat storage, FIR fabrics will
warm you quickly when you are cold and interestingly, will also keep
you cool when you are hot. FIR fabrics do much more than just regulate heat; they reduce the concentration of chemicals in the body
including harmful acids.
I am very excited about the future of FIR fabrics. I have seen some
startling changes in peoples health. My passion for FIR products
comes from a very personal experience. In 1998 one of my daughters
was scheduled for surgery; at the time she was only 18 months old. Her
legs were not developing correctly and doctors informed us that surgery
was the only alternative. I delayed the surgery as much as possible. I
suppose I was grasping at straws. A second opinion, therapy, anything
but break my little girls legs on purpose and cast them for six weeks. I
attempted nutritional support and insisted she wear FIR wraps at all
times. Months later the legs miraculously straightened out. Upon examination of her x-ray all the specialist who cancelled the surgery
would say was, I dont know what youre doing, but keep on doing it.
This story is so emotionally charged that even six years later, tears flow
down my cheeks as I write these words.
The final technology, which I will mention, is known as PiMag
water. As they have done for so many other products, Nikken has
revolutionized water filtration. The Nikken filtration unit certainly
cleans the water to NSF standards. If the filter only cleaned the water it
would be like hundreds of other filtration systems. However, this filter
also conditions the water.
The water that comes out of the filter system is known as Pi water.
Pi water was discovered in Japan in the 1960s. Infusing minute
amounts of Ferric Ions into the water creates Pi water which has unusual properties. Pi water has antioxidant capabilities because of its
free-radical eliminating properties. Oxygen absorption is increased and
many people that consume this water report incredible increases in energy. Pi water is also balanced for acid-alkaline purposes. As we have
previously seen, many water treatment systems actually destroy the
acid-alkaline balance; this is one of the few systems that enhances it.

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Nikken also conditions the water by sending it through a magnetic

field; this is what creates the Mag in PiMag water.
Nikkens products are so revolutionary that many people are experiencing life-changing occurrences. I have dedicated many pages to
this company because I feel it is poised to become the world leader in
the wellness revolution that is already well under way. Many notable
figures from a wide range of fields including medicine, entertainment
and sports are heralding the Nikken products as indispensable for
health. These notable figures include Evander Holyfield, boxing
heavyweight champion who states, I like the PiMag water best. I
know the importance of water and Ive seen a difference in my energy
curve. Larry King, of Larry King Live fame, states, Magnets work for
me! Regis Philbin, talking about the Nikken products stated, Inside
my shoemagnets on my solesIm feeling like a young colt! Tony
Gwynn, former baseball player is quoted as saying, My wife talked me
into using Nikken products because she was getting great results.
They made a difference for me and I feel great! Johnny Bench,
Baseball Hall of Fame catcher states, Id broken 16 bones in my body.
A friend offered an answer. I started using Nikken products, truly an
amazing thing! These are only a few of the dozens and dozens of high
profile individuals that use Nikken products. Others of note include
Dan Marino, John Elway, Gwynneth Paltrow, Delta Burke, and John
The amazing power and safety of the Nikken products is absolute.
Nikken has hundreds of products and many other technologies that
space constraints prevented me from listing. They have a nutritional
line of supplements which is second to none. It is pharmaceutical grade,
bio-available and I have seen quite impressive changes with my testing.
They have recently introduced a barley grass product developed by Dr.
Yoshihide Hagiwara, the worlds foremost authority on barley grass.
Dr. Hagiwara has been studying barley grass and health for over 40
years. In keeping with the Nikken philosophy, when a new product is
introduced, it is unique, or by far the best of its kind. I look forward to
validating some of the positive effects touted by this product, including
immune system support, detoxification, colon health, circulatory health,
skin elasticity, and most importantly, PH regulation. Nikken recently
introduced an air filtration system that will revolutionize the industry.
The inside of most homes has five times more pollution than outside.
This is truly a timely product.
The products are not on trial. That being said, please be wary of


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health care professionals who claim that magnets or other Nikken

products are dangerous or ineffective. Certainly other companies in the
marketplace make inferior and ineffective products to cash in on the
trend towards magnetics and related modalities. However, because
Nikken is the world leader, some health care professionals have targeted Nikken and caution against the use of their products. There are
really only two reasons that a health care professional would not promote the use of Nikken products. The first and most common reason
is ignorance. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner had a great quote. He
stated, When youre not up on something, youre down on it! Perhaps
they are unaware of the 8,000 plus studies performed in Asia proving
their safety, efficacy or both. Perhaps they are unaware of the Weintraub study that unequivocally validates the importance of magnets for
diabetics. Perhaps they do not understand engineering, physics, and
biophysics as well as Dr. Walkenbach. Perhaps their research focused
on the effects of copycat magnetics and other products. Perhaps they
just dont know and their ego wont let them concede it.
The second possible reason for being wary of Nikken products is
fear. They are so effective and they are so safe that a health care practitioner may be concerned that their skills will pale in comparison. They
may also be concerned about the loss of income and business if their
clients suddenly start getting healthier. Yes, Virginia, some health care
professionals are in it for the money. If your health care practitioner
opposes Nikken technologies, ask your practitioner to validate and
verify the assertions. This is especially important if you have already
felt the benefits of the Nikken products. If your health care professional responds with some malarkey such as, Im an expert, trust me,
get yourself a real expert.
The more Nikken products you use the healthier an environment
you create for yourself. I firmly believe that the Nikken scientists and
researchers knowingly or unknowingly employ the principles of pleomorphic theory. First and foremost, they strive to balance the body as a
whole. As Thomas Edison, whose brilliance illuminated the entire
planet, stated over one hundred years ago, The doctor of the future
will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the
human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Using this definition, Nikken not only is the doctor of the future, it is the
doctor of the present.
Nikken products are not available in retail stores. In North America they are sold exclusively through Independent Nikken Wellness
Consultants. I encourage you to try some of these most amazing prod-

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ucts. I am convinced that both your short-term and long-term health

will benefit.

Chapter 12

The Top Ten List

his chapter is dedicated to the ten most important aspects of increasing your chances of health and longevity. Please do not be
alarmed. I will not ask you to uproot your family, move to the
top of a mountain, drink rainwater, alternate your waking hours between meditation and chanting, and eat nothing but shrubs and weeds.
Few people are capable of making such drastic changes and besides, I
dont think such drastic changes are beneficial. I do not have utopian
aspirations, either for me or for my clients. I make recommendations
for the real world.
Normal expectancy of life is 60 or so years of mediocre existence
followed by 20 years of pain and then death. That scenario isnt good
enough for me and it should not be good enough for you. I agree with
every genetic scientist I have ever met that the genetic potential for
humans is a minimum of 120 to 140 years of healthy existence. My
recommendations will give you the best opportunity of achieving that
goal. These recommendations are common sense and those of you interested in your health are already doing many of them (I surmise that
you would not be reading this book if you were not interested in your
health). You may need some fine-tuning but I guarantee you it is well
worth it, given what is at stake.
From what you have read in chapter 10 Im sure many of you can
guess that the number one aspect in your quest for health and longevity
is water. We are 72 per cent water; by sheer weight of numbers water
has to be important. Modern marketing and advertising tries to con-


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vince us that we need flavours, colours and sugars in our beverages.

Water is a cheap drink (from your tap) and as such, is for the poor and
downtrodden. The affluent people and people in the know must drink
more expensive drinks to show their strength and vitality. What a load
of, well you know. There is nothing wrong with the occasional nonwater beverage. To ensure your health, the first eight to 10 glasses of
liquid each and every day should be good, clean water.
The number two aspect of health and longevity is ensuring that you
ingest each of the other 91 essential nutrients every day, either in your
food or your supplements. Essential nutrients are called essential for
two very important reasons. First, the body does not manufacture them.
For example, if you do not consume calcium your bones will fall apart.
That is a biochemical fact. Second, a deficiency in essential nutrients
over any length of time will leave you susceptible to ten diseases per
essential nutrient. That figure means that we can prevent over 900 diseases by simply making a conscious effort to consume each of the 92
essential nutrients. We can consume many of these nutrients by eating a
wide variety of foods. The only exception is minerals which must be
consumed via supplements. If everyone on the planet simply drank sufficient good, clean water everyday and conscientiously consumed of all
of their essential nutrients I am convinced that we could all but empty
our hospitals within 20 years.
The last eight aspects in the top ten list are not in any particular order. The third aspect that I would like to discuss is cartoon
supplements. Under no circumstances should cartoon supplements be
consumed. This includes vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids,
amino acids, and herbal concoctions. Not only do you get a false sense
of security, but you can also poison yourself with these toxins. Buy
from reputable companies and be loyal only to your health. Loyalty to a
particular sales outlet or friend selling the latest panacea of health is a
recipe for disaster. If you can get pharmaceutical grade supplements,
you will take the guesswork out of supplementation. To achieve pharmaceutical status the company has performed the due diligence on your
behalf. If you cannot obtain pharmaceutical grade for the product you
need, remember that the vinegar test (DDT) and nutritional microscopy
are two excellent methods of confirming quality. Leave the cartoons to
the cartoonists.
The fourth on the list is to avoid the four horsemen of the nutritional apocalypse as much as possible. To review, the four horsemen
are sugar, white flour, carbonated beverages and trans fats. I believe

Blood Never Lies


that Chapter 8 has concisely summarized the reasons that these four
substances are nutritionally devastating for humans.
I would like to relay a story about one of the most potent horsemen,
carbonated beverages. My seven-year-old daughter recently lost a baby
tooth. This furnished me with a great opportunity to perform an experiment I had only heard about. After the tooth fairy rewarded her
handsomely for her tooth, she (the tooth fairy) graciously agreed to allow me to retain the tooth. I put the tooth in three ounces of cola in a jar
in my kitchen cupboard for four days. After the four days were up, it
didnt surprise me that the tooth had virtually disappeared. Imagine
that, people consume a product that disintegrates something as strong
as tooth enamel. No wonder carbonated beverages are a prominent
member of the four horsemen.
Much debate exists about eating habits. Every week it seems a
new expert is promoting a new eating system which will save the
planet. High fat, low fat, high carbs, low carbs, high protein, low protein, nothing but raw food, vegetarian, balanced diet between fats,
carbs, and protein and so on and so on. In recent years each of these
eating styles and many others have appeared. I would like to offer my
opinion on the subject. In general, the least imbalanced blood that I see
is from people that eat a wide variety of foods, take quality supplements and drink plenty of good clean water. Of course there are
exceptions. The best diet is one rich in fruits and vegetables but also
including foods such as nuts, seeds, animal products, grains, fish and
legumes. If you avoid animal products because they dont agree with
you, or for humanitarian reasons, I can understand your abstention. If
you avoid them for some perceived health benefit, my research just
doesnt support it. I have some clients who are so fearful of animal
products that they have refused all the goodness in a supplement because there were trace amounts of animal products in the capsule. I
suspect that the negative energy and stress caused by this type of preoccupation and obsession will more than negate any benefit associated
with the abstention. It is not my intention to single out the vegetarian;
the same negative energy is created by the preoccupied abstention of
any food. This is one of the reasons that I suggest limiting the consumption of the four horsemen rather that total elimination.
A recent radio interview so eloquently encapsulated my view on
nutrition that I was compelled to share it. Arnold Schwarzenegger was
recently interviewed on the radio in order to promote his new movie
Terminator 3. During the interview, the interviewer asked the question,


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Would you eat a McGriddle? (A McGriddle is a breakfast sandwich from the McDonalds hamburger chain. The McGriddle
features two pancakes with baked-in syrup, bacon, processed cheese
and eggs.) The interviewer expected Mr. Schwarzenegger, who at 55
still has a physique which allows him to appear almost naked in movies
without a body double, to reply by saying something like I never eat
that junk. Instead, Mr. Schwarzenegger said, If I felt like it I would,
but certainly not every day. Although the McGriddle prominently
features three of the four horsemen, Schwarzenegger pleased me with
this answer. He also stated that his diet is rich in fruits, vegetables and
other healthy foods, but he does occasionally eat desserts and other not
so healthy things. This type of confidence is the reason his physique is
envied by men 30 years his junior. Compare this type of confidence to
someone whose fear wont even allow him or her to consume an animal-based supplement capsule. I think Governor Schwarzenegger is on
to something.
Strict adherence to philosophy-based eating systems is not the most
advantageous to overall health. By analysing how a common food is
regarded by some of the more well-known, philosophy-based eating
systems, we can begin to comprehend how confusion could result. I
could have chosen dozens of foods for my example but I have decided
to use the ordinary chicken egg. The question that I would like the
more common eating system purveyors to answer is, Is the egg a good
food for me to eat? Harvey Diamond, co-author of Fit For Life, would
answer that the egg is a bad food and should be avoided completely.
The late Dr. Robert C. Atkins, the cardiologist best known for the Atkins Diet, would say that eggs are a great food and should be consumed
often. Barry Sears PhD., best known for the Zone Diet, would respond
that only the egg whites should be consumed as there is an undesirable
substance known as arachidonic acid in the yolk. Dr. Peter J. DAdamo,
a naturopathic physician best known for his book Eat Right 4 Your
Type, would inform you that if your blood type is O you should eat
some eggs; if your blood type is A you should limit your consumption
of eggs; if your blood type is B you should eat eggs frequently; and if
your blood type is AB you should eat twice as many egg whites as you
do yolks.
These four men are all brilliant. Each of them has more nutritional
expertise than 50 average medical doctors combined. Each of them has
a very different opinion on the health implications of the common

Blood Never Lies


chicken egg. What is the answer to this perplexing question, you ask?
The answer is that, for you specifically, eggs may or may not be good.
With such a wide variety of opinions among the titans of the nutrition
business, I find it reassuring that I can rely on live cell microscopy to
individualize general nutritional recommendations.
Aspect number five in our quest for health and longevity is cleansing. Our internals organs work twenty-four hours per day, seven days
a week from before birth until the day we die. Throughout that time
they never get a break, and they never take a vacation. The next best
thing for our organs and other internal parts is periodic cleansing.
We spend much time and effort cleaning our external features.
Items in the marketplace exist to keep our skin, hair, and nails in pristine condition. Certainly external hygiene is important, but many
people neglect internal hygiene. I believe that the most important parts
of the body that require cleansing are the liver and the colon. There are
several concoctions on the marketplace for cleansing of the liver and
the colon, so I advise the same caution I do when avoiding cartoon
supplements. There are also products for cleansing the kidneys, gall
bladder, arteries, as well as whole body tonics. Whether or not you
need more than just the basic liver and colon cleansing depends upon
various stress factors you may or may not be exposed to. Here is where
nutritional assessment really shines. In my opinion, no better method
than live cell microscopy exists to determine the need for cleansing and
for identifying the specific organs that require attention.
Number six in our list of top ten is assuring that proper sleep is part
of your routine. The quality of sleep is as important as the quantity of
sleep. You probably know some people who sleep 10 or 12 hours per
day and feel worse upon awakening. This is certainly an issue of quality, because quantity cannot possible be an issue here. I do not think
anyone on the planet requires more than 10 hours of sleep per day.
Medical research indicates that sleep helps the body to regulate the
immune system, blood pressure, weight, stress, mental function, physical function, breathing and just about every other metabolic function.
Only a few days without deep sleep could cause you to perish. If you
have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there are many potential
aids. Simple things such as relaxing before turning in can make an incredible difference. In some cases, more complex intervention may be
necessary. This may include improving your mattress or taking certain
relaxing herbs such as camomile or valerian root.
As we continue our tour of the top ten, number seven is to use natural products, as often as possible, to promote health. Sometimes drugs


Ted Aloisio

and surgery are necessary; however, I find that in North America we

reach for these options far too often. Part of the problem is what I call
the Hurry-Up mentality. We are so accustomed to taking a prepared
dinner from the freezer, microwaving it for a few minutes and, presto,
dinner is served. The thought of spending 20 minutes preparing a meal
from scratch seems like an eternity in comparison. And so it is with our
health. Waiting an hour for an herb to relieve our headache is an eternity compared to mere minutes for a headache pill. Forget about the
toxic side effects of that pill. Forget about the strain on the organs, especially the liver. Forget about the fact that the body will grow
resistant, and the next time we will need bigger and stronger dosages to
get the same results. All that matters is our pain will be gone quickly.
So many natural products exist to create balance in our body that I
invite you to do your own investigations. One place to start is with
products such as those promoted by Nikken. Consider some of the
fine modalities that promote health including: chiropractic, massage
therapy, osteopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, and of course my favourite, nutritional therapy. The above modalities, and so many more
too numerous to mention, all work on the basis of the holistic approach.
This is why they work so well and this is why their popularity is growing exponentially.
Continuing on to number eight, which is exercise. In May of 2002,
I was one of 30 lecturers at a conference for 400 personal trainers in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My topic was bravely entitled, Exercise
Without Supplementation Is Suicide. For effect, my Power Point presentation began with a graphic of the grim reaper. At the end of the
presentation I received a standing ovation. This is not because of my
speaking skills, but rather because I had proven the point so concisely I
swayed even the most sceptical. I cited statistics from the Centre for
Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. The CDC estimates that every
year in the United States, 100,000 people under the age of 30 drop dead
during a workout or shortly thereafter. Also, 300,000 people over the
age of 30 drop dead during a workout or shortly thereafter. I do nutritional assessments at several health clubs and they all insist on
members signing a waiver that basically says, If you drop dead on a
treadmill or anywhere else its your own fault. Ive actually been present during a collapse and the amount of pre-planned activity is
Why is such a good thing like exercise potentially dangerous? One
reason is that when we work out we perspire and sweat out litres of

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mineral rich liquid. Most people do not replenish these minerals correctly and eventually the body runs out. A brand new Mercedes will
not run without gas in the tank and our heart will not run without minerals. Four hundred thousand people a year in the United States
basically run out of gas.
I do not mention this to dissuade you from exercise because I think
proper exercise is important. The more you exercise, the more you
sweat and the more essential it is that you replace the nutrients that you
have lost. And for heavens sake do not get tricked into drinking those
sugar water and food-dye sports drinks. They are garbage.
Number nine is maintain proper PH balance within your body.
Many of the items are in the top ten list because one of their attributes
is their effect on reducing acidity. For example, good clean water maintains PH balance. Minerals, which are the most important of the
essential nutrients, are key to PH balance. It is no accident that the four
horsemen of the nutritional apocalypse are pure acid. And so on. Although many others activities within this list promote PH balance, I
consider PH balance so germane to health that it deserves special mention.
The tenth and final item in this list of the top ten most important aspects of health and longevity is to have a positive mental attitude. The
mind is so powerful that anywhere from 15 to 30 per cent of the
changes during medical studies are attributed to the placebo effect. The
placebo effect is the power of the mind to heal the body. There is also a
sister effect not as well known. The nocebo effect is the complete reverse. If a person with authority conveys a false diagnosis upon a group
of people, up to 30 per cent of them will display symptoms of the disease although they do not have it. This is why doctors must choose
their words well. For better or worse, they have a lot of power and control over their patients, and they should use it to promote health, not
hinder it.
Positive mental attitude is an important aspect of health. Unfortunately, it is beyond the scope of this book. I invite you to read and
study the works of the masters in this field. Some of the titans in this
field throughout the years have included Earl Nightingale, Bob Proctor,
Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, and many others. Studying their works is certainly a rewarding activity. The average
person spends $600 per year on hair styling and care products, yet the
average person invests less than $100 for personal development. It is
sad that we invest six times more on the outside of our head than the


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inside. My mentor, Bob Proctor would correct me on this by pointing

out that the mind and the brain are not the same and that the mind is in
every part of the body. I am pleading artistic license on this one.
My clients that have incorporated the top ten list into their daily
lives have been rewarded with incredible benefits. Many of them have
a renewed vigour and zest for life. Even the ones that are being treated
by standard medicine are noticing that allopathic tools drugs and surgery are working with greater efficiency for them. Not a week goes
by that I do not receive correspondence thanking me for my assistance.
Reading those letters and emails brings me a joy I find difficult to
translate into words.
By incorporating the top ten list into your daily life, your health
cannot help but improve. If you are currently one of the few enjoying
perfect health, it will give you the best opportunity of maintaining that
health for many, many more years. Of course there are no guarantees.
Even if you methodically employ the top ten faithfully each and every
day, it will not help you if someone drops a nuclear bomb on your
head. Equally important is to realize that the top ten list is only a general list. You may have a severe allergy to peanuts and one peanut
could cause you to go into anaphylactic shock. It is important that you
personalize the top ten list and augment it wherever you see fit. I encourage you to work with a nutritional microscopist. He or she will be
able to personalize your program and among other things answer the
question, Should I eat eggs?

Chapter 13

Medical and
Scientific Validation
Dear distinguished members of the medical community:

his is a seminal moment in the history of medical science. The

unique brand of sophistry practised in modern medicine will
soon begin to acquiesce to more integrity-based realities. Evidence that the medical establishment is changing is plentiful. Your own
journals and newspapers are reporting the dissatisfaction with the current situation. Your relationship to the advancement of true health in
the last one hundred years has been tangential, at best.
The invention of the automobile did not sound the death knell for
the blacksmith. Those that used their skill with iron and heat became
part of the new industry. Those that ignored the changes and convinced
themselves that the horseless chariot would not catch on, perished. This
is the same challenge that you face right now. Your waiting rooms are
usually full. Until recently your patients never questioned your instructions. If you said jump, the patient would invariably respond, how
high? Occasionally a patient might have asked for a second opinion,
but that posed no problem as the second opinion would come from a
colleague trained at the same type of school you were. No threat existed
Surely you have noticed the subtle changes already. Many of
your patients no longer rely solely on allopathic medicine. They
question you more and more frequently and the retort, what medi-


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cal school did you go to? no longer quells their questions, but
rather cultures their ire.
Many of your patients are using alternative modalities in conjunction with your treatments. Some tell you and some dont. A day
probably doesnt go by without a patient relaying some information on
the latest lotion, potion, supplement or gizmo that they have read about
that could help their condition. Some of your colleagues embrace the
new modalities. My own medical doctor has a degree in acupuncture as
well as a medical degree from the University of Toronto Medical
School. This is more than a if you cant beat them join them mentality. It shows a reaction to the realization that many of these modalities
are as powerful or more powerful than allopathic techniques.
One of the modalities you will hear much about in the not too distant future is nutritional microscopy. Occasionally my clients mention
nutritional microscopy to their doctors. When the reaction is something
like thats a bunch of nonsense, then I know that that doctor either
slept through medical school or stole the medical diploma from someone with exactly the same name (Dr. John Smith, I presume?). In the
Summer 2002 edition of Elm Street there was an excellent article about
nutritional microscopy. Dr. Wallace Sampson was quoted as saying that
it is complete nonsense with absolutely nothing behind it. Wallace
Sampson isnt that common a name, so I dont think he stole his medical diploma. Dr. Sampson must consider 150 years of microbiological
study to be absolutely nothing. It is either ignorance or fear that motivated that comment by Dr. Sampson; in either case he has my
sympathy. I have great sympathy for members of your profession with
that attitude. They will continue making horseshoes even though they
havent seen a horse in years.
Your profession is quite a rigid one. Questioning professors in
medical school is tantamount to treason. Changes occur over a protracted period of time. It took the medical establishment 15 years to
accept the Heimlich manoeuvre for choking. It took 50 years (this is my
favourite one) for doctors to accept that it is a good idea to wash their
hands after performing an autopsy before touching a live patient.
I have included this chapter in the solutions part of the book because I consider your profession to be an ally in my mission, rather
than an obstacle. The one advantage I have over most of your patients
is that I read the same medical journals that you do. I have read the
same medical textbooks that you have. I do not have any formal medi-

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cal training, but I am well versed in my craft. I am too passionate about

health to be derailed by ignorance. Consequently, I routinely obliterate
my opponents in debates about nutritional microscopy. I would like to
share some of my knowledge to bridge the gap between our two professions.
Whether or not you believe in pleomorphic theory, nutritional microscopy is a valuable tool. Nutritional training is lax in medical
schools and this is a fact. In the August 8, 1980 edition, The Journal of
American Medical Association (JAMA) honestly admitted, The area
of nutrition has been neglected by the medical profession. Most medical schools devote less than three hours of total instruction to
nutritional deficiencies and therapy. In short, physicians in the United
States (and Canada) are not required to have any understanding of nutrition to be licensed to practice medicine. Has this changed over the
last twenty-four years? I do not honestly believe so. I recently performed an assessment on a young fellow who had just completed two
years at a very prestigious medical school. I asked him how much nutritional training he had received. He answered that in two years he had
two scheduled lectures on nutrition and the professor didnt show up
for either one. I dont have a good enough imagination to make something like that up. Of the 127 medical schools in the United States, 70
per cent do not oblige the student to take even one course in nutrition to
become a doctor. At 30 per cent of the schools, courses in nutrition are
not even offered.
It is often a prerequisite for a medical doctor to inspect a peer reviewed article or study before committing to a new idea. This is one of
the reasons I reproduced the Weintraub study on magnets and diabetes.
Some of the other sources which I recommend are Acta Anatomica,
Harpers Biochemistry, Guytons Textbook of Medical Physiology,
Mosbys Textbook of Medical Biochemistry, Laboratory Medicine Hematology and scores of others too numerous to mention. These
textbooks are filled with the type of validation you seek before accepting nutritional microscopy as a valid adjunct. With the type of
information found in these pages I suspect you can begin to lessen the
use of your prescription pad. You will begin to comprehend that backaches are not caused by aspirin deficiency, and cancer is not caused by
chemotherapy deficiency.
What do the textbooks report regarding the viability of nutritional
microscopy? Lets take spicules for example (Figure 13). Because spicules are protein-based, you might want to consider comparative ratios


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like globulin or albumin. It is likely that you will be able to detect low
levels of albumin when there are high levels of spicules. This has to be,
and this would lead you to think about the liver.
How about if we notice protoplasts in the sample? (Figure 15 and
16) The client probably has an ionic mineralization imbalance. You can
now ask further questions of the client and continue the investigation. If
you notice hypersegmented white blood cells, any hematology textbook
will lead you back to B12 and folic acid. B12 is plentiful in the food
supply but to assimilate it, we need strong stomach acid, and intrinsic
factor. At this point you can check for hypoclorhydria, or bicarb being
exchanged for chloride in the kidneys. This is directly taken from Guytons Physiology and surely you read that textbook.
These are only a few samples to wet your appetite for the powerful
connection between medicine and this non-medical procedure known
as nutritional microscopy. I suggest you return to these textbooks and
firmly grasp this technology before you dismiss nutritional microscopy.
A cynic once told me that all you need to get a degree is to read it,
remember it and repeat it. I am convinced that medical school is not
that way. The three stages that all truths go through are ridicule, violent
opposition and finally self-evident. Most truths have undergone these
stages. Take for example the concept that the earth is not the centre of
the universe. When Copernicus advanced the theory that the earth was
not the centre of the universe they laughed at him (ridicule), stoned him
(violent opposition) and now it is accepted (self-evident). When Henry
Ford began building the automobile in his garage, his neighbours
laughed at him, told him he needed a good horse (ridicule); then they
passed a noise ordinance to ban his building it (opposition) and what
did you drive to work this morning (self evident)? Nutritional microscopy is currently at the tail end of ridicule and entering the violentlyopposed stage.
In his book, Silent Clots Lifes Biggest Killers, Dr. James Privitera, M.D. wrote that he would like to see nutritional microscopy in
every emergency room in order to evaluate all stroke and cardiovascular patients and other acute medical conditions to determine the
presence of clotting. Of course if you use live cell microscopy thromboycte aggregation can be clearly seen (Figure 11). Dr. Privitera was
violently opposed by his brethren in the medical profession and the last
time I was in an emergency ward I did not notice any microscopes.
You may be wondering if nutritional therapy can be incorporated
synergistically into the standard medical practice. When I begin a pres-

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entation I always ask the question, By a show of hands, how many in

this room have improved a medical condition through a non-medical
approach such as nutrition, massage, magnets and so on? I ask this for
two reasons. First, I want to know what percentage of the audience is
enlightened and what percentage isnt. Second, and of more importance, since at least half and usually closer to three quarters of the room
raises their hand, I want the rest to be aware that my views are shared
by many. The point I am trying to make is that the vast majority of the
population has had results with non-medical approaches. If you try to
convince them otherwise, it would be like telling the Wright Brothers
that it is impossible to fly. They would have responded, Of course it is
possible to fly, we just did!
I suggest you begin incorporating nutritional concepts into your
practice. Your medical training has furnished you with two arrows for
your quiver drugs and surgery. I also suggest that you create a strategic alliance with a nutrition expert. Do not be intimidated if they know
more about nutrition than you do; after all your training is in drugs and
surgery not nutrition (Ive been studying nutrition since 1989 and Im
still learning).
Nutritional microscopy is symbolic of the entire movement towards
alternative modalities. I believe that many modalities are entering the
tail end of the violently-opposed stage. The only logical conclusion we
can arrive at is that the self-evident stage is close at hand.
Politics makes strange bedfellows. I suspect medicine does too. The
time to act is now while your waiting rooms remain full. If you wait
until they begin to empty (and they will), then your change will be perceived as an act of desperation and pragmatism, rather than one of

Some of the concepts presented is this book are controversial. I anticipate being questioned about my qualifications to assert these
concepts. I did not write this book as a teacher, lecturer, or even as a
nutrition expert, although I have worn all of these hats. I wrote this
book based solely on my observations of 10,000 plus blood samples. I
dont think it is flippant of me to say that the only qualifications one
needs to write about observations are vision and a writing instrument.
Expertise doesnt always require experience. I consider that Thomas Edison was an expert on the light bulb, and what experience could
he have had with the light bulb since it did not exist? I suggested in the
introduction that you question everything. I do not believe that this
book is above that sort of scrutiny. I am convinced of the accuracy of
this book, because the principles presented are sound. I have seen them
work over and over again.
We have a small window of opportunity to stem the tide of disease.
Before writing this book I attempted to inspire people one a time or in
small groups. I am hoping that this book will extend my reach beyond
my physical presence. Our hospitals are full, and as the population gets
older, hospitals will get fuller. Some politicians feel that the answer to
all our health care crisis woes is more money. Incompetence is not
solved by money. More money does not lead to efficiency; it leads to
more expensive incompetence. More money for beds, more money for
drugs, and more money for hospitals will magically solve all of our
problems. This type of tomfoolery is the reason we find ourselves in the
current medical mess. Albert Einstein, arguably one of the smartest
people to ever live, believed that to solve a problem you needed more
advanced thinking than the thinking which created the problem. Einsteins theory is the reason I am convinced that more money is not the
The answer to the health care crisis is very simple. The answer to
the health care crisis is fewer sick people. The simple answer that fewer
sick people will save the health care system appears foreign to the


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powers that be. The experts do not agree with this assertion, but the experts have been wrong a disproportionate amount of times throughout
history. This is one of those times. Experts were convinced that humans
couldnt fly, that the world was flat and that the earth was the centre of
the universe. I do not want this to sound like an inquisition, but I also
want to convey my passion on these pages.
Every day we each have the opportunity to make a real difference.
That difference will be viewed by others and inspire them too. Make a
date 75 years from now to play a game of golf, or something else you
like to do, and plan on being there vibrant and healthy enough to play
your best game ever. I dont even care how old you are now. This isnt
the grandiose ranting of a dreamer, with every fibre of my being, I
firmly believe this goal is achievable. Dont settle for anything less for
you and your family. When the experts tell you that the world is flat, be
resilient and resound. Expect their ridicule or violent opposition. Be
glad when you see ridicule or violent opposition because it confirms
that self-evident is close by. Please do not fall into the trap that allopathic medicine has become. The battle cry of the medical
establishment has manifested as kill the germ, kill the bug, kill the patient.
The wisest among us are beginning to explore newer and better
methods to insure health and longevity. Traditional medicine is the
study of pathology i.e. the study of disease. If we desire to become rich,
we do not generally study the poor. To become healthy, we cannot possible rely solely on the advice of someone who has only studied
disease. By combining the best aspects of allopathic medicine (emergency medicine, diagnostic technology) and the myriad of alternative
modalities including nutritional microscopy, we can better activate the
healing system within. We need doctors of wellness as much as we
need doctors of disease. With that positive thought I bid you health and
happiness all the days of your long life.

Appendix A
...Senate Document No. 264
Verbatim Unabridged extracts...
Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous
diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from
which our food come are brought into proper mineral balance?
The alarming fact is that foods - fruits and vegetables and grains, now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of
certain needed minerals, are starving us no matter how much of them we eat!
This talk about minerals is novel and quite startling. In fact, a realization
of the importance of minerals in food is so new that the text books on nutritional dietetics contain very little about it. Nevertheless, it is something that
concerns all of us, and the further we delve into it the more startling it becomes.
Youd think, wouldnt you, that a carrot is a carrot - that one is about as
good as another as far as nourishment is concerned? But it isnt; one carrot
may look and taste like another and yet be lacking in the particular mineral
element which our system requires and which carrots are supposed to contain.
Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs,
and even the milk and the meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago (which doubtless explains why our forefather thrived on a
selection of foods that would starve us!)
No longer does a balanced and fully nourishing diet consist merely of so
many calories or certain vitamins or a fixed proportion of starches, protein
and carbohydrates. We know that our diet must contain in addition something
like a score of mineral salts.


Ted Aloisio

It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the
American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency
in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Any
upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten
our lives.
We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin
It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the bodys
appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals, they have no function to perform
This discovery is one of the latest and most important contributions of
science to the problem of human health.
...US Senate Document No 264

Appendix B

Saliva pH Acid Challenge

. Normal
pH Test Strip Color





5.5 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 8.0

baseline 1min 2min




This is a challenge test to monitor mineral reserves. Minerals are
needed by virtually
every cell enzyme activity. Average number of cells:
450,000,000! Average number of cell enzyme reactions per cell
per second: 35,0001 By subjecting the patient to an acid solution
(lemon juice), alkaline buffer reactions can be monitored along a
time line. The degree of adaptability of the patient's alkaline
buffer system will reveal the state of the mineral reserves.
Clinical Application
The test results pattern can indicate:
Available mineral reserves Hyper-sympathetic nervous system
Potential adrenal stress
Mineral depletion risk factors


Ted Aloisio

Degree of stress of the patient

Cell rigidity and serious organ pathology
Associated Conditions Often Seen
osteoporosis emotional stress mental stress chronic fatigue fibromyalgia
hypochlorhyd ria malabsorption electrolyte imbalance weak immune system anemia
Other Testing May Reveal
uric acid> f5.5/m5.9
albumin> 5.0
alk. phos. < 70
magnesium <2.0
potassium >4.5
hemoglobin> fI 4.5/mI5.0
hematocrit> f44/m48
Testing Requirements
pH paper
Lemon juice concentrate Timer device
Saliva pH Challenge Form
Test Procedure
Tear off 7 strips of pH paper, each about 2" long. Have ready a
cup with 1 tbsp. of lemon juice mixed with 1 tbsp. of water.
Make a pool of saliva between lips (or put spittle into plastic
spoon), dip 1/2 of a pH strip into pool and remove immediately.
Measure the color of the pH paper against the pH scale provided
and record as baseline. Drink lemon juice. Take four swallows,
then test with pH paper.
Record results of the second pH strip.
For the next 5 minutes, one minute apart, test the saliva using
the last 5 pH strips.

Blood Never Lies

Record each reading on the Saliva pH Form.
pH baseline
Lemon juice
1 miD

Scale Explanation
= 6.5 to 6.8
Lemon juice
= 5.0
= 6.4
I minute
2 minutes
= 7.0
3 minutes
= 7.2
4 minutes
= 7.4 '
5 minutes
= 7.6 or above
(easily produces alkaline buffers)
= 7.0
Lemon juice
= 5.0
1 minute
= 6.6
2 minutes
= 7.0
3 minutes
= 7.2
4 minutes
= 7.2
5 minutes
= 7.2
(normal reaction to acid increase in body)

= 6.0
= 5.0
Lemon juice
1 minute
= 6.4
2 minutes
3 minutes
= 6.8
4 minutes
5 minutes
(cannot maintain alkaline buffers)



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= 5.0
Lemon juice
= 5.0
I minute
= 8.0
2 minutes
= 8.0
3 minutes
= 8.0
4 minutes
= 8.0
5 minutes
= 8.0
(minimal alkaline buffers.. .ammonia present)


= 6.8
Lemon juice
= 5.0
I minute
= 8.0
2 minutes
= 7.6
3 minutes
= 7.4
4 minutes
= 7.4
5 minutes
= 7.4
(rapid alkaline reaction, sustained alkaline buffers)
= 5.0
Lemon juice
= 5.0
I minute
= 5.0
2 minutes
= 5.0
3 minutes
= 5.0
4 minutes
= 5.0
5 minutes
= 5.0
(cell rigidity, no buffers, extreme acidity)

Appendix C


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Further Reading
Chapter 2
Enderlein, G. Bakterien-Cyclogenie. Hoya, Germany: Semmelweis
Institute Publishing, 1981.
Bird, Christopher and H.J. Kramer. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens; The Galileo of the Microscope. California: Tiburon,
Panisset, Maurice and Sorin Sonea. A New Bacteriology. Boston:
Jones and Bartlett, 1980.
Hume, E. Douglas. Bchamps or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology. London: C.W. Daniel, 1932.
Bchamps, Antoine. The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element.
London: John Ouseley, 1912.
Enby, Erik. Hidden Killers: The Revolutionary Medical Discoveries of
Professor Guenther Enderlein. Saratoga, California: Sheehan Communications, 1990.
Chapter 3
McCully, K.S. Vascular pathology of homocysteinemia; implications
for the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis, American Journal of Pathology 56 (1996) 111-28.
Lynes, Barry. The Rife Report: The Cancer Cure that Worked! Fifty
Years of Suppression. Queensville, Ontario: Marcus Books, 1987.
Livinston-Wheeler, Virginia. The Conquest of Cancer: Vaccines and
Diet. New York: Franklin Watts, 1984.

Ted Aloisio


Reich, Wilhelm. The Cancer Biopathy. New York: Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 1973.
Barnes, Broda O. and Charlotte W. Barnes. Solved: The Riddle of
Heart Attacks. Fort Collins, Colorado: Robinson Press, 1976.
McCully, Kilmer S. The Homocysteine Revolution. New Canaan,
Conn.: Keats Publishing, 1997.
Whitaker, Julian M. Reversing Heart Disease. New York: Warner
Books, 1985.
Ornish, Dean. Dr. Dean Ornishs Program for Reversing Heart Disease: The Only System Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease
Without Drugs or Surgery. New York: Ivy Books, 1996.
Richardson, John A. and Patrician Griffing. Laetrile Case Histories:
The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience. New York: Bantam
Books, 1977.
Moss, Ralph W. The Cancer Syndrome. New York: Grove Press, 1980.
Fischer, William L. How to Fight Cancer and Win: Scientific Guidelines and Documented Facts for the Successful Treatment and
Prevention of Cancer and Other Related Health Problems. Canfield,
Ohio: Fischer Publishing, 1987.
Chapter 4
DAdamo, Peter. Eat Right 4 Your Type. New York: Putnam, 1997.
Jenson, Bernard. Dr. Jensens Guide to Better Bowel Care. New York:
Avery Publishing Group, 1999.
Jenson, Bernard. Beyond Basic Health. New York: Avery Publishing
Group, 1988.
Jenson, Bernard. You Can Master Disease. Escondido, California:
Bernard Jensen Enterprises, 1976.

Blood Never Lies


Chapter 5
Colgan, Michael. The New Nutrition. San Diego: C.I. Publishing,
Chapter 6
Balch, J.F. and P.A. Balch, Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing. New
York: Avery Publishing Group, 1997.
Chapter 7
Aihara, H. Acid and Alkaline. Oroville, California: George Ohsawa
Macrobiotic Foundation, 1986.
Morter, M.T. Dynamic Health, Rogers, Arkansas: Morter Health System, 1997.
Chapter 8
Erasmus, Udo. Fats and Oils. Canada: Alive, 1986.
Finnegan. The Facts About Fats, A Consumers Guide to Good Oils.
Malibu, CA: Elysian Arts, 1992.
Chapter 10
Batmanghelidj, F. Your Bodys Many Cries for Water. Falls Church,
Virginia: Global Health Solutions, 1995.
Flanagan, Patrick and Gael Crystal Flanagan. Elixir of the Ageless: You
Are What You Drink. San Francisco, California: Vortex Press, 1986.
Schwenk, Theodor and Wolfram Schwenk. Water: The Element of Life.
Hudson, New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1989.
Chapter 11
Hagiwara, Y. Green Barley Essence. New Canaan, Conn.: Keats Publishing, 1986.

Ted Aloisio

Chapter 13

Zernike F. How I Discovered Phase Contrast, Science 121:345, 1955.

Ackerman, A and N. Bellios. A Study of the Morphology of the Living Cells and Bone Marrow in Vital Films with Phase Contrast
Microscope: II. Blood and Bone Marrow from Various Hematologic
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Bessis M. Examination with Phase Contrast. In Cytology of the
Blood and Blood-Forming Organs. New York: Grune and Stratton,
Beutler, E. et al. Morphology of the erythron. Williams Hematology,
Fifth Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1995.
Brecher G. and M. Bessis. Present status of spiculed red cells and
their relationship to discocyte-echinocyte transformation: A critical review. Blood 50 (1972), 3:333.
Gedde, M.M. and E. Yank and W. Heutis. Shape response of human
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Levine R.F., Isolation and characterization of normal human megakaryocytes, British Journal of Haematology 45 (1980) 487.

About the Author

Ted Aloisio is a certified nutritional microscopist and a noted lecturer and researcher. Considered to be one of the foremost authorities
on live cell microscopy, Ted is host of the weekly health program
Health Forum. He has a thriving practice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is the founder of the Microscopy Referral Network (MRN)
and the Director of Veritas Health Institute.

For Your Information

My purpose in life is to facilitate the bodys natural ability to heal
itself. I get so involved with the health of my patients that every practitioner I have personally visited has remarked about it.
I have focused most of my attention on this most worthy endeavour.
To enhance my efforts, I invite your comments and input.
The courses I have taught, the lectures I have presented, the company I direct, the referral network I started, and now the book I have
written are all instruments for that purpose.
Please contact me if you require assistance locating a qualified microscopist in your area. Contact me if you are a qualified microscopist
and would like to join the Microscopist Referral Network (MRN). You
can also contact me if you would like assistance locating an Independent Nikken Wellness Consultant in your area.
Veritas Health Institute
Ted Aloisio, Director
905 851 7559

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