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And all these strict rules were there; that such and such person must be killed, such
and such person must be given a punishment of cutting the hands, cutting the feet,
even, ,even' absolutely destroying the eyes !
Toate aceste reguli stricte au existat; ca o persoana sau cealalta trebuie sa fie
pedepsite prin taierea mainilor, picioarelor sau scoaterea ochilor.
This was done because they were not realized souls. It was a great realization of
Moses I think, that he took to the another kind of law which is known as "Shariat"
now -and that's what the Muslims are following. In a way it's good I think, because
people who are now normal people 'really deserve' such a rule; but it should not be
so fanatical that you can not discriminate between a realized soul and a nonrealized soul.
Toate acestea pentru ca ei nu erau suflete realizate. A fost o mare realizare a lui
Moise, care a dus la o alta lege numita shariat, cea care este urmata de
musulmani. Intr-un fel este bine pentru ca unii dintre oamenii asa-zisi normali chiar
merita o asa lege. Dar nu trebuie sa fie atat de fanatica incat sa nu poti discrimina
intre un suflet realizat si unul nerealizat.

Now, the Guru within you, will be awakened if you are strict with yourself,
That's one point is very important. Unless and until you are 'strict' with
yourself the Guru will not be awakened within you. People who are lazy
lumps, who can not sacrifice anything, who are very fond of comfort, can
'never' be Gurus. Take it from me. They can be good administrators, they
can be anything, but never a Guru.
Atentie ca, (principiul n.t)Guru din interior, va fi trezit daca sunteti stricti cu voi
insiva. Acest aspect este cel mai important. Fara ca si pana cand nu sunteti stricti cu
voi insine principiul de Guru nu va fi trezit in voi insiva. Oamenii lenesi, care nu pot
sa sacrifice nimic, care sunt atasati de confort, nu pot fi Guru cu niciun chip. Sa stiti
asta de la mine. Ei pot fi buni administrator, ei pot fi orice, dar nu pot fi niciodata
A Guru should be willing to live the way he has to live. He should be able to sleep on
stones, he should be able to sleep under 'any' circumstances,-not that the disciples
should force on him, but it should be his own 'nature,' that he can adjust himself.
Comfort can not fall on a Guru. Now those who want your Guru principle to he
awakened, 'must know that you should not ask for comfort'. 'Even' for a thing like
that, yesterday you saw the dancing, one has to do real tapasya. 'Intensive' tapasya
you have to do. You can not learn even a thing like dancing without going into a
'penance' about it.
Un Guru ar trebui sa fie dispus sa traiasca in orice conditii. Ar trebui sa poata sa
doarma pe pietre, sa adoarma in orice conditii, nu de dragul discipolilor ci prin

propria natura, sa fie flexibil. Confortul nu poate indoi un Guru. Cei care vor ca
principiul de Guru sa fie trezit, trebuie sa stie ca nu trebuie sa ceara confort. Si
pentru un lucru ca dansul, ieri am vazut dansuri, cineva trebuie sa faca adevarata
tapasya . Intensa tapasya trebuie facuta. Nici macar dansul nu-l poti invata fara
sa faci penitente pentru asta.

So a Guru has to go through a penance is an important thing. Sahaja Yogi need not
go. But a 'Guru Sahaja Yogi' has to do it You have to have penances, and the
penances can be : Any kind of desire you have; say, supposing you are very fond of
food. Just don't eat the food that you want to eat. If you are very fond of sweet food,
then eat something very bitter raised to power hundred and eight. And if you are
fond of some sort of a very-as Indians are sometimes, very spicy food - then eat so
bland a food without salt. Teach your tongue to behave itself. It doesn't behove a
Guru to put his attention to food. I have seen some of the Sahaja Yogis, they are
alright when the food is there, quite concentrated, but when it comes to the
programme they have no concentration. It's a sad thing. Such people can not be
Gurus. They can be cooks, good cooks, or could be food tasters, or something like
that will suit them better. But if they have to be Gurus they must learn to control
their tongue and their desire. I mean fasting is a good thing for such people, fasting
is very good. All the time if they are worried "What are we going to have for lunch ?
What are we going to have for dinner ?" Such people can not have their Guru
Principle awakened, neither they can be Gurus. So please be careful. The Guru must
have control over the tongue. He must know when to get angry and when to be
gentle. He must know what to say, when. How much to say. That's why many Gurus
have been more effective by not speaking. Silence is the 'best' way you can help
others. But when it comes to explaining Sahaja Yoga, you should speak But I have
seen, with some people they are very eloquent when it comes to nonsensical things.
But when it comes to Sahaja Yoga, they don't know anything about Sahaja Yoga. So
you have to be the master of ',Sahaja Yoga, if you have to be a Guru.
Deci pentru un un Guru penitenta este un lucru important. Un sahaja yogin nu
trebuie sa o faca. Dar un Guru Sahaja Yogin trebuie sa o faca de asemenea. Trebuie
sa faceti penitente, si acestea pot fi: orice dorinta pe care o aveti; sa zicem ca iubiti
mancarea. Nu mancati mancarea pe care vreti sa o mancati. Daca iubiti de exemplu
o mancare condimentata - asa cum fac indienii cateodata, pregatiti si mancati o
mancare fara sare. Invatati-va simtul gustului sa fie cumpatat. Nu face parte din
comportamentul unui Guru sa aiba atentia pe mancare. Am vazut ca unii sahaja
yogini sunt concentrati cand mananca, foarte concentrati, dar nu si la programe.
Este un lucru trist. Astfel de oameni nu pot devein Guru. Ei pot fi bucatari, buni
bucatari sau degustatori, sau ceva care li se potriveste in acest sens. Dar daca vor
sa fie Guru ei trebuie sa invete sa-si controleze simtul gustative si dorintele. Vreau
sa spun ca postul este un lucru bun pentru astfel de oameni. Daca tot timpul sunt
ingrijorati cu privire la ce vom manca la pranz? sau ce vom manca diseara?

acestia nu vor putea trezi puterea de Guru in interior si nici nu vor putea fi Guru.
Asa ca fiti atenti. Un Guru trebuie sa-si stapaneasca simturile. Trebuie sa stie cand
sa fie aspru si cand sa fie bland. Trebuie sa stie cat, cand sa vorbeasca si unde sa
se opreasca. De aceea multi Guru au considerat mai eficace sa nu vorbeasca.
Tacerea este modul cel mai potrivit de a-I ajuta pe ceilalti. Dar atunci cand este
vorba de a explica Sahaja Yoga trebuie sa vorbiti. Dar am vazut cum unii sunt mai
elocventi cand vorbesc de lucruri fara sens. Dar cand vine vorba de Sahaja Yoga, ei
nu stiu nimic despre aceasta. In consecinta daca trebuie sa deveniti Guru trebuie sa
fiti stapan pe cunostintele de Sahaja Yoga.


24th May, 1981

All of you will be the first Sahaja yogis. You are the ones who are going to change
the complete concept of life. New ideas have to be built up. Are you people really
aware of your responsibilities ? Sometimes you are worried about yourselves only,
"where I am catching ? What is happening to me ? ' It is so self-centred or you are
worried about others, "he should not have done this or that. He should not have sat
next to Mother." Nobody should think they love me more than anybody else. Some
people know more rituals, others know more protocol but does not matter. I know
the one who loves Me. The one who loves others loves Me the most. I don't care for
you,- protocols and rituals. It is nonsense for Me. What does it matter to Me ? The
one who loves others is the one who really loves Me. I have had all these rituals and
protocols and I have no care for these things. It makes no difference whether you
say good morning to Me or good evening to Me. What you say to your brothers and
sisters is the most important thing. Sahaja Yoga will never work if you do not look
after that side, i.e. how you behave towards your wife, husband, your brothers and
sisters. That is the most important, thing and anybody who does otherwise will get
out of Sahaja Yoga. You know I have thrown out the so called important people out
of Sahaja Yoga who tried to dominate others by saying "this is not good. You should
not put your hand there. Don't put your feet there etc., etc."
Who can know the protocol of the Divine mother. You cannot bind me into protocol.
You cannot bind me into anything. I am unlimited. I am detached. To think that, you
have me attracted towards you by your protocol, which is dead, has no meaning. It
has to be a living protocol of being kind and generous. Be beautiful Some are
lethargic. Like a husband who wants the wife to work all the time or the wife who
wants the husband to work every time. Everybody finds fault with each other. They
are not Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yogis are the ones who take it Sahaja. If somebody is

not working that person will go down. I will put that person out of Sahaja Yoga. Why
did you come to Sahaja Yoga ? You are seekers. You have been seeking for ages. Are
you going to waste your life ? In any case you have to sleep most of your life. Why
not work it out now ? In every way be active.


Nightingale Lane, London,
July 4, 1982
So from the Nabhi chakra you come up to the Agnya chakra. Then above that comes
the third problem of destruction,-is emotional. The emotional is a 'very' subtle one.
Like some people, Sahaja Yogis, will sit down with a guitar and start singing as if
they are all lovebirds, you see. So the most delicate one is the emotional. This
emotional one is a collectivity in a camouflage. For example when the Sahaja Yogis
meet they will hug themselves, kiss each other, they will be very very nice to each
other, and sit down and sing songs like hippies. Take the guitar in the hand and
swing on the tune of love. This is actually Vishuddhi at the collectivity point. And
that of course is very difficult to get rid of, because it gives you a very comfortable
feeling. And people get confused with emotions, they think it is joy. Joy only can be
achieved through complete detachment. The detachment which is egoless and

But now the problem that human beings start facing is the assumption that they are
Gurus. They start speaking about Sahaja Yoga, talking about Sahaja Yoga, and they
start thinking that they have become already Shri Krishna. They have even a
greater ego than the person who is actually ignorant about Sahaja Yoga. They start
talking with such tremendous ego that I myself am frightened of them. How much
they know about Sahaja Yoga, I sometimes think. And they start asserting it so
much that it is frightening. All this can be also said that they feel that protocol is not
alright and there should be proper protocol, so we are looking after protocol, we are
the guards of the protocol, and all these things.

29.6.85 Paris
Her Holiness Mataji Nirmala Devi

I believe you say all these-things (mantras), and you listen to it, and . say it from
your heart. Only the ones who are united with God can worship Shri Ganesha. And
Shri Ganesha worships your Mother.

First of all one must understand that there is a combination of a Mother and a Guru.
Because Guru is a very hard task master. He does not allow any liberties to be
taken. And Mother is very kindly. But you don't have feelings for the Mother, do
you ? You did all a lip-service that you listen, goes into your head, and you think you
have become the surrendered Sahaja Yogis. Like all ]slam people believe they are
surrendered to God, like Christians believe they are surrendered to God. It's just a
lip-service that you are this, you are that. Or do you know it, what is said is a fact.
Have you not seen the Sun in my hand ? What more proof do you want? Anybody
who misleads you is of course sinful no doubt, but to fall a trap to such a
person .... !

If you had told a child that the Mother is coming, he would have fought, "I'm going".
He would have cried and wept.

What about your vibrations? You don't use your vibrations I You have come all the
way for Guru Pooja here, who is your Guru ? Whom are you going to worship ?
Anybody comes from anywhere becomes suddenly important. How ? It was never
done before, first time I see such a horrible thing. In my living time if you are
doing like this, after my death so many gurus will rise, to mislead you. Are
you going to accept all that ?

All the Deities refused to do this. They tortured My life, they would not accept to
allow you to have this Pooja-Absolutely, nothing doing.-Because they love Me, they
respect Me. They have the proper protocol. They don't want to become gurus
themselves, and misbehave in this manner.

Last time when I came I was 'really' very strong, with the French. I've told so many

times that French is the Hell of the Universe. And you should fall a trap-something
like that. It's very supra-conscious, extremely supra-conscious. And arrogant.

8.5.88 Fregene Italia

Sahasrara Puja - How it was decided, 8th May, 1988 (880508SA)
Today is the nineteenth Sahasrara day, if you count the day the Sahasrara was
opened as the first. I have to tell you the story about the Sahasrara day, about
which it was decided, long time, back, before I incarnated. They had a big meeting
in the heavens, all the thirty-five karoles of gods, the deities were there present to
decide what is to be done. This is the ultimate that we have to do to human beings,
to open their Sahasrara, to open their awareness to the spirit, to the real knowledge
of the divine. To remove the darkness of ignorance, and it had to be spontaneously
because it has to work the living force of God. Also it had to be very quick.
So all the Gods requested that I, the Adi Shakti has to take the birth. They all tried
their best. They did whatever was possible, the saints were made by them but very
few. They incarnated and people made religions out of them which were perverted
and brought them a bad name.
No reality in those religions. These religions were money oriented or power oriented.
There was no divine force working, actually it was all anti-divine.
How to now turn human beings away from these superficial religions, these
perverted paths of destruction? How to tell them about all these established
organisations? For ages they have been ruling, making money, making power.
It was a tremendous task, it had to be done with great patience and love. It was
very delicate work also, because they believed in those religions, innocent people,
simple people. To blast them that this is all nonsense, they are not religions, they
are against the incarnations, against all the prophets, against all the saints. That's
why all the real saints had to suffer. It's a powerful work that was to be done, and
that's why the Adi Shakti had to take birth on this earth.
It had to be before the sixth of May because sixth of May was the doomsday on that
year. It was done on the fifth of May in the nick of time. It was all decided
beforehand, and every deity's job was allotted to all of them. Very efficient deities,
very obedient, they knew me very well, completely dedicated and devoted. They
knew me very, very well, every end of my hair they knew. I didn't have to teach
them protocol, love itself gives you protocol, but love that is divine is not selfish. It's
not the way we love, my child, my husband, my country, my clothes, it is the love
which is divine, which spreads from your heart, from your spirit, like the light of
knowledge. What a tremendous task it is.
So I said at Sahasrara I had to be Mahamaya. I had to be Mahamaya. I had to be
something that people cannot recognise me easily. But deities? No. This Mahamaya
had to come on this earth, not the Adi Shakti in her purest form, it's too much. So
she was covered with this Mahamaya.

Shri Mataji's Instruction on Meditation

Given at Nirmala Neketan , Palazzo Doria ,
Cabella , Italy , October 2 , 1991

For example some people come very close to Me, they know how to look after Me,
they know how to rub My feet or maybe they know how to look after My food and
My day-to-day needs but still if they do not have that protocol, if they do not have
that innate idea of reverence and a deep adoration then they are not yet at that
stage where they should be. And gradually such people then go on falling because
they still have not yet fathomed the depth of their being which can respond to the
greatness of their Guru.
"lt is a very delicate thing for Me to tell you how to behave and sometimes it upsets
Me and shocks Me when people start taking liberties in a way that will be
responsible for their fall or for their losing their state. I find it impossible to tell them
that they must learn how to speak to Me and how to behave towards Me .

Shri Ganesha Puja Talk

Cabella, Italy
September 19, 1993
So one should understand a difference between a protocol and ritualism. An
innocent child knows the protocol. I remember there was a child who came to see
Me in Austria and I said, Lets go upstairs. So it was a small, little staircase of
wood. He said, What? Is She going to go up without a red carpet? This came into
his head, you see.
So for children, you see, innocent children, the worship, everything is not ritualistic.
It is heartfelt. You feel it from the heart, how to do the worship, how to show your
love. Is very sweet way an innocent person does it, while a person who is very
ritualistic, he may even beat another person because, Why did you do this? You
should not have put camphor in it? Why did you put the camphor so. It's very
wrong. Theres nothing wrong. If you do it with your heart, with your open heart,
innocently, anything is all right. It is the open heart which is necessary, not the
closed heart Why did you do it? Why didnt you do it. Where did you sit? What
happened? Nothing.

7 September 1997 - Cabella Ligure (Italy)
Shri Ganesha and the innate dharma "
So when Mother created this universe, first deity was Shri Ganesh. Auspiciousness
was created. Now, we dont understand what is auspiciousness. Auspiciousness is
a complete understanding of primordial restrictions and also of the
protocol. For example in India, we all used to do that, though I was in a Christian
family, that before touching the Mother Earth, getting up from the bed, we used to
say: "Oh, Mother Earth, please forgive us, because we are touching You with our
feet." So, respect for the Mother Earth and for nature is built-in within us, part and
parcel, we are part and parcel of this whole, we can call it a whole universe. But
when you get into this nonsensical idea of freedom, then you are leaving your
Mother Earth. Your gravity itself reduces. This Mother Earth has to teach us, while
we are plundering, now there is everything, ecology, ecology, people are trying.
Whatever is outside is also inside. If you want to exploit your Mother inside or if you
want to trouble your Mother inside, you can also trouble this Mother Earth like this.

18/05/80 -- The Real Becoming -- Winchester -- England

Her Holiness Mataji Nirmala Devi
18th May 1980
You become so powerful within that the effect of this catching is very little, you just
record this effect. This is the third state. Now at this third state, you rise up to this
third state-the only way is complete faith. Faith is; first of all, you have to learn
certain things about faith; one of them is the protocol, but with faith, if you learn
protocol then you will not feel bad about it, but if you're forced into it, you'll feel
bad, the mixture state is still on. So to develop faith, you have first of all to tell
yourself rationally, clearly, "don't you see this is happening ? Can't you see it is
rising? Can't you understand" Tell yourself, "isn't it dynamic" Just sit down and think
how wonderful it is, how great it is. Just talk to the ocean, talk to the flowers-they
are better than many human beings-and tell them, "Don't you think so?" Go in the
museum and tell all the statues, "I've found it, I've got it," Tell yourself-so telling
yourself, you'll develop this faith. There's no way out. Many people have asked me
this question : how to develop the faith ? Now, it is such an absurd thing. Here you
are knowing the kundalini, you are giving realization and turn round and ask,
"Mother, how do we develop faith ?" it is beyond me to understand that, I mean,
what is happening here, now what are you doing? This faith then starts
encompassing. Also, what I say means absorbing, not criticizing, not reading back,
but absorbing it. This absorption can be hindered by many other means, also
absorption is the only way you grow. How does a tree grow ? By absorption.

What is the mouth of absorption ? is Nirvichara. What is Nirvichara ? Where you do

not think about it. Now then, I say you are not to think, at a lower state, people will
say, "Oh, you know, She's very dominating, very dominating, I must say !" But
absorption is only possible when you have faith, and the whole thing goes into you,
go on sucking like a child, the whole thing goes into you just like a lake it is, without
any ripple, it reflects the complete, entire creation in it, complete.

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