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1. - You must start by the time they are young, to get better results.

2.-Start with a couple kind words, like please,thanks and Sorry and little
by little he will get more and more polite.
3.-Reinforce teaching him with a body language, that way you can remind him
with a no verbal way you say please and thank you in a place where is not
allowed to talk.
4.-Be perseverant and consistent, this means to have patient at the time you
teach him manners , you must use polite words all the time due to the fact
that he will imitate you.
5.-Say please and thank you when you talk to other persons, like your
relatives, friends, etc. That way your kid is going to see the importance of what
are you teaching him.
6.-Mold your kid behavior and language. Children become better persons when
they have a good model to follow.
7.-Congrats him when he use the words previously taught or when he has
selfcontrol, like when he has to wait patiently in a queue.
8.-Teach him to be kind and considerate with the others and have fun with him.

A: Good morning, nice to meet you.
B: Good morning
A: How can I help you?
B: I have an addiction to cocaine
A: Wow, that is a problem, and what did you decide about that?
B: I want to get over this
A: How did it all start?
B: it all began when I started to consume marihuana for two years
A: How old were you when it happened?
B: I was 13 years old
A: How did you started with the cocaine?

B: For about 7 years, I had been consuming marihuana but then I left it and I
started with the cocaine and I am feeling really bad.
A: Why are you looking for help?
B: I am coming because I am sure that I can get over this
A: I congrats you for your braveness
B: thanks

Piagets theory was named Constructivist epistemology because he studied the
origin and development of the cognitive abilities from the organic, biologic and
genetic bases.
He said that we will never know how the reality is, because we at the time we
confront the knowledge object, it doesnt make it but organize the data that the
object offer in the theoretical framework.
The psychology of the development is interested in explain the changes of the
persons in the time.
How the cognition development explains, the cognitive process which exists
between the subject who knows and the object that will be known.
The cognitive knowledge is the result of the efforts of the kid to understand and
act in his world. It began with an inborn capability of adaptation to the
environment, it have a serie of phases in where the kid develop a new way to
operate: assimilation, Accommodation and balance.
The cognitive processs factors are:
-maturation and inheritance: genetically predetermined.
-active experience: assimilation and accommodation.
-Social interactive: exchange of ideas with other persons and control and

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