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ted taupier


Charlotte Observer []

Friday, December 18, 2015 5:01 PM; ConnDCJ; Attorney General;;
Judicial Retaliation - Proven
Gold Decision.pdf

It is with great public concern that review of Connecticut's actions against Ted Taupier shows that Judge Gold
has abandoned law and is merely unleashing a judge club ordered retaliatory attack to warn off persons who
dare criticize the family court.
The federal courts have long held that the nastiest, vile and frightening speech is protected. Every citizen has
the right to say terrible things about every judge in Connecticut. Judge Bozzuto is no one special under the
law. She can be hated, vilified, cursed to infinite extents. But Judge Gold cannot change the law to retaliate
against persons who write such prose.
It is quite legal that Judge Bozzuto can be the top menu item of cannibal cops from NYPD, established in U.S. v
Valle of the 2nd Circuit. Judge Parker was specific that fantasy does not make crime. The second circuit also
cites the legal specifics of a true threat from U.S. v Kelner. As well, judges can be the leading lady in U.S. v
Baker of the 6th Circuit. It is a healthy way to deal with anger issues according to Judge Cohn.
The slight of hand and the betrayal of judicial retaliation is provided by Judge Gold in his claim that Taupier
made a 'true threat' to Bozzuto. As Bozzuto never received any communication from Taupier the fabrication is
The public/media brings to your attention this failure of due process and equal protection by state actors. The
decision of Gold is just retaliation citing persons he labels as participating in 'family court reform' efforts.
Gold has made finding of fact that an email sent to six persons by Taupier was a 'true threat'. As three of the
addressees were outside the state then there has to be a federal charge under 18 USC 875 (c). As Gold found
that his 'victim' Judge Bozzuto was out of state at the time she was informed of the 'true threat' then it is a
federal matter requiring an FBI investigation and appropriate charges by your office.
By reading Judge Gold's decision (attached), all the elements of a federal crime under your jurisdiction have
been established. Gold's decision finds that Taupier transmitted a 'true threat' by interstate communication,
threatening to injure Judge Bozzuto. The federal statute states the person 'shall' be fined/imprisoned under the
federal system, not by state. It becomes your duty to prosecute this violation of federal law based on the
interstate communications.
Will you be so kind as to provide a public statement that you will take up jurisdiction of the federal crime of
Taupier that is now perfectly documented by Judge Gold?
Favor of a professional reply is requested in the public interest.
Warm Regards,

p.s. The public/media is in possession of evidence that verifies the threatening communication was sent across
state lines and will be happy to assist your investigators.

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