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Hubungan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan

Pasien Pre Operasi section caesarea di Ruang Rawat Inap

Rumah Sakit Sari Mulia Banjarmasin tahun 2015.
Ita purnamasari1, H. Iswantoro2, Aulia Rachman3

Latar belakang : komunikasi dilakukan untuk membantu penyembuhan atau

pemulihan klien. Pembedahan akan menimbulkan respon yaitu kecemasan. Untuk
mengurangi kecemasan dapat diatasi dengan komunikasi terapeutik.
Tujuan : Mengetahui Hubungan komunikasi terapeutik perawat terhadap tingkat
kecemasan pasien pre operasi sectio caesarea di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit
Sari Mulia Banjarmasin 2015.
Metode : jenis dari penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan
rancangan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel melalui accidental
sampling dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 64 pasien sectio caesarea. Pengukuran
variabel menggunakan kuesioner, dianalisa menggunakan uji korelasi Speraman
Rank, (bantuan komputer) dengan signifikansi 5%.
Hasil : Komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan katagori baik (67,2%) dan tingkat
kecemasan pasien preoperasi section caesarea adalah tingkat kecemasan sedang
(71,9%). Hasil uji Spearman Rank diperoleh hasil nilai koefisien korelasi (r)
sebesar 0,700 dan nilai p value sebesar 0,000 (pv<0,05) yang berarti ada
hubungan yang signifikan.
Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Terhadap
Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi sectio caesarea di Ruang Rawat Inap
Rumah Sakit Sari Mulia Banjarmasin.
Kata kunci : komunikasi terapeutik, tingkat kecemasan pasien preoperasi section

MahasiswaSTIKES SuakaInsan Banjarmasin

Kepala Bidang Keperawatan RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
Dosen STIKES Suaka Insan Banjarmasin

The Relation Of The Nurse Therapeutic Communication Againts Anxiety

Levels In Pre Operation Sectio Caesarea Patients In Inpatient Unit of
Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin 2015
Ita purnamasari1, H. Iswantoro2, Aulia Rachman3

Background : Communication is performed to help the healing or recovery

clients. Surgery will cause anxiety response. To reduce anxiety can be overcome
by therapeutic communication.
Objective : This research aims to analyze the relation of the nurse therapeutic
communication againts anxiety levels in pre operation sectio caesarea patients in
Inpatient Unit of Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin 2015
Method : This research design was quantitative descriptive research with cross
sectional approach. The technique of collecting sampling was done through
accidental sampling and amount of samples are 64 sectio caesarea patients. The
variable measurement used questionnaires and it was analyzed by Spearman Rank
correlation test (computer assistence) with significancy 5%.
Results : The nurse therapeutic communication with good category was 67,2%
and anxiety levels in pre operation sectio caesarea patients was moderate anxiety
71,9%. Results of Spearman Rank correlation test is found a correlation
coefficient (r) was 0,700 and p value 0.000 (pv<0.05), it means there have had
significant correlation.
Conclusion : There is a relation between the nurse therapeutic communication
againts anxiety levels in pre operation sectio caesarea patients in Inpatient Unit of
Sari Mulia Hospital Banjarmasin 2015
Key Word: Therapeutic communication, Anxiety levels in pre operation sectio
caesarea patients

The students of Bachelor Program nursing Science of Healt College Banjarmasin.

The Head of nursing sector RSUD Banjarmasin
The lecture of Bachelor Program nursing Science of Healt College Banjarmasin.

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