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oBucON Mca 1. When the debtor binds himself fo pay when his means permit him fo do so, he obligation is 2, Consiiona b. Pure c.Simale 9. Wih a Period! ANSWER: D 2. Contracts which cannot be sued upon unless ratified, thus tis as they have no elfect yet are: 9. Voidable b.Rescisibie c. Void 4, Unenforceabie ANSWER: D 4. fhe obligation of the debtor i"! wil pay you my debt ‘alter have anived ftom abroad,” this it 2. Unentorceabie b. wih a Period 6.Void 9. Condional ANSWER: D 4. When the characters ofthe credilor and the deblor ore merged in one and the same person, there Is ‘extinguishment of the obligation by: ©. Compensation b. merger of Rights .Novation 9. Remission ANSWER: B 5. Through insidious words or machinations, A was able to Induce 8 fo enter Into a contract which without them B would net have agreed fol. There is: 12. Undue Infvence: b.fraud Mistake dd Misrepresentation ANSWER: B 6."A sell fo B his lot and house inthe city A decides fo transfer and lve In the counhyside’ Is an example of: Mixed Condition b.Polestative Condition .¢, Casval Condition .Resolutory Condition ANSWER: B 7. It ls a mode of extinguishing an obligation when two persons In thelr own sight are creditors of each other. 1. Confusion Reformation . Compensation d.Novation ANSWER: C 8, A contract i in he stage of conception when: a. There is meeting of the rincs, b.Negotialions are in progress The paties come lo an agreement. . The contract is perfected. ANSWER: B 9. the obligor binds himself fo perform his obligation as 2000 o “he shall have oblained @ loan” fom @ certain ‘bank. this obligation is: 9, With a Teer », Conditional .Suspensive 6. Resolulory ANSWER: B M during @ hypnotic spell are: Contracts entered info in a slate of drunkenness of o.Void b. Valid c.Voidable @.Legel ANSWER: C 1, Delay inthe giving or delivering of thing 0, Mora solvendl ex re b. Mara salvenct ex persona .Mora accipiende exre 9. Mora accipiende ex persona ANSWER: A 12, Which ofthe following statements is false? 9, Obligations to give definite things and those that ore nol susceptibie of partial performance shall be deemed aisle ». Execution of © certain number of days of work shall be divisible. etical unis ore divisible . Accomplishment of work by me 9, An obligation to pay @ certain omourt in ten annual instalimentsis divsble ANSWER: A 13, his contract is without effect unless railed: a Matiage between fis! degree cousins bb. Contract of sale between two insane persons ¢. Contract of sale between husband and wie Donation between husband and wite ANSWER: B 14, Which of the following contracts is not vold ab ino? €. Those whose obiectis outside the commerce of men, b. That whose object did not exist at the time of rorsaction e:Thal which conlempiales an impossibie sevice That which is undertaken in fraud of creditors ANSWER: D 15, Rescltsion of contract can fake place inthis case 1. Wnen the thing which isthe object of the contact is legally in the possession of a third person who acted in bad faith bb. When he who demands rescission can retum whatever he may be obliged to restore cc. When the party seeking resolution can perform only as {0 part and as to remainder When the seller cannot reluin the instalments pavd to him by the buyer ANSWER: B 16, A defective conhact where damage or lesion Is essential a Rescissbie '. Voldable c.Unenforceabie dvoid ANSWER: A 17. An instrument may be reformed d ©. Simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition is imposed b. Wis 6, When the instrument does not express the ive intention of the partes due to mistake 3. When the real agreement is void ANSWER: 18, Three ofthe following contracts are void. Which one is nol? ©, Oral contract of parinerhip of thvee pariners and capital contribution is more than P3,000 in cash . Whiten contract contemplating impossiole services ©. Oral contract of partnership where real estate is contributed as capital 4. Agents authority lo seliand is given oral. ANSWER: A 19. When @ third person assumes the payment of the ‘obligation even without the knowledge and content of the debtor but withthe content ofthe creditor 0. There is novation b. There is delegation if detorisreleased, c. There is subrogation 4, There is expromisson i deblorisreleased ANSWER: D 20. Which of the following 1s not an element of legal ‘compensation? 0. Debis to be compensated are due and demandabie b. There Is controversy or adverse claim over any debis to be compensated co. There are two or more debis of the same kind 9, There ore two oF more persons who are creditor oF debtors of each other, ANSWER: B Question: Why is it important that obligation in Cconkactsbe faithfully fulfited?? Answer: Laws are enacted fo have order for require the performance of a parlieviar action le achieve the sare) Since the terms and conditions of @ contract are considered the goveming laws between pottes, itis necessary to faithfully fufil one’s obligation, that i. to avoid the occurence of aispute. Hence, why do we have fo full our obligations, that is 10 achieving order between the parties lo. the contract ‘Question: How do you apply the laws on obligations and Cconkracis to everyday activites ond business dealings? Answer: We apply lows on obligations and contracts unconsciously to our dally actives. One wil net notice that in performing © simple commen task you hove applied several principles on obligations and contracts Uke, for examoie, buying a piece of pandesol, the buyer wil offer to buy and the seler wil accept. At this point, lone the seller ond buyer agrees lo the object and price, cand their minds have met: each of them wil not just rescind or refuse to comply. Even without knowledge of law, one wil not just back out ftom the perfected sale Then, offer the perfection of the contract of sell Unkrowingyy, they wil go on fo consummate the same, The buyer wil hand the money and the seller, in retum, wil hand over the pandesal A clear example of reciprocal obigatons, soe If the money given is more than the price of the pondesa, the seller wil give the change. that is because he knows no one should be enriched at the expense of another; hence, he has the obligation to return what is not due him. Likewise, if what was delivered fo the buyer Is mote than whal he paid fer, he wil relum the same Under the same principle, creating an implied obligation to rerum, Inassimpie, but very common, transaction, the parties are not aware that they are applying the basic principles of law on obigations and contracts. they might not be well versed, of even, have not had any formal education, yet they apply these simple principles of law unconscious. Thus. If you osk: how we appiy ‘ows on obigatons and contracts on our dally activilies, we apply it unknowingly, bul instinctively, depending on one's value.

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