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Tenses- have been derived from the Latin word tempus. Its a
A verb that refers to a present time is known as present
tense. E
Tense x-I love
A verb that refers to past time is known as past tense ex-I
A verb that refers to future time is known as future tense
Ex- I shall write
Tense is a form of a verb which indicates time, state action
or an event
Simple Present tense
Simple present tense is used to express a habitual action Ex
I wake up 5 oclock in the morning
To express general truths such as honey is sweet
In exclamatory sentences which start with here and there to
express what is taking place in the present; As, There comes
the bus to express a fixed event which is the part of a fixed
time table ex the train leaves at 5:30
Present continuous is used for an action to indicate what is
going on at the time ex she is singing
For a temporary action which may not be actually happening
at the time of speaking As I am Reading a play by show
For an action which has already arranged to take place in the
near future. As ex my uncle is coming tomorrow
Present perfect is used to indicate complete activities in a
immediate past. Ex he has just gone out

To define past action whose time is not given and not

definite as Mr. Hari has been to Japan
To denote an action beginning sometime in the past ex we
have lived here for 10 years
The present perfect continuous tense is used to denote what
happened in the past and is still continuing ex as he has
been sleeping for 10 hours
Simple past tense
Simple past tense is used to denote an action which has
nearly taken place in the past. And it often occurs with
adverbs and adverb phrases of past time
Ex-I received his letter yesterday
Some time simple past tense is also used to denote
sentences without adverb of time in such cases time may be
implied by the sentence or context Ex-I didnt sleep well
Simple past tense is also used sometimes to denote habits:
as he always carried an umbrella
It is used to denote any activities carried out in the past the
time of the action may be or may not be denoted ex its
getting darker

Past Perfect Tense

It is used to describe an action completed in the past before
a certain moment, I met him in Delhi in 1996, I had seen him
last 5 years before
If two actions happen in the same time in the past it may be
necessary to show which action has taken place earlier than
the other the past perfect is mainly used in such situation.
The simple past is used in one claws and the past perfect in
the other .ex - when I reached the station the train had


It is used for an action that begins before certain point in the
past and continued up to that time as, at that time he has
been writing books for two months
It is used to talk about things which we cannot control its
express the future as fact
It will be diwali in a week
This tense is used to talk about what we think and what we
believe will happen in future. Eg I think Messi will score a
goal tonight
This tenses can be used when we decide to do something at
the time of speaking it is raining I will take an umbrella
Going to we used this form when we have decided to do
something before talking about it. Eg do you want to sell
your car., I am going to bay a bike
It is also used to denote something in the present which tells
us about the future eg its going to rain; look at the clouds
It is used to denote talk about actions which will be in
progress at a time in future. Eg this time tomorrow ill be
sitting on the beach
We also use these tense to talk about action in the near
future which are already planned or expected to happen to a
normal course of things. Eg Ill be staying here till Sunday
It is used for action which will be in progress over a period of
time that is end.
Concord in broad terms is the agreement B/W subject and
the verb and other elements of the structure
The idea of concord in grammar in English is to suggest the
sentence to be correct and meaningful it constitute parts i.e.

subject ,verb , objects and adverbs these muse be in perfect

Subject/verb agreement:
This is the agreement b/w subject and verb the rule here
states that
When the subject is singular the verb should be singular
When the subject is plural the verb too is expected to be
plural eg Indians are lovers of knowledge
Some specific rules of concord are
A pair of agreement when the phrases is used as singular
and it attracts a single verb\ex a pair of scissor is on the

The noun which is closest to the verb determines whether
the verb is singular or plural is known as rule of proximity
Collective noun functioning as the subject of a sentence
usually takes a singular verb eg the group is 5 years old

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