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Instructions for installing the agent

Download the file from OTN.

1. Methods for mass deployment of agents
a. Copy the downloaded file to <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download/ dire
ctory.(create <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download/ directory, if it doesn
't exist.)
b. cd <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download/
c. <OMS_HOME>/bin/unzip
Once the agent software the is staged in the above mentioned directory either o
f the following methods can be used for mass agent deployment:
-- agentDownload script.
If agent_download.rsp doesn't exists at <OMS_HOME>/sysman/agent_download/10
. directory then execute the following:
mv agent_download.rsp.bak agent_download.rsp
Then follow the instructions in section 6.4 of the Enterprise Manager Grid
Control Basic Installation and Configuration Guide available at:
Additionally, refer to section 3.0 of the Agent Deployment Best Practises p
aper available at:
-- Agent Deploy Application. Details on using this method can be found in sec
tion 5.0 of the Agent
Deployment Best Practises paper:
Additionally, refer to section 6.2 of the the Enterprise Manager Grid Contr
ol Basic Installation and Configuration Guide available at:
2. Using Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to install the agent
After unzipping the zip file, invoke
for interactive Agent install.
For a detailed discussion on using the Oracle Universal Installer please refer t
o section 3.3.4 of the the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Basic Installation an
d Configuration Guide available at:
3. Silent installation of the agent
For silent installation using DVD, copy the <DVD>/response/additional_agent.rsp
file to a location on the local machine and modify the Value Unspecified entries
accordingly. Invoke the runInstaller by executing:
<DVD>/<runInstaller> -silent -responseFile <location>/additional_agent.rsp
For silent installation using the extracted agent download zip file, copy the <U
NZIP_DIR>/response/additional_agent.rsp file to a location on the local machine
and modify the Value Unspecified entries accordingly. Invoke the runInstaller by
<UNZIP_DIR>/<runInstaller> -silent -responseFile <location>/additional_agent.rsp
For a detailed discussion on using silent installation method to install the age
nt please refer to chapter 4 of the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Basic Instal
lation and Configuration Guide available at:
4. NFS Mounted Agent Installation
Enterprise Manager 10g R2 introduces the ability to install a single Agent on a
shared NFS filesystem, and then have multiple hosts share that same ORACLE_HOME.
Details on installing a NFS mounted agent can be found in section 4.0 of the Ag
ent Deployment Best Practises paper available at:
Additionally, refer to section 6.3 of the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Basic
Installation and Configuration Guide available at:

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