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Prof.dr. Manoela POPESCU
Universitatea Cretin Dimitrie Cantemir Bucureti

Prof.dr. loan STEGROIU

Universitatea Valahia din Trgovite

Asist.drd. Luminia CRENICEAN

Universitatea Cretin Dimitrie Cantemir Bucureti

Abstract: Knowledge-based economy highlights the need to develop cooperation relationships between
all economic actors. It is known the fact that the system of relations between a company's management,
board, shareholders and other stakeholders (which corporate governance in fact is) has, at least, elements
of congruence with what CSR means. Although corporate governance codes apply only to listed
companies, however, practice has shown that good corporate governance is essential also for unlisted
companies as efficient networking between all stakeholders in an entity activity generates real
opportunities to increase profitability of that entity and of the society in general. Of course, harmonizing
the interests of all stakeholders is also the purpose of social responsibility. Therefore the basic idea of the
study concerns the fact that companies listed or unlisted which is assuming social responsibilities can easily
implement coiporate governance codes, because of the similarities between the two processes and
phenomena that manifests in knowledge-based economy.
Keywords: corporate governance, social responsibility, transparency, communication, relationship

Revista de Management i Inginerie Economic, Voi. 14, Nr. 2, 2015

- 2501


In contextul economiei bazate pe cunoatere, n

care paradigmele managementului, muncii i
organizrii au nregistrat modificri majore, teoriile
neoclasice i clasice ale ntreprinderii nu mai
rspund exigenelor teoretice i practice ale lumii
afacerilor. Mai mult dect att, n procesul
globalizrii orict de necesar ar fi transformarea
raporturilor de producie, a raporturilor sociale, a
instituiilor, aceasta nu va avea o eficacitate durabil
i nici nu va fi posibil dect cu condiia modificrii
n acelai timp a relaiilor cu lucrurile, cu natura, cu
alte fiine n viaa de zi cu zi (Toffler, 1995, 1996).
Toate aceste relaii pot fi modificate numai prin
intermediul responsabilitii economice, sociale i
ecologice a organizaiilor i, n special, a firmelor.
Ca atare, noile teorii ale firmei aduc n prim plan
necesitatea identificrii unor noi obiective ale
entitilor, cum ar fi responsabilitatea social, odat
cu trecerea de la ideea de ntreprindere creat pentru
a obine profit, la ideea de ntreprindere social.
Evident, definirea obiectivelor firmei, n condiiile
economiei bazate pe cunoatere, scoate n eviden
necesitatea stabilirii clare a responsabilitilor
fiecrui grup din cadrul firmei, a centrelor de putere,
de autoritate i de gestiune, pornind de la
transformrile nregistrate n lumea afacerilor.
Indiferent de modalitatea de definire a obiectivelor
sau, mai precis, a sistemelor de obiective, sub
imboldul depirii crizei economice, precum i de
soluiile gsite (maximizarea profitului, echilibrul
financiar, diversificarea produselor/serviciilor,
dezvoltarea personalului etc.) se impune luarea n
considerare a structurii puterii i autoritii din
cadrul firmei i a procesului armonizrii intereselor
tuturor categoriilor de parteneri, implicai direct sau
indirect n activitatea i strategia firmei. In acest
sens, apare n mod firesc conceptul de guvernan
corporativ. Aceasta deoarece. conceptul de
guvernan corporativ, dei nu exist o definiie
unanim acceptat n literatura de specialitate, este
un concept deja la mod, cu implicaii asupra
profitabilitii i dezvoltrii afacerilor.
Cunoscut este faptul c, esenial pentru
dezvoltarea unor relaii eficiente ntre toi partenerii
implicai n manifestarea creativ a entitilor
organizaionale, guvemana corporativ s-a impus


In the context of the knowledge economy, in

which the paradigms of management, work and
organization have been in major changes, classical
and neoclassical theories o f the enterprise no
longer meet the requirements of the theoretical and
practical aspects of the business world. Moreover,
in the process of globalization, no matter how the
transformation of production, of social relations,
institutions is necessary, it will be effective,
sustainable or possible only if the change will be
made in the same time with the relations of things,
with nature, with other beings in everyday life
(Toffler, 1995, 1996). All these relationships can
be changed only through economic, social and
environmental responsibility of organizations, and
in particular of the firms.
As such, the new theory of the firm bring to
the fore the need to identify new targets of entities
such as social responsibility, with the shift from the
idea created of profit enterprise, to the idea of
social enterprise. Obviously, defining company
objectives in terms of the knowledge based
economy, highlights the need for clearly defined
responsibilities of each group within the company,
the centers of power, authority and management
from changes made in the business world.
Regardless of the method of defining the objectives
or, more precisely, systems objectives, under the
impetus overcoming of the economic crisis and
also the solutions found (maximizing profit,
financial stability, diversification of products /
services, staff development, etc.) is imposed to be
taken into account the structure of power and
authority within the company and the process of
harmonizing the interests of all partners involved
directly or indirectly in the work and business
strategy. In this respect, naturally appears the
concept of corporate governance. This is because
the concept of corporate governance, although
there is no universally accepted definition in the
literature is already a fashionable concept, with
implications for profitability and business
Known is the fact that essential for developing
effective relationships between all partners
involved in the manifestation of creative


-251 mediului de afaceri dup 1990, odat cu relansarea organizational entities, corporate governance has
i relevarea importanei teoriei agent, care become effective in business since 1990, within the
evideniaz necesitatea reglementrii activitii recovery and highlighting the importance of agent
celor care utilizeaz resurselor altora la un moment theory, which emphasizes the need to regulate the
i intr-un context dat.
use of others resources at a specific time and in a
Dei, la nceput, conceptul de guvernani given context.
corporativ implica un sistem complex de drepturi,
Although, at first, the concept of corporate
obligaii, atribuii i msuri de control instituit cu governance had involved a complex system of
scopul de a proteja acionarii i investitorii, privii rights, obligations, responsibilities and control
ca o colectivitate, i de a se asigura rspunderea measures established to protect shareholders and
administratorilor i managerilor fa de acionari, investors, regarded as a community, and also to
mai trziu fenomenul ia amploare. Astfel, odat cu ensure responsibility administrators and managers
aprofundarea cercetrii fenomenului prin corelaie toward shareholders and later, phenomenon of
cu alte fenomene ce se manifest n cadru corporate governance extends. Thus, with further
organizational (responsabilitate social, cultur research of the phenomenon correlated with other
organ izaional, ones that manifest in organizational field (social
comportament organizational eficient, comunicare responsibility,
etc.), s-a ajuns la concluzia c guvernarea organizational
se refer
i behavior effectively, communication, etc.) is
responsabilitile tuturor interesailor unei afaceri, getting to the conclusion that corporate governance
relevate sub dublu aspect: comportamental i refers to the rights and responsibilities all those
normativ (Popescu, Crenicean, 2010). Sub aspect concerned in a business, revealed in double aspect:
comportamental, guvemana corporativ cuprinde behavioral and normative (Popescu, Crenicean,
managerilor, 2010). In terms of behavior, corporate governance
angajailor, investitorilor, instituiilor financiare, encompasses the behavior of shareholders,
furnizorilor, instituiilor statului i a altor interesai managers,
pe pia, iar latura normativ se refer la regulile i institutions, suppliers, state institutions and other
normele ce guverneaz ansamblul relaiilor i interested market and regulatory side refers to the
comportamentelor dezvoltate i manifestate pe rules and regulations governing all relationships
pia, generate de respectiva afacere.
and behaviors developed and manifested on the
Amploarea fenomenului i a implicaiilor market generated by that business.
asupra afacerilor a condus, n prezent, la faptul c
The extent of the phenomenon and its
guveman corporativ este considerat drept o implications on business conducted, at present, to
concepie modern de abordare a afacerilor, n the fact that corporate governance is seen as a
contextul economiei bazate pe cunoatere, n care modem business approach in the context of the
inovaia i creativitatea reprezint esena asigurrii knowledge based economy, where innovation and
competitivitii afacerilor. Interesant este faptul c, creativity are the essence in insurance business
dei a pornit din considerente de control a activitii competitiveness. Interestingly, although started
entitilor from the considerations of business managers and
organizaionale, n prezent se consider c administrators activity control, currently is
reprezint fundamentul conectrii proactive a considered to represent the foundation of proactive
entitilor la mediul n care acestea acioneaz. entities connected to the environment in which
Aceasta nseamn c entitile care i they operate. This means that entities which
implementeaz modele eficiente de guvernan implement effective corporate governance model
corporativ i asum responsabiliti sociale i assumes economic and social responsibilities to all
economice fa de toi interesaii, respectarea those concerned, respect the rights of all
drepturilor tuturor celor interesai, un comportament concerned, a fair behavior towards partners,
echitabil fa de parteneri, asigurarea transparenei transparency of information, compliance with
informaiilor, respectarea legislaiei n vigoare.

Revista de Management i Inginerie Economic, Voi. 14, Nr. 2, 2015

- 252 2



n economia bazat pe cunoatere se afirm tot

mai mult ideea conform creia afacerile exist ntrun cadru naional pentru a satisface nevoile sociale
i nu doar cele materiale. Conform acestei abordri
a afacerilor, din perspectiv macrosocial, se
impune luarea n considerare a conceptului de CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility), deoarece scopul
afacerilor, mai precis funcia lor socio-economic
const n satisfacerea n condiii ct mai bune a
nevoilor sociale nu doar a consumatorilor, ci a
tuturor interesailor (salariai, furnizori, parteneri,
organizaii sociale, locuitori ai comunitilor locale,
zonale, regionale, naionale).
n contextul crizei economice globale, interesul
firmelor pentru CSR a crescut considerabil, dat fiind
faptul c o modalitate de supravieuire i dezvoltare
n contextul crizei este crearea i furnizarea de
valoare real. Motivul asumrii responsabilitii
sociale fiind tocmai obinerea de profit, ca rezultat
al valorizrii corecte a eforturilor depuse de ctre
Responsabilitatea social a corporaiilor (n
literatura de specialitate abreviat CSR, dup forma
din limba englez Corporate SocialResponisibility)
este un concept care se refer la o prezumtiv
datorie pe care companiile (ca actori sociali) ar
avea-o fa de toate prile implicate n desfurarea
aciunilor presupuse de activitatea lor economic. .
Conceptul se refer la toate categoriile de companii,
de la micro ntreprinderi pn la multinaionale. Prin
datorie ntelegndu-se faptul c respectiva
companie trebuie s acioneze n conformitate cu
obligaiile pe care le are fa de prile implicate i
respectnd principiile morale acceptate de-a lungul
tradiiei (Popescu, 2012).
Astzi responsabilitatea social a firmelor a
devenit o instituie ( cu
teoreticieni; cu institute de cercetare; cu specialiti,
bugete i departamente n cadrul companiilor; cu
festiviti i premii; cu emisiuni dedicate
dezbaterilor teoretice i aplicrii lor n practic; cu
publicaii i topuri de lucrri de specialitate; cu



In knowledge based economy increasingly

affirms the idea that businesses exist in a national
framework to meet social needs and not just the
material ones. Under this approach the business,
macro-social perspective, it requires consideration
of the concept of CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility) as business purpose, namely socio
economic function is to satisfy the optimum
conditions not only social needs consumers but to
all those concerned (employees, suppliers,
partners, social organizations, local community
residents, area, regional, national.
In the context of the global economic crisis,
the companies interest for CSR increased
considerably since the fact that a good way of
survival and development in the crisis context is
creating and delivering real value. The reason in
assuming social responsibility is being precisely
the profit as a result of fair valuing the efforts of
the firm.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR
abbreviated in the literature as the English form) is
a concept that refers to an alleged debt that
companies (as social actors) should have to all
parties involved in the alleged actions of their
economic activity. The concept refers to all types
of companies, from micro to multinational. The
debt being understood that the company must act
in accordance with the obligations it has towards
stakeholders and respecting moral principles
accepted over tradition (Popescu, 2012).
Today the social responsibility of companies
has become an institution (
with academics; with research institutes,
specialists, budgets and departments within
companies, with festivities and prizes, with
programs dedicated to theoretical debates and their
practical application, with publications and papers
tops, with teachers and departments in economic
faculties, with a whole consultancy industry


- 253 profesori i catedre n facultile economice; cu o

Known is that the social responsibility o f
ntreag industrie de consultan promitoare.
organizations has different manifestations from
Cunoscut este faptul c, responsabilitatea different social groups, events that decrease in
social a organizaiilor are manifestri diferite fa intensity as it moves more in their external
de diferite grupuri sociale, manifestri care scad n environment. So that the social responsibility of
intensitate, pe msur ce se deplaseaz mult n companies is manifested in order in connection
nct with social and economic problems of employers,
responsabilitatea social a firmelor se manifest n members, shareholders, customers / buyers /
ordine, n legtur cu problemele sociale i consumers, employees, unions, suppliers, the
economice ale patronilor, asociailor, acionarilor, communities in which they are placed, the
companies in which they operate, competitors,
angajailor, sindicatelor, furnizorilor, comunitilor government agencies and non-governmental
n care sunt amplasate, societilor n care i institutions,
desfoar activitatea, concurenilor, ageniilor associations, etc.
guvernamentale i nonguvemamentale, instituiilor,
Social responsibility of entities can be
organizaiilor, asociaiilor profesionale etc..
considered under dual aspect: through reporting
Responsabilitatea social a entitilor poate fi activities results to the social effectiveness o f the
abordat sub dublu aspect: prin raportarea organization's and through processes and
rezultatelor activitilor organizaiei la eficiena s phenomena reporting within organization to
social i prin raportarea proceselor i fenomenelor realities o f social global organization (Popescu,
din cadrul organizaiei la realitile mediului social 2003).
global (Popescu, 2003).
In a knowledge based economy, the concept
Intr-o economie a cunoaterii, conceptul de
of social responsibility takes on new dimensions,
responsabilitate social capt noi dimensiuni,
enriching it with new meanings and directions of
mbogindu-se cu noi sensuri i direcii de
achievement. Thus, the tenir social responsibility
realizare. Astfel, termenul de responsabilitate
can be approached from the perspective o f the
social poate fi abordat din perspectiva pieei
global market and from the perspective o f the
globale i din perspectiva managerului.
From the perspective o f market, social
responsabilitatea social se manifest datorit
is manifested through the game rules
regulilor de joc i exigenelor pieei, precum i
and regulatory thanks all
datorit tuturor formelor de reglementare ale
acesteia. Piaa global dereglementat, impune its forms. Deregulated global market, however,
totui anumite restricii organizaiilor (de afaceri) n require
ceea ce privete protecia mediului, asigurarea
securitii i siguranei consumatorului, asigurarea
incluziunii sociale a persoanelor dizabilitate etc..
From the perspective o f the manager, social
are undertaken primarily in order
responsabilitile sociale sunt asumate, n primul
economic interests of business
rnd, n vederea realizrii intereselor economice ale
motivating, is establishing
organizaiilor de afaceri. Dac motivnd i stabilind
relaii de cooperare cu salariaii, partenerii de pia cooperative
(furnizori, clieni, sindicat, guvern etc.), comunitate marketing partners (suppliers, customers, unions,
local, categorii defavorizate etc. Se ating niveluri government,
then the
ridicate de profit, atunci managerul i va asuma
manager will assume all the responsibilities.
toate aceste responsabiliti sociale.
At the organizational level, managers are
La nivel organizational managerii sunt
responsabili pentru fundamentarea unei strategii responsible for substantiating a strategy oriented
Social CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) (Popescu,

Revista de Management i Inginerie Economic, Voi. 14, Nr. 2, 2015

-254Responsibility) (Popescu. Crenicean, 2010) n

vederea asigurrii de performane nalte.
Responsabilitatea social reprezint, de fapt,
obligaia finitelor de a-i folosi libertatea de decizie
i de aciune corespunztor obiectivelor i misiunii
asumate. Libertatea constnd tocmai n asumarea
responsabilitii faptelor i actelor comerciale ale
firmei n cauz. Mai mult dect att, fiecare entitate
n parte i dezvolt un tip de legitimare propriu,
respectiv un tip de responsabiltate social specific,
bazat pe resurse proprii i dezvoltnd practici
proprii de afaceri, ce contribuie la binele general.
In contextul crizei economice interesul pentru
CSR a crescut, datorit faptului c firmele
responsabile social sunt cele care le ofer siguran
investitorilor, produse de calitate consumatorilor,
profit acionarilor i creterea calitii vieii tuturor
cetenilor (Popescu, 2012). De aceea, tot mai multe
companii acord o importan deosebit procesului
de asumare a responsabilitii sociale. Evident,
eficiena economic a firmei nu mai este singurul
obiectiv urmrit de aceasta, ci i eficiena social
intr n atenia companiilor n aceeai msur
(resposabilitatea social fa de angajai, mediu,
stakeholderi, comunitate etc.).
Studiul realizat a relevat c, n ceea ce privete
asumarea responsabilitii sociale, multe entiti
desfoar. n mod voluntar, aciuni, activiti,
adevrate campanii de CSR. dintre cele mai diverse,
fr a atepta, corelat cu eforturile fcute,
profitabilitate ridicat.
Evident, CSR este o strategie de management
profitabil, n msura n care genereaz, pe termen
lung, credibilitatea i ncrederea necesare unei
companii n relaiile cu cei de care depinde,
acionari, parteneri de afaceri, clieni, comunitate i
societate. Transparena i credibilitate fiind obinute
printr-un proces de comunicare eficient.


Conceptul de guveman corporativ a aprut

odat cu abordarea prediciei comportamentului
uman n conducerea afacerilor, n sensul c
antreprenorii i acionarii trebuie s asigure, prin

Crenicean, 2010) in order to ensure high

Social responsibility is, in fact, obligation of
the firms to use free capacity of decision and action
corresponding to their objectives and assumed
mission. Freedom is consisting precisely in
assuming responsibilities of the facts and
commercial acts of the company concerned.
Moreover, each entity develops its own type of
legitimacy, i.e. a specific type of social
responsibility, based on their resources and
developing business practices that contribute to the
general good.
In the context of the economic crisis the
interest for CSR has increased, because of the fact
that the socially responsible companies are the
ones that offers safety to employees, real gaining
opportunities to investors, quality products to
consumers, profit to Shareholders and increased
quality of life to all citizens (Popescu, 2012).
Therefore, more companies pay importance to the
process of assuming social responsibility.
Obviously, the economic efficiency of the
company is not the only objective pursued by it,
but also social efficiency comes to the attention of
companies to the same extent (social
responsibilities of employees, environment,
stakeholders, community etc.).
The study revealed that, in terms of social
responsibility, many entities conducts voluntary
actions, activities, real CSR campaigns, the most
diverse, without waiting coupled with efforts
made, high profitability.
Obviously, CSR is a management strategy
profitable to the extent that generate long-term
credibility and trust required of a company in
relation to those upon which shareholders,
business partners, customers, community and
society. Transparency and credibility is achieved
through a process of effective communication.



The concept of corporate governance has

emerged with human behavior prediction approach
in business management, in the sense that


intermediul unor reguli i norme, nelegerea i

predictibilitatea deciziilor managerilor angajai s le
fructifice resursele, mai ales cele financiare. Cu alte
cuvinte, necesitatea unui control asupra gradului n
care managerii i ndeplinesc rolul i funcia n
cadrul organizaiei a generat o serie de principii de
ghidare a activitii organizaionale, precum i
modele de organizare, control i monitorizare. Toate
acestea devenind mai complexe pe msur ce au fost
puse n practic, genernd adevrate sisteme de
guveman corporativ. Este adevrat c sistemele
de guveman corporativ trebuie s in cont nu
doar de principiile universal valabile pentru orice
entitate juridic, ci i de constrngerile i
stimulentele care le direcioneaz activitatea
managerilor. Sistemele de guveman coiporativ
cuprind structuri (adunarea general, consiliul de
administraie, comitete i comisii etc.), proceduri
(modaliti de realizarea a unor aciuni, mijloace
pentm efectuarea unei operaiuni etc. prezentate sub
form de coduri) i comportamente (ale tuturor celor
interesai) existente n cadrul diferitelor entiti
Dei s-a afirmat faptul c modelele de
guvemana corporativ sunt absolut necesare
marilor companii, listate la burs, datorit
complexitii decizionale i problemelor de
organizare economic, dat fiind existena
acionarilor neimplicai n luarea deciziilor
companiei, totui, rolul guvemanei corporative este
esenial i n cadrul entitilor de dimensiuni mai
mici, chiar dac antreprenorul este una i aceeai
persoan cu managerul. Aceasta pentru c, n
actualul context, guvemana coiporativ a devenit
un model de organizare eficient i de dezvoltare a
De altfel, dei exist o bogat literatur de
specialitate n ceea ce privete guvemana
corporativ, majoritatea lucrrilor fiind axate pe
rolul i importana fenomenului n asigurarea
transparenei procesului decizional managerial,
precum i pe aspectele etice de responsabilitate
social, fr s se insiste prea mult asupra
importanei guvemanei corporative n maximizarea
valorii entitilor i n atingerea de performane
Studiul relev faptul c puine sunt entitile
care au implementat un sistem de guveman
corporativ, fundamentat pe un model de


entrepreneurs and shareholders should ensure, by

means of rules and regulations, understanding and
predictability of decisions managers employed to
exploit resources, especially financial ones. In
other words, the need to control the degree to
which managers fulfill their role and function
within the organization generated a series of
principles to guide organizational activity and
patterns of organization, control and monitoring.
All this becomes more complex as they have been
implemented, providing true system of corporate
governance. It is true that corporate governance
systems should take into account not only the
universal principles apply to any legal entity, but
also the constraints and incentives that direct the
activity of managers. Corporate governance
systems include structures (general assembly,
board of directors, committees and commissions,
etc.), procedures (ways of action, means for
performing an operation and so on in the fomi of
codes) and behaviors (of all interested ) existing in
different legal entities.
Although it is stated that corporate
governance models are necessary to large
companies listed on the stock exchange, the
complexity of decision-making and problems of
economic organization, given the existence of
shareholders not involved in company decisions,
however, the role of corporate governance is
essential also in smaller entities, even if the
contractor is the same person with the manager.
This is because, in the current context, corporate
governance has become a model of efficient
organization and business development.
Moreover, although there is a rich literature
regarding corporate governance, most of the work
focusing on the role and importance of the
phenomenon in managerial decision-making
transparency and the ethical aspects of social
responsibility, without too much emphasis on the
importance maximize the value of corporate
governance entities and to achieve high
The study reveals that there are few entities
that have implemented a system of corporate
governance, based on a model of effective
corporate governance, nationally or internationally

Revista de Management i Inginerie Economic, Voi. 14, Nr. 2, 2015

- 256guveman corporativ eficient, validat pe plan

naional sau internaional. Desigur, aceasta, pe de o
parte pentru c exist particulariti n ceea ce
privete structura, organizarea, contextul socio
economic i politic n care se manifest entitile
analizate, iar, pe de alt parte, datorit faptului c
acestea prezint specifiti n modul de organizare i
de desfurare a activitilor, proceselor i
fenomenelor socio-economice.
Importana guvemanei corporative n
economia bazat pe cunoatere este dat de faptul c
ea a devenit un veritabil model de dezvoltare a
afacerilor. Esena conceptului constnd n
armonizarea intereselor tuturor celor interesai n
asigurarea unei funcionri i dezvoltri sustenabile
a fiecrei entitii i a ansamblului afacerilor, nu se
poate realiza de la sine, prin voina managerilor i a
proprietarilor, ci cu ajutorul unor modele eficiente,
care s fie fundamentate pe structuri, proceduri,
norme, reguli, comportamente, mecanisme
particularizate n funcie de fiecare entitate, n parte,
precum i de contextul n care se manifest acestea.



Guvemana corporativ sau guvernarea

corporativ sau guvernana corporatist este
fundamentat pe o serie de principii, regsite n
primul Cod de Conducere Corporativ (1992)
elaborat de preedintele companiei Cadbury, Sir
Adrian Cadbury {Report and Code o f Best Practice)
i cunoscut sub denumirea de Codul Cadbury (cod
care st la baza Codului Bursei Londoneze). Ideea
de baz a respectivului cod const n principiile i
regulile de baz necesare unei administrri eficiente
a unei companii astfel nct s nu existe
discriminrii ale acionarilor. Ca urmare, multe
companii i instituii s-au implicat n procesul
asigurrii unei transparenei totale i a unui control
eficient asupra procesului decizional managerial.
Astfel, n 1999 apar principiile OECD pentru
administrarea corporaiilor, recunoscute la nivel
mondial drept principii universal valabile i unul
dintre cei 12 piloni de baz ai stabilitii financiare.
Principiile respective se refer la responsabilitile
conducerii (Consiliul de Administraie i

validated. Of course, this, on the one hand because

there are peculiarities in the structure,
organization, socio-economic and political context
within which entities occur analyzed and, on the
other hand, the fact that they have particularities in
the organizational manner and of the activities,
processes and socio-economic phenomena.
The importance of corporate governance in
the knowledge economy comes from the fact that
it has become a real business development model.
Essence concept consisting of harmonizing the
interests of all stakeholders in ensuring a
functioning and sustainable development and
assembly of each business entity can not by itself,
by the will of managers and owners, but with the
help of effective models, which are based the
structure, procedures, norms, rules, behaviors,
mechanisms customized according to each entity
separately, and the context in which they occur.



Corporate governance is based on a series of

principles found in the first Corporate Governance
Code (1992) developed by the Cadbury chairman,
Sir Adrian Cadbury {Report and Code o f Best
Practice) and known as Cadbury Code (to which is
based The London stock Exchange Code). The
basic idea of that code consists in basic principles
and rules necessary for an efficient administration
of a company so that there is no discrimination of
shareholders. As a result, many companies and
institutions were involved in ensuring total
transparency and effective control over the
managerial decision making process. In 1999 the
OECD principles for managing corporate occur,
globally recognized as universal principles and one
of the 12 pillars of financial stability. These
principles relate to the responsibilities of
management (Board of Directors and executive
management) to protect the rights of shareholders,
at their fair treatment, transparency and
dissemination of information in a timely, fair and
regular, and the role and rights of stakeholders. At


conducerea executiv), la protejarea drepturile

acionarilor, la tratamentul echitabil aplicat
la transparena
informaiilor i
diseminarea lor la timp, corect i regulat, precum i
la rolul i drepturile stakeholders. La nivelul Uniunii
Europene, principiile guvemanei corporative sunt
reduse la responsabilitatea protejrii intereselor
acionarilor, la tratamentul echitabil aplicat tuturor
acionarilor, la transparena firmei i la
responsabilitatea Consiliului de Administraie i al
managementului entitii, cu respectarea legislaiei
n vigoare. Cu alte cuvinte, guvemana corporativ
i fundamenteaz existena conceptual pe patru
piloni: responsabilitate, integritate, deschidere i
Aceasta nseamn c modelele de guvernan
corporativ trebuie s fie dezvoltate pornind de la
esena fenomenului (armonizarea intereselor tuturor
prilor implicate) i de la particularitile cadrului
naional, local, zonal al manifestrii organizaiei,
precum i de la caracteristicile respectivei entiti.
n genere, guvemana corporativ reprezint o
modalitate de organizare a unei entiti, prin
implementarea unor sisteme i procese specifice,
care s-i asigure atingerea de performane nalte i
creterea valorii pentru toi cei interesai i pentru
societate, n general. Aceasta nseamn c se are n
vedere totalitatea regulilor i procedurilor formale i
informale, interne, dar i a celor impuse de mediul
extern prin intermediul organismelor competente,
implementate att la nivel strategic ct i
Se afirm n literatura de specialitate c testul
eficienei unui sistem de guvernan corporativ
este msura n care reuete s-i maximizeze
valoarea companiei din perspectiva acionarilor,
ns, complexitatea mediului de aciune, a
fenomenelor, proceselor din cadrul entitilor,
precum i rezultatele obinute de ctre companiile
care i-au implementat modele de guvernan
corporativ aduc n atenia cercettorilor i
practicienilor faptul c eficiena unui sistem de
guvernan corporativ se msoar prin gradul n
care sunt armonizate interesele tuturor celor
stakeholders, prin niveluri de performan ridicate
atinse i prin maximizarea valorii entitii juridice
pentru ntreaga societate, n ansamblu. Aceasta
nseamn c acele entiti juridice care i
organizeaz i implementeaz sisteme axate pe

EU level, the principles of corporate governance

are reduced to the responsibility to protect the
interests of shareholders, the fair treatment of all
shareholders, the company's transparency and
accountability of the Board and the management
entity in compliance with the law. In other words,
corporate governance conceptual bases its
existence on four pillars: accountability, integrity,
openness and competence.
This means that corporate governance models
need to be developed starting from the essence of
the phenomenon (balancing the interests of all
parties involved) and also from the particularities
of the national, local, regional where organization
is manifested and the characteristics of that entity.
In general, corporate governance is a way of
organizing entity by implementing specific
systems and processes that would ensure the
achievement of high performance and increased
value for all interested and society in general. This
means that it takes into account all the formal and
informal rules and procedures, internal and
external environment to those imposed by the
competent bodies, implemented at the strategic and
It is stated in the literature that test the
effectiveness of a system of corporate governance
is the extent to which fails to maximize shareholder
value as a company. However, the complexity of
the environment of action, phenomena, processes
within the entities, and the results achieved by
companies that have implemented corporate
governance models bring to the attention of
researchers and practitioners that the efficiency of
a system of corporate governance is measured by
the degree to the interests of all stakeholders are
harmonized by high performance levels achieved
through maximizing the value of the legal entity
for the society as a whole. This means that the legal
entity which organizes and implements systems
focused on satisfying customers, employees,
suppliers, distributors, community and society as a
whole, while maximizing value and achieve
sustainable high performance are entities that have
effective corporate governance systems.
It is also known that corporate governance
brings to the attention of the business world the

Revista de Management i Inginerie Economic, Voi. 14, Nr. 2, 2015

- 258 satisfacerea cerinelor clienilor, a angajailor, a

furnizorilor, a distribuitorilor, a comunitii i a
societii, n ansamblu, n condiiile maximizrii
valorii durabile i a atingerii de performane nalte
reprezint entiti ce dispun de sisteme de
guveman corporativ eficiente.
De asemenea, este cunoscut faptul c
guvemana corporativ aduce n atenia lumii
afacerilor necesitatea asigurrii transparenei n
activitile desfurate i a integritii acestora,
necesitatea asumrii responsabilitii sociale.
Referitor la cele dou concepte analizate se
poate spune c ambele sunt abordate din perspectiva
armonizrii intereselor tuturor celor interesai, din
maximizrii valorii entitii i a creterii
performanelor acesteia.
Managerului i revine rolul de a armoniza
interesele acionarilor cu interesele tuturor celorlalte
categorii de stakeholderi, pe fundalul performanei
manageriale i a unei calitii crescute a prestaiei
manageriale. Evident, sarcina managerului este
facilitat de implementarea unui sistem de
guveman corporativ eficient.
n acelai timp, ambele concepte pot fi definite
din perspectiva rezultatului manifestrii la nivel
organizaional. Astfel, responsabilitatea social
relaioneaz n mod direct cu asigurarea unei
profitabiliti crescute a entitii care i asum
responsabiliti sociale, iar implementarea unui
sistem de guveman corporativ eficient
genereaz, de asemenea, o cretere a profitabilitii
respectivei entiti.
Cu alte cuvinte, guvemana corproativ
reprezint un model de succes n afaceri. In acelai
timp, interesat de CSR, Uniunea European l
consider un mijloc prin care orice sistem economic
poate deveni cel mai competitiv i dinamic din
lume. Ca atare, se poate afuma c cele dou
fenomene i procese reprezint, n acelai timp,
adevrate modele de dezvoltarea a afacerilor i de
asigurare de perfomiane nalte entitilor care i le
asum, le implementeaz i care le utilizeaz n mod
Standarde viznd drepturile omului, protecia
mediului nconjurtor, interesele consumatorului,
corupia i concurena, pentm companiile care se
orienteaz ctre CSR sunt cuprinse n ISO FIDS

need to ensure transparency and integrity of their

activities, the need for social accountability.
Regarding the two concepts analyzed it can be
said that both can be regarded from the perspective
of harmonizing the interests of all stakeholders,
from the perspective of the manager, from the
perspective of maximizing the value of the entity
and increase its performance.
Manager has the role to harmonize the
interests of shareholders with the interests of all
other categories of stakeholders on the background
of managerial performance and a high quality of
managerial performance. Obviously, the manager
task is facilitated by the implementation of an
effective corporate governance.
At the same time, both concepts can be
defined in terms of the outcome of the event at the
organizational level. Thus, social responsibility
relates directly to ensure increased profitability of
the entity that assumes social responsibility and the
implementation of effective corporate governance
system also generates an increase in the
profitability of that entity.
In other words, corporate governance is a
successful business model. In the same time,
interest in CSR, the European Union considers it as
a means by which any economic system may
become the most competitive and dynamic in the
world. As such, it can be said that the two
phenomena and processes are at the same time, real
models of business development and high
performance insurance entities assumed they
implement and use them effectively.
environmental protection, consumer interests,
corruption and competition for companies that are
moving towards CSR are contained in ISO 26000.
These standards also refer to the phenomena of
corporate governance.
Currently, to demonstrate that it is "socially
responsible", a company must understand the
principles of CSR are promoted internationally and
regularly report on the integration of these
principles in its activities. Also, companies that
have implemented a corporate governance model
should report stage and the results obtained.


-259 26000. Respectivele standarde fac referire i la

fenomeneul de guveman corporativ.
n prezent, pentru a demonstra c este
responsabil social, o companie trebuie s
neleag care sunt principiile de CSR promovate la
nivel internaional i s raporteze periodic n
privina integrrii acestor principii n activitile
sale. De asemenea, firmele care au implementat un
model de guveman corporativ trebuie s
raporteze stadiul de aplicare i rezultatele obinute.
Cele mai multe companii dintre cele supuse
analizei ofer pieei rapoarte sociale construite pe
baza instruciunilor GRI, cu referire la politicile de
guveman corporatist, n special. Adic firmele i
exprim angajamentele fa de mediu, salariai,
comunitate, fr a prezenta i performanele n
domeniul CSR. ns, indiferent de motivele
raportrilor: de natur economic sau etic
(reducerea riscului, motivarea angajailor, procesul
de nvare i inovaia), transparena n
responsabilitatea social a firmelor reprezint o
condiie esenial pentru o comunicare eficient
ntre companie i gmpurile cointeresate.
Transparena n politicile de responsabilitate
corporatist presupune (Popescu, 2012):
S definirea unui cod etic (principiile care
ghideaz organizaia n aciunile ei ori un set
de standarde etice care s fixeze drepturile i
obligaiile pe care le are compania fa de
gmpurile cointeresate);
S publicarea codului etic i promovarea lui n
rndul angajailor i partenerilor de afaceri;
S elaborarea rapoartelor sociale periodice care
s reflecte msura n care compania i
respect obligaiile pe care i le asum;
S publicarea standardelor de raportare utilizate
precum i a auditorului care le-a elaborat;
S evaluarea programelor de investiii sociale, a
impactului acestora asupra grupurilor sociale
publicarea rezultatelor programelor de
investiii sociale.
O analiz a rapoartelor de CSR relev faptul c
acestea sunt, n marea lor majoritate transparente,
deoarece firmele n cauz iau n considerare
interesele tuturor stakeholders i i elaboreaz i
implementeaz strategii de implicare social,
strategii care se integreaz n strategiile de
dezvoltare i de comunicare ale respectivelor firme.

Most of the analyzed companies offering

social market reports built on GRI guidelines with
respect to corporate governance policies in
particular. It means that firms express commitment
to the environment, employees, community,
without presenting CSR performance. But
whatever the reasons for reporting: economic or
ethical (risk reduction, employee motivation,
learning and innovation), the transparency of
social responsibility of companies is a prerequisite
for effective communication between the company
and interested groups. Transparency requires
corporate responsibility policies (Popescu, 2012):
S definition of a code of ethics (principles that
guide the organization in its actions or a set of
ethical standards which establish rights and
obligations they have company to interested
S publishing and promotion of the ethical code
among employees and business partners;
S social
elaboration reflecting the extent to which the
company meets its obligations assumed;
publishing reporting standards used and the
auditor that it has developed;
evaluation of social investment programs,
their impact on social groups concerned;
A publishing the results of social investment
An analysis of CSR reports reveals that they
are mostly transparent because companies shall
take into account the interests of all stakeholders
and develop and implement its social engagement
strategies, strategies that are integrated into
development strategies and communication their
respective companies. In Romania there are few
real CSR programs that have a system of
objectives, budget, evaluation methods and
performance indicators.
The analyzed companies which assume
social responsibilities mostly from all categories
disadvantaged etc.) have developed models of
effective CSR (UPC Romania, SIVECO Romania
and UniCredit Tiriac Bank). In the same time,
more than half of the analyzed entities have
implemented corporate governance models.

Revista de Management i Inginerie Economic, Voi. 14, Nr. 2, 2015



In Romnia sunt puine programe de CSR reale, care

s dispun de un sistem de obiective, de buget,
modaliti de evaluare i indicatori de performan.
responsabiliti sociale din mai toate categoriile
(fa de mediu, sport, comunitate, categorii sociale
defavorizate etc.) i-au dezvoltat modele de CSR
eficiente ( UPC Romnia, SIVECO Romnia i
UniCredit Tiriac Bank). n acelai timp, mai mult de
jumtate dintre entitile supuse analizate au i
modele de guveman corporativ implementate.
O alt asemnare dintre cele dou concepte
analizate vizeaz faptul c, pe de o parte, noiunea
de responsabilitate coiporatist (CSR) rmne doar
un concept abstract dac nu este definit prin oferirea
de soluii la cele dou ntrebri majore: fa de cine
sunt firmele responsabile social i care sunt
responsabilitile lor morale?, iar n ceea ce privete
guvemana corporativ se cere rspuns la
urmtoarele ntrebri: fa de cine sunt responsabili
managerii (fa de acionari, salariai, clieni, bnci,
comunitate local, stat etc.) i care sunt
responsabilitile lor etice i morale?
Managerii trebuie s se comporte etic fa de
toate categoriile de stakeholderi i fa de proprietari
i acionari. Astfel pot sa i asume responsabiliti
sociale, la nivel personal i organizaional.


Analiza relaiei responsabilitate socialguveman corporativ a relevat faptul c exist

multe elemente de congruen i asemnri ntre
cele dou concepte, procese, fenomene.
responsabilitilor sociale de ctre diferite firme s-a
remarcat faptul c exist o relaie strns ntre
comportamentul etic, rspunderea social i
sistemele de guvemana corporativ. Aceasta
nseamn c, ncet dar sigur, firmele globale ncep
s contientizeze importana i beneficiile integrrii
ateptrilor celor interesai n strategia lor global,
ns, eforturile de legitimizare a companiilor trebuie
relevat ntregii societii, iar un rol important n
acest sens i revine comunicrii. n prezent, aciunile
de CSR au devenit, pentru tot mai multe firme, parte
a comunicrii corporatiste.

Another similarity between the two concepts

analyzed are that, on the one hand, the notion of
corporate responsibility (CSR) remains only an
abstract concept that is not defined by offering
solutions to two major questions: to whom are
socially responsible companies and what are their
moral responsibilities?, and in terms of corporate
governance is required an answer to the following
questions to managers who are responsible (to
shareholders, employees, customers, banks, local
community, state, etc..) and what are their ethical
and moral responsibilities?
Managers should behave ethically towards
all categories of stakeholders and to the owners
and shareholders. So they can assume social
responsibilities, at a personal and organizational


Analyze the relation social responsibility corporate governance has revealed that there are
many elements of congruence and similarity cycle
through the two concepts, processes and
Analyzing cases of social responsibilities by
different companies was noted that there is a close
relationship between ethical behavior, social
responsibility and corporate governance systems.
This means that, slowly but surely, global
companies begin to realize the importance and
benefits of integration expectations of interested
in their overall strategy. However, efforts to
legitimize the companies have revealed the whole
society, and an important role in this lays in
communication. Currently, CSR actions became,
for more firms, part of corporate communication.

-261 -

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