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Gut Assiciated Lymphoid Tissue

The gastrointestinal tract's immune system is often referred to as gut-associated

lymphoid tissue (or GALT) and works to protect the body from invasion. The GALT
is an example of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.
Lymphoid tissue in the gut comprises the following:

Tonsils (Waldeyer's ring)

Adenoids (Pharyngeal tonsils)

Peyer's patches

They are aggregations of lymphoid tissue that are usually found in

the lowest portion of the small intestine, the ileum, in humans; as
such, they differentiate the ileum from the duodenum and jejunum.
The duodenum can be identified by Brunner's glands. The jejunum
has neither Brunner's glands nor Peyer's patches.

Microscopically, Peyers patches appear as oval or round lymphoid

follicles (similar to lymph nodes) located in the lamina propria layer
of the mucosa and extending into the submucosa of the ileum.

Lymphoid aggregates in the appendix and large intestine

Small lymphoid aggregates in the esophagus

Diffusely distributed lymphoid cells and plasma cells in the lamina propria
of the gut

The digestive tract is an important component of the body's immune system. In fact, the
intestine possesses the largest mass of lymphoid tissue in the human body. The GALT is
made up of several types of lymphoid tissue that store immune cells, such as T and B
lymphocytes, that carry out attacks and defend against pathogens.
New research indicates that GALT may continue to be a major site of HIV activity, even if
drug treatment has reduced HIV count in the peripheral blood.

MALT may consist of a collection of lymphoid cells, or it may include small solitary lymph
nodes. Lymph nodes contain a light-staining region (germinal center) and a peripheral darkstaining region. The germinal center is key to the generation of a normal immune response.
The location of MALT is key to its function. Stimulation of B cells leads to the production of

immunoglobulin A (IgA) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) within the Peyer patches, preventing
adherence of bacteria and viruses to the epithelium and thus blocking entry to the
subepithelial layers of the intestine.
Early on in the T-celldependent immune response, B cells known as founder cells
concentrate in the germinal center, forming the dark zone, where rapid division of these cells

During the 4th week the 3 distinct portions (fore-, mid- and hind-gut) extend the length of the
embryo and will contribute different components of the GIT. These 3 divisions are also later
defined by the vascular (artery) supply to each of theses divisions.
The large mid-gut is generated by lateral embryonic folding which "pinches off" a pocket of
the yolk sac, the 2 compartments continue to communicate through the vitelline duct.

Part in adult

Gives rise to
Arterial supply
Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum (1st
and 2nd parts), Liver, Gallbladder,
Esophagus to first 2
Pancreas, Superior portion of pancreas
Foregut sections of the
(Note that though the Spleen is supplied celiac trunk
by the celiac trunk, it is derived from
dorsal mesentery and therefore not a
foregut derivative)
lower duodenum, to the lower duodenum, jejunum, ileum,
branches of the
Midgut first two-thirds of the
cecum, appendix, ascending colon, and superior
transverse colon
first two-third of the transverse colon
mesenteric artery
last third of the
last third of the transverse colon,
branches of the
transverse colon, to the
descending colon, rectum, and upper part inferior
upper part of the anal
of the anal canal
mesenteric artery

Translated Version
Sistem kekebalan saluran pencernaan sering disebut sebagai gut-associated lymphoid tissue
(GALT), bekerja untuk melindungi tubuh dari berbagai invasi kuman. GALT adalah salah
satu contoh dari mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
Jaringal limfoid yang termasuk GALT :

Tonsil (Waldeyers ring)

Peyers patches (noduli lymphoidei aggregati intestinitenuis)
o Mereka adalah agregasi jaringan limfoid yang biasanya ditemukan di bagian
terendah dari usus kecil pada manusia, yaitu ileum. Dengan demikian, mereka
membedakan ileum dari duodenum dan jejunum. Duodenum dapat
diidentifikasi oleh kelenjar Brunner. Jejunum memiliki baik Kelenjar Brunner
atau Peyers patch.
o Secara mikroskopis, Peyers patch berbentuk folikel limfoid yang oval atau
bulat (mirip dengan kelenjar getah bening) yang terletak di lapisan lamina
propria mukosa dan meluas sampai ke lapisan submukosa ileum.

Lamina propria dari traktus gastrointestinal


Saluran pencernaan merupakan komponen penting dari sistem kekebalan tubuh. Usus
memiliki massa terbesar dari jaringan limfoid dalam tubuh manusia. GALT terdiri dari
beberapa jenis jaringan limfoid yang menyimpan sel-sel imun, seperti sel limfosit T dan B,
yang melakukan serangan dan pertahanan terhadap patogen.
Kelenjar getah bening (termasuk GALT) memiliki daerah center yang berwarna lebih terang
(germinal center) dan di perifernya daerah gelap. Germinal center adalah kunci untuk
generasi respon imun normal. Stimulasi sel B menyebabkan produksi imunoglobulin A (IgA)
dan imunoglobulin M (IgM) dalam patch Peyer, yang mencegah perlekatan bakteri dan virus
ke epitel dan menghalangi masuknya patogen ke lapisan subepitel usus.

Embriologi Saluran Cerna

Dalam perkembangan embrio minggu ke-4, mulai terbentuk 3 bagian yang berbeda (fore-gut,
mid-gut dan hind-gut). Perkembangan ketiga divisi ini kemudian ditentukan oleh pasokan
pembuluh darah (arteri) ke masing-masing divisi tersebut.
Bagian mid-gut yang besar dibentuk oleh pelipatan embrio yang akan membentuk yolk-sac.
Yolk-sac tetap berhubungan dengan saluran pencernaan melalui duktus vitellinus.

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