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46yo farm women was admitted to hospital as acute distress with symptoms of severe pain in the right

upper abdominal region .in the past she had reapeted attacks of severe pain in the right upper
quadrant of the abdomen,frequently following a heavy meal.she suffer from indigestion with "gas pain
in her stomach" particularly after eating fatty foods and eggs.

1. what organ suffering?

A. STomach
B. Duodenum
C. Liver
D. Gall bladder
E. Ascending colon

24 years old woman admitted to the hospital with jaundice since the last 7 days. There's darkening of
urine in the last 3 days before admisssion. x-ray examination without contrast medium revealed
multiple calcified stone in RUQ.

2. which biliary system involved?

A. liver
B. gallbladder
C. Pancreatic duct
D. Common duodenal duct
E. common hepatic duct

3. Our throat divided into 2 separate tube, the windpipe and the gullet. What prevent food from
entering the windpipe?
A. The uvula
B. The tongue

C. Trachea
D. Epiglottis
E. Gullet

4.chyme move from gaster to

B.large intestine
E.small intestine

A 20 years old boy came to clinic department with complain of pain at RIGHT LOWER QUADRANT
abdomen that make he wake up from sleep last night. Nausea, vomiting, chills: (+).

5. What is organ associated?

A. appendix vermiformis
B. esophagun
C. duodenum
D. stomach
E. pancreas

6. What are the organs located retroperitoneal?

A. ileum and jejunum
B. transverse and sigmoid colon
C. ascending and descending colon

D. abdoinal part of esofagus'

E. both right and left lobe of liver

7. Mouth/oral cavity divided into two area, vestibule and oral cavity proper which of the following
statement is correct due to vestibule
A. Space behind alveolar processes
B. Space between cheeks and alveolar proc
C. Hard and soft palate as roof
D. Large space in the oral cavity
E. Tongue located in this area

8. The following statement is not in gaster:

A. Simple cylindrical epithelium
B. Fovea gastricae
C. Crypts of Lieberkuhn
D. Simple tubular gland
E. Ruggae

9. appendices epiploicea
A. appendix
B. esophagus
C. gasterD. small intestine
E. large intestine

10. The following statement is not in vesica fellea:

A. Simple cylindrical epithelium

B. Thin submucosa
C. Sinus Rockinstansky Ashcoff
D. Capillaries of lamina propria
E. Covered by serosa and mesothelium

11. The Centrum of liver lobules is

A.portal area
B.portal vein
C.central vein
E.trigonum Kiernan

12. Characteristics of large intestines:

1.many goblet cells
2.small villi
3.crypts of lieberkuhn
4.small plica circularis

13. the characteristic of small intestine

1. villi
2. crypts of Lieberkuhn
3. plica circularis Kerkringi

4. rugae

14. Acinus hepar is:

1.Rappaport cs
2.Divide in 3 zone
3. Rhomboid
4. Trigonum of Kiernan

15. a 30 y/o policeman presents with the chief complaint of intermittent mid epigastric pain that is
relieved by antacids or eating. Gastric analysis reveals that basal and maximal acid output exceed
normal values. The gastric acid hypersecretion can be explained by ana increase in the plasma
concentration of which of the following?











16. A patient present with chronic cough. The patient also reports substernal burning pain that is
pronounced after ingested coffee, chocolate, french fries and alcohol. Which of the following is the
most likely cause of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) in this patient?
a. Hiatal hernia
b. Delayed gastric emptying
c. Decrease esophageal motility
d. Decreased lower esophageal sphincter tone
e. Decreased upper esophageal sphincter tone

17. 28 y/o man present emergency room with a 48hours bout diarrhea with steatorrhea. which of the
following best accounts for the appearance of the excess fat of the stool?
A. delayed gastric emptying
B. decreased bile salt pool size
C. decreased gastric acid secretion
D. decreased gastric accomodation
E. decreased secretion of intrinsic factors

18. After secretion of trypsinogen into duodenum, enzyme converted into its active form, trypsin by
A. Enteropeptidase (enterokinase)

19) Major absorption of protein in small intestine is through :

A. Na+ -H+
B. Co transport with sodium
C. Electrogenic transport
D. Neutral Nacl absorption
E. solvent drug

20. Young mother call pediatric because her infant defecate after every meal. cause of these normal
bowel movement in newborn
a) gastroilial reflex
b) intestino-intestinal reflex
c) gastrocolic reflex
d) defecation reflex

e) peristaltic rush

An 18 years old man with pernicious anemia lack intrinsic factor which is necessary for the absorption
of cyanocobalamine.

21. intrinsic factor is produced by

a) oxyntic cell
b) parietal cell
c) D cell
d) G cell
e) S cell

22)substance that stimulate gastrin secretion

-protein nutrient

23. What is the type of hormone that stimulate the contraction of gall bladder
A. Gastrin
B. Glucagon
C. Cholecyskinin
D. Secretin

24. Which one of the following is an exoenzyme.

A. Typsin.
B. Pepsn.
C. Alpha amylase.

D. Carboxypeptidase.
E. Elastase.

25. Which one of the following is needed to convert biriverdin to bilirubin?

c. Hemeoxidase
d.Biliverdin reductase
e.UDP-Glucoronil Transferase

26. Bile salts is primary derived from:

a) triglycerides
b) phospholipid
c) hemeproteins
d) cholesterols
e) globin

27. hepatitis D virus is a defective virus that can replace only in cell which already infected with which
of the following virusesA. hepatitis A virus
B. hepatitis G virus
C. hepatitis A virus
D. hepatitis B virus
E. herpes simplex virus

31 YO women come with vomitting all the content and feel dizy,she look ill and dizzy. before that she
eat fried rice at canteen 30 min ago..

28.what is the diagnosis ?

A) Appendicitis
B) salmonellosis
D) Food intoxication
E) Food infection

29.what was likely cause of the case above ?

A. bacillus cereus
B. campylobacter pylori
C. salmonella typhii
D. vibrio cholerae
E. clostridium perfringes

23 years old man present with fever that lasting since a week ago, the febrile is intermittent and often
occur in evening proceeded by shivering. He also complains an abdominal cramp and diarrhea couple
day ago. Today just vomit twice

30. If the blood specimen of the patient is taken to microbiology laboratory reveal a gram (-) rod
bacteria, with (-) lactose and (+) H2S, what is possible bacteria infected?
A. Shigella flexneri
B.Salmonella typhii
C. E. coli

D. Bacillus cereus
E. Clostin botulinum

31. What is the characteristic of that bacterium

A. Aerobe
B. Non motile
C. Food borne bacterium
D. Can be also cultured from urine in first week of disease
E. Has ability to cross the gastric acid barrier in a small amount

A boy 15 years old present to rs because extremities flaccid paralyse since 2 hours ago. he dont have
neurologic disorder and not taken any medicine. he ate caned fish a day ago.

32. What is the cause in the case?

A. Salmonella dysentriae
B. Shigella
C. E. Coli
D. H. pylori
E. Clostrodium perferingens

33.what is the best diagnostic test to diagnose the disease?

A. Gram staining
B. Biochemistry test
C. Culture
D. Electroencephalography


34.The following properties of Hepatitis A virus is:

a. Incubation period HAV 2-6 weeks
b. Replicates in the nucleus of infected cell
c. mortality rate more than 1%
d. Replicate cycle differentiate to that replicative cyle of poliovirus
e. HAV infection of culture cells produce cytoplasmic effect

35.HBV is also called as the helper virus for HDV because:

-b.)it replicates on HBV cells.

male 57 years old came to hospital with anorexia and _____ . Physical examination; pale and pruritus.
Lab test; blood:rbc 3.100.100/cmm, wbc 9.100/cmm, hb 8,5 gr/dl, hct 31%, urea test; urobilinogen ++
(kalau sape2 ingt blh la tmbah ya..thx)

36. differential diagnosisi of this patient?

1.Viral hepatitis
2. DHF
3.Hemolytic anemia
4. CKD

37. ALT= 360

A. chronic hepatitis

B. Mononecluosis
C. Cholecystitis
D. Myocard infarct

38. total bilirubin= 8.0 mg/dl

1. fatty liver degenaration
2. chiosis toxification ( alcohol ingestion)
3. ductus biliaris occlusion
4. acute viral hepatitis ( cholestatic type)

39. Etiology of jaundice

1. bacterial infection
2. parasite infection
3. hemorrhagic disease
4. hemolytic anemia

40.bilirubin indirect:
1. water soluble
2. bilirubin protinate
3. conjugated bilirubin
4. serum bilirubin

41. Test for hepatitis

1. tes HBsAG

2. tes ALT
3. tes anti-HB
4. AFP

42. Vaccination of hepatitis C and D for all case:

1. Basic vaccination : anytime
2. Booster I : 1 -2 months after basic vaccination
3. Booster II : 4 - 6 months afterr basic vaccination
4. Booster III : very important dosage

43.25 years old male come to health center with diarrhea.He states that his stool was mixed with blood
and mucose.Examination of his stool reveal paracyte with characteristics as follow :irregular pear
shaped,ectoplasm sharply separated from endoplasm has one nucleus with small central compound
and endoplasm contain blood
a.trophozoit of giardia lamblia
b.trophozoit of entamoeba coli
c.trophozoit of endolimax nana
d.trophozoit of balantidium coli
e.trophozoit of entamoeba histolytica

44. What is the best diagnosis for the case above?

a. Giardiasis
b. Amebiasis
c. Shigellosis
d. Isosporasis
e. Balantidiasis

45) examination of stool reveal parasite with fat granule,bilaterallt pear shaped,round on
anterior,4flagella,2 axostykes
name the organism in the stool :
a.Trophozoite entamoeba coli
b.Trophozoite balantidum coli
c.Trophozoite entamoeba hystolytica
d.Trophozoite giardia lamblia
e.Trophozoite lacapora bacilli

46. What is the best diagnosis for the case above:

A. Giardiasis
B. Amebiasis
C. Shigelliasis
D. Isosporiasis
E. Balantidiumsis

45 years old woman hospitalized due to difficulty in swallowing. A tumor in her oesophagus located at
near the stomach-esophageal junction was found by endoscopic exam.

47. The type of tumor that could be found mostly at that location are:
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Basal cell carcinoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
D. Undifferentiated carcinoma

E. Adenosquamous carcinoma

48. The tumor occured at the location initiated by metaplastic and dyplastic change due to the present
of chronic irritation by stomach acid reflux. The distal part of esophagus that metaplastic change
occured is called:
A) atrisia esophagus
B)stricture esophagus
C)varices esophagus
D) barret esophagus
E)burkitt esophagus

A 30 years old woman come to the doctor with frequent epigstric pain. The doctor diagnosed her as a
chronic gastritis patient. Because she suffered from disease for a long period, the doctor worried about
the possibilities of cancer development and he asked her to visit a GEH specialist to know the actual
cause of the disease.

49. Among the possible causes of the disease(chronic gastritis), which one of the following have the
highest possibilities of stomach cancer?
A. gastric outlet obstruction
B. chronic functional dyspepsia
C. chronic infection by H.pylori
D. chronic chemical gastritis caused by bile reflux
E. chronic autoimmune gastritis of parietal cells by antibody

50. The endoscopy examination is followed by biopsy of the gastric lesion was performed at the GEH
department. The pathologist examination of the biopsy specimen found the cause of the chronic
gastritis having a very high risk to develop stomach cancer. The pathologist report represents of
intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia of the stomach epithelium. The conclusion is:
A. chronic gastritis is not severe

B. chronic gastritis is severe and stomach cancer already present

C. chronic gastritis is severe but dont worry for development of stomach cancer
D. chronic gastritis is severe and high risk for the development of stomach cancer

61 years old women come to a doctor with hematemesis malena and frequent epigastric pain showed
sign of anemia. Laboratory examination shows sign of anemia with 4gr% of hemoglobin
endoscopy examination the diagnose was seen ulcer atth3 stomach.

51. The uncorrect statement about stomach ulcer is :

A. Peptic ulcer in the stomach never cause perforation
B. Ulcer penetration in acute ulcer reaches muscular layer
C. The most cause of ulcer stomach is h. Pylori
D. Term erosion is used if the ulcer penetrte limited mucosa layer
E. The ulcer may cause massive bleeding if ulcer affected a big blood vessels

52. 37 yo woman came to a clinic with a complaint of epigastric pain. the doctor gave her proton pump
inhibitor. the drug is:
A. cimetidine
B. ranitidine
C. omeprazole
D. sucralfat
E. domperidone

53. A man, 21 years old, suffer from vertigo and gaster discomfort. The doctor gave him drugs that
inhibit nausea and vomiting. The action of the drugs is central and peripheral of the body.
A. Domperidon

B. Loperamid
C. Metoclopramid
D. Cisepride
E. Hyocianin

54.45 year old man,traveller has abdominal pain and diarrhea without bloody stool.Doctor perscribe 3
drugs.Which of the following drug is anti emetic that is narcotic?

55. Woman, 35 years old consume drug to treat her menstruation pain from dyspensary. she complain
mydriasis and urinary retention. This is side effect of:
A. anti spasmodic
B. analgetic
D. antibiotic
E. antacid

56. one patient (40 y.o), has internal hemorrhoid. the doctor prescribed drug per rectal (suppositories).
one component is steroid anti inflamasi. which of the following drug :
A. benzocain
B. prednisolone
C. dimenhidrinat

D. lidocaine
E. diphenhydramine

57. Lipotropic drug is

A. Simvostatin
B. Gemfibrosil
C. Cholin
D. Fenofibrate
E. Pravastatin

A 62 year-old man presents to the emergency department (ED) with chief complaint of waking up with
abdominal pain. He states that over the past with he has had intermittent, gas-like epigastric pain and
a sensation "like I need to burp". It is now radiating in a banned-like pattern throughout the patience
upper abdomen and to his back. The patient has mild nausea but has not vomitted. He has not
experience any chills or fever, and he denied having any diarrhea. No chest pain, SOB, or palpitation
noted. He has no chronic medical condition and does not take any medications like NSAIDS.

58. What is the cause of the patient's abdominal pain?

B. Cholecystitis
C. Acute pancretitis
D. Peptic ulcer
E. Gastric tumor

59. most common factor

A. helicobacter pylori infection

C. smoking
D. Alcohol
E. Chronic steroid intake

Three months later, he patient above comes again complain of melena from history taking he was
suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and using prednisone with non steroid inflammatory drugs NSAIDs
for past few years.Upper GI tract reveal as peptic ulcer.

60. The pathomechanism of gasroduodenal injury related to NSAID:

a. Inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase receptor with direct accumulation of NSAID
b. Direct accumulation causing inflammation decreased of prostaglandin and neutrophil formation
c. Indirect accumulation casing inflammation decreased of prostaglandin and neutrophil formation
d. Direct inhibition causing inflammation increased of prostaglandin and neutrophil formation
e. Indirect inhibition causing inflammation increased of prostaglandin and neutrophil formation.

61.Recommendation for this patient to avoid complications such as

A.discontinue NSAIDs and ulcerogenic drugs
B. using PPI while NSAIDs continue or change to COX-2 selective inhibitors
C. identify high risk patient : age > 60 yo, prior GI bleeding, high dosage NSAIDs, concurrents steroids
D. A and C choice
E. B and D choice

45 years old, gradual onset of rectal bleeding over past 3 months. First noticed with wiping, but
become more overt with blood associated with passing bowel movements. Stool frequency increased
4-5 trips to toilet per day. Urgent sensation to defecate just before going to toilet. No other health
issue. Pemfis: anemia, eritema nodosum, mild abdominal distention, pain in left lower hypochondrium.

62. According to anamnesis and pemfis, suspicious diagnosis :

A. dysentery
B. diverticulosis
C. irritable bowel syndrome
D. colitis infection
E. inflammatory bowel disease

63. simple diagnostic procedure as a doctor in primary health care

A. rectal exam
B. endoscopy of lower GI tract
C. colon in loop
D. USG abdomen
E. take serologic lab study

64.long term complication of this patient disease should always to take attention:
a) Toxic megacolon
b) Cachexia
c) Bleeding and perforation
d)Impairment quality of life
e)Colorectal cancer

A 25 y/o male patient complaint with nausea , vomiting, artralgia, anorexia and malaise within 2
weeks. After 7 days, patient have dark yellow urine and according his friends, yellow eyes was appear
on his eyes recently. Physical examination reveal: sclera icteric and light pain palpable in upper

hypochondrium dextra, laboratory: bilirubin total 16,8mg%, bilirubin direk 8,5mg%, SGOT = 250 U/I,
SGPT=400 U/I.

65. Temporary diagnosis of this patient:


Chronic liver disease


Cholestasis disease


Acute pancreatitis


Acute hepatitis



66. What test can be done to confirm Hepatitis B virus (HBV) ?

a. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
b. Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs)
c. Hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc)
d. Hepatitis B envelope antigen (HBeAg)
e. Hepatitis B envelope antibody (anti-HBe)

a 56 y/o female patient enter to the hospital with abdominal distention, edema at the foot within three
months. bleeding with the dark blood are found in mouth and anal. PE: sclera icteric, conjunctiva
anemis, erythema palmaris, shifting dullness +, edema tibial and pretibial. lab: total bilirubin: 20,5mg
%, SGOT= 59U/L, total protein: 52gr/dl, albumin 2.0gr/dl.

67. the most likely diagnosis according anamnesis, PE and lab is

A. ascites
B. cirrhosis compensated
C. chronic liver disease

D. cirrhosis decompensated
E. acute hepatitis

68. Complication can occur:

1. Variceal bleeding
2. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
3. Hepatorenal syndrome
4. Hepatic encephalopaty

A boy 6 years old of age, abdominal pain in right lower quadrant since 3 days ago, become severe until
right leg was pain, micturation normal and bowel movement less.

69. to find the etiology of abdominal pain, the first step you look for
A. Nutritional status
B. Gender
C. History of medicine before
D. Age
E. Other complaints and sign

70. If there is Rovsing's Sign in physical examination, possible diagnosis is

a)urinary tract infection
b) gastritis
d) appendicitis
e) constipation

71. The diagnostic adjunct must be done at first step

a) BNO
b) colon in loop
c) abdominal USG
d) complete blood count
e) IVP

72)girl,2 y.o,watery stool,less waste,can drink less water,but vomit,nervous,and well nutrition

A.severe dehydration diare

b.acute diare
c.persistent diare
d.mid-moderate dehydration acute diare
e.chronic diare

73. What is agent that infect the patient

A. Salmonella
B. Virus
C. Shigella
D. Fungi

74. What is the first management of this condition.

A. Anti- bacteria.

B. Anti- virus.
C. Oral rehydration solution
D. Anti- diarrhea.
E. Lupe la.. sorry :)

75.Common problem in neonatal jaundice

a.Physiologic jaundice
b.Hemolytic jaundice
c.Breast milk jaundice
d.Normal liver function not fully formed
e.Obstructive jaundice

76. physiological jaundice

a) direct hyperbilirubinemia
b) direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia
c) normal indirect bilirubin
d) caused by abnormality of biliary tract
e) disappear completely

patient, 2 years old, female, admitted to the hospital with a bulge (swelling) in the groin which at times
may extend into the right scrotum the bulge may appear and then disappear with some regularly,
especially during straining, crying or coughing. There is no vomiting and no abdominal distention.
rectal touchee in normal limit.

77. what is the clinical diagnosis?

A. inguinal hernia reponible dextra

B. hydrocele uncommincantes dextra

C. femoralis hernia dextra
D. ca. testis dextra
E. orchitis dextra

78) DD for this case with use translumination test positve is?
A)incarerata Hernia
b)strangulate Hernia
C) inguinalis Hernia
D) Hydrocele
E) Testis carcinoma

79.what is the treatment for the case above ?

A. Herniotomy
B. Hydrocelectomy
C. Orchidectomy
D. Concervative
E. Orchidopexi

Patient 2 month years old,male. Admitted to hospital with a bulge (swelling) in umbilical region. There
is no changing colour of skin in bulging area, other physical examination is normal. Bulge may appear
during straining, crying or coughing. No vomit and abdominal distention.

80.What is the most likely diagnosis for this case?

A. Umbilical hernia

B. Umbilical fistel
C. Ductus omphalomesenterium persistent
D. Omphalocele
E. Umbilical granuloma

81. Correct answer for this case is

A. Fistulectomy
B. Directly operate citis
C. Observe until age 3-4 y.o
D. Incidence of incarcerate is higher
E. Excision granuloma

82. What is surgery treatment for this patient ?

A. Laparatomy
B. Wide incision of granuloma
C. Fitulasectomy
D. Repair omocele (lupe repair pe)
E. Repair Umbilicus hernia

A patient 19 years old women came to the hospital with complain of abdominal pain. Patient felt fain
when rectal touche examination was performed. Leucocyte count was 10.000 mL....scenario dia pnjg
lagi..x sempat nk hafal semua..aku amik yg penting..sorry guys..aku hafal sebaik boleh..dokter duduk
depan aku..:)

83. What is the diagnosis of the case?

A. Pelvic inflammatory disease

B. Urinart tract infection
C. Appendices epiplocicae
D. Ruptur follicle
E. Appendicitis acute

84. Pada anak2, proses pnyakit yg di salah diagnos dgn appendicitis akut adalah:
a. Lymphadenitis mesenteric akut
b. Enteritis regional akut
c. Gastroenteris
d. Pyelonephritis akut
e. Intussuception

85)Penyebab utama cholesistitis akut:

a)infeksi Klebsiella
b)infeksi Salmonella
c)batu empedu multiple
d)infeksi E.Coli
e)obstruksi duktus sistikus.

86. seorang laki - laki umur 75 thn masuk ke rumah sakit dengan ikterus obstruksi. Apakah prosedur
awal untuk mendeteksi ikterus obstruksi?
a. CT scan
b. Ultrasonography
c. ____nuclide scanning

d. Percutaneus Transhepatic Cholangiography (PCT)

e. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

87. A woman 60 yrs old, came toclinic with obstructive icterus. Test MCRP (bayangan pada distal
ductussistikus menekan common bile duct sehingga tersumbat, penyakit tersebut:A. PancreatitisB.
CholesistitisC. Mirrizi syndromeD. Moller wheiss syndrome.
E. Penyakit obstruktif menahun
man. 70y.o.. was admitted to hospital with complain of obstipation and abdominal pain during 5 days
ago. abdominal pain always decrease after flatus. in plain abdominal X-ray showing "friehman dall"
appearence. in barium enema examination showing "bird beak" appearence.

88. suggested diagnosis for this patient:

A. appendix perforation
B. volvulus sigmoid
C. ileo-colo-kolika invagination
D. peptic ulcer
E. phytobezoer of the rectum

89) Penanganan pasien di atas, kecuali:

A. konservatif
B. pemasangan NGT
C. pemasangan kateter
D. operasi laparatomi
E. sigmoidoskopi

90. pada kasus di atas yg merupakan kontra indikasi tindakan

a. terapi enteral feeding
b. terapi parenteral feeding
c. puasa
d. pasang NGT
e. foto polos abdomen

A man came to clinic with BMI 25.7 kg/m2 n circumference 95 cm because having heartburn especially
after having meal.

91. What u suggest him to take.

A. have a soft meal
B. have a small portion of meal but frequently
C. have coffee after meal
D. have meal as early as possible
E. have a cold meal

92. Man, 48 years old, come to private clinic because of bloating and pain in abdomen. To maintain the
mucous intestinal, what nutrient should be given to this man?
A. Arginine
B. Probiotic
C. Proline
D. Glutamine
E. Prebiotic student 22 years old always complaining pain epigastric area now he loses his weight about
2kg since 2 months ago.What do yo sugget him to prevent another weight loss?
a.avoid high protein food
b.avoid high carbohydrate
c.have prebiotic
d.have immunonutriton supplement
e.have high fiber food

94. Women 60 years old, have a tumor in her stomach. Now she has jejunutube feeding. Food should
be given slowly as it can. If she has abdominal fullness and crampy, what sign stand for?
a. Refeeding syndrome
b. Untolerance syndrome
c. Chron's syndrome
d. Dumping syndrome
e. Tolerance syndrome

95) woman,38 ,epigastric pain,radiates to the back..nutrition given

A).stop oral intake
B)fish oil supplement
C)curcumine suppliment
D)liquid nutrition
E)eat small amount but frequently

96. The routine position of plain abdominal radiography in case of acute abdomen is:

A. Supine, erect , R lateral decubitus

B. Supine, erect, L lateral decubitus
C. Supine, prone, erect
D. Supine, prone, lateral decubitus
E. Supine, prone, erect

97. 44 years old housewife, is admitted to the ward with nausea and pain especially over the right
upper abdominal. She has a history of fever and medication in physical examination is unremarkable.
The most appropriate investigation for this patient is:
D. CT scan
E. Plain photo

98. 60yo men have malena, to diagnose we use which radiology method?
A . Sialography
B. Bronchography
C. Gastroduodenography
D. Barium
E. Follow through

99. A 40 years old male with hematemesis and melena. Esophagogram shows cobble-stone
appearance. The most possible diagnosis is:
A. Achalasia
B. Varices

C. Tumor
D. Diverticular
E. Polyps

100.A woman 65 years old was reffered to radiology department for gastroduodenagraphy with the
clinical history of haematemesis.Gastroduodenogram showed persistent filling defect with irregular
border along the wall of stomach body.The most likely diagnosis is:

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