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Two Venus Kriyas

Venus Kriyas are powerful yogic techniques for

partners that utilize the male and female polarities that exist in all of us.
Practice of Venus Kriyas can help to establish balance in a relationship,
allow you the opportunity to connect with and support one another's higher
self, and develop the experience of Oneness between the two of you. The
focus stays at the heart, projecting love and caring, with the highest good
for both partners.
Practicing Venus Kriyas
Venus Kriyas are different from White Tantric Yoga, which can only be
practiced under the guidance of the Mahan Tantric (Yogi Bhajan). (Yogi
Bhajan continues to guide the White Tantric Yoga video courses through
his subtle body.)
Venus Kriyas are very powerful and should never be used with the
intention to manipulate or exploit another person. If these techniques
are misused in any way, the result can be harmful to both parties.
It is recommended that you both do a Kundalini Yoga set before the Venus
Kriya, for preparation and maximum effectiveness.
Each Venus Kriya can be practiced a maximum of three minutes, and
only one Venus Kriya can be practiced per hour.

How to Practice:
As mentioned above, start with a Kundalini kriya.
To Begin:
Step 1. Sit down in front of your partner, put your own hands together in
Prayer Pose,[1] and tune in by chanting Ong Namo Guru Dev
Namo[2] three times.
Step 2. With your hands still together, look into your partner's eyes and
then bow your head in recognition of his/her God consciousness. Project
love from your heart, and any other positive intention.
Step 3. Follow the instructions for the specific Venus Kriya that you want
to practice.
To End:

Step 4. To end each Venus Kriya, inhale, exhale,

stretch the arms up, twist from side to side, and relax.
Step 5. Upon completion of the kriya, put your own palms together at the
heart center, say Sat Nam, and thank your partner.
Step 6. Relax completely.

Three-Part Venus Kriya

Begin with Steps 1 and 2 above.

Part 1. Then sit on your heels in Rock

Pose[3] facing your partner. Place your hands on your thighs, palms down.
Look into each others eyes, trying not to blink. Radiate love and see
yourself in your partners eyes. Continue for 1 minute.

Part 2. Stand up facing your partner. Join hands and

look into each others eyes, projecting divine love.

Next, squat down together in Crow Pose,[4]keeping the

feet flat on the ground and the hands joined. Try to get your buttocks to
touch the ground. Look into each others eyes. Inhale and stand up
together. Hold the breath in for a few seconds. Then exhale as you squat
back down in Crow Pose. Hold the breath out a few seconds. Repeat the

exercise a total of 5 times, inhaling as you stand up and then hold the
breath in, exhaling as you squat down and then hold the breath out.
Part 3. Sit in Rock Pose facing your partner. Inhale and hold the breath in a
few seconds, then exhale and hold the breath out a few seconds. Repeat the
breath pattern a total of 5 times. Then relax and finish with Steps 4 6

Shiva Shakti Venus Kriya

Begin with Steps 1 and 2 above.

Then stand up and face your partner. The mans left

hand holds the womans left hand and both right hands are held up (see
photo). Right upper arms are parallel to the ground. Look into each others
eyes. Lift up your left leg and balance on your right leg. The left leg
doesnt touch the right leg. Holding this position, the man lets himself
become as the god, Shiva,[5] and the woman lets herself become as the
goddess, Shakti.[6] Let your souls dance.
Hold this posture for 3 minutes, changing legs if necessary. Then finish
with steps 4 6 above.
The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

[1] Palms pressed together at the center of the chest

[2] Opening chant used to begin every Kundalini Yoga class, meaning, I
bow to Creator and to the Divine teacher within.

[3] Sitting on your heels; Vajrasan

[4] Squatting down as far as possible with the feet flat on the ground
[5] The masculine aspect of divine creative expression; as the third
member of the Hindu Trinity, Shiva is the Destroyer God, joining Brahma
and Vishnu
[6] Woman; feminine aspect of God

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