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Strength workout (min 3 times per week.

Do one set of each for weeks

1 & 2 and progress to 2 sets during week 3 & 4 as you get stronger, and
more efficient with the exercises):
10 minute warm up on the treadmill or brisk walk outdoors
1) Straight leg raise with lower abs: Lie on the ground with one knee
bent and the other straight. Inhale. As you exhale contract lower abs
and raise leg to the height of your opposite thigh. Flex foot and keep
knee straight with thigh muscles tight.
Muscles worked: front thigh and abdominals
Week 1: x10
Week 2: x15
Week 3: x10 with ankle/wrist weights on
Week 4: x15 with ankle/wrist weights on
2) Bridge: Lie on back with both knees bent and feet shoulder width
apart. Tighten abs and lift hips without arching lower back. Muscles
worked: Glutes and hamstrings
Week 1: x10- hold 5 sec at top
Week 2: x15- hold 5 sec, heels up on bed
Week 3: x10 hold 5 sec, heels on ball (against wall)
Week 4: x15-20 hold 5 sec, heels on ball (try with ball not against wall)
3) Wall squats with ball: Place ball in lower back area on wall. Bring
feet out away from the wall and slightly wider than hip distance apart.
Tighten abs and thighs, and slowly squat down keeping back straight,
weight through heels and outer foot, and press hips back into ball.
Should be pain free in knees. Modify by not squatting as deep
Week 1: x10- 5 sec hold
Week 2: x15-20- 5 sec hold (deeper as able but still pain free)
Week 3: x10-10 second hold (deeper as able)
Week 4: x15- 15 second hold (deeper as able)

4)Chest press 20lbs: Sit on pillow. Press away from body keeping
shoulder blades pressed against back rest, shoulders down, and elbows
relaxed at sides. Use abs to help push.
Muscles worked: Pecs (chest), anterior delt (front shoulders), triceps
Week 1: x15 20lbs
Week 2: x20-25 20lbs
Week 3: x10-15 30lbs
Week 4: x15-20 30lbs
5)Row with band: Grasp each end of tubing and pull back keeping
elbows tucked into sides and squeezing shoulder blades together. Be
careful you don't hike your shoulders to activate neck muscles.
Muscles worked: Mid back, biceps
Week 1: x12
Week 2: x15
Week 3: x20 more tension
Week 4: x20 more tension, 3 sec hold
6) Front arm raise: Good posture, raise weight out front keeping arm
straight with a slight bend in elbow. Lower with control
Muscles worked: Front shoulder
Week 1: x10 Right: 3lbs, left: 2lbs
Week 2: progress in weight and reps as able
Week 3: progress in weight and reps as able
Week 4: progress in weight and reps as able
7) Plank: Begin on stomach propped on elbows with elbows directly
under your shoulders. Lift chest, ribs, and hips away from ground
maintaining a slight pelvic tilt and straight spinal alignment.
Muscles worked: Core
Week 1: 20 seconds from knees
Week 2: 30-45 seconds from knees
Week 3: 10-20 seconds from toes
Week 4: 30+ seconds from toes

8) Side plank: Begin lying on side propped on elbow with elbow directly
under shoulder. Lift hips up maintaining a straight spinal alignment.
Muscles worked: Core/obliques
Week 1: 10-15 sec/side from knees
Week 2: 20 sec/side
Week 3: 30+sec/side
Week 4: Try from toes
9) Side leg raise: Lie on side with bottom knee bent and top leg straight.
Raise top leg back and up keeping leg straight and focusing on
lengthening leg to avoid hip hiking. Try keeping hand on top hip for
Muscles worked: Outer hip and glutes
Week 1: x10/side
Week 2: x15/side
Week 3: x15/side with ankle weights
Week 4: x20/side with ankle weights

Cardio (min 3 times per week): Treadmill

Week 1:
5 minutes 2.5mph (warm up)
1 minute 3.4 mph, 1.0% incline
1 minute 2.5mph, 0% incline (recovery)
Repeat for 25 minutes to total 30 minutes
Week 2:
5 minutes 2.7mph (warm up)
1.5 minutes 3.5 mph, 1.0% incline
1 minute 2.7mph, 0% incline (recovery)
Repeat for 25 minutes to total 30 minutes
Week 3:
5 minutes 2.8mph (warm up)
2 minutes 3.5 mph, 1.5% incline
1 minute 2.8mph, 0% incline (recovery)
Repeat for 25 minutes to total 30 minutes
Week 4:
5 minutes 2.8mph (warm up)
3 minutes 3.5 mph, 2.0% incline
1 minute 2.8mph, 0% incline (recovery)
Repeat for 25 minutes to total 30 minutes

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