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The strategy to accomplish the OSF goals is the incorporation of live streaming unconventioal
style of debates into the project. All debater's are required to read assigned materials on the
topics choosen for the debates. The readings present both the pro and con sides of the
particular issues. One debater is assigned to debate the pro side of a topic and the other is
assigned to debate the con side of the topic on a random basis instead of letting them choose
which side of the debate they will argue. Doing this, avoids having debater's choose a topic/side
for which they have already formed an opinion.
Example of debate topics:

According to the 2013 NatCen British Social Attitudes survey, almost a third of British people
30% report that they have some feelings of racial prejudice. Are you for or against?
Women face mental problems when they have abortions, Women should have been warned
about post-abortion trauma. Are you for or against?
Does democracy promote human rights?: if the majority of the population wants to oppress a
minority, thats democracy. Are you for or against?
As the power of corporations keeps growing, the system does not reflect fairly on the population
it represents. Are you for or against?
British social workers out to make money from vulnerable Polish Roma Slovak children. Are you
for or against?
The debater's will prepare their opening arguments and final statements in advance, but they will
have to draft their rebuttals during the debate itself.
In addition, they are required to dress in funny/silly costumes during their debate, this is to not
only grab the audience attention, but to also evaluate whether all debater's can keep their
composure and take each other serious while grappling with the issues raised by the debate.
For further audience attraction and engagement, the debater's are briefed that they may make
heated, angry or excited argument, little jabs and put downs will be part of the debate and anyone
participating will be expected to be mature enough to deal with it especially in a forum that will be
grounded in emotionally charged subjects like politics, ethics and religion. When the name calling
gets to the point that it is obviously meant to be offensive, it will be moved on.
This results in a lively, amused but informed and engaged audience for the debate.
Following each debate, the in house audience may partipate in the Q and A, it will also discuss
whether the debate changed their position on the debate statement/question and why/why not.
This gives partipant's the opportunity to discuss how many of us form opinions about certain
issues simply because we have not been exposed to sufficient data about a particular question.

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