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Summary: Can you social network your way to revolution

Malcolm Gladwell said in his latest New Yorker piece that social network such
as Facebook and Twitter dont play any roles in the revolution. He pointed out two
main reasons. First social network doesnt make real sacrifice, which social changes
require. It only generates week relationships. Second, Facebook and the like are not
hierarchical system. They are just networks which make less strategic and goaloriented. On the other hand, Tyler Cowen argues that Malcolm Gladwell may not
quite right. Tyler think that social media doesnt increase weak ties but strengthens
ties. These platforms can maintain friendship through out times and circumstances.
Moreover, a hierarchical system also has its own bad point. If the leader fall down so
the remaining ^ will also fall down. Networks, however, are ^bottom-up system. They
wont break easily.

Summary: why the revolution will not be tweeted

Malcolm Gladwell states that it is hard to believe that the social network really
cause a revolution. As an example, Evgency Morozov, who is a scholar at Stanford
who has been the most persistent of digital evangelisms critics, points out that Twitter
doesnt play a big role in ^ Twitter Revolution in Moldova in the spring of 2009
because Moldova is a country where there are very few Twitter players. Moreover, in
the Iranian case, Golnaz ESfeandiari said that there was no Twitter revolution inside
Iran because people who are trying to coordinate the protester rather write in any
language beside Farsi. This shows clearly that they are not Iranian. In addition,
Malcolm also claims that social networking platforms dont provide strong ties which
social change crucially needs. Facebook and Twitter only help you create
acquaintances that you can share information with. They are seldom lead to high-risk
activism. Effective social movement needs strong relationship between people. As a
result, what make the sit-ins at the Greensboro lunch counter became more and more
effective is the good relationship between the four freshmen. Also, according to the
study of the Red Brigades, the Italian terrorist group of the nineteen-seventies, it
showed out that seventy per cent of recruits had at least one good friend already in the
organization. Beside ^ strong bond, social change also requires a hierarchical system.
Hierarchies, with their rules and procedures, can lead to an effective social movement.
For instance, the left-wing terrorists who were organized hierarchically are more
powerful that their counterparts on the right who were organized as decentralized
networks. Similarly to Al Qaeda who has become less effective since it turn from
^unified hierarchy into a network.

Summary: Social media addict is recognized as official condition

Addiction to social media such as Facebook and Twitter has become an
official condition through out London. A study by the University of Chicago reveal
that social media is more addictive than cigarette and alcohol. The study also found
out that likes and re-tweets features generate the addictive neurotransmitter. Dr.
Richard Graham, a consultant psychiatrist,says that he has annually 100 social media
addicts in gaming and ^ Internet. The addict is treated by a complete abstinence and
managing a good timetable.

Very good summarizing skills.

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