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Metalaggeddons Lessons

1) Know Yourself, Why TRP? ....................................................................................................4
Self SWOT Analysis: ..............................................................................................................4
Swot Table: .............................................................................................................................5
Strengths .................................................................................................................................5
Opportunities ..........................................................................................................................5
Weaknesses .............................................................................................................................5
Threats ....................................................................................................................................5
2) Value Management .................................................................................................................6
Primer: ....................................................................................................................................6
Synopsis 1: defining the terms .................................................................................................6
Synopsis 2: the how and why ..................................................................................................7
General rules ...........................................................................................................................9
3) Monk Mode for You ...............................................................................................................9
Instructions: ............................................................................................................................9
First Hand Account: ..............................................................................................................10
The how: ...............................................................................................................................11
4) Vetting Women.....................................................................................................................12
Metals Hierarchy of Hoes: .....................................................................................................12
The Red Lights ......................................................................................................................12
Green lights ...........................................................................................................................14
5) Internalizing Agency .............................................................................................................15
"How do I meet people" ........................................................................................................15
should I next her for x", .......................................................................................................16
"that's so beta" comments ......................................................................................................16
AWALT. ...............................................................................................................................16
Impotent rage ........................................................................................................................17
Height. Nationality. Etc. ........................................................................................................17
Lessons learned: ....................................................................................................................17
6) Stoicism and TRP .................................................................................................................18
Stoicism is not:......................................................................................................................18
Stoicism Is: ...........................................................................................................................18

A stoic mind ..........................................................................................................................19

You're already there. .............................................................................................................19
Stoicism, FROM value: .........................................................................................................19
True Frame is not: .................................................................................................................19
Lessons learned: ....................................................................................................................20
7) Scarcity, Silent or Vibrate Only ............................................................................................20
Passive scarcity .....................................................................................................................20
The devil of distraction..........................................................................................................21
Combating addiction .............................................................................................................21
Urgency ................................................................................................................................21
Challenge ..............................................................................................................................21
lessons learned ......................................................................................................................22
8) Forget Morality (or not) ........................................................................................................22
Definitions ............................................................................................................................22
Body .....................................................................................................................................24
Cognitivist vs NonCognitivist ...............................................................................................24
Trps relation to Ethics ...........................................................................................................24
Lessons learned .....................................................................................................................25
9a) Breaking the Ice ..................................................................................................................26
Quick and Dirty.....................................................................................................................26
Likeability .............................................................................................................................26
Invoke action.........................................................................................................................27
Emotion ................................................................................................................................27
Lessons learned .....................................................................................................................28
9b) Freezing a Relationship .......................................................................................................28
Were just not compatible right now"...................................................................................29
Catharsis ...............................................................................................................................29
Location ................................................................................................................................29
After care ..............................................................................................................................29
Press release appropriate .......................................................................................................30
Accidental meetings ..............................................................................................................30
Lessons learned .....................................................................................................................30

ASSIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................30
10) Be Polite, Not Nice. ............................................................................................................31
Whats the Difference? ..........................................................................................................31
When to toss it. .....................................................................................................................32
Checking Yourself ................................................................................................................32
Lessons Learned ....................................................................................................................32
ASSIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................33
11) Exeunt Omnes .....................................................................................................................33
Examples ..............................................................................................................................34
Lessons Learned ....................................................................................................................35
ASSIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................35

1) Know Yourself, Why TRP?

For those of you who have yet to fully understand yourself before embarking on this journey, a
resource. Heres a recommended list of to fulfill before embracing the remainder of this

Self SWOT Analysis:

Do a self-Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats analysis. Be brutal. For those of you
who don't know what a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis is, I suggest this as
a good breakdown. Remember for a self SWOT, the left column s/w is internal value and
weakness, the right 'o/t' is external. You can find the SWOT Table at the end of this section.
What are your internal strengths? Are you fit? Healthy? A good public speaker? Funny? Clever?
A good networker? Mastery level pianist? Gym Bunny? What's your area of expertise? Etc. Only
internal things that improve yourself which you're already doing without really thinking about it
go here.
What are internal weaknesses? Do you have social anxiety? Do you over think things? Do you
not think enough? Do you know what and how you're motivated? Are you fat? Are you a
pushover? Are you obsessed with pleasing? Are you a spendthrift? The things you do that you
think back on 'why didn't I x' or 'I should have y' go here.
What are your opportunities? Is there a gym nearby? Have you been reading regularly? Do you
have a talent you haven't exercised? Do you have tons of down time? Do you have time to
meditate? To write? To create? Are there bars and clubs you haven't scouted? Have you checked
the classifieds recently? Are you saving? Investing? Have you checked r/personal finance
recently? 'Hint'
What are your threats? Where do you rank in your social group? Are you the smartest person in
the room normally? 'Hint, if you are you're in the wrong room', are you intelligent but
inexperienced? Are most friends more specialized than you? Do you take crash courses from
friends and acquainted specialists? Are you spending 4 hours a day sitting in front of a computer
complaining on the internet instead of getting up and doing something?
Run your own 80/20 analysis. Take your last few days, write out your average schedule in
hours. How was each hour spent? What were the achievements made? By achievement I mean
things which added value to you, internal or external?
If you only had 20% of the time you spent to make those same achievements how would you
have done it? Can you front load? What would you have cut? For questions in how to accurately
improve your efficiency, I'd check out ace productivity by Kevin Moser. Great podcast, listen to
Take your SWOT analysis, weaknesses and threats must be improved or delegated, take that free
time, your time that didn't add value, and put it to work addressing those weaknesses and threats.
Either find some way to trade your value for compensation, or find a way to fix them yourself.

Congratulations, you should now have a visual/perceptual map of what you are actually doing to
add value to your life, what you're doing that adds nothing, and what you should do to reschedule
to reach new goals.
The above system is a great first step but that's not all it takes to reach True Frame. From here, if
you've been honest, you can only see the changes you need to make to focus on a fulfilling and
value based lifestyle. You must actually follow through and begin scheduling your time to
achieve it. Do that. Find a good calendar app and task manager and get started.
So you've scheduled your time? Good. You're probably looking at an agenda which has almost
no free time and that's alright. You'll narrow your actual desires after the first week of
performance, freeing up more time to focus on what brings you the most satisfaction and value.
Repeat this weekly and eventually the small successes will turn to large ones, the small goals
will become bigger, and before you know it, and your value will be paying dividends.
This is where True Frame always tends to appear. A focused purposeful life is where you
achieve the ability to say no, to put things in their place and avoid distraction, to have net value
growth and satisfaction at the same time. Be sure to keep at least a weekly record of your
progress. You must always have an objective record to use as a benchmark.
Next, lets move to Value Management, after all, now that you know what you have and what
you dont, you need to understand how to use that.

Swot Table:




2) Value Management
This includes some hardcore Meta theory. For those who dont understand what that is, instead
of making value judgements, we will talk about value judgements. An example would be That
is valuable. This is a value judgement. To truly understand the Social Market Place, you need to
look at it objectively, understanding Metatheory, Why does she judge that to be valuable is a
much more important question. Its the difference between first order solipsism and 2nd order
This is the meat and potatoes of all my RP perspectives, and is a eulogy to 3 very RP individuals.
My grandfather, my mother, and my father. I'm in business (big, international) born and raised,
so if you're in business and doing well, you'll likely understand this much better. If you're not,
then please keep in mind, the sheerness of this is not limited to financial or corporate institutions,
it is the function of the machine of human interaction. Simply, in a quantitative industry, it
becomes starker.
Note, value is not about sex, sex is something you buy with value, or passively is offered as a
bartering chip for your internal value. This post is NOT about sex. Though it does cover how to
"afford" it frequently.
This lesson provides insight on a (my) lifestyle based on managing value, internal, and external,
and the functions in regards to how the world views your value. It additionally leads on how to
recognize and build value in yourself and others, and how to leverage it passively and actively.
For those who need RP terminology, value is what you bring to the R.M.P., and what is passively
exuded in your S.M.V. It is both your fuel and currency for getting what you want from the

Synopsis 1: defining the terms

Value. Almost every post in trp and mrp are about failing to have it, failing to maintain it, failing
to utilize or recognize it, and how to increase it, internal vs external, how to measure both, etc.
Imagine that you're running a house party, and value is on the menu 24/7. It is your cost and your
profit. (The kegs, activities, people you supply, vs what they offer you in return.)
What is value? Value is what the world sees in you and wants. Quite simply, if others want it, it
has value. Additionally, your value is no higher than the highest bidder. This is not to confuse it
with being strictly external value, as value comes in flavors, internal, and external. They are not
mutually exclusive, that was an inclusive "or".
Internal value
Internal value is anything which improves what others want from you by improving yourself.
These values are important in that they cannot be taken from you except in extreme
circumstance. This is why trp always says to newcomers, GO LIFT. GO READ. GO GET

EXPERIENCE. Other noted internal values are education, above average levels of field specific
training, temperance, fortitude, perspective, abundance mindset, and integrity. Internal value is
how you go about securing external value, as it is your fuel for your external expenses. A high
internal value lets you gain external value more often and at a larger magnitude. In other words,
build your body, mind, and skills, to afford what you want. Internal value is not regulated by
others anywhere near as heavily as external.
External value
External value is important as well, though it has a cost. External value can also be taken from
you at a moments notice, tragedy, misfortune, or even some idiot with a knife can separate you
from your external value. Things like nice cars, clothing that is trendy, or being in the bosses
evoked set (read as go to guy), can shift quickly and with barely any warning, and require a large
upkeep of energy. Keep in mind external value isn't only physical, charity and trust are also
external, as well as your public image. 'Charity and trust especially should be treated as
incredibly high maintenance'
*Application: * How to treat, build, and spend value? Treat internal value as a long term stock
investment. Build it, build your portfolio, and your passive income will replenish faster and at a
larger amount right? When you buy that nice car or refresh your wardrobe yearly, or want a
classy night on the town, it's better coming out of the yearly passive income (dividends, bonds
claimed, etc.) than your monthly active income (your jobs paycheck) isn't it? The same goes for
internal value as opposed to external. So you build lifestyle changes, lifting, weekly outings,
speaking to everyone, saying no happily. On to the actual lesson.

Synopsis 2: the how and why

You are what the world sees you do. If you're a person who is constantly adding value to the
world, people will want a slice of it, who doesn't want nice shit? Everyone thinks they have
something to trade, many think they can get some free! (Read entitled people /women) The
world is endlessly hungry, bigger, better, and stronger than you. It will fuck you. It will crash and
consume everything at your party and leave nothing for you. This is why external value MUST
come from excess. As a party dwindles in size what happens? The fast starters move to a new
venue, most will lag about until competition is too fierce, some will close the shop and lick the
plates. If you're good at managing your value, the party costs you nothing active, you could
throw one every day without actually hitting your daily (spending) account.
The danger of ignorant practices
If you're really bad at managing your value, you will eventually have nothing left to fuel
yourself, you will first lose external value, and damage your internal. It's like buying meals for a
date when you don't even have savings. When you can't afford rent. When you haven't bought a
gym membership. When that new car is more important than finishing your college education.
"The man who kills a man, kills a man, the man who kills himself, kills all men." -G.k.
Chesterton. Do not kill yourself 'and all future opportunities' by outspending your value.

You must internalize that to give value cheaply or for free is suicide. There must always be a
sufficient exchange.
You must always focus your time on increasing the size and quality of your value. Since the goal
of any rp individual is to increase net value (progression), you need to consider others into your
equation. Connections are the biggest external value asset you can tap into, but you must be
selective in who sits at the table. Both because you are the company you keep, and also because
it creates scarcity 'in access' to a real bounty of resources, 'your hard built party, your value'. This
especially falls into the realm of charity, give selfishly or not at all.
On charity
Anyone who comes to your table can beg, but they have to be a VIP to be seated. This isn't to say
you don't calculate the gain of playing the benevolent God, it actually raises interest in the table
when done correctly as others believe there's a chance at entry. This is the massive, singular
value saver in saying NO. Say no when anything and anyone isn't cost effective. This shouldn't
even be difficult, if you really understand the above you know how important it is to safeguard
your internal and external value. Would you allow someone who walked up and demanded 4
hours worth of cash from you to open your wallet and help themselves? No? Good. Then don't
let some random non VIP eat from YOUR value banquet without trading the same in THEIR
value to you.
Your value is a limited resource, very limited. The less time you spend building your internal
value, the less often it can be spent without damaging its replenishment rate. It is an upkeep that
only grows and never ends. You are the owner, bouncer, and host, and you're using that surplus
of internal value to purchase/attract others who bring you external value. No one will save you
except yourself, the world does not care about you and if allowed, will try to consume you. Do
not be jaded about this fact. Be happy. The world is dependable, now you know where you stand.
It is not just a temporary perspective
It is your duty to improve yourself so that you can add value to those that can add value to you in
kind. It is the ultimate truth of anyone who expects to gain anything from the world in a
meaningful way.
For this reason I heavily suggest doing as I do, and applying the 80/20 rule. 80 percent of your
time should be spent increasing internal value while only 20% should be used purchasing
external value. Before you schedule going to the club, 'which costs you time, a cost everyone
must be aware of' make sure your schedule includes 4 times as much for internal value building.
Lifting, education, public speaking training, podcasts, career advancement, whatever it takes,
most of your day should be focused on improving internal value. When you go out to enjoy
spending your value, not only can you have peace of mind and focus solely on managing the
clientele, you will have clients begging to trade with you.

General rules
1: don't ever discuss money around women. Not how much you make, not what you do, not what
you're worth.
2: don't ever offer to pay for anything. She probably just by speaking to you has figured out
you're in the upper demographic, maybe from what you wear, maybe the car you drive, maybe
because you swipe that card a little too casually.
3: no gifts. If you're the type for ltrs, the big dates sure, but don't go crazy. She should be happy
to have your time and attention.
4: no 'emergency handouts'. Couldn't make rent? Not my problem. Need something for class?
Not my problem. The kids need new shoes? They're your kids, aren't you a strong independent
5: modesty. Don't flaunt what you have. Ever. Advertising external value excess damages your
position, defaulting it to provider. Advertise only internal value excess. (This can sometimes flip
depending on who youre chasing. Shit, Milfs and cougars are crazy.)
6: everything is a contract. The world wants to eat you, if your relation is landing you a net loss,
'like a business deal' note how it happened. Drop the deal. Learn for the future.
7: if she checks out, and you want more, pre-nup or gtfo. No questions asked. If she resists even
in the slightest, you made a misjudgment, get over it, there are others.
8: Don't invite people to look into your nest. They need to earn that information.

3) Monk Mode for You

I notice not many give consistent steps to follow in order to monk. In addition to these 4 "dos"
you should have 4 "donts". I can't set what you don't do, I don't know your life. You can do the
following though.
1) Do say yes to anything new that doesn't damage you, "that you can afford" this is not just for
people asking you to do things, local meet ups from Google or meetup are great ways to try new
things often cheap. You should be searching half an hour a day for public things you haven't
done, and go to one, even alone, each week.
2) Do hit Wikipedia. Use the article of the day. If there's anything interesting in it, go to the
library, get a book on it. Crush the book as soon as possible. Move to a new article. Being
informed and well versed in a variety of topics does wonders for how curious you'll naturally be,
and how you communicate your innate value socially. You should aim to be crushing about
300pgs (one book) each week. If you're a slow reader, work towards it, you'll get faster.

3) Do lift. And practice natural fitness on days off. Going to the gym is a quick way to find
people who do natural fitness outings, like basketball, hiking, etc. Join their groups and be honest
about it "Ive never done that before, I'm stoked to try it out, mind if I join you?" Practice your
new social dynamic there by introducing yourself to everyone you see.
4) Do go out! This is underestimated. Any outings you go to which are not of the above nature
should be to comedy clubs. Begin to write your own set, talk to the comedians, study up on being
funny. Go up and fail a few times, go back, get better. This helps in myriad ways for your
interaction ability, public speaking, staying calm, being clever and quick witted, etc. Plus, girls
fuck comedians. "Usually just one night stands, this helps with your abundance"
That's a quick set of things you can start applying this week, and keep at it. Keep a record at the
end, after every outing, take notes on what you read and find hobbies that directly relate. Above
all, fucking enjoy yourself. Learn who you are by doing everything. Remember that it is fine to
say you're working on yourself. Just don't go into detail. It's a great simple response to "what are
you doing here"

First Hand Account:

I spent my (yearly) thirty day monk mode without any Internet except business. My close
friend u/laughkisskill apparently had a blast with you guys on my phone, and learned a lot. He
probably won't be on often anymore, he's doing fine as is.
Over this last month I reread through the RP handbook, the laws of power, No More Mr. Nice
Guy, When I say no, I feel Guilty, and of course, the Book of Pook, one of my favorite bedtime
stories for the adult male. I had set the following goals for myself on a day to day basis.
1) Gain more muscle. I started June 15th at 187, 17%, ended today, the 15th of July, having
increased weight and my maxes.
2) Relax on the work addiction. I run a business with some old friends and we've been through
an accelerator program this summer, I have serious issues trusting others so I normally do 65 to
80 hours a week. This had to stop. I had to learn to trust my partners again.
3) Approach every day. Not for sex. Not to dread my girl. Just to take a hard look at a serious
problem that popped up a year or two ago. "Coming across far too intense". I learned how to
relax myself to not look at everything as opportunity cost.
4) Digest the lessons I've learned and put them into a series of articles. Currently there are 4, 8 if
I split them. I spent a good thirty minutes a day taking some of the best RP lessons I've lived
through, and will be posting them, hopefully someone will learn something, then again they may
be absolute shit and I'll learn to give up on giving any type of advice. (Each of these lessons was
personally requested at some point by a user from trp, mrp, or asktrp)

The how:
1) I switched from Strong Lifts 5x5 (SL5x5) to Push Pull Legs (PPL), upped protein and total
calories per day to 150g and 3500 respectively. If I didn't lift PPL, I swam or did cardio. I also
quit smoking using the "quit smoking now" app. Feel great.
2) I noticed working hard has gotten me far, but overworking had turned me into a very acerbic
aggressive guy. Beyond what's aggressive attractive. This actually worked for me most of the
time but in the recent two years it's actually scaring people away. I decided that going out 4
nights a week and giving away my cell to the aforementioned friend (so I couldn't keep working)
was the best method to distance myself from my obsession. (By the way my business is literally
my lifetime hobby, I just get to make bank on it, if that helps explain my happiness being a
3) Approaching every day helped me, I was always an alpha, though unintentionally since
business began going rather Sigma. The only reason I'm with my girl right now is because she's a
truly Red Pill woman. I do care about her immensely, love her. We live largely separate lives,
though together physically. In order to address the intensity issue, let me give you an example.
We're hiring like crazy, and I've scared more applicants away who've said (I don't want to fail
him) than we've gained. It has become an issue. As a rule I decided I must insert one harmless
joke into every interaction. Every day. It's helped boatloads. I also made a point of going to
comedy clubs for my outings, and started building a set. As my girl says (you've just become so
much more relatable, you're not a machine anymore.) she was right. I very much eat, sleep, work,
fuck, and play like a terminator.
4) I wrote every day. Each day. I already write about 200pgs a week, if you add editing about
300, so taking a break from work I moved to 14 pages, 2 a day in a journal attempting to address
the topics requested as best I could. My writing hasn't improved I don't think, but maybe I can
give back to the community, from whom I have taken so much.
5) A yearly monk does not necessarily mean withdrawing from society. It doesn't mean staying
home alone. It's simply 30 days of choosing a few focuses on what needs to improve most. Get
the shit done.
Added benefits of it are that becoming scarce once a year reminds your social circle of how
much they need you (if they do) or that you need to up what you can offer (if they don't notice). I
hope the post has helped.

4) Vetting Women
This section is for vetting relations, from plate to date to ltr. All information is pulled from over a
decade of success in the market (with some pretty fucking stupid mistakes too). Of course, the
more invested the more vetting you need to do, and this should give you some suggestions of
your own "tests" to run a woman through when you're looking at moving her from forgetful
facial to primary plate and beyond.
I discourage marriage as an option, since I live in the U.S., and don't think of it as a valid option
HERE. Additionally this should help people who have trouble understanding why you should
care about a woman's history. The short answer is, because you care about yourself right? The
long answer is, you should allocate how much you care based on your objectives, your
compatibility, and your skill in ltr or marriage game. (If you can't recognize and smack a comfort
test, ltrs are too much for you, marriage is a Bermuda triangle.) Above all remember there is no
unicorn, at most, just the illusion of one. You are, perpetually, Mr. Right Now.

Metals Hierarchy of Hoes:

First off, my red hierarchy of Hoes. From least vetted to highest. The best I could surmise from
my life and trp, and then comparing to myself and my three very red friends, plus my father and
grandfather who used different terminology.
1) Work mate: a girl any responsible male wouldn't touch. Don't shit where you eat. No
further mention in this lesson.
2) Connector: girl you won't fuck but connects you to other options.
3) One night stand: literally that, no future contact.
4) Booty call: no contact aside from sex.
5) Plate: repeat offense. Regularly available, but not really friends. Emotional
investment is only for comfort tests to maintain plate. Disposable on a spectrum.
6) Friends with benefits: Plate, but also an adjunct to other hobbies, passions, or
necessities that aren't work.
7) Exclusive: this covers girlfriend, fiance, long term relationship, and short term
relationship, anything that societally implies exclusivity for either party.
8) Marriage (added due to necessity, thank you to a friend whos a divorce lawyer) this
specifically covers any cohabitation or marriage. Not recommended.

The Red Lights

1) Connector:
Does she increase your social network without damaging your reputation? This is an important
and self-standing category, tangentially linked to all others. Almost any of these relations
described here include the potential of being a good connector. Likewise, they can be a very
dangerous connector.
Red lights: chronically late, social pariah, talks shit behind peoples backs.

2) One Night Stands (ONS).

Attractiveness and health. Anything else doesn't really matter. Always use protection that is
solidly within your control. Obviously if they've failed these two tests, they won't even be an ons.

Red lights: All for ONS, is wearing a cakes worth of covering (makeup), you recognize
cosmetic surgery, wearing any more than two of corset, or fake nails /hair extensions
/fake eye lashes.

3) Booty call:
All for One Night stands, plus dependability. She can't be on time and in a good mood with good
output? She wouldn't be your booty call.

Red lights: All for ONS, plus chronic lateness and flaking, poor disposition (depressive,
borderline, etc.)

4) Plate:
All for booty call, but also doesn't constantly run comfort and shit tests all the time. You're not
friends, there isn't any real danger of severing relations or missing a comfort test once. This is
where you should be between 18 and 30, in general.

Red lights: All for booty call, plus Bitchy mentality, entitlement, constant shit tests,
constant comfort tests, more than a monthly attempt to lock down, gives ultimatums, has
cried rape in the past.

5) Friends with benefits (FWB):

All for plate plus no drama. Drama can be easily ignored for a plate since redirecting is simple.
At this point there is a calculated risk, for friends with benefits, it's very common for drama to
start rearing its head, especially as you become more and more improved, and you "likely" share
hobbies and habits and a social circle.

Red lights: All for plates, plus, if she has more social clout than you, if she is a drama
queen, if she demands you to pay for her things, if she begins adding you to the beta pool
(emotional tampon) which she probably already has, and IF SHE HOLDS LONG

6) Exclusive/str/ltr:
Everything from friends with benefits with a lot more. History must be good, what she did in the
past she's already proven willing to do. Never forget that. Money management must be entirely
responsible or separated, no exceptions. Hobbies and habits should be complementary or the
same. Compatibility is a hard issue that must be addressed. Low relative partner count is a highly
advised trait to look for, since pair bonding drops the more rotations on the cc. Shit tests should
be almost nonexistent compared to your other relations.

Red lights: poor history, poor with money, alpha widowed, feminist disposition, high
partner count, more than weekly shit tests, isn't giving comfort tests monthly or on
extremes, doesn't lift, is still insistent on being a party girl (without you), any addictions,
has nothing to offer but holes, doesn't have a stable job or good education plus
credentials, has kids already, especially by more than 1 father, has already been divorced
without specific provable legitimate reason.
At this point you shouldn't be daily tested for value, but instead for comfort. If you're
entering an exclusive and she's still throwing shit tests around, she doesn't believe your
value enough to invest in a safe way. Additionally her comfort tests need to be
reasonable, it's up to you to decide what reasonable is, but for me, throwing one for big
occasions, "going to a movie with a female friend, going on a business trip" that's fine,
throwing one because I'm doing my bar night is not. Remember, insecurity is uncertainty,
and uncertainty inevitably leads toward bad decision making. I would posit that
uncertainty is a provocateur of the hamster.

7) Marriage, not recommended.

In addition to everything listed in the above 1-6, I do have some thoughts on marriage and
cohabitation. First, speak to a lawyer if you have time or a friend, research your area, second
look up the common law of your state /location, you need to know it. Third, pre-nuptial
Red flags:

She won't sign a pre-nuptial agreement, settled long before a wedding, gtfo.
She will sign a pre-nup, but begins drawing lines at infidelity, appreciation of assets, and
property clauses. You MUST have these three in there, and they cover fault "cheating,
both ways", appreciation of value of assets and how that value is split, and how property
is split, dependent of who signed for what, who gets the house etc., In the event of fault.
She doesn't disclose all assets. Here's where you can find out shit storms in debt, credit
history, financial stability, etc. If she has serious debt, have her fix it before marriage. It's
that simple.
She isn't willing to have separate checking accounts, with only 1 joint shared account for
family purchases.
She wants a rebuild of your will /trust. Gtfo for her even requesting that.
There isn't much here in red flags, because every written red flag before this segment is
applicable. Also because I did not want to encourage marriage in any way.

Green lights
Additionally, here are a few things to notice about what makes a girl WORTH escalating up the

Low n count
Enthusiasm (coupled with awkward low experience) in the bedroom.

Introvert/social anxiety disorder. (I LOVE those girls)

Having real hobbies. (Require dedication and responsibility)
She lifts, not a treadmill girl, but lifts
No drug use, low drinking, no partying without you present.
Maintained a monogamous relationship over 2 years or more.
She (provably) hasn't screwed anyone seen since you two began even plating.
Low social media use
Positive relationship with her father
No history of abuse, nor abusive relationships.
Accepts responsibility for failure, (rare, I'd call this a double green)
Can cook really well. (Above the average, different styles diets, cultures)
From u/archwinger no tattoos, no cosmetic surgery, has Gratitude.
From u/meatcurtainred knows the difference between feminism and equality
From u/redbigman she has a social circle that is healthy for you, "fatties hang with fatties,
druggies with the same, conservative dogmatic with the same, etc."
From u/landshark805 manners.
From u/rpthrowaway123 clearly puts in effort when coming to see me, no sweats, shaved,
From u/cyralea, family is intact and has siblings. Shows demonstrative proof of changing
and adapting for you. (Paraphrase)
Lessons learned:
The higher you're promoting a relation, the more vetting.
The higher a relation has been promoted, the more blue traits are required to maintain it.
"Comfort, provider, equivalent exchange or at least the illusion of it"
Don't underestimate how valuable connector girls are.
You should care about a girls history, just as you care more about the history of the car
you're buying than the bicycle you're riding. It's only responsible.

5) Internalizing Agency
The ignoring of agency and self-awareness is a trend getting worse in trp. Instead of
experimenting and getting out there, testing on new people, taking risks, learning personally,
people are using this sub as just another crutch. They're missing the point, you have to get out
there and be uncomfortable.

"How do I meet people"

Translation (do the thinking for me)
You meet people by doing just that, going to fucking meet people. It is the modern digital age,
Google local free events and get moving. Use meet up. You are responsible for not meeting
people. Don't come here begging for false confirmation by planning, mining, complaining, just
fucking go out. Every day. Get turned down a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand times. Build up

thick skin. If you've done that and are still having issues, post an fr and ask for help. Don't show
up with nothing in hand. Have you been doing what you're afraid of for at least 3 months? No?
Then we can't help you because you're too afraid to take control.

should I next her for x",

Translation, (I don't know my boundaries)
Be it a text message, missing a date for any (incorporeal) reason, demanding a relationship, or
excessive last minute resistance. Stop over thinking this. You should already know your goals,
your boundaries. It's a simple answer every time, am I expending and not getting something in
return? Yes? Cut it out. Follow the rule, if you've expended and haven't gained, you ignore or
walk until you do. No substitutions extensions or refunds. You are responsible for your hard line
and boundaries of what is acceptable, and what is not. No amount of trp advice over a text,
random comment, or perceived slight is going to help you because we don't have all the details.
If you don't know yourself well enough to define what is and isn't acceptable to you, go read the
sidebar or check my other lessons, know yourself and be willing to say no.

"Thats so beta" comments

Translation (I have nothing to add, but I'm better than you, insert self-masturbatory aid here)
Don't care. If that's beta, you can call them out, but only with a suggestion, contribution, or
evidence. Chances are they're acutely aware that they're beta, that's why they're here. Simply
negging a post doesn't contribute anything to anyone. If you really think you're so much better
show them why or how. Otherwise you're just as much of a bitch, possibly more, waving your
metaphysical masturbatory internet penis on an online forum for the joy of seeing yourself speak.
Fuck you. This sub used to be about hard theory and applying the praxeology. Thanks to the new
post rules, it's moving in a great direction. You're encouraging and participating in shit posts that
alienate instead of educate. Go away or get better. Bottom line, you are the agent of change. At
least the submission is attempting to change, you're staying exactly the same.

Translation (I'm shocked things are imperfect)
Of course I need to mention this, though hopefully this post will help change that. This number
one rule is an excellent one, because it embodies a truth you must accept beyond simply women.
All THINGS are like this. People, items, women, men, yourself, they break, they are imperfect,
they do fail without exception. It is inevitable. You must accept that eventually everything ends.
Once you've accepted this it's much easier to maintain contentment, and even easier to recognize
actual success and enjoyment. I like to refer to a quote, "the glass is always broken", because it
signifies that even in something as simple as a glass you use, that glass will break. If you haven't
accepted this, you become annoyed, frustrated, distracted, when it does. If you haven't accepted
it you rarely enjoy it to its full extent while you have it. If you haven't accepted this you don't
even have a backup plan. Guess you're drinking that protein shake from a bowl today, too bad so

It's the flip side of not realizing what you've got until it's gone. Presume it's gone in the first place
and save yourself a lot of pain.
Women breaking, men breaking, sickness, your death, your injury, your loss of career, they are
all inevitable. You will fail. Every single thing you do or interact with will break. I'm not being
theoretical here, it's simply the case.
And that's great.
You do not have to live in fear of it, just recognize that interacting with the real world
necessitates damage. Loss is guaranteed. Now you can fully appreciate the possibilities that can
be exercised while the world's available in its facets. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR
ACCEPTING REALITY. What you do with that information is your business, but simply
ignoring it is silly, destructive, and actively gives up your agency.

Impotent rage
Translation (I'm angry at something, but don't realize that something is me.)
You are always angry at yourself. Maybe your lack of power, your lack of status, your lack of
motivation, your lack of perseverance, your bad decision making, your lack of experience, your
incorrect expectations, your inability to see signs, but it is always a measurement on YOU. You
have the ability to redirect your energy. If you are ever angry, it is simply proof of your failure in
some way. That's why anger hurts, and is also cathartic. Any externally focused anger is an
illusion, you're letting yourself be controlled by an external world, take back your agency!
Simply put, you can't stop anger, but you can take responsibility and focus that anger towards
addressing the root of the cause. Yourself, your preparations, your failure, your effort.

Height. Nationality. Etc.

Things you "can't control". Translation (it's not my fault and the world is hard)
Cut that shit out. I guarantee there's someone with your own shortcoming, who isn't a star but a
guy in the club a few blocks down, who is absolutely SLAYING in comparison to you. You
know what the difference is? The thirty minutes (I'm being generous here) that you're spending
doing this whimpering on reddit could be practice instead. I'm not talking out of my ass here. As
a Dominican, in America, short (5'9 until halfway through college, late growth spurt to 5'11) I
had absolutely zero issues. You fail a thousand times first, then you're entitled to bitch, hint, you
won't, because you'll have learned so much in those failures you'll already have everything you
need. Remember, every moment you're complaining and theorizing about your unfair
circumstance, someone out there like you is training to overcome them. And beating you.

Lessons learned:
1) Take responsibility for everything you do.
2) Excel in your agency.
3) Don't neg, it confirms your own weakness.
4) Every day you waste complaining, someone just like you is out there practicing to overcome
it, and will win when you meet them.

6) Stoicism and TRP

All over trp and mrp I see this mistake. People confuse stoicism with not giving a fuck. People
confuse holding frame with actually knowing and dedicating yourself to your values. This really
needs to end. I've helped many understand the path towards gaining and maintaining a stoic life,
as an analytic philosophy major, practicing stoicism, maybe I can help you too. This will help
explain what it is NOT, what it is, and how to begin realizing you're already using it commonly.
'That's right, you are.'

As a theory post mixing an intro to a philosophy with 2 praxeologies, this is a dense section. It
focuses on highlighting not what stoicism is, but how it is applied. Not giving a fuck, outcome
independence, it's just your turn, abundance mentality, amused mastery, awalt, the glass is
always broken, agency, frame, STOICISM, all of these from here on referred to as True Frame,
and are a tangential benefit or part of the sum to a state of confident, constant, informed,
OBJECTIVE value management and Self-awareness/promotion.

Stoicism is not:

The strict apathetic is not in True Frame, for apathy can have no goal.
The strict asshole is not in True Frame for the asshole has not learned that civility is free
The strict pretender 'fake it until you make it' is not in True Frame, they are an actor, and
those who live the real thing will always sense a charlatan.
The strictly outcome independent are not in True Frame, for they have no selfpreservation.
Those faking abundance are not in True Frame, for they lack the ability to follow

Stoicism Is:
Being aware of your desires puts you in True Frame. Knowing what you want and being
dedicated to the point of happily saying no is in True Frame. Recognizing a leech to your value
and surgically removing it, no matter how small, is being in True Frame. Delegation is True
Frame. Recognizing that everything is broken and that's GREAT, is True Frame.
How to achieve it?
So how do I get to True Frame? That's the hard question and can be addressed with something I
heard weekly during childhood. For now, the words I was brought up with, paraphrasing;
First you must know yourself, then know your surroundings, then know what you want, then
know what you do not have time for. Then you must act. Victory never goes to a critic, a
planner, a theorist, but the man in the arena.
Yes. My family respected Roosevelt with a passion.

A stoic mind
Firstly. The glass is always broken. This is something to internalize, it is the case of objective
reality. Everything you interact with, (in a tangible sense) women, love, men, relationships,
business, your lawn mower, your wife's vibrator, they are all broken. Maybe not now, but soon.
Things are imperfect. People are imperfect. They will fail, they will skip up, and they will
eventually provide you a sorry experience. They are not ideal. The world is that way, things end.
Accept that. You will die, you will get sick, and your body will break.
If you accept that you are only renting your life instead of owning it (ownership implies total
control in a purely non-religious sense) you have accepted the fact that things fail.

You're already there.

You are already in True Frame. I guarantee it. Any opportunity that you happily turn down in
order to better yourself towards a goal is you being in True Frame. What your goal is of course,
makes the difference. Saying no to video games to go out with friends? True Frame. Saying no to
friends in favor of study or work? True Frame. Saying no to an alcohol because you're at calorie
limit? True Frame. Drinking 5 beers then running off the 1000 calories over the next 2 days?
True Frame. Knowing your goal and responding without a second thought to protect it is being in
True Frame. Why? Simple, you've internalized what is valuable to you. You don't need to
pretend, you are your goals and values. It is a natural choice which results in action without
communication, introspection, or compromise.

Stoicism, FROM value:

Being in True Frame you will say yes to inconvenience if there's a worthwhile payout. Simply
acting stoically often means you miss or ruin opportunities because you're balancing the
character you're playing with your value management. Often in spite of it since you're not truly
being objective, 'you haven't learned your true goals' you're just playing cold. In order to truly be
objective and accepting (stoic) you must first understand yourself and your actual objectives,
both considering the world you live in and yourself in agency to it.
Turning down something as a way to maintain frame, come across as a hard catch, or to create
false demand is ultimately silly. Turning down something because it steals from your value is
essential. This is not to say the two are mutually exclusive. It is to highlight that saying no to a
girl at a party is a good decision not when you're attempting to build an image, but when truly
understand your image value would take net loss. You will know the difference between
internalizing and acting when you no longer need to think about it. The poor offer will only be
seen as harming your goal, it will happen when you know your goals so well that you can
instantly recognize something impeding you, or at the least delaying you.

True Frame is not:

Knowing your goals, internalizing, living by them brings you True Frame. You know what it is
now, but why should you care? You should care because there are others out there like you, they
mimic you, and they can taste authenticity in drive versus carefully regulated stone demeanor.
There is a massive difference between playing cold and immobile and being driven enough to

know value where you see it, actually being the unstoppable force or immovable object. (Hint,
they're two sides of the same thing, they cannot separately coexist)
If you are simply playing a mask instead of being the person you're nothing more than a beautiful
Yes, fake it until you make it is great for habit forming, but it is not going to cut it in that crucial
moment. An actor shall act where expected. An authentic will do as is required.
By taking the approach of value management, (trp core) you have decided to play with the big
boys, you're eventually, inevitably dealing with people who've been doing this a lifetime.
Naturals. They will shred you unless you are authentic. Yes start small and fake it if you must,
but you're better off spending time focusing on knowing yourself, and letting your growing selfawareness and certainty make the difference passively.

Lessons learned:
A focused purposeful life is where you achieve the ability to say no, to put things in their place
(already broken) and avoid distraction, to have net value growth and satisfaction at the same
time. That is the rise of the real stoic mentality.

7) Scarcity, Silent or Vibrate Only

Perceived Scarcity. It gets panties wet, and is one of the easiest to add to your arsenal. One of the
ways to maintain Scarcity is directly related to management of your time. (How you do that is up
to you), but one thing you can do to make your life easier, is keep the mobile on silent or vibrate.
You help yourself exude outcome independence and the perception of being busy by maintaining
silent and vibrate only. Don't ever set your phone to ring when out to make an impression.
Keep your phone on silent mode. It gives you a healthy mentality, without any added stress.
Take the time to set your phone to silent, and set favorites or important individuals to vibrate.
Not only does it remove the constant orders of your phone controlling you, it also provides the
feeling that you're in demand to any attempting to reach you.
fr I am always on silent. Only business partners can ring me and that's after responding to an
automated "please text urgent" there are myriad apps that can handle this for you, just go find
one that works well for you.
I don't notice when a girl messages me out of the blue, even my girlfriend. Simply because there
are no notifications. This creates the illusion "but likely just emphasizes the truth" that I am
busy. The flip side of this is that I get responses immediately 99% of the time. Giving my time up
is known as a massive service on my part to pretty much everyone I interact with.

Passive scarcity
One of the keys to building a Scarcity model into how you're seen by others, is to passively make
it difficult to get a fast response from you. Obviously this must be tempered with judgement,
knowing whom should be on vibrate /ring and who shouldn't, (business partners, vibrate and
ring, family? Maybe. Friends? Maybe. A plate? Fuck no.) If your life really is that busy and

filled with constant messages bouncing around multiple platforms maybe you should get a
secretary. Or even better, a secretarial app. Or the best option, simply batch, silent, or remove
One of the most satisfying occurrences in my life is showing up to an event or responding to a
person and seeing the faces light up oooh metal! I thought you'd be too busy!

The devil of distraction

Distraction is rampant in our world, between the actual physical interactions, constant blaring
advertisements, stupid media droning, and let alone the digital multiverse of social media, it is a
serious problem forcing the average Joe to sit down and be present in the moment of things.
From testing in school to staying only in the conversation at a bar, to simply thinking about
nothing during your daily meditation, silence helps you focus. Relearn how to entertain yourself,
how to take mental stock of the surrounding environment, how to be present with those
surrounding you.
Limiting your phones input is a major step in being aware and being present.

Combating addiction
All too many know the small rush of getting that late night ding on a Friday after a weeks hard
work. Potential booty? House party? Tinder match? Facebook message? Nice pair of tits spilling
out of your inbox?
You don't need that validation. None of these things are physical. They're just set ups. You are
completely capable of stopping the addiction, the instant response and constant empty
gratification of messages and nothing more.
If you want to quit smoking you remove all evidence of smoking.
If you want to cut carbs you remove all non-essentials from your house.
If you want to appear busy, remove things that interrupt your being busy. It's really that simple.

Don't worry about missing something, if you're socially crushing, a vibrate will come through
eventually, you can deal with the flood of bullshit much more efficiently when you're trying to
blast through ten messages in a minute rather than 1 every 6 minutes.
When you've unlocked that phone because your boss or partner dinged you and you see 4
messages from the boys, 8 from sluts A through H, and myriad stupid notifications, you start
scanning and ignoring really quickly. Remember the goal is to be off the phone ASAP. Back to
your actual life. You'll become more logistical than appeasing. A living practice of precision and
a follower of the fish does not get in trouble until it opens its mouth

Do it for a week. Just give it a shot. If your life suffers, I'll take the blame. My shoulders are

It will improve. You will be more at ease. Others will respect your time and attention more than
ever. You will have kicked yet another addiction to the unreal and improved your focus and
SMV at the same time.
The temple is built from small stones, a child could throw one, together they stand for ages,
divided they are swept away.
Add this stone to your foundation. Good luck all.
u/ProffDiddy [1] I will also add here that keeping phone on silent is a form of passive dread
game when in company of a woman. Take it from an old pro, no one wants massive shit/comfort
tests when text alert from slutty Sally shows up at 2am after the bar closes. Turn off text
notifications and lock that phone down. When you do go to answer a text your girl will be nosy.
Ignore that shit. Passive dread. However, the downside is increased jealousy. Just a thought.

Lessons learned
Mobile notifications should be silent for 90 percent of the people you know.
Vibrate is for important inputs only. Ring even more so.
Get back to your actual life, not the 80% bullshit of the digital notification world.
Desperation breeds precision through necessity. You don't have time to respond to anything not
directly affecting real world plans, immediately
Never spend more words or time than you have to.
Put the damned device on silent or vibrate only.

8) Forget Morality (or not)

The red pill is not a philosophy. It is a praxeology. It is a toolbox built to most efficiently apply
to a set of empirical circumstances. It is a gun, not implying a motive for use. It is not, and
cannot be a philosophy. This is a dense section about the red pill, not of the red pill.

Morality=ethics (what is right and wrong) we are not discussing what is right and wrong. We are
discussing peoples judgements of what is right and wrong, specifically peoples judgements about
the red pill.
Moral judgement= a statement about ethics." (How do we know it is wrong to murder) these are
what we are discussing.
Wrong= you ought not to do (x)
Right= you ought to do (x)
Praxeology= a system or strategy based on empirical and experiential reality, a so called toolbox
to deal with a set of circumstances. (Laymans definition)

Predicate= a phrase that enacts on a subject, (x). Example, I close the door, (I=subject) (close the
door =predicate)
philosophy= a love of wisdom, an appreciation of a certain theory on the functions of something
being observed, internal, external, theoretical, concrete, or metaphysical.
Logic= a bimodal system used to measure truth and falsity, in terms of the principal of noncontradiction. (We shall exclude trimodal systems and further for this discussion)

A philosophy is a love of wisdom, but so much more. (Analytic Phil major going masters). It
uses theory to explain why things are the way they are, then logic and reason to assess
arguments, reducible to a few axioms such as non-contradiction. The red pill rarely does a
sufficient job of that, largely because the surroundings it works with involve many uncertainties.
However it does an excellent job of telling you how to address what heuristics and statistics lean
towards being the case
The thing to remember most is the following.

Premise 1 for any x, if x is male, x has a philosophy on how x ought to live.

Premise 2 In order to best do something (a philosophy) it is in x's best interest to find the
most effective tools. (unless x's philosophy directly contradicts using external tools)
Premise 3 if x desires to do well in the sexual market, they should find tools designed for
the sexual market.
Premise 4 the red pill provides the (likely best) tools for the sexual market.
Conclusion any x whose philosophy of life includes skill in the sexual market should seek
the red pill.

Cognitivist vs NonCognitivist
Argument 1, for Cognitivism
Moral judgements are predicates.
Predicates are exclusively true or false, except when referring to themselves or non-real things.
(Chicago is a city = true or false), (unicorns are beautiful = not a predicate, as unicorns are a nonreal thing)
Moral judgements are true or false, except when referring to themselves.
All moral judgements are equivalent to stating an (ought to do) or (ought not to do).
Argument 2, for Non-Cognitivism
Moral judgements are not predicates, and only seem to be.
Moral judgements are statements on feelings, and are not true or false.
All moral judgements are permissible, and so don't imply an (ought to do), or, (ought not to do).

Trps relation to Ethics

Well trp itself holds no moral judgements, as a praxeology it is a subject. (A system or tool box).
A subject is not a predicate.
This means you may make moral judgements about trp, but they are ultimately irrelevant, as you
are doing the same as saying "you ought to use a toolbox" or "you ought not to use a toolbox" as
you can see, it's a silly statement standing alone, as there is no further context. Regardless of
whether you believe moral judgements true or false, any moral judgement about trp itself is of

little note. However if you were to say something about how you use trp, that could be a moral
judgement. For example, (you ought not to use trp for x) would be a moral judgement, either true
or false. The problem within is as follows.
Making a true or false claim (a judgement) is dangerous and ultimately self-destructive. The
reason why that is in forming a judgement about a praxeology, your judgement now must be
airtight. If someone can provide even one example where the judgement doesn't hold, your
judgement is false.
Example: (using trp to game women is wrong).
Well now what you've actually said is, (using trp to game women is something you ought not to
do), is true.
If someone can name even one circumstance that contradicts that, your judgement is broken or
must be revised.
Counter Ex: (so you should not use trp to game a woman, even if that woman loves and enjoys
being gamed, it provides her the happiest lifestyle and fulfilment?)

Lessons learned
TRP is not moral
TRP is not a philosophy. You have philosophies involving the application of trp, know the
Moral judgements about the application of trp are functionally impossible to hold airtight. Don't
bring them here.
Any male whose personal philosophy involves sexual success, needs a toolbox for it. Trp is
(almost certainly) the best toolbox.
Take a break for the day, you earned it. You just got through a pretty rough modern analytics

9a) Breaking the Ice

You walk up to a new person, maybe you're introduced, and you shake hands. Hi! My name is
metalaggeddon, what's yours? How are you doing?
Ensue awkward silence.
If you have this problem you need to understand icebreakers. Here's a quick experience based

Quick and Dirty

Icebreakers, in my experience, are best orchestrated based on the following 3

Invoke likeability. (Practice an hour a day for a week).
Invoke action. (Practice an hour a day the following week)
Invoke emotions. (Practice an hour a day the final week)

In that order.

When breaking the ice beyond the introduction, you need to come across as likeable. Presuming
you've already covered basic tenants, such as being comfortable in your own skin, setting
boundaries, being physically fit and attractive, now you must work on appeal. How do you
appeal to a random person? Presuming no knowledge of their personal predilections?
Simple actually. You swap highlighting what you know for what you don't. Instead of reaching
on topics you're informed in, ask what they enjoy their biggest highlight today. If you don't know
anything about it, that's fine, ask questions! Most People love talking about themselves, it feeds
the ego, women especially.
Ask them what they're doing in their life and take a stance as an interviewer doing a biography.
You want the truth, but you want it to look and feel exciting, and by God you will amplify what
they're saying to make it better sounding or dismiss it
Tips for this stage:

Ask them what the highlights of their day were. Good, bad, confusing, let them speak
on it. Good tip, I say "speak on that" frequently. Very frequently. Works well, just
maintain your curious poise and let them bury themselves, or, qualify themselves.
Repeat their core perspectives to themselves. So you felt really excited! Why did that
mean so much to you? What spurred this on? What will you do with it? Use open
involved questions. - stay active and present. Missing what they've said is okay, ask
them to repeat but always say it as a clarification, did you mean this? Wow that's a bit
new to me, could you explain it differently?

Invoke action
If you've already gotten down likeability, you're halfway to invoking action. One of the most
important facets of breaking the ice is setting a dynamic that is dependable. Dominant vs
submissive. Interrogator vs qualifier. You invoke action by using commands, usually formed in a
way that begs deference to context. This is the area where you ask the small favor, borrowing a
pencil or pen, checking the time, saving your seat, etc. Allow me to create an example.

Hey, buy me a drink, I'm going to use the bathroom.

You look like you could use a drink, how about you grab us something and I'll
lock down a table?

Well this is how you fix the situation.

Of course you'd probably do x right? On affirmation yeah that's what I was
thinking. On negation interesting I hadn't thought of it that way, what would you do?
Remember, every statement made should be a call to action. Simply open questions, such as do
you have the time are worthless to break the ice. They must be accompanied by a command or
proposition. Propositions are about things, and necessarily include a judgement, a judgement
necessitates involvement and a truth or falsity. In short, it forces people to choose a stance.

Now that you've gotten them speaking, qualifying themselves happily, sating their thirsty ego,
you need to harbor that emotional connection. An appeal to emotion is a tricky thing. It must be
an appeal to a seemingly moral judgement, which directly implies a stake. In either how the
world should be or ought not to be. People, especially women, live heavily inside their emotional
preferences, so making statements that appeal to morality are a quick easy way to have people
break that last barrier to comfort with you personally. Take advantage of the information already
garnered, you know what they consider a high or low point, and its almost guaranteed there's an
emotional attachment to that.
Correct: That's quite unfair, getting skipped for the promotion isn't it? It always hurts a little
knowing my effort goes unrewarded

Notice you are not attacking the other party in this. It's much better than outright
agreeing the person who was promoted is somehow in the wrong. That's up for the
conversational partner to decide. Here's where you should also be heavily escalating
comfort Kino. Obviously not to finger banging, but touching cheek, shoulder, small
of the back, brushing away their hair, locking eyes close up to drive a point, etc.

Incorrect: man that sucks. Bet the boss is an idiot amirite?

Red flag! You do not place blame without knowing precisely what the emotional
reaction of the conversational partner is towards their boss. A LOT of girls I've
played absolutely love their "male" boss, and funnel anger towards their competitor
for the raise.

Be a risk taker, but don't volunteer your head for the chopping block. Then again, any emotional
response is better than none, but you're not here looking for mediocrity are you?

Lessons learned

Ice breaking requires three connections IMO. Likeability, a call to action, and
You should be using Kino from start to finish, by the emotional segment you should
be heavily escalating.
Even if you're shredded, 6'6, manly man, custom suits and hundos for days, failing ice
breaking is a practice in self-destruction.
Be present in your interactions.
Practice practice practice, before doing an fr or asking for help. As always, we can't
help those who don't try. And our help is limited in effectiveness to those who don't
have solid data.

9b) Freezing a Relationship

Ice making, the opposite of ice breaking. There come many times when you need to halt
relations, often without burning a bridge. This post is the other side of the coin to my ice
breaking post on forming connections. Within I explain strategy to effectively break connections
with any person. Especially women. The goal of course is simple. 'We don't Burn bridges, we bar
Some questions I've gotten in the last two weeks
Hey metalaggeddon, this crazy bitch is blowing up my Facebook feed, I dropped her in the
middle of the club last week, called her out for being crazy. Then she ruined my plate with a
bunch of underhanded BS. Where did I go wrong? How come you're never having these
Everywhere. That's where you went wrong.
Hey metalaggeddon, I just can't stay away from my ex, she keeps messaging and I feel guilty
that I dropped her. She seems much better now should I hit that?
Uh... Sure, hit it, then quit it, drop it, block it, and be polite about it.
Hey metalaggeddon, kind of bummed, this girl dropped me and all I see is her out partying
every night. She must've banged two guys since.
Yeah you're depressed, because you don't understand that it was just your turn and you haven't
cut out the negative feedback. Block that shit and cash the pain in breaking a new max.
Hey metalaggeddon, how do I tell this girl I'm not into it? She's a bit awkward and just not
experimental enough. What do I say?
Well, let's get to details. What do you say?

Were just not compatible right now".

Regardless of why, it's always true, and there's nothing more to say. No matter what the attempt
to justify it can't be argued that "we're just not compatible" since it's both a feeling and a logical
truth. In this way it appeals to both genders.
Nicely enough, the trick is the fact that compatibility is a heavily weighted word when it comes
to emotions, "that lifestyle just isn't compatible with me, that taste isn't compatible with me," etc.
Any time that you feel strongly enough to want to break up with someone is an emotionally and
rationally true sign of incompatibility.
Simply repeat it and leave.
I use it every time, I don't ever give additional reasons, and there's nothing which can be said to
refute it. Any attempt is met with repetition and a raised eyebrow. This has worked for over a
decade with no repercussions. To put that in perspective, when I'm not hitched to one, I usually
spin for about 30 days per girl, about 3 or 4 girls a time. ONS's not included, but rare, just not my

As a side note, it's semi sadistically cathartic to see them spinning for reasoning and things to
say, they're actively in tune with the emotional portion of the word and know that it's a no-fault
limitlessly applicable disconnect. Regardless of what they say the evidence is too overwhelming
to combat. Hell even the craziest girls will admit that compatibility is key. It takes both the right
key and the right lock to open a door.
After all, if you're breaking up, you're just not compatible.

This is important, so listen closely. Women fear social embarrassment more than any singular
other thing. What does this mean? Do not break up in a public place, do not break up when she's
around friends. Do not break up over recordable methods. You break up by phone call or in
person, in a circumstance where time is already limited by external factors. There are exceptions
to this rule, but likely that has more to do with your vetting process failing than an expected

After care
After care is not for her, but for you. Immediately remove her from social media and circles.
Block her phone numbers the moment you have your stuff back, if she tries to drag it out take the
loss, you shouldn't be leaving anything you care about in her possession anyway. You go radio
This does three things for novices, or anyone who gets a case of the blues really.

It stops constant reminders, from her updates or her chiming into yours.
It closes much of the potential for stalking new girls. Believe me, even though they
couldn't reach me, some crazies who skip through the cracks still try to claim
ownership or cause trouble for new women.

It provides social backing. Surprisingly most people in an objective situation, third

party viewers of the situation will grant maturity or moral high ground to the one who
separated cleanly and doesn't entertain drama.

Press release appropriate

You do not make press releases on your relationship status. Ever. The only exception is
marriage. I see no reason to check the little in a relationship box. Fuck that. It'll only sound off
alarms. The same goes for unchecking it.
Do not boast, brag, lament, or whine about it. Simply do not talk about it beyond, "we just
weren't compatible". Save yourself any chance that sympathetic parties will feed info back to the

Accidental meetings
When or if you're bumping into her again, be civil. Provide no ammunition for her (statistically
likely) slander. Always close the interaction ASAP. It's not worth it to stick around to provide
more closure and validation for her. You're not getting fucked, she doesn't get your time. It's that

Lessons learned

Were not compatible. That's all you need to say.

Keep it short and simple stupid, close location, time limit, no witnesses aside from
maybe one of your closest Bros.
No boasting, no whining, no press releases, no slander.
Fade into the night. Ninja that shit.

Over the next week, make time to cut out one (person) of chaff. A failing plate, a beta blocker, a
business opportunity that reeks of a bad deal, crab barrel friends, etc. Practice this method. If you
don't have one, you're probably well enough along that this lesson is nothing more than a
reminder for you. (Then again, you may be so poor at ice breaking the opportunity hasn't
presented itself!)

10) Be Polite, Not Nice.

A lot of guys over the last few lessons have been asking, what is it to be polite? Whether this is
ice breaking with someone you don't want to bang, or freezing a relationship without drama,
being polite is necessary to smooth things over.
But metalaggeddon, I'm always polite, but people still think I'm such a nice guy!
Of course they do. The beautiful thing about politeness is that it's so uncommon in American
society, it's easily mistaken for niceness. UNFORTUNATELY, the opposite is true, especially
with women, a girl will call you impolite if you're not being nice.
But metalaggeddon, being polite is just extra effort!
No it's not, not if it's your base level. You can always afford to be polite, it's free good quality
marketing. Temper your words to be civil. (Socially appropriate dialect and actions).
Being nice is doing, it's inherently connected with doing. Politeness is not, it's just a behavior
with no desire to act. Niceness is charity, involving a transfer of your resources for little to
nothing. Why would anyone respect a person who gives things away at no cost to the recipient?
Nice = orbit. Nice = handouts.
Polite = marketing.

Whats the Difference?

Politeness is civility. Think about a well-dressed, attractive, alpha male walking up to you, you
don't know him, but he asks for directions and the time, maybe a light for his cigar. You have
nothing to gain from this man, no ulterior motives. Politeness is how you respond. You give him
the time, maybe complement his tailored suit, and point him down the block. Nothing more,
maybe less if you're in a rush.
Now imagine the same man, while you're being nice.
You give him the time, offer to walk him to the location, maybe even give him a cigarette as well
as the light he asked for. You chat with him, complementing then fawning over that nice tailored
suit, asking where he bought it, wow that must be expensive! You look great!
At the end of the interaction, the difference is in the necessary and unnecessary. If you switch
this from a man to an hb8, you should see what I mean. Those of you who are nice probably lean
towards the latter approach instead of the former, but you likely won't ever see this chick again.
Etiquette is a great tool for your politeness arsenal. I don't mean chivalry, thats a warriors code
and any non-warrior has no business demanding it or even commenting on it. Etiquette, know
how to dance, know which fork to use, know how to open a door, show proper deference to
superiors (who are deserving), how to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they enjoy the
trip. Wear appropriate quality clothes, the best you can afford. Learn how to speak, to project

without being loud, all of these are things which aid in coming across as a polite gentleman.
None of these are to be applied as a fixed universal rule.

When to toss it.

When disagreements result in a communication stonewall or breakdown. At this point, (such as
when arguing with a woman) politeness occasionally won't work. Especially where there's a
severe culture clash. At this point the bets are off, be civil if you can. The point is, it should take
more effort to be impolite than to be polite.
It is expected to be dirty the right amount to be polite, if you're into the girl, she deserves your
intentions to be clear, no beta covert contracts need apply.
For example, yesterday I was low on my daily colds (do a few a day whenever you're out, always
game boys, always) grabbed a girls number, slim shorter 7 with that succubus look, red tight
jacket. Delicious. My opener was "you have an astonishing figure, it invokes imagination", after
her basic shock I followed up with playfully "I should meet the little devil in you". Maybe I'll
respond to her text tomorrow.
Polite, but forward, implicating, playful.

Checking Yourself

Are you volunteering compliments that are not earned?

Are you offering something that costs you for something that doesn't cost them?
Are you engaging in unselfish charity?
Are you utilizing covert contracts?

If you're doing such in an interaction, you're being nice. Don't be nice. Be polite. Tone it down
and always expect equivalent exchange or better. Use the quick mental question, "what have you
actually done for me lately?" for the above example, she had pleased me visually, so I gave her a
minute of my time. My compliment was earned.
Had there not been a response, that would have been the end of the interaction, maybe with a
have a nice day.

Lessons Learned

Simply be civil when professional, use correct status when appropriate, Mr., Mrs.,
miss, sir, ma'am, etc. no homey, dog, bro, mahnigga unless appropriate.
Be disagreeable or demanding, but never attack the person or become inflamed,
there's no need. Until they've given you one that is. Follow basic etiquette for speech,
enunciate, and speak slowly, casually, clearly.
Never be afraid to say no, do not conflate disagreement with a lack of politeness.
Remember that sometimes, being polite is being dirty, prime example, gaming, pillow
talk, heavy escalation, etc.

Ask yourself in your interactions, are you being nice or polite? For a week, try not to fit the nice
description. Just remember "what have you done for me lately? Chances are people will take
notice, the best case scenario they begin offering things to you to balance the equation. The worst
case you figure out you're a bitch with a lot of work to do.
Be honest with yourself, if you're being charitable to someone, figure out exactly why you're
eating your own resources for nothing. Stop it.

11) Exeunt Omnes

They all go out. Simply, be objective in measuring when it's time to leave. You leave when
inputs are greater than outputs.
This final and short lesson is a call to action and introspection. There is a point where they all go
out. That point is where you are not gaining more than you're losing. Trp and reddit included.
Most of the men here in this community already understand this rule to some extent. We're
working on inundating ourselves with theory, conditioning our satisfaction to come from
measurable, tangible improvements, forcing our excitement to be based on the unknown, taking
risks, and putting ourselves out there.
We are aware of the lifelong path we've chosen. The need to constantly perpetually up the ante in
regards to our goals and self-measurements. We have chosen to exercise the I in our lives,
many for the first time in years.
With all of this in mind, when do we go too far? When do we focus on the forest instead of the
There is a certain point where you're no longer a novice, but an apprentice. The next step is to be
the journeyman. Leaving the master(s) and making your own way.
That point is likely past for few of you, upcoming for most, far away for some.
Reading more here won't help at a point. You may already be capable of, and proven at being
able to bring home a new girl every night you go out. More if you day game. Maybe you're being
approached multiple times a day, advertised to and qualified to by several women a day, even
each week. Why are you here if you have hit this point?
Leave. It's time to go. There are masters here who you can always come back to for advice or a
reminder when you need. Get out and improve your methods, think for yourself. You don't need
to scoff at how helpless many novices are because they're not your problem.
You're a journeyman, strip the need to feed on your own successes, they're in the past, move
forward and improve even further. Youve already hit the big leagues, the best thing you can
actionably do is give an example by trial.

Not by scanning trp to excess, not by commentary, but by becoming the best. When inputs
exceed outputs, it's time to leave. When improving standards of action is the only left definition,
you should be gone.

1) You go to the gym, you've done your five days, maybe 6, your body aches. The next day
you're feeling low, and want to go crush out a new max, maybe a negative. For many of
us, this is a horrible idea, why? The body must rest and recover first. Going would allow
you to expend a lot of effort, and do little to nothing for you, maybe even set you back on
your progress with a nice helping of DOMS, damage, or even uncle rhabdo.
2) You go out every day, approach, banter, push pull. You've gotten great over the last year,
success is consistent, you are certain you can pull what you want when you want it. Do
you still go out every day? Do you schedule things around more practice of the same?
No. Move your time to something else. Practice game as opportunities arise to stay sharp,
but you're a master now, at least a journeyman. Your inputs are exceeding the output.
3) You get up, scan through nmmg, maybe your bedtime story is the book of pook, you have
memorized the laws of power, internalized them to the point you can cite them off to aid
people on asktrp. What are you doing rereading them like some bible? This isn't a
religion it's a praxeology! Why aren't you learning something else? They aren't going
anywhere, go learn about string theory, you always found that interesting right? Read that
random metal guys philosophical ramblings?! Go find abdada and speak of starting your
own business, find GLO and talk to him about further progression and breaking plateaus
lifting! Do something new. Expand. Your inputs are exceeding the output. You are
4) You log onto reddit. You've already spent two hours on there today, commenting,
linking, checking your inbox, happy to help, happy to get that rush from a moment of
satisfaction, another novice saying thank you another confirmation of your new talents.
Or maybe you're just happy to bash on the ever present idiots. You are wasting your time
as the majority of threads are swiped away. The clock moves as you drag your finger to
the left, look guys- awalt, oh wow it's really only my turn! I'm not in oneitis except for
this one girl who isn't a unicorn, how do I go out and do things since I completely missed
the point of agency?
5) You're wasting your time. Youre addicted, just as much as a video gamer or Facebook
freak or D fiend needing another ten bag.
6) Inputs must not be greater than outputs.
7) This plate calls, she stands you up for the third time, regardless of whether it's legitimate
or not, there are millions of others around. You next her. Because your effort should be
less than what you are gaining.
8) Your family begs you to help, or even attempts to use emotional terrorism to give up
segments of your one and only guaranteed life.
Get the hell out of there. You know why.

Lessons Learned

Know when to leave. - Leave on that high note, right after you've gotten the
replicable proof that you've internalized what you need and slightly more. Once
you've checked yourself and realized you've spent minutes of your time and received
nothing in return, not even an ioi.
You are the master, people must pay dearly for you, and you cannot continue doing
things for nothing.
Be objective, be methodical in your assessments, learn your values, and know your
goals, practice practice practice- then fucking go. exit the nest you know where to
find it if you need it again

Get out of here and do things. Succeed. Crush. Challenge yourself. Live by example. The Red
Pill isnt going anywhere. Itll always be there for you.
Until next time Gentleman.

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