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Abstract: The research aims at investigating the use of TED Ed in speaking class, the

difficulties mostly face by the students and teachers and to find out solution in using TED Ed
for speaking class of the advanced students of English Progressive, Tasikmalaya. This
research employs a qualitative research design, and the method is case study. The data
revealed that in fact, TED-Ed gives positive reinforcement on student particularly in speaking
Background of study:
In globalization era, internet is the biggest major source of a variety of
spoken and written texts. Many teachers have been enthusiastic on the
use of internet as a media to support teaching-learning process.

Disamping gambar TED:

TED Ed provides excellent authentic and motivational
materials for ESL learners, as they promote communicative competence. TED Ed is very
potential as a learning resource, moreover it presents innovative ideas provide springboards
for discussions.

Disamping gambar siswa lg diskusi dikelas: today's world requires that the
goal of teaching speaking should improve students' communicative skills,
because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn
how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each
communicative circumstance.
Method of Research:
This study employs a qualitative research design, and the method used is case study. In this
research, the eighth students who enrolled in Advanced Class in Progressive Course,
Tasikmalaya were selected purposively as the participants of the study. In this research, the
researchers used observation checklist and interview. The interview was used to elicit
information on the difficulties for the students and teacher while TED-Ed is brought up to the
Analyzing the Use of TED-Ed in English Speaking Class
The TED-Ed video used in this research was the video entitled 3 Tips to Boost Your
Confidence. From this discussion, the students were actively participating to speak or
deliver ideas. When the students lacked of idea of the topic, the teacher tried to motivate by
giving the clue about the topic. In this case, the teachers role still could be seen in the
process of teaching and learning.
Analyzing the Difficulties Mostly Faced by the Teacher
In view of the problem raised in this study, the researchers identified the difficulties mostly
faced by the teacher. First of all, the teacher finds it difficult to use technology because of the
incomplete facility from the institution. Secondly, it is very challenging to find appropriate
video for her students level.
Analyzing the Difficulties Mostly Faced by the Students

With regard to the students difficulty, the first inevitably circumstance is that students still
faced some problems in producing the target language. The data also revealed that most
students still feel reluctant to exchange ideas because they afraid that they share wrong
Research Findings and Discussion
Incorporating TED-Ed in speaking class can give positive effect on the students speaking
ability. Doing the discussion after listening and watching TED-Ed video makes students more
active in the learning process and at the same time make their learning more meaningful and
fun. However, speaking activities can fail miserably duet to some very real problems in the
English class. There are some focus solutions:
-teacher should to be more creative
-teacher should state clearly what is expected from each student
-students can have an English conversation club

1. How is the ue of TED-Ed in speaking class?

2. What are the difficulties found and solution offered in using TED-Ed for speaking

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