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define the ff.


a flow of electricity which results from the ordered directional movement of

electrically charged particles.
In electrostatic situations the electric field is zero everywhere within the conductor,
and there is no current.
The motion of the electrons is random, so there is no net flow of charge in any
direction and hence no current.
conventional current-choice or convention for the direction of current flow
definition of current- I=dQ/dt
The SI unit of current is the ampere; one ampere is defined to be one coulomb per
second (1 A = 1 C/s).
This unit is named in honor of the French scientist Andr Marie Ampre (17751836).
direct current- direction of the current is always the same.
alternating current- the current continuously changes direction.
examples 25.7-25.5-25.1-25.6-

b. voltage

an electromotive force ( EMF) or potential differ

ence expressed in volts.
Potential is potential energy per unit charge ( V=U/qo or U=qoV where U=potential
energy;qo=unit charge.
The SI unit of potential, called one volt (1 V) in honor of the Italian electrical
experimenter Alessandro Volta (17451827), equals 1 joule per coulomb:
1 V = 1 volt = 1 J/C = 1 joule/coulomb

potential due to a point charge: V=U/qo= 4 o r

potential due to a collection of point charge: V=

potential due to a continuous distribution of charge: V= 4 o r


qo 4 o i ri


1 V/m= 1N/C
terminal voltage, source with internal resistance: Vab= -Ir, where =EMF and Ir=
internal resistance.


the degree to which a material or device opposes the passage of an electric current,
causing energy dissipation.
the resistance of a wire or other conductor of uniform cross section is directly
proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area.S

conductors have zero or least amount of resistance

insulators have greatest or infinite amount of resistance
Semiconductors have resistance transitional between those of conductors
and insulators.

A circuit device made to have a specific value of resistance between its ends is called
a resistor.
The SI unit of resistance is the ohm, equal to one volt per ampere ( 1= 1 V/A).
The kilohm (1k= 10^3 ) and megohm (1 M= 10^6 ) are commonly used.
relationship among voltage, current, and resistance: V=IR

The resistance of a cylindrical conductor is related to its resistivity , length L, and crosssectional area A: R=


(give at least 5 ex. with solution use univ. college physics)

define the ff.
a. power
the rate of doing work, measured in watts or horse power.
the power P equals the product of the potential difference and the current.
rate at which energy is delivered to or extracted from a circuit element:

Vab 2
power delivered to a resistor: P=VabI=I^2R=

is the property of the body or system of bodies by virtue of which work
can be done. It is also defined as the ability to do work. Energy is a
scalar quantity.
A measure of this capacity, expressed as the work that it does in changing to some
specified reference state.

It is measured in joules (SI units)

Definition of energy: E=Pt
3. ohms law

the principle that the electric current passing through a conductor is directly proportional
to the potential difference across it, provided that the temperature remains constant. the
constant of proportionality is the resistance of the conductor.
It was discovered in 1826 by the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1787

definition of ohms law: R=V/I

(give 5 problems applying the ohms law)

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