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Shaktism focusses on the goddess generically called "Devi." She is worshipped most often as


the consort of Shiva, but has also been raised to the status of the Supreme. Although some


books equate Shaktism with all major female deities (the "shaktis" of their respective consorts),

Historical Perspective

the Shakta tradition specifically worships Shiva's consort, in her various forms such as Parvati,
Durga, Kali, etc. The worship of Sita (with Rama) or of Radha (with Krishna) is not strictly part
of Shaktism, but does point to the ubiquitous role that the female deity plays within Hinduism.

Doctrine and Scripture

Within Shaktism, there is little emphasis on

Movements and Leaders

doctrinal sampradayas, and much ideology comes

The Four Main

from Shaivism. Since Shiva embodies the male


principle and Shakti embodies the female, the two


principles of Shaivism and Shaktism are


complementary. Shakti doctrine tends to


emphasise the non-difference between matter and

The Smarta Tradition

spirit, and looks to the creative impetus of matter

Founders and Theologians

rather than its ability to delude and entangle. For

The Bhakti Saints

this reason, Shaktas worship for material benefit

The Reform Movements

as well as final liberation. A notable aspect of

Socio-Political Movements

Shaktism is animal sacrifice and even documented

Recent Spiritual and Cultural

Modern Hindu Groups and
Famous Women within

A deity of Devi worshipped during the Navrati festival.

The two other principal goddesses, Lakshmi and
Saraswati, are sometimes considered to be her

accounts of human sacrifice.



Archaeological finding suggest that Shaktism goes back to prehistoric times. The Goddess

Hinduism in Britain Today

does feature in the Vedas themselves, but scholars suggest that mainstream worship comes


from other sources. She appears in the Epics and Puranas, especially the Markandeya Purana.
It is in the Tantras that she appears to take the role of the Supreme.
There appear to be no strong sampradayic links, and Shaktism may have been passed down in
a broader fashion, largely through local and village customs, and through connections with
other schools such as Shaivism. Shaktism has greatly influenced modern thinkers such as
Ramakrishna and Aurobindo. Not surprisingly Devi in her fiercer forms has become the patron
deity of women's liberation movements. Wherever Hindus have settled throughout the world,
there are now a number of prominent Devi temples.

Main Writings
Devi Purana
Kalika Purana
Devi Bhagavata Purana
Mahabhagavata Purana
The Tantras

Important Places

Calcutta (Kali Temple)

Vaishno Devi

Meaning and Purpose

Where does the distinction between male and female come from? Is it an ontological reality or
social construct?

Related Values and Issues

Is God male, female, neither, or both?
(Possible) innate differences between male and female.

Personal Reflection
What is our reaction to the large number of goddesses within Hinduism? How does this
relate to ideas of a purely masculine God?
How does the feminine appear in our faiths/non-faith traditions?

Related Stories
Durga Kills the Buffalo Demon
Devi Kills other Demons
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"Heart of Hinduism" is Copyright: ISKCON Educational Services, 2004

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