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Student Example

General Comment
Student is a valued member of the class who shows respect for his teachers and peers. Student
shows enthusiasm for classroom activities and remains an active learner throughout the day.
Student treats school property and the belongings of others with care and respect, he is honest
and trustworthy in dealings with others and concerned about the feelings of peers. Student takes
an active role in discussions and shares personal experiences and opinions with peers. Student
is well-liked by classmates and treats other students with fairness and understanding. However,
Student can get distracted easily which leads him to having off topic conversations with his peers
during class time.

English C
Student has made satisfactory progress in English this semester. In Reading and
Viewing, Student is able to describe content and identifies key ideas from a text
to comment on literal or implied meaning. Student can identify how a text is
structured to suit purposes and audience. He also provides simple ideas for a
possible audience for a text and is able to read texts, using text processing
strategies to maintain fluency. In writing, Student attempts to write an
imaginative text using some elements of text structure. He writes a simple
persuasive text using some key information to state an opinion. Student is able
to spell most common word accurately, edits simple errors and uses boundary
punctuation. In Speaking and Listening, Student is able to make presentations
and contribute actively to class and group discussions. Student needs to work on
his use of supporting information when writing his persuasive arguments. He
needs to use a wide variety of vocabulary in his writing to start utilizing
compound and complex sentence. Student needs to expand his use of
punctuation to include quotation marks for dialogue, titles and quotes.

Maths C
Student has made satisfactory progress in Mathematics this semester. In Number
and Algebra, Student can increase and decrease simple number sequences and
unknown numbers in a number sentence. Student uses materials to solve simple
multiplication and division problems. He can solve simple purchasing problems
and calculate change. In Measurement and Geometry, Student can compare the
area of an object using informal units of measure. Student can locate simple
features on a map, continue symmetrical drawings and identify the start and
finish times of an event. In Statistics and Probability, Student lists the probability
of everyday events occurring from least likely to most likely, and is able to
identify dependant and independent variables. Student is able to describe
various methods for data collection and completes data displays. Student would
benefit from further developing his skills with his 10x10 times tables and the
related division facts. Student also needs to further develop his knowledge of
fractions and their relationship to decimal numbers.

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