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Premier Martial Arts Inc.

The world-wide popularity of the martial arts and their endmance for over t:v.enty
centuries is due to tile tangible benefits mmtial arts students derive from them.
Through proper training, one can achieve any or all of the following.
d\R.\IO, ' ,' OF \11. D , \. ' 1) gO!. \'
I'IIYSIC.\[, .\Sf) \IE\'J'.\1. DISCll'l.l"\F
'1FU Co. 'THOL
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RElH ' ("I 10 .. OF STJU,:-':,
SI ' I'E1<IOR 1'1i\ SIC\ I. CO l 1)frIO . .
nil \BILlI\ I'D DF:FI:''j) () :~;I '. l.r t. \R\IU)

In today's competitive, results oriented, demanding and often hectic world, the need cannot be overestimated for preparing
oneself to cope with the daily pressures of life. However, be patient, persevere and try to achieve slowly but steadily. It takes
time to break old, bad habits and to develop new skills, confidence, a sharper mind and a more fit body.


Strength does not come easily, but it can be developed and improved if you concentrate on it. As students of the
martial alts, we should all concentrate on developing our physical and mental strengtil.
I'll YSIC \ I.: To increase physica l strength, yo u must exercise regularly and strive for slow and gradual ga ill. Ca listhenics
including those done in your classes, progressive resistance training and weight training are some ways to increase your
physica l strengt11.
.\ IF . T .\1 .: Menta lly, you must develop the power to resist stress and fear in order to be able to susta in or resist stress and fear
in order to be able to sustain or resist an attack. Moral comage, as well as your degree of concentration and intensity, are also
fOJ1l1s of mental strength.

Stamina refers to physica l and mental endmance. Well developed endmance gives you the power to withstand
hardship and stress. To endure is to persevere; to remain constant to a goal or purpose regardless of obstacles or problems that may

PIIY S I( .\1 .: To improve yom physica l stamina or endurance you must perf0 1111 aerobic exercise regularl y and raise your
heart rate 75% of its max imum . Maintain this level for a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 to 4 tinles per week, and you wi ll make
progress toward improving your stamina and cardiovascular endurance. The following are some exa mples of excellent aerobic exercises: Martia l Arts including Kickboxing, Fast walking, RI.IIUling, Cycling, Swinun ing and Cross Connuy Skiing,

\ I J': . . L\ I.: In tile martial arts, mental stamina is a great advantage. It's tile sli ght edge tilat may aLlow you to out-last an
opponent or challenge. Well developed mental stamina will help you leam to look at obstacles and problems as challenges. It
will pennit you to overcome these challenges and accomplish your goals.

Put good things into your body and you'll realize good results. Fill your body with
junk food and garbage, and it won't pelfonn with the proper intensity necessary to
reach Black Belt level skills and confidence.
Poor eating habits resu lt in lack of energy, depression and moodiness, as well as excess body fat. Proper eating habits provide you with more energy to perfonn better at
martial arts, work and other activities that you enjoy. Putting the right "fuel" into
your tank will help you maintain a positive and enthusiastic outlook on life.
Energy is prO\~ded in the form of ca lories and tilese come fi'om the foods you eat. Basically, foods are made up of three
groups: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. High energy, "clean buming" calories come fi'om foods in the complex
carbohydrate and protein groups. Good canplex carbohydrates come fi'om fi'uits, vegetables, pasta, rice, and whole
grains. Good ro urces of protein are chicken, turkey, fish, beans and nuts. Try to limit your consumption of red meats
(such as beef) and other hi gh-fat foods. Limited fat intake is desired to achieve a quality fitness level. Also uy to avo id
foods high in sodium and sugar. Sweets such as candy bars, cakes, and soda tend to give you a short boost of energy
fo llowed by depression and/or fatigue.
It is also important to drulk plenty of water (8 to 10 glasses per day) to replenish your body with the fluids you burn
off (drink exu'a water after heavy workouts) . By regularly dru1king water you will avoid dehydration and should
fee l an ulcrease in your energy level.
Needless to say, smoking, consumption of alcohol , and the use of dmgs are tota lly discouraged . They inhibit your



Om system is designed to see evelyone make gradual, steady progress toward optimwn
physical and mental development. Tlus progress is measured through a built-ill goal system and
ulcentive program with sU'uctured belt levels. The steps t6 Black Belt is refelTed to as THE
In the beginning phases, the belts represent short telm goals that are obtlined by learning
basic forms, techniques and katas, and following general guidelines. As you gain
knowledge you should also gain confidence in your aliJity to achieve your goals.
Gradually, you will learn to set more difficult, long tenn goals. As you climb the ladder
toward Black Belt, your knowledge and skill will illcrease as well as your capacity to
concentrate and leal11. These higher levels of development require pursuit of a stronger mind
and a more fit body, along with an ulcrease in regular practice and class attendance.




Properly incorpora ted onto you daily routine, your martial arts u'aining will help you maintaul a positive outlook on
life. You will develop many skills that will help you aclueve success in your goals. There are seven keys that can
unlock the doors to success for each of us. They are desire, visualization, certaulty, relaxation, focused attention,
strong self inlage and repetition. You martial arts u'aulillg will employ each of these keys. You must build the desire
to set goals for yourself, visualize these goals Ul your mind, be certain that you will ach ieve them, relax and focus your
energies on yo u goa ls, maultaul confidence in your ability to succeed and uy repeatedly until you do. The person who
is wi lling to tIy, to do , and fmally to accomplish will be successful.
The discipline, contI'ol, perseverance and bard work that are requu'ed to master the martial arts will result in en0Il110US
satisfaction for a job well-done to the best of your ability. The martial arts are a demandulg but rewardillg task to
master. Work bard, leam the ski lls well and apply them only for good, and they will provide you with life long
benefits. Always keep in mind that your responsibil ity as a martial artist is to develop yourself in a positive manner,
physica lly, and mentally.

Welcome to Premier M artial Arts Frisco

Congratulations on your decision to take the challenge towards personal

excellence! The purpose of this Handbook is to l1wke your start with our
school easy and comfortable. Included are class times, people to call for
information and rules and structure ofthe school.
Attendance is the key to progress. A minimum of two classes per week are required to gain the benefits
Prenlier Mmiial Alts offers.

Please refer to your schedule for class times. We highly reconunend you attend class at a rate of two
to three times per week. We also recommend you attend class on consistent days and times each
week to make your attendance with our school pmt of your weekly schedule.
If for some reason you are not able to attend class we ask you call the school and inf0l111 the secretary.

Please pick up the "Premier Mmtial Alts Monthly Newsletter" at the counter. The newsletter is fi lled with
inf0l111ation to educate and assist parents and students. Most upcoming events are also insetted in the


Parents dropping off children should do so ten minutes prior to the class and pick them up within ten
minutes of class ending. The school becomes very busy around class times and we can not be responsible
for watching unattended children.
Premier Martial Arts Inc.


Students in Mmtial AltS show their progress in the alt by the color of the
belt they wear. Each color belt is a step towm'd the goal of Black Belt. Requirements for each belt differ for little champions, kids, teens and adults .
For little chmnpions and kids we hand out requirement sheets at the beginning of each new cycle or qUalter.
We also have DVD's on sale in the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J pro shop for additional help and home study. The progression towards
BLACK BELT goes as follows -- White, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown 1,
Brown 2, Brown 3, Red , Black Belt, 1st Degree Black Belt, etc. Note: Shldents under the age of 15
will receive a Junior Black Belt.


The pUl1Jose of Shipe and belt testing is to ma1ce sure each student is progressing on schedule.
Testing for belts and shipes are done dUling the third week of every month. DUling celtain times
of the year we must change testing week, so please watch almouncements.
DUling the second week of the month students will have a last review on Monday m1d Tuesday
then Wednesday or Thursday our students take a progress check dming their regular class time . .
For each progress check the student passes they will receive a color stripe on their belt. Kids,
adults and teens, in the begimllng stages of the program will eam their next color belts after
tlu'ee stripes.
The color stripes represent a quality of a champion-

Green---------------------Growth or Accuracy
,- - - ,- ---Excellence
Once a student receives tlu'ee shipes for kids which is 1 sh'ipe per month m1d 10 Kenpo shipes willch
are 1 stlipe per week, then that shldent is ready for belt testing. Little Ninjas/Red Dragons have their
own ranking system. Once a Red Dragon is reconunended for the Kickin' Kid's class, they will begin
the standard Kickin Kid's ranking system at White Belt/Black Shipe. Once a Little Ninja is
recommended for Red Dragon's Class they will begin the Red Dragon's Class Ranking at WIllte
BeltlYellow Shipe.

Shldcnts \\ ho budget their progr::l.111S \\ illll1~ke PJ~ Il1cnts directly to

ASF InternJtioml. ASF is J billing compJn~ ' Jllci hJS fidl rcspollSlbiIit~ ofJIl collections of tuition. PlcJse DO I 'OT direct an~ billing matters to the school. RJther direct them to an accollnt represL~ntati\\; at
ASF 1-~O()-525-S967 . PkJse notc that late PJ~ 111el1ts \\ill result in bte
chJrges Jncl could interrupt your training We highI~ suggest stuclcnL JITangc for Jutomalic bJnk
J\ aid this.


I11cnts to

Student uniform consists of a white Premier Mmtial Arts uniform plus a belt. All students must wear
a full uniform or the uniform pants, belt, and one of our school t -shilts to all classes.

Parents are encouraged to watch classes. All we ask is that you respect the class by remaining quiet and
that if you are bringing younger children with you that you keep them quiet and under control. Guests
are welcome to come and watch the classes also. However, only students are permitted on the
classroom floor, so please inform your guests of the school's protocol.

The BLACK BELT Training, ages 5 & up is a special membership for those students who wish to train
and receive their JR. black belt. The cUlTiculum taught is more extensive than that of the Basic Training
Course. Students will learn and train in required f01111S and spalTing, as well as learn jump and
spilming lcicks, combat bo, nunchuku basic form. Students may upgrade fiom the Basic Training Course
to the Black Belt Training course at any time. Once your Basic Program expires em-o llment in the
BBTC is mandatory.
Students who are looking for additional training in additional traditional maltial mts weapons or tools
are invited to join our Premier Training.
Eventually you may wish to take your training to a new level and become an assistant instructor or an
instructor. We have a very intensive Leadership Program to help you meet that goal.

The Special Winning Attitude Team consists of students 1iom the Black Belt Training Course.
You must be asked to be a part of the team by your Instructors. Duties of the S.W.A.T.
team include helping with classes, demonstrations, competition and assisting with special events.
Premier Militial Arts Inc.

Periodically we hold competitions at the school. We also support state

tourn aments promoted by other Black Belt Schools of America owners.
Tournaments the School feels are suitabl e for our stud ents are posted on
the bulletin board. Any student wishing more information or having questions on requirements to enter state tournaments should see the Master Instructor.

If for any reason you fa ll behind and need eAira help see a Team Member (staff). Achieving
goals at Premier Martial AIis is one of the most vital instruments used in building our student's
confidence. Commu nications, teamwork and action are essential for the benefits to be obtained.

The schedule w ill be modified for the holidays. Notification of all holiday schedul es are posted on
the calendar over the entrance way to the main floor. We are closed New Years Day, Memorial
Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgivings Day and Clu-istmas.

If you w ill be missing class for vacation or illness for a period of more than one week, please
notifY the secretary.

The school is available for birthday parties on Saturdays. A "Karate

PaI1y" includes a class, games and prizes. T he entire paIty is 1 1/2 hours and
also includes a Free week or classes for all the guests. We handle the
everything from the invitations to cleaning up. Cost for unlimited ch.ildren is
FREE! !!

Kids are allowed to start sPaITing once they join our Black Belt Training Course.
required to wear proper safety equipment w hen attending these classes. Only Premier MaIiial Arts
sparring gear is allowed to be used in the school.

Premier Martial Arts Inc.

If you have left something behind, we put it in the lost and found. Please see an instru ctor and
they will try to help you locate it. All items are held for 2 weeks before being donated to
charity .

Substantial discounts are ava ilable for family training. The second fami ly member is full price. All
other famil y members train for 112 price.

New students w ill recei ve 4 guest passes, named PASS A FRIEND ShOlily after enrollment.
T hese are for you to pass out to fr iends that you feel wou ld benefit fro m our program. As a token of our appreciation you will notice a list of gifts you wi ll receive for recommending our
school to others.


To order supplies not in stock, please see the person at the front counter. Special orders take
about 7 days to come in. We can place orders from all the major maIiial aIiS suppliers . Please
suppOli your school

Please give the school your e-mail address. Several times a week we w ill keep you up to date on
events and important training information.


Premier Martial Arts Frisco

2650 King Rd: #500
Little Elm/Frisco

Prem.ier Martial Arts Inc.

J' ,

Our schoo l is a BLACK BELT SCHOOL, meanin g it' s our goa l to guide every
student to that level.
One of the most im porta nt ways we beg in this journey is thro ugh courtesy and res pect.
We practice thi s by:

I . When students enter the schoo l they should greet the person behind the coun ter with a

"Hell o Sir" or "Hello Ma'am"

2. We show respect to the schoo l and in structors by "Bow ing" when entering and leav ing
the workout area.
3. When you arri ve pl ease sit in the back of the r00111 as not to di sturb a class in sess ion.
4. If yo u arri ve late fo r class, please wai t at the edge of the mat unt il the instructor acknowledges yo u and ca ll yo u onto the \vorkout area.
5. If th e instructor is talkin g and wa nts you to have a seat he will announce the command
"Lock It Up". Students then sit legs crossed, hands on knees, back straight, chin up
and eyes on the instructor.
6. Yo u will notice that both students and instructors are referred to by their last names.
Thi s is just another way we practi ce courtesy and respect.

Premier l'vlarti al Arts Inc.

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do

not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we
rather have those because we have acted rightly.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

Premi er Martial Arts Inc.

Belt Ranl{

Date Began

Date of Graduation

Yellow Belt

Orange Belt

Purple Belt

Blue Belt

G ,"eell Belt

Br own Belt 1

B,"oWII Belt 2

Red Belt 1

Red Belt 2

Red Belt 3

Black Belt

Premi er Marti al Arts Inc"

Specia l Awards

Parents Cocle oj'Conciuct
llisciplii7c YOlirselj'lo arrive (Jillimc and pick lit> Oillilnt', (no more [hall
cluss \Iorfs)

Ahl'o.\'s ellC01lragc childi'CI1-


he c()nsislel7l

AhlOys leI


il7 YOllr (!flene/OIlCC,

/It'\,( i' tli,\'C(J!!l'iig<',


I\'ed' l\'irh ui!T !70{!!.i'illg Ihe sllldio.

kllOI\' ,(SOI1lCOlle othcr {hem ),(Jui','eli'\\':!! hc l)fckmg lip



NCI'L'/' crifici::e 017 inslructol' inji'uill (~(\'01:J' cllIldrt'ii. ()lIr inSlI'IlCfOrS de.\'cn'c respccl.

Pleosc kC('jJ Ihe 1I0ise h'\'cl

f() ({ !II1111fJl!IlII ill

{/ic li'liting area

J>/eosc encouragc ,mlli' child {o pmc/ice /O-J 5minwt'\'

A /11'0)'.1' disciplinc


5 llIimlll's hefore





i{li I()j'e und kipdll<' \'1'

(!l7der.l'lol7d Ihollhere \1'il1 he dUI's

when , \'OW' child do(!sn '[ 11 ali! iO L'OlllC [0 closs. He
scnsitiFe to 111Is, hilt relllilld YOllnelf'(!flUdong hem/irs Ih:y ure 1','('(' I\'il7g hy being (( pon
(lollr pl'o,!!,ram

AI\\'ays pl'oisc YOllr c!l1ldrcl1l17 pllhlic-CllI',;

in pril'!lte.

1{)'01l 17m'e (/ Posi{i1'c cOII//IIenl. Plelfse Icr t'i't'/:1'clilt: kli(}lt'.

((mit have ({ ncgatll'c


need /0

C()i1SIi'iil...'ri\'c O'/fiC/.\'iIlS

IISC {he!

PlcuS(' It'! only liS kn(lll' in prilWc

{/lid placing it in {hc hiOl.;k rnuilho.\',





res/room, j)lease removc yUUi' shOt'S unci 11'u/k along llie

it dOlrn

.1'Il1t: o(r17e

11 ILl IS.

PlcLise /)0 Nol S'hollf

1/71': l170ls


lix YOllr child, (;/

children/i'ol/l the l\'oiling


Plcose c/o l10t Icm'e childref) I11700tcnded OJ' al/oll' /heiii



duril1g closs.

l1'lIlk on the IIlt!1 urca.

PlcClse do not a/l011' children /() ploy iii or ncar the desk officc' arca.

Pleasc do not ullm\' children 10 play 011 ony (?!'the l''IlIiPIICIII.

giv.: instmclions to .\'(J!fi' children d/lnng class.

Plcase c/o f)01 11'olk Of)

J>leo.l'1! I'l!lIIm'e n(}i,\~"


NO FOOD or DRINK 117 ,he l'f/allO. (lVoter unl))

A 35, ()O/ee lI'il/ be chaJ'gedfoJ' any J'etuJ'IIed checlfs und a 15,{){J late c/wJ'gefoJ' /J(fj'lIlellts
I'eceil'ed after the 5'h,




The COllcept of I(CllPO:

To discipline and enhance the hmnan character
....- - - - - - through the application of the principles of Kenpo

The'Purpose of.Practicing Kenpo:

To mold the mind and body

to cultivate a vigOTOUS spirit
and through correct and rigid trailling
to strive for improvement in the art of Kenpo
to hold in esteem human courtesy and honor
to associate 'with others with sincerity
and to forever pursue the cultivation of one's seU


One Will Be Able:

To Love their country and societT
. To Contribute to the development of culture
To Promote peace and prosperity among all peoples

The Kenpo Salute " Its Meaning .

As a new student, you will be shown the proper manner
in which to bow. The bow is an important part of the Martial Arts
heritage. It signifies patience, humility, and respect. These
are important elements in your study. Without them you
would quickly lose sight of your goals. J[ you develop these
virtues, you will progress at an even pace and eX']lerience a feeling
of seHdiscipline. This will carry over into other areas of your life
and you will reap rewards you never dreamed possible.
Our bow is a Chinese bow. It has been handed down
. to us from the Shaolin Temple. The right hand forms a fist
and the left hand is placed vertically (and open) against the right
The bow is a salute and also a sign of peace. In
the salute itseH, the right hand represents the lifeline:
ENERGY tPOWER. The left symbolizes the warmth and security of
peace. Combined they show respect lor the individuaL You are
telling your opponent that you come in peace, unarmed and
without hostilities. J[ forced to defend yourself however, yom hand
position demonstrates that you possess the secret knowledge of

1 -

I -

The words "~ly secret is Kenpo, I bear no arms"

were spoken upon being threatened. At the start of each class,
these words were spoken to reinforce the purpose of training.
nlartial artist's respect is demonstrated through the bow.

When to Bow

When entering the school, each student must greet the instructor and
other black belts present with a bow.

When leaving the school, a proper farewell wilh abow 10 the

instruclor and other black bells present is also mandatory etiquel\e.

When entering or exiling tile Dojo, abow is made iIi the directionof
the Dojo. This shows the students contemplation of what they are
about to do and their reverence for their art.

At the start and end of each class, asalute or greeting is given to the
instructors and! or founder of theart as well as asalute to the flag of
tIlis country. Students of this school are e);pected to demonstrate
respect for ti\eir country and flag at all times.

Before a student puts onor removes their rank bells, they must be sure
to ask permission of the instructor and bow beforehand. This shows
respect for the knowledge the instructor has gil'en the student that is
equiYalent with that belt.

When meeting with the founder or an instructor of the Nick Ceria's

Kenpo System, a student should greet that person in a proper martial
arts fashion. In addition il a student meets with a master of another
style the proper etiquette is a respectful bow.

Abow is alsoused when lacing an opponent in ah'IJmite match or an

ima.,ainary opponent in a Kata

When a bow is given, remember that it shows respect lor one's

opponent, they will not underestimate them!

The five principles of conduct adhered to by the instructors and students of Nick Cerio's Kenpo are:
Errort means hard work. In the academy and outside, members must put their utmost into every endeavor.
Members must show politeness and respect to all people. Good manners inside and outside the school are expected from all members 01 the Studio.
Members must treat one another (especially Senior students) with respect.
Honesty and truthfulness are the chief characteristics of every karateka. They tell the truth even when it may not benefit them to do so, because they
know that the truth and honesty are more important than their own well-being.
Personal strength is a prerequisite to Karate development. If it isn't present at the outset of training it will be with the continued efforts of training.
Martial artists do what they know is right no mailer who speaks out against them or no mailer what hardship they may sulfer.
The student 01 Karate controls their emotions and behavior. You must accepl your bad qualities and learn to subdue them. You must not use your
techniques to bully people or show oli. You may use the art 01 Kenpo only when your life is in danger but never in anger!

Kenpo Vocabulary Words

Learn the terminology of Martial Arts is an important part of your training, Please study the
terms and familiarize yourself with them, This list is a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, and English

Shihau i "ick Ch:'mherbirl - One of Shihan's lnstmctors

Nid, ('{',-ill - Founder of Nick Ce.-io's Kenpo
ShOthtn ("h(l,,-dr~i) 1st degree black belt
~i{hiB (her-dua) 2nd degree black belt
Sllnd:m (~lm-Ilnil) 3nl degree blael,; belt
)' O:U!i.l11 (:(Hl-dun) 4th degree black belt
GOd.UI (t/Hlo:1) 5th degree black belt
Rolmdall (Ri) .. k('~-you.-di}o) 6th degree black belt
Shichid;m (.:ue-l.:he-dnn) 7th degree blacl.: belt
[-f;tchida!l (hai -dle-ilo~; 8th degree black belt
Kmfan (ko{f.. dan) 9th degree black belt
.iud;w (j{;" .. dC'lj 10th degree black belt
.j rdg,!to (an:'-n'~-~ot-"} Japanese for thanl< you
,i,il.. iu{) ti-f;;,y-<hw) harmony spirit way
Tile f.;.\Yan Ifn \.11\-(;.\' ul-;.loc) hands and feet way
H;1pkido (l\{)I,-I,e;.-{!o) coordination/energy way
\:Img Fu (k;:mg-f.}aj time and energy
Jiu-Jit\;u tk~1 . jiHnJ) gentle art
i\.ainnli..t'!lt>11 \ ''-l'o\ thm this fist style
Ih:bi (it~,!)) numbel' 1
Ni (nl.'d number 2
~}i!1 (SOil) number 3
,\hi (~he! number 4
Go (go) numbel' 5
Rnliu {nl..!,ey-ynu) number 6
Shichi (she-d1""') Dumber 7
fbch:i (j.i,~h ..dK') number 8
Ku (h!n) number' 9
,Jo <'1 '\.'; fOUl' foot staff
Qlhill ;'1-;:" .;!..n) Chinese bo -bamboo
Ju {jew/ number 10
.di:u~J {h,:h-i.a;. -lw1!l Samurai's long swot'd
UI,;m" (ouh-kim...;:el Shoulder roll/break fall
":ll.!;.rf,:lll' r :,,,b-Ll.Il-<!\1-:>hc-t) Samurai's shoti sword
T~ do (L'.:H'(le) Samlll'ai 's knife
\~igi i."ni-~c'e) right side
~"ttn(imk!.1 {mm'ch~.:n.:k) stringed or chained weapon
HhLlri (ti{'-thx-<.',,) left side
S' \i \~i~b) three lu'onged metal weapon
'dajti(~ \:ila-li!e) I surrender
Gadn ~Ih-'Hl~w} the mat'tial arts
;\'.emIfilL,,'u..,jnf." way of swordmanship
S:rrui'tl {~<.t;Jl -liIJe) self defense without weapons
l;":yuDJ) tk,'y-, (rlHI\>i..) way of archery
,J(>dh:tmc [hl - Way of Intercepting Fist
R()~l!i {IO('-:.JH:'\ a master
I-~;';.1\' :\LW,;l (kroY-ma' ga) contact combat
R;-.;.l ~ru.'-{.l''') school or style
:{~'ljU-':jJ - kenpo jiu-jitSll founded by Shih an Mike
KifLi {K('::-~.rt.', loud shout focusing power
K.1li -weapon based fighting with knives
Sl111dl.c!l -throwing stars
L~crim.J -weapon based fighting with sticks
~uih't;.1 T~U GniJI,"- One of Shiban's Instructors


he-l'<lwn) -title meaning mastel'

title meaning instmctol'
5~~!1 (~;mu) title meaning honorable
Loio \.tlit-joc) training hall
Uke (oo-kil~' ) person receiving a technique
Ton: (tOi'C-:t:) person petiorming a techniqne
Gi !Gc<,-u<.lnl ";:!"} karate uniform
Ohi {e-hi.'c) karate belt
K"u ()":';'IHah) fOt'm or pre-arranged movement
Kumile {!(U-mi-ta~) free fighting
I\:yu {hl'~ -Y{!u} class - order of colored ranks
i(j: l'!lk'!;.:t (K.L;l-r; , -(;~ -!,.1) karate student
Tcl!!!mi { hHom-e....l mat
Dnchr/5!a.y-':h(': (Jm.<! it, d'll ..l: -:'In> ) Thank you
Sc\:.;,! {sa~ -:\ ,ill) kneeling position
SIft! (sce-fw) Kung Fu Instru ctor
r"" (Jon (t; ;\'...on~u) Kung Fu School
!'~ar;fi>.' '.i,aI.H\H!l)t) empty haud
r' el!:~':) , i\.{;1-F1.fe) law of the fist
Du (d 'C) way of enlightenment
"JIb ("'!<~l) spirit-mind inspiration
'\ ';1:::1 \ \',t-sa) technique
J~j (i,;",~ ) internal energy
Ai (, h) bl'eathe
Sul;:;: {5.{I-ka~J title meaning founder
K:l~l;;l tklt -lii:th~ weapon similar to Gt'ass Hook
Bo (1.,,,-,) six foot staff





As you progress tbJ:ough the martial arts it is importilllt tbat you keep a record of your
pm:ticipation and accomplislm1ents . A1. each belt exammation, beginning ,vith your fml,
you will be asked to present your curriculum vitae (c .v .) notebook to the instructors . This
should ll1clude the fo11O\~'illg:
1. Background information about yourself illcluding: bilibdate, work, bobbies, etc. Also

include any history of previous lTail1il1g.

2. The date you began training and the dates you received subsequent promotions.



Tournament record (if any)


Demonstration record (if any)


elUTent repOli card (for children)

6. A picture of yom self (does not need to be in uniform).

7. A copy of the requirements for each rank (taken from this dojo handbook) and any
exh'a material that
you are presenting at yom test.

A copy of all repOlis and papers submitted to your instmctor at past and present tests.

This record should be kept in a har d binder with each sheet in a protective plastic cover.
By the time you test for YOlU' black belt you will hav e a detailed record of your
. accomplishments!


negin by placing middle of

belt at belly button.

5. Tighten. "Tipped" encl should

still be a little longel".

2. Wrap both ends behind

back and around so they fnee
the front.

6, Left over right.

3. Right over left. The "tipped"

end should be the longer end.

7. Pull "tipped" end through

hole andtighten.

4. Pull "tipped" end under

both layers of belt.

8. Ends should be the snme length.


White Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum EFFORT with all warm-ups.

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Dojo, Sensei, Gi, Obi, Shodan

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Front Punch, Vertical Punch

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Front snap kick, Round house kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

Listening position #1 #2 & #3, Horse stance, Front position,
Ready stance, and Attention

Green Stripe- Forms/ Kata

Blocking Form #1(1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Retreating Butterfly, Three palms

Black Stripe- Grappling

The Mount, The Guard, Half Guard

Orange Stripe- 5 Principles of Conduct

Effort, Etiquette, Sincerity, Character, Self-Control

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Bowing to Black Belts & In and Out of the dojo, Bowing on &off
the mats, Proper parent greeting and listening.

White Belt Black Stripe

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum EFFORT with all warm-ups.

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Uke, Tore, Kenpo

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Upper Cut, Downward Hammer

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Side Kick, Back Kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

Left and Right front Defense

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Blocking Form #1 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Hulk Smash, Rear choke

Black Stripe- Grappling

Side control, Head Control

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Outside Block w/punch (Left and Right stance)

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Bowing to Black Belts & In and Out of the dojo, Bowing on &off
the mats, Proper parent greeting and listening.

Yellow Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Written Paper: why I started with Premier Martial Arts?)

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Kata, Kumite, Karateka, Kyu, Dan

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Heel Palm, Tigers Claw

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Inward & Outward Crescent Kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

Right & Left Cat stance

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Blocking Form #2 (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Elusive Praying Mantis, Front Hair grab

Black Stripe- Grappling

Escape the guard, Escape the Mount

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Inside Block w/punch (Left and Right stance)

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Bowing to Black Belts & In and Out of the dojo, Bowing on &off
the mats, Proper parent greeting and listening.

Yellow Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum EFFORT

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Seiza, Sifu, Kwoon, Do, Karate

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Leopards Paw, Tigers Mouth

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Crossover side kick, Flying side kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

Crane stance, Twist stance

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Blocking Form #2 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Rear Hair grab, Rear Choke with a kick

Black Stripe- Grappling

Choke Blocks, 5 Chokes, Butterfly Guard

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Checking the Storm

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

All Bowing, Parent Requirements Participation in Fund Raisers

Gold Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum EFFORT with all warm-ups.

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Inward, Outward, Downward, Side Hand Swords

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Front Push Kick, Ax Kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/ Kata

All Previous

Red Stripe- Grabs

Retreating Butterfly With Kick

Black Stripe- Grappling

Escape the Guard #2, Spider Guard

Orange Stripe- 5 Principles of Conduct

Evading the Storm

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Bowing to Black Belts & In and Out of the dojo, Bowing on &off
the mats, Proper parent greeting and listening.

Gold Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Perform 10 Push Ups and Crunches

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

All Previous with Power

Purple Stripe- Kicks

All Previous with Power

Gold Stripe- Stances

Right and Left Horse and Back Stances

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Pinion #1 (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Elusive Praying Mantis with a Kick

Black Stripe- Grappling

Arm Bar, Freestyle Techniques

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Whipping Branch

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

All Bowing, Parent Requirements Participation in Fund Raisers

Orange Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Pass Flexibility Test

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Ju-Jitsu, Wasa, Shin, Ki, Ai

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Double Fan Block R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Spinning Back Kick R/ L

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Pinion #1 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Battering Ram

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle with Technique

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

All Previous

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

All Previous

Orange Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Perform 15 Push Ups and Crunches

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Double Fan Blocks w/ Vertical Punch R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Hopping Front Snap Kick R/L

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Pinion #2 (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Hammering Vice

Black Stripe- Grappling

Single and Double Leg Take Downs, Freestyle Techniques

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Menacing Twirl

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

All Bowing, Parent Requirements Participation in Fund Raisers
Attempt Board Breaks

Purple Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

20 Push Ups and Crunches

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Soke, Kama, Bo

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Double Fan Blocks Back Fist R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Hopping Inward Crescent Kick R/L

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Pinion #2 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Looking in the Mirror

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle with Technique, Rear Control, Spider Guard

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Unfurling Crane

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Overhead Club #1

Purple Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Attempted Board Breaks Hand and Foot

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Inward / Upward Block w/Forearm R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Hopping Round House Kick R/L

Gold Stripe- Stances

Front and Rear Break Fall

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Pinion #3 (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Circling Vice

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Techniques, 10 Chokes

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Delayed Sword

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Side Arm Club #1

Blue Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Inward/ Upward Blocks w/ Ridgehand R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Hook and Spinning Hook Kick R/ L

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Pinion #3 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Double Rear Wrist Grab

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle with Technique

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Defying the Storm

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Overhead Club #2

Blue Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

25 Push Ups and Crunches

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Double Fan Block w/ Reverse Hammer Fist R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Tornado Kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

Side Break Fall R/L

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Circle of the Tiger

Red Stripe- Grabs

Cobra Lock

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Seeing Snake

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Side Arm Club #2

1. White Stripe Drills

Max. Effort, Dbl. Side Blocks, Knee & Thigh Deflects
2. Yellow Stripe Terms
Budo, Kendo, Quan
3. Blue Stripe Strikes
Double Blocks Vertical Punch/Hand Sword
4. Purple Stripe Kicks
Spinning Wheel
5. Gold Stripe Falls/Rolls
All Previous
6. Green Stripe Forms/Katas
Circle of the Leopard (1st Half)
7. Red Stripe Grabs
Trapping Bear
8. Black Stripe Grappling
Freestyle with Technique, Figure Four
9. Orange Stripe - Punch Defense
Circling Serpent
10. Brown Stripe Weapons
Front Throat #1 & #2

Green Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

All Previous

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Spinning Hopping Inward Crescent Kick

Gold Stripe- Stances

Hopping Front Break Fall

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Circle of the Leopard (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Three Swords

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Bending Tree

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Slashing Knife #1, Rear Knife Throat #1

Red Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

30 Push Ups and Crunches

Yellow Stripe- Terms

Kyudo, Roshi, Ryu

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Double Fan Blocks 3 Strikes R/L

Purple Stripe- Kicks

Jump Spinning Back Kick R/L

Gold Stripe- Stances

Standing Rear Break Fall

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Statue of the Crane (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Fleeing Snake

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle with Technique

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Conquering Shield #1

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Straight in Knife #1

Red Belt Black Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

All Previous

Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

Striking Hammer

Gold Stripe- Stances

Hopping Front Break Fall Over Partner

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Statue of the Crane (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Full Nelson Escape

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique, Hock Downs, Throws

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Clutching Serpent

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Overhead Knife #1

6th Brown Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

All Previous

Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

Catching Branch

Gold Stripe- Stances

Rear Break Fall Over Partner

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Cat # 1

Red Stripe- Grabs

Striking Mantis

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique, Bread Roller

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Spinning Talon

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Straight in Knife #2

5th Brown Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes

Board Breaks

Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

Hammering Rock

Gold Stripe- Stances

Shoulder Roll Slap Out

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Cat #2 (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Mantis Kicks

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique, Triangle Head

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Buckling Branch

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Side Arm Club #3

4th Brown Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes


Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

Breaking Branch

Gold Stripe- Stances

Shoulder Roll Over Partner

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Cat #2 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Rear Head Lock

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique, Chicken Wings

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Climbing Mountain

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Upper Cut Knife #1 & #2

3rd Brown Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes


Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

Sweeping Branch

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Cat #3 (1st Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Clutching Wing, Sword and Hammer #1

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Sword of Destruction

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Upper Cut Knife #3

2nd Brown Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes


Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

Smashing Rocks

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

Cat #3 (2nd Half)

Red Stripe- Grabs

Shoulder Grab Figure 4

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique, Ground Kicks

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Clutching Snake

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

Straight in Knife #3

1st Brown Belt Stripes

White Stripe- Drills

Maximum Effort

Yellow Stripe- Terms

All Previous

Blue Stripe- Strikes


Purple Stripe- Kick Defense

All Previous

Gold Stripe- Stances

All Previous

Green Stripe- Forms/Kata

All Previous

Red Stripe- Grabs

All Previous

Black Stripe- Grappling

Freestyle Technique, Ground Sweeps

Orange Stripe- Punch Defense

Hammering Wings

Brown Stripe- Etiquette

All Previous

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