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Study Guide:
Food Production, Malnutrition, Farming Methods, Ag. Pollution, Aquaculture,
Fishing, Forestry

1. Most people who lack access to the food they need for healthy, productive
lives live in ____________ areas of the poorest ____________________ countries.

2. Food ___________________: the guarantee of an adequate, safe, nutritious, &

reliable food supply.

3. People who receive fewer than 2,000 calories a day are _______________________

4. The main cause of under nutrition & malnutrition is ______________________.

5. ___________________________ refers to ALL deviations from adequate & optimal

nutritional status, including obesity.

6. Malnutrition is the largest single contributor to d________________ in the world.

7. Describe how anemia, goiter, Vitamin A deficiency, kwashiorkor are caused.

8. People in developed countries eat too much & are ____________________________,
which may lead to heart attack, stroke, diabetes, & depression.

9. What is the only real long-term solution to the food supply problem?

10. The 3 main crops eaten by humans are: _______________________________________

11. ______________ & ________ make up 60% of the calories consumed by humans.

12. Most grain in the US is grown to feed ____________________.

13. The huge increase in yield obtained through modern cultivation

techniques has become known as the __________________ revolution.

14. What characterizes the 1st Green Revolution?

15. What did Norman Borlaug develop in the 1940s?

16. What are some cons or disadvantages to the 1st Green Revolution?

17. Whats a GMO (2nd Green Rev.)?

18. A __________ is a code that governs how we appear & what characteristics
we have.

19. ______________________ were the 1st GMOs appearing in 1994.

20. List 2 pros & 2 cons of GMOs.

21. How is the newly modified potato different from other GMOs?

22. According to the EPA, _________________________ practices are the single
largest cause of surface-water pollution in the US.

23. Fertilizer runoff is considered a ___________________ source of pollution.

24. ___________________________: uses different crops in the same space in

imitation of the diversity of natural ecosystems.


___________________________: a system of cropland in which trees/shrubs are grown

among/around crops to preserves or enhance the productivity of the land.

26. What is alley cropping?

27. What is intercropping?

28. The planting of a plot of land with several varieties of the same crop is
called __________________________ cultivation.

29. What is crop rotation?

30. _________-input ag. includes the use of mechanized equipment/chemicals.

31. What is monoculture?

32. _______-input ag. depends on hand tools & more natural fertilizers/lacks
lack-scale irrigation.

33. List 2 benefits of low-till/no-till agriculture:









What is organic farming?

What is subsistence farming?
What are the 3 primary animals/meats used for food production?
Three-quarters of all freshwater used on Earth is used for _________________.
What type of irrigation lessens the amount of water that is evaporated?
What is a CAFO?
List 1 pro & 1 con of feedlots/CAFOs:
__________________________ involves growing plants in nutrient-rich water
solutions rather than soil.

42. List the soil particles from largest in size to smallest (4):

43. What are the O & A horizons?

44. Four methods that reduce soil erosion & promote soil conservation are:
terracing, ______________________________, alley cropping, & ______-till.

45. The gradual accumulation of salts in the soil from irrigation water is
called salinization

46. Irrigation was that gradually raises the water table & prevents roots from
getting oxygen is called water logging

47. The greenhouse gas CO2 is emitted from fossil fuel use; the greenhouse
gas N2O is from inorganic fertilizers; CH4 is from cows belching.

48. What causes blue baby syndrome? Nitrates in drinking water

49. What did David Pimentel argue? Pesticide use has NOT increase crop
Yield/production --- industries dispute his findings

50. What is IPM? Integrated Pest Management, which uses biological
controls & agricultural practices like crop rotation to fend off pests

51. Sustainable culture mimics natural ecosystems. In Japan, what do small-
scale farmers use in their rice fields? How do these animals benefit the
farmer? Ducks they eat the weeds & insects --- and their poop is
fertilizer and their paddling oxidizes the water.

52. As Wealth has increased, so has the consumption of animal products.

What happens to available energy as we move up trophic levels?

Decreases/gets lost it would actually be more beneficial to eat lower
level consumers/producers


54. The fastest growing sector of US agriculture is Aquaculture


Most fisheries close to coasts have been impacted by human activities & have
been overfished (major problem worldwide).

56. What is bycatch? Nontargeted fish caught via fishing methods

57. How does bottom trawling affect the seafloor? It destroys the coral reefs
& the seafloor in general
58. How does gill netting catch fish? The fish go into the net then when they
put it in reverse their gills get stuck.

59. What is long lining? A long line with a lot of hooks to catch fish but also
catches nontargeted fish or turtles...(bycatch)

60. List 1 pro & 1 con of the blue revolution. PRO: less fossil fuel used for
boating and catching fish; PRO: A good/cheaper source of protein; PRO: It
helps eliminate overfishing/pressure on natural ecosystems; CON: GMO:
Frankenfish; monoculture; lack of biodiversity; a lot of waste

61. Compare extensive agriculture to intensive agriculture. Extensive: Less

control; more low in-put; whereas Intensive is very much controlled and


A rangeland provides food for grazing & browsing animals

without plowing & plants.


Pasture is plowed, planted, & harvested to provide forage for animals.

64. What is E. Coli? From the intestines in cattle from mainly

undercooked beef but can also develop from spinach/vegetables
exposed to wastes --- develops when cows are fed grain instead of

65. What is Salmonella? Most from chicks/eggs that are undercooked or

handled poorly

66. What is Campylobacter? From raw/undercooked poultry; contaminated



Nitrogen from fertilizer runoff can lead to eutrophication, which

causes excessive growth of algae.

68. What does purse-seining involve? Big wall of net that closes at the bottom

69. CORAL reefs are esp. at risk from overfishing 90% are threatened.


List 2 likely negative environmental impacts of the loss of coral reefs:

Loss of habitat used for hiding & food & breeding
Erosion of the sea floor
Lowers biodiversity

71. What are nonnative or alien species? Species that arrive from a total
different location --- are not native to the area. Examples: Cane Toad in
Australia; Kudzu in the US; Zebra mussels in the Great Lakes...

72. What is an example of this in Australia? Cane Toad J


The ballast water from shipping is the main source of nonnative

species travel in the marine ecosystem.

74. Currently, the worlds farmers grow enough grain to feed more than the
population demands, but people still go hungry due to lack of access &
poverty. Most of our feed (grain) goes to cattle.

75. Forestry involves the managements of forests, planting new trees,
controlling fires.

76. Forests/woodlands cover 1/3 or 31% of the global land surface.

77. Most of this area is known as CLOSED canopy, which means....that you cant
see the sky at ground level --- more than 20% ground coverage

78. The rest is open canopy, which means there is LESS than 20% ground


Deforestation is the conversion of forested areas to nonforested areas.

80. List 2 uses for deforested land: 1. Cropland conversion 2. To make

lumber/logging 3. Urban Sprawl 4. Grazeland/Rangeland 5. Mining

81. List 2 disadvantages to deforestation: 1. Loss of habitat 2. Increases CO2 3.
Increases/Accelerates soil erosion 3. Loss of biodiversity 4. Less oxygen
we die.
82. Maintain a stand with trees of all ages from seedling to mature is called
uneven-aged management


Even-age management is essentially the practice of tree plantations

(all the same age).


When specific trees are chosen & cut it is called Selective cutting


Cutting & removing only largest & best trees is High-grading



Removing all mature trees in an area within a limited time is Shelterwood

Majority of trees removed except for scattered, seed producing trees that are
used to regenerate is called seed-tree cutting.


When ALL the trees are removed @ the same time, its Clear Cutting

89. Clear-cutting a strip of trees that follows the land contour is called Strip

90. How long is the season for forest fires?

91. What weather conditions lend themselves to forest fires?

92. Who is Smokey the Bear?

93. Describe surface fires:

94. Fires that are extremely hot; burn entire trees; kills wildlife is called
____________________ fires.


Fires that occur underground in peat bogs are called ___________________________.





Why is it important not to suppress fires?

Describe the Cedar Fire of Cali.
How can fires be beneficial to nature?
The US Forest Service is concentrated on __________________________________.

100. Most of the land area on Earth is _________________________.

101. When formerly fertile land is degraded there is ___________ of biodiversity.

102. Deforestation, overgrazing, & bad irrigation practices contribute to


103. Forests are mainly divided into _________________________ & ___________________.

104. The richest biodiversity can be found in _____________________________ forests.

105. How long can a Redwood live? What 2 characteristics allow them to live
this long?

106. This act created the legal definition of wilderness in the US; it is called the
_______________________ Act of ____________.

107. Old-growth forests are made up of trees that are often ________________
__________________ years old & take @ least ______ years to regrow.

108. ____________________________ & __________________ are the major determinant of
forest type.

109. List 2 ecological services that forests provide:

110. The _______________ Protocol encourages the use of tree plantation to
reduce CO2 levels.

111. Why were forest fires so frequent in the 1930s?

112. Food Inc.: 80% of the beef market in the US is controlled by how many corps?

113. Food Inc.: Chickens have been bred to produce more white meat; what is the
consequence for the chicken?

114. Food Inc.: Although industrial food seems cheap, it is actually really expensive.
What does this statement mean?

115. Food Inc.: Why are monoculture fields more susceptible to pests/disease?

116. Food Inc.: Why arent GMOs labeled on foods in the US?

117. What is a trap crop?

118. Who wrote Silent Spring?

119. Who wrote the Population Bomb?

120. Whats US Presidents time in office is known as the Golden Age of


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