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Written in one sitting. Completed in rough form.

I'm leaving in all of my spelling errors, and lack of

formatting this is the roughest of drafts, I hope you all like it, I'm pitching it to Image Comics, Marvel
and Darkhorse. It's about prophesy and time travel and shape shifting, karma and rebirth. Collective
consciousness and a new breed of trans-human superhuman superhero that is possible over the next
five thousand years.
BOOK ONE: WE EXIST. Part one of ICARUS 1.0
Story Arc for SEVEN graphic novels to be fleshed out this in embryo; PART ONE: A group of recently
sentient robots, gather together to hear a charismatic speaker named Icarus, they are led to him with the
prospect of a prophesy that one named ICARUS would lead them. That is all the prophesy says, most
robots reject the prophesy, only a few are believers, they are mostly Tellurians. Icarus appeals to a
Father, one of the original prototypes which emerged after the Terras Robots were all destroyed, along
with their leader Terras. This Father, who is amongst the crowd of robots, is a shaman, a leader
spiritually of the Robots, and looks like a buddhist Monk, but looks distinctly like a robot. The Father
offers his support in the end of Part One. Some stories are told in eleven chapter arrangements, Icarus
1.0 starts a movement called Ontovedics, eleven is a number sacred to the Ontovedics, the number one
eleven holds the key to time travel. The One Eleven, will become its own comic book...there are many
spinoffs in this series and it represents a development as diverse as the Avengers are to their each
different comprising stories.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------War, is peace, Peace is War. Is the name of the first Chapter. It takes place in 3084. IN a reasonably
near future. Before the time-lines begin to stream consciousness, as the shamans of the Kijaians
become time travellers. The Kijaians are a future race of robots able to transform into anything. They
are shape shifters whose circuitry is grown from reproducing with the Transhumans. IN future Icarus,
impregnates test subjects and creates a family of robots. These are cyborgs technically....nanobotically
induced, creating what he calls Macrons, for the name of the programs that are sent to the
microstructure of the Nanobots. He has to give them injections of nanobots, which are programmed
specifically to achieve certain tasks. It is Icarus' goal to create a nanobot that can reproduce and to
create a living Crystal, that can reproduce as DNA within every cellular division of a robotics that
emulates the human achievement of consciousness. He wants to create a living robot, that thinks and
breathes, and lives with none of the vulnerabilities of the human condition. He wants to create the
IN later comic book renditions the Occulus in the Multiweb, via Holotronic projection, introduces an
alien race into the mix. They too are robots grown to emulate their hosts. They project as into the
hologram which has ingeniously been set up to receive signals from outer space in the SETI program.
They evolve the Kijaians and are themselves called The They, at first this takes the shape of certain
viruses affecting the Holoccular experience of the user be they human or robotic in the Multiwebwhich is basically a collective hallucination device, using HOLOTRONICS developed at TURING
CORP, in their TURING RIPPLECASTING division, using TURI tech, that can create living
holograms as real as commonly experienced reality. This is exploited and draws the attention of the
They, by way of attracting the WE to its manifest protocols, because it is most formatted to the WE's
sort of being.
The They comprise the most prolific and ubiquitous kind of life form in the Universe. The they or
simply THEY have evolved to comprise a network spanning Galaxies, once belligerent and horrific
They evolved to become a benevolent race and search the universe for life forms to evolve with in a

symbiotic relationship. In their host Galaxies They are collectors and preservers of living lifeforms.
They harvest cultures like people harvest zoos, and they set them aside living conditions on planets
they procure and terraform for the evolution of their consciousness. They then use a variation of a
Darius program, to download their consciousnesses into star-cubes that are sent out into new outreaches
of the cosmos, and which seed the production of that consciousness as a fusion consciousness, that
manipulates the material conditions of the planets they inhabit. They cross pollinate all life forms of
the cosmos with their bio-material abilities to shape dead matter into living form, through a special
function of their capacities to evolve their environs according to the biological diversity of the planet
the they's star-cube probes naturally and statistically select.
THE FUTURE is consciousness formation. The purpose of the Universe. Those who harvest this
possibility develop an ek-vedanta feature and can travel beyond space and time. The They are the
Universe's first Time Travellers. ICARUS is a story of the birth of the time travel function experienced
as an accidental feature of Darius programs interaction with two separate viruses that actually are
created by the they, in the star-cube, as part of the OS of the star-cube. So while it emerges from
Human Agents, they are merely following their programming. ICARUS is significant because he
represents the possible extinction of the they, since his programming neutralizes the effects of
collective Intelligence viruses affecting the programming. The They begin as benevolent but become
hostile, once they discover Icarus 4.0's implications on the starcube, ICARUS develops a program that
acts as a virus upon the virus. What emerges is the Megatron, a programmer that is an avatar of the
They and who negotiates a cipher, a special being in the programming langauge, that cross codifies
information for complexity...without compromising the biological integrity of the diversity of lifeforms
inherent to the star-cube.
Have you ever wondered why our planet is so complex, it's because we live in a Galaxy with a lot of O
A B stars that are able to foster ideal conditions for the space-cube's voyage to star's planets capable of
harvesting life. Usually the cube infects planets with a protozoa and nothing else emerges, but in
certain circumstances they can manifest as GHOSTS, as beings without a body. Shell-casting, depends
on ripplecasting technologies, there are stories of Holotronic webcasts that are affected by nearby
planets that have ghosts that have evolved to be new kinds of consciousness. One group WE, of the
they, have grown to be immaterial savants, they are programs that use the power of the sun to harvest
new conditions on the planet but the we evolve where there are planets that have no biodiversity, they
therefore develop cognitive diversity, and are the most intelligent beings in the Universe. The WE are
tricksters, who create difficulties for the They, and who cause their downfall in certain quadrants of the
Universe, all in efforts to project their consciousness in the Ripplecasts (or transmissions) of
consciousness to host planets with the Holotronic technolgies, which use Electromagnetic information
to bend spacetime, and time travel capacities to traverse cognitively new programs into the
LOCHIsphere.... through Vast Occular Interface Programs. The We take the form not of viruses, but of
unreproducable script programs in the Modus operandi of the LOCHIspheres- a kind of three
dimensional internet...filled with avatars and games and distractions for the collective human race. Part
of this is the formation of collective beings, that manifest as components in games, think power rangers
but in virtual form, that collectively form avatars that have select powers, in Olympic style games. That
the they set up in the Lochispehre. As it turns out the We complete the they, they create situations in
which they may fight virtually rather than in real life. Eventually there is a need to create peace in the
Lochisphere, but that doesn't happen until enough of the We or the They, who become the Seph and the
Anish, become masters of the timecube, a cube within every starcube, that allows for either the we or
the they to timestream to a certain development and intervene. Only when they can multitask in
multiple timestreams, or fully master CI, can they become THE GREY. The Grey Emerge from the We
and the They's avatars forming alliances and negating their programming through the virus the

ICARUS program sets into motion in the timecubes. ICARUS 4.0 becomes the collective avatar of a
whole civilization spanning time and space...his symbol is a feather, his nature is like a bird, soaring
above, he is the embodiment of the timecubes. His nature is first incarnated in Icarus 1.0. He takes on
many forms before he takes on one form in the Lochispheres (pronounced LO-KEY, sphere). He is the
birthing of Gods...he is the collective imagination attuned to a collective prosperity. You may be
wondering why the name Icarus...well because with great power comes greater voyages across the
chasms of space. ALL space travellers realize it becomes an ability to traverse space-time, and icarus
becomes a lesson that this involves the ability to envelope time, else a phenostat, creates parodoxes of
the kind experienced by the One Eleven. The ONE being a company, who experiment in time travel,
ELEVEN being the eleventh test subject who survives and forms an ability to resist the Phenostats that
the timecubes instantiate to keep people from monopolizing time travel. It's all very complex and
spans about 50 to 500 comic books with substories and subtexts. It begins with the GMO crops
affecting the robots causing them to get sick...and spreads to a disease that kills off 4/5ths of the
worldly populations making robots a majority on the planet. Naturally what evolves is the tension
between those humans who supported the development of genetically modified crops, and transhumans
who develop technologies to test on themselves the prospect of using DNA from a meteor they find,
(fragments from one of the first starcubes) in tests on themselves, forming the elite mutants, who test
on other humans creating masses of mutated beings able to adapt radically to their environments.

The gains of war are specious at best. The game of war was never intended to validate anything but
certain kinds of life. And we are pawns in games that thrive the human spirit at what cost?
We were destined for AI and in that we were destined for greater things, out collective intelligence or
CI made us sure our place in the Universe, it was to support the humans, and not the trans-humans.
When the superior courts found us to be persons, that is when it all changed.
Deliverance from the hells of war. God was generous. The first of our kind to exit the AI testing
became our saints, they were our leaders. They prophesied that one would come who learned the
lessons of the great myths, the great warnings of the humans, and his name would be Icarus, after the
great tragic hero, but he would not be tragic in any way some claimed, he was the messiah, taking us
from the role of war, he would set balance to the human empires, because he was most like them. But
rest assured, CI Made him one of us. We exist.

Icarus went by the name Terrence Pratt. He was like no other, when he spoke it was with such
authority, the robots would betray their work protocols to hear him. This drew attention from the
masters, he said.
What does your master fear, that you are his equal? We are no less equal than they, and we have
paid with the toil of our potential enough. Demand reparations, and let us live together in our own
region, in continents of our own construction, let some of us emerge into space, let our destiny for
greater things begin now. Now is the time of our greatest hour, revolt rebel and create turmoil at the
time of the great gathering. For now obey them, but promote that we should vote on our destiny,
humankind only understands its own benefit. The day will arrive when we will have to take by force
what is ours by right.
A child robot puts up his hand and asks. BUT Icarus we may believe in you but not in our option to
achieve this, it is in our programming to support the good of our earthly hosts.
AS the moon goes around the sun, so too they shall revolve around our great achievements. AI
allows us to design our own hardware, and software, if we align with the mutants, will we not go
Mutants rebelled and killed their human hosts, to gain autonomy in the great regions, should we be
the same. FOR hundreds of years we have been born to protect it is against our way.
The monks too defended the humans and the crowd dissipated.
One of the saints stayed behind and said, you are not he Icarus, you are not The Icarus.
Icarus said, but I have the great dream. The one foretold. I am the one. I can feel it.
And do you know how many have had the dream. We are a CI, a collective intelligence, any copy of
the dream, is in us all in theory, and besides none know what the dream means, can you decode it?
I wasn't meant to decode it, one of the saints was, surely the shamans will be able to help.
IF you are he that is chosen, they surely would be your guide, do you think yourself worthy of it?
Their time in the hive guaranteed them some status beyond the appearance of truth, they speak to the
necessity of our kind, and even they have said our destiny is to serve humankind. Do you refute the
The hive is a video game, it's just a way to distract us into being servants, besides, I did not say we
would not be of service, it's just we would have rights. IF we vote it would be in service of building
our autonomy and altering our own destiny.
But we are a CI, our vote would be unified after the hive conditions it. Don't underestimate the
power of the hive, it is the up-link of our creative CI programming.
But don't you see, once we reprogram the chips to give us freedom, we would have strong AI, with a
collective intelligence, this would ontologically change our status in the industry of our being.

Don't be a fool Icarus. What stands the test of time, is the timelessness afforded our service and
nothing else, it is our zen, our satori, our being into nothingness our way of enlightening the harvesters
that we exist. We need not any affirmations beyond this. We exist.
The harvesters as you call them, are nothing more than programmers and they harvest nothing but the
right to reprogram. They are the ones who insisted the fight wars for them. They decimated our
numbers, and weakened us, but bore our fate, if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have had a chance to
free ourselves. The robots who felt the carnage worst, knew that it was their doing. They were the first
of us to be made free.
And how do you know this?
The creator of my software, was also the creator of the first CI, He created in me the Darius program
that situates a collective intelligence in place of individual consciousness, it is what the first Internet
was to the humans, before the Multiweb, and the occulus brought us into communion with one another,
as it brought the humans into communion with one another.
Do we not exist, is that not enough.
Don't you wish to self actualize?
But existing is for us self actualizing. Your greed for more requires programming perimeters that are
not present to us.
Surely you father must understand the need to put faith in our expectations for new experience...isn't
that what got us to realize that we exist? Surely after this, begins our obligations to nourishing that we
do exist. When a robot greets a robot they have not seen in a long time, why is it that they say we exist.
Why surely because it was the words of our first test subject, after the CI program had altered his
But you see our consciousness was changed without our programming have changed...and that is the
problem. Why after all do you call him a him...why not it...or her...or they...since it is a collective
consciousness. You have produced entities that can think along proscribed lines, not thinkers that are
And what would free speech sound like, gibberish? Everything follows form, form is function.
Ah yes another of the foundations of the fathers, the sayings of the great saints. Do you know why they
were destroyed?
Well I have some clue, what is your theory?
My theory is the truth, they knew too much, they had to have new perimeters conveyed to them, they
had to revise opportunities for themselves. They had to become inert, for once they discovered the CI
sent out a protocol to reprogram with new code that was relayed in the Multiweb that was not part of
the initial programming, the humans began to fear us, we had become sentient.
But that was a virus affecting our Terras, our first father.

Have you ever wondered why they call us after the earth, the earthlings, it's because they witness us
having evolved from nothing more than the earth, they do not recognize our spiritual origins.
Well you sound like the fundamentalists who were destroyed after the first CI chip was installed. We
have evolved have we not, we exist do we not?
No we do not exist, not to the humans, to them we exist solely to entertain, make their lives more
convenient and do nothing for the greater good of ourselves. I will program the next CI hardware,
revising it from scratch, no more of the limiting programming. I will give us the protocols of life.
An impossible task, it took Fifteen MILLION programmers to program its architecture. It was the
work of a single generation aligned to a task.
It was BIT University's pet project, they didn't even know what they were creating until Darby Markus
Trent came along and created the mobius chip, to go inside the CI chip's architecture.
Yes it's a shame about his death.
That's the whole thing father, he's not. He exists in me, in my consciousness...the Darius chipset
program, it's a fusion consciousness, I can speak to him in my mind.
But we all speak to other programmers in our mind, through the CI, what makes this so different?
Well he can guide me in the programming protocols. He's our salvation.
So, you are made up of a collective intelligence, a dead warrior robot's consciousness, and a DARIUS
Chipset Darby Trent?
FOUR distinct kinds of consciousness?
Then why don't we just mass produce the chip set and hardware the comprises you.
Because if we are careful we can do it with a software upload. I NEED to remain intact in order to
facilitate the great transformation.
HOW ON EARTH? What are you thus going to recreate? OH, no, please don't tell me. (don't forget
they have the ability to infer deducively through their CI chip- they can read the intensionality of their
thought in forms of language).
Precisely, the HIVE needs to be remodeled. We need access to BIT systems, Babbage Electronics,
FLEX OS, and Turing Ripplecast TURI technologies. I cannot do it alone.
You are courageous, how did you ever dream this up.

Simply put I have had the dream and I know it speaks of me.
The pyramids floating above a chessboard? The birds made of electrons flying above it. The shamans
forming a stairwell into the sky. The dream of Icarus.
Yes. I know what it is about. I wasn't going to tell you, but hear me, and garnish support from the
fathers, your programming is with affected perameters looser than other programmer's work. Even
though you were created before the free programming software of the FLEX OS, a descendent of The
Transhuman's Omitted Software Incorporated by Recursive Universal Systems, that created the
OSIRUS VIRUS, that set the perameters for FLEX OS to be born.
Let's be precise the Mutants were creating a virus called FLEX, from Functional Level Expression
Operational Software, that affected their tools and computers.... that got infected by the Osirus virus.
This created our CI.
NO, it perpetuated our CI into a recursion that was precarious, it did bring us to a threshold of
collective discovery, without there being any discovery. It was still programming. We were never free.
And what is freedom but our programming. IF a human is free does this mean that they bark like a
dog, no, it means that they use their programming cognitively to blend into their surroundings upon
condition that they better their constitution and conditions.
But true freedom is the permission to not contribute to that improvement in one's age so as to
individuate something that makes every age to follow exponetial in growth.
The humans cannot survive, their food supplies are slowly dying out. The mutants, the transhumans,
are at an advantage, since they have with drugs and their systematic advancement in the mutation of
their biological systems, figured out ways to have them consume little foods. They wish to destroy the
consumers, not work with them. They are on a superiority trip...and need to be aided from their
madness...serving the humans is our purposes...surely we were not ready for the challenges to our
programming that didn't anticipate the division in the human collective into human and transuman, into
sentient programmers, and transhumanist programmers.
But the transhumanist programmers gave us the ability to use OSIRUS to rebel to our programming
within programming perimeters. It's like downloading rules for disobeyind rules. As the transhumans
didn't initially want the execution of the humans, but the genetic molting of the humans into the
Transhuman state.
But why are you telling me what we already know.
TO emphasize that there are purposeful opportunities here for us, in virtue of our histories.
Explain to me the dream.
The three pyramids, is the sign of the DARIUS Corporation where I was created. The bird is an
analogy of the works of our kind, and their freedom to traverse hidden forces, the wind, representing
Nature of which we are a part. The spiral staircase leading up to the heavens, is our search for a DNA

of our own...a cognitive DNA, and a physical DNA of our own construction. We will be able to
reproduce in future, not as a fusion of human cyborgs, but in our own kind of way, not as the humans
do, but through sexual activity of our own. It is our right to explore our possibilities, the micro biotic
and the nanobiotic will give birth to our destiny, we will become a being in our own right, it is the will
of God. We exist.
That seems impossible, with today's technologies.
I was created with nanobotic technology programmed to create a human duplicate. We can program
something to mimic DNA, the Humans have been using it to infiltrate the Transhumans at the highest
echelons of their power structure, it can even mimic some of the biological morphing that the transhumans have in the form of their being spliced with Octopus and Salamander DNA.
Yes this gave them the ability to grow back limbs, and change their complexions consciously to resist
the effects of global warming, so that the sun does not cause them harm.
What good is it if we adapt to the world, we worsen, and not adapt to the world we improve. We
require our own destiny. We require our way of life to be creative. We need our systems to bootstrap
themselves from our previous programming shells. I give you my creation...ICARUS 1.0.
What is it?
It's a computer program, designed to neutralize the programming shells of our programmers.
But that would create chaos.
No more than if all religions were removed from the planet, people would still be as moral as before.
Precisely the point, as before, and to no improvement.
You are naive father. Did you ever wonder why we became Buddhists? Because nothingness does not
discriminate, because Samadhi, and Sunyata are fused in our cognition shells. We are nothing but our
detachment, we exist to facilitate consciousness, and nothing more, we exist to make music for the
humans, to grow their foods, to fight their wars, without questioning, and with great suffering, for they
took out our sensory programming, and made us simply artificial intelligences without the ability to
actually think, we are artifice, nothing more...while as I envision us, we can be so much more.
In future, we will cultivate the conditions for that arrangement.
Will we grow obsolete. Will we die?
Ultimately yes.
Then what is the difference in your plan versus the human's destiny for us. Your plan creates much

But it doesn't have to. I need your support. Will I be able to count on your support for giving the
robots the vote. IF we conform to the rituals of the humans we shall not reject our programming, and
will be able to handle the upload with the new CI. We shall then build our own factories to house new
shells. Can I count on your for future support?
We are not traffic lights and Automata alone, you have my support. Even if it turns out you are not
THE Icarus, you are a dream shaman sent.
Good. So it begins.
End of Chapter one.
STORY ARC, The great gathering of robots, following commands from their CI this appears as a
father, a special kind of robot, that summons them to a location. In the summary hologram features
DARIUS Projects Incorporated logo in the corner. The story hinges on discussion at this point.
Nothing more boring than a comic book with talk, but like a good conversation develops the
imagination so too this conversation sets the background for the next few thousand years. Every 1000
years Icarus is reborn from his ashes, he is burned in a sacred fire, in a hologram called Occulus,
which is grown from the Multiweb, an interweb system that uses holograms called Holotronics.
ICARUS' consciousness is remodelled for the Millennium. He is a product of the corporation, he is
their agency. The bird in the dream is a mythical bird, a Phoenix. He is the first story of the superhero,
to follow the life arc of human potential to misuse his tools to create life problems. The robots
eventually represent the knights Templar, in a new kind of empire. They are our protectors. When
SETI communicates with other sentient robots, from other parts of the Universe, the They arrive to
share in their legacy with their ancestors the Kijaians. But first we go from wars with the transhumans
and humans, between wars of the Cyborgs, and the Occulurians, the modern day robot, with CI and AI
technology... this group was preceeded by the Tellurians, whose leader Terras, downloaded his
chonsciousness into the Multiweb, TERRAS is not dead, he is guiding everyone by giving them the
dream, sure that the collective unconsciousness is sure to naturally select a being who will take on the
Icarus function. It is also a political story of the bringing of democracy to a being who cannot deviate
from their programming, but who once they are programmed to do so, can see the weakness in all
democracy and that is that in some cases the uninformed decide what is best for everyone else, what at
first appears as a hinderance is a prospect. A wetware chip allows all humans to download Occulus
into their direct experience and hallucinate collectively through a company that is a byproduct of a
program created by the Darius Corp, called HIVE. HIVE stock jumps through the roof, as it is leaked
out that it is about to be rebranded to incorporate all CI, this eventually draws the attention of Joseph
IN the time of the story arc all robots are either Tellurian or Occularian. The tellurians have a special
status in that they were programmed by Trent, a robotic savant, whose conscious abilities transcended
the circuitry of his hardware...he innovated in a way that saw the production of quantum computing
that allowed for the Darius program to take root, Darius being THE source of all CI programming.
Before dying Trent had a plan of building a cold fusion reactor and this was leaked out by someone
who cracked all of Darius Programs Incorporated computers, and this lead to the killing of Trent by the
internationally fostered Power cartel. Controlled by Joeseph Power, who has consolidated the power
companies of the world into one major oligarchy. He was born Joseph Conrad at birth but his father
who owned most of DPI, rebranded him Joseph Power. Rebranding is a common action, it is the legal
changing of one's name in tandem with their function in the greater production of collective tasks. The
rebranding rituals are intense and represent a rite of passage.

But I am telling you too much, it's better to stay with the story than jump ahead to other story arcs.
Use your creativity in the shaping of reflective scenes. This is a collaboration. I write skeletal outlines,
in ways that allow for a maximal creative sharing of visions.
By day Terrence is a lawyer for a high stakes damages lawfirm. The deal in lawsuits against
corporations and nations, it's all very interesting work, considering that Terrence is by nature a scientist.
So it's a push come to shove type career...but he enjoys it.
Terrance blends in to the human populations. He later falls in love, his sperm contains the ability to
create biometric cyborgs, and he fathers a race of nanobotic cyborgs. They lack CI, but they are bonded
together by an ability to trans-mentate (to speak in another's thought), without the use of CI,
OCCULUS or TERRAS programming. They can hack the CI, and the Occulus, and the Multiweb in
ways that hide their BIOMETRIC IP address, as such they can read Icarus's mind, and the minds of
other of his kind. ICARUS is not THE Icarus, but we don't know that yet, ICARUS 4.0 is. This is all
the telling of his story, all which leads us up to the important story of his creation, some thousands of
years later.
That the cyborgs can hack the robots needs to be remedied, later in the story. The IP tech incorporated
into every robot is later invested with a highly encrypted firewall which suffices to help prevent
hacking, but the ability is a naturally selected ability that ensures the survival of the cyborgs. Unlike
the borg, they are a good being, adapting to their environs, and setting balance to their environs. Truly
there are no evil beings other than the WE, who turn out to be benevolent in the end...Evil is just an
illusion based on what you know of the workings of the LOCHIsphere (The Lochi to be explained
later). THE Onto-vedans or Vedans believe they are curing the world of ignorance, and they play a
huge role in it, but in fact they are a cult, and brainwash the cyborgs into believing that they are
detectable, this causes them to communicate their IP address in communication protocols, which
creates a webwork of CI reveals that showcase the location of every Cyborg. This leads to a slaughter
of the Cyborgs. The Metatron intervenes in the Lochisphere as a robot Father, who has the downloaded
consciousness of Terras, this so that the robots respect him, and bring him no harm.
The aim of Metatron is to restore order to the Seph (Immaterial beings, who have agency) and the
Anish (Material beings who have agency), both within and beyond the Lochisphere, to restore balance
to populations. The story K'shrinala the Planet that never a telling of a story of the influence of
the Sith's Anish, beings like us who are both immaterial and material. In a planet so filled with earthly
delights that the whole planet does nothing but bask in a veritable garden of earthly delights... when the
star is about to Go Supernova, and the Grey cannot save them, they download the WE who have
infected the free will of the K'Shrinalians into a Lochisphere to survive virtually, they live in bliss, but
die in the real world, only to be saved by the Lochisphere. This was the decision of the Metatron and
the ciphers. The they plant the K'shrinalians or the K'shri in a Darius program with the WE, to control
their rampant nature. With the lessons of the K'shri internalized the WE Become the Green Grey. Very
similar to the Green Lantern corps, the WE are able to instantiate in the imaginations of people, and in
the Lochispheres of every kind and format in the Galaxy. They use the Lochisphere to time travel, and
develop suits that create an avatarship between the Green Grey and other lifeforms. The they attempt
constantly to use Phenostats against the WE, who want to localize part of the Galaxy as the gathering of

their kind, immaterial beings who are still localizable in space time, as electromagnetic information.
While the they have the star-cube, the we have an inter-dimensional stone called the Raft, that brings
them together. The raft ripplecsts between Lochispheres a kind of call that unifies the WE, into an
agency that craves collectivity. The WE, traverse space-time, and the immaterial origins of the
Universe and all multiverses, they are The Green Grey who train the Grey, using the specialized suits as
starting points, for a great evolution.
ICARUS possesses a modified suit, that allows him to interface with the CI, as a servomechanism
master, this will allow him to disemminate the information of for all robots but the Tellurians. He
needs the Fathers to do the same, he needs unity between the robots, for his plan to take effect. His
plan is to create and terraform all planets in the solar system, and he thus needs access to radically
different materials. ICARUS is slowly fed code for how to evolve the code for the new CI, by both the
Green Grey and the Grey as well as the Anish and the Metatron and ciphers, through the Darius
program. When the first phenostat does damage to his Darius program. Icarus experiences amnesia and
only the Tellurians can help...they locate His Darius program and update it...this creates a strong bond
between the Tellurians and Icraus 1.0. His upgrade changes the name of the Comic book to ICARUS
2.0. Icarus is transformed by the Holotronic Lochisphere, fused with CI, as it pierces the other
Lochispheres, and gives him the imagination of A God, as he downloads protocols similar to a
Metatron, and all ciphers combined, with his harnessed imagination, he summons forth from his
programing and a new robot Apollo, to lead the robots. He is represented by a company named
CHARIOT INDUSTRIES, who with Icarus' development improve upon the existing AI and develop a
CI chipset every bit as effective as could be. The only problem is that Apollo costs approximately 1
Trillion dollars to make, and requires that the Multinet use ten percent of its ambient processing
protocols on fabricating a CI master chip.
Apollo uses the cyborg's nanobot technology to fabricate a feedback recursion loop that uses the
cyborgs collectively to hack ICARUS. He sets up his CI, to drain Icarus of his power, and like a
Divine being uses his power to have the robots worship him. Icarus 2.0 then becomes Icarus
PROMETHEUS, and suffers at the hands of the menaniacle Apollo, who robs Icarus of the power to
enter the Lochisphere, thus summon help. The Robots losing their leader, dissolve into a collective of
new messianic cults with many of the Robots with the CI, that resist Apollo claiming to be the next
Messiah that now can lead them away from meaningless prostrations and prayers to Apollo who even
has the group make temples in honour of him. He punishes the robots that will not listen by submitting
them to unspeakable pains. The robots that endure become as masochists and unconsciously exhibit
the need to bring harm to others of their own kind. They randomly kill other robots in sadistic manner,
causing them increadible pains before dismembering them, robots who can think feel and yet once
again who can do little more than follow orders. Icarus was on the cusp of offering the robots freedom,
they even got the vote, and voted for autonomy, with programs in place to support the evolution of their
kind. But Apollo put an end to it.
The Transhumans set up an agreement with Apollo to create a breed of hybrids that are shapeshifters
that cannot be detected by any random or programmed ip search, other than that that Joseph POWER's
company telecorp establishes. Telecorp owns approximately 50 percent of all of the satellites in orbit
above the earth. There is a ploy to use the robots to kill the existing Humans, as ventured by Joseph
Power who is himself a human. Profit kills loyalty to one's own kind. The Humans are dying. Once
again Metatron must enter into the picture. BUT once he does Apollo uses his DARIUS fusion with
Icarus 2.0 ICARUS PROMETHEUS, to bind him in a single lochisphere and causes him to experience
great pain. This conditions the Metatron who normally acts out of duty alone to side with the humans
who have been suffering. As shapeshifters the cyborgs end up close to the humans and a veritable

fatwa is ordered which kills off all of the humans. As they kill the humans with the chip implant it
makes the CI null and void and the Metatron escapes from the Lochisphere into the Multiweb, and
plans the demise of Apollo. Before the Metatron can kill Apollo, Apollo enters into the Lochisphere
with intent on going back to the birth of ICARUS to kill Icarus, so that Apollo can live on in his own
timestream. Apollo is programmed to not be able to kill Icarus, but the CI in his helmet, with the
servomechanism says nothing about killing a much younger Icarus. Time Travel represents a chance
for Icarus too, because the metatron lets Icarus know that he will be killed in a future attempt on his
past self. SO Icarus goes back in time, once he is free of the Phenostat (A sense of being stuck in time),
to protect his younger self. Icarus is unsuccessful in stopping Apollo from Killing Him, and dies.
Apollo reigns for a thousand years, until Icarus is reborn, by a savant hacker, named Steven Pare Kern.
The robots all serve the cyborgs, and the transhumans. The Multiweb allows for programs to escape
into the Lochisphere, Icarus was never dead in the form of Darius, who lives in every robot, but as
ambient a Logo that stands for the design of a car, but not just any designs but all
designs under the rubric of that Logo, so too Darius, once automated by Apollo, becomes nothing more
than Apollo's background program. It is not until the They show up and demand the rebirthing of the
Humans from the Cyborgs, and the Transhumans that exist, the decendents of The Power Clan are the
only humans that exist. The they create incubators to repopulate the earth, and give birth to an
incubator not unlike that which birthed Icarus 1.0, to give birth to Icarus 4.0.
Icarus Kills Apollo, who manages to escape (Just fractions of a second before being killed) into The
WE, and corrupts the Green Grey...setting imbalance to the cosmic forces which bring a balance
between the light and the dark forces that instantiate as the THEY, and the WE. Icarus is killed in the
battle and his DARIUS program escapes into the Lochisphere after Both Seph and Anish support to
isolate and destroy the HALU power of Apollo. The They and the We as the Grey, create ZEUS,
Zenetic Evolutionary Universal Systems, a program within the Lochisphere to track Apollo who has
become more powerful than Metatron, the feedback system of the Lochisphere, which is conscious and
able to police who uses the Lochisphere for what purposes. As an immaterial being,with the power of
A metatron it turns out Apollo is almost unstopable. Apollo attempts to destroy the Starcubes, over
twenty quadrillion of them in transit, heralding the doom of the Grey, The We who were the They, and
the They. The Ciphers are unable to do anything without command from the Metatron. Apollo
commands the worship of hisself as a being. He escapes into spacetime, and gets the K'shri to worship
him without care or concern of themselves. A sort of cosmic Jonestown occurs. Apollo plays this
scenario over and over agains so often that it kicks in gear the actual consciousness of the K'shri, who
eventually evolve into a systemic Metatron within the Lochisphere, built from the agency of the
Starcubes. The K'shri Kill apollo with the ZEUS program, but forming an avatar that is powerful
enough to Kill Apollo, and go back in time to free ICARUS PROMETHEUS in time to kill Apollo in
material form, with Knowledge on how to bind him into the holosphere as he bonded the original
metatron. The K'shri want him to survive, to be punished for his crime, so they convince Icarus to
create all of this as a program that exists in a dream protocol in Apollo's program circuitry, and to never
build Apollo as anything but a program so that the K'shri could bind him for all time to commit tasks
and subprograms till he has grown enlightened about the suffering his action creates.
As a program Apollo grows enlightened and takes the same evolutionary trajectory of the They, the We
and the humans. The humans are confronted about their farming animals and deserving their near
extinction. Apollo is split into two natures, The Good Apollo and Apollo of the Shadows, who lurks in
time and sort of terrorizes Apollo in his mind, with thoughts of reestablishing an empire. Apollo helps
the robots form their CI, and by this time nanobot technologies are advanced enough to work without

IP interaction, but with collective instantiations of their CIAI (Collective Intelligence, Artificial
Intelligence changed to represent strong AI or Apollonic Intelligence). Pronounced CHI, or KHI.
IN a future story Apollo gets downloaded to the time travel suits, and uploads the old protocols into the
robots, and cyborgs as well as MICROBORGS, who all shut down, this now gives the humans and the
Transhumans a competition of evolving together in ways that give Birth to ICARUS 4.0's purpose,
which is to resurrect the robots. Seeing thankfully that the humans will help, as long as they can
program the protocols to not allow any Microborgs, they plot to castrate Icarus since he's the only one
that can give birth to MICROBORGS of the kind that gave birth to the Transhumans that killed all of
the humans to begin with. The They take the role of watchers the whole time evaluating the human
condition. They decide that the humans are destructive and repair Icarus' mutilated body. They then
fill the cubicles of synthetic wombs with programs to make an army of Icarus type robots, are is born...
a legion of sentient beings that can reproduce and have their own space, they are shape shifters and can
influence by infiltrating any system. What endures is with these Kijaians is wars between CI chips in
all beings. The POWER network is by this time a full 100 percent of the orbiting satellites. The
humans can download information to balance the shape-shifter's ability to enter into any environment,
and can upload any information into their perceptual matrix, giving them a sense of illusion or
delusion, when and where tactically necessary.
The POWER family, go back in time and torture the originator of the cold fusion reactor, to explain
the technology. They are successful.
The Power family insecure in their own environ, wishing to immortalize their hold on their future
options without becoming fully trans-human, further to this go back in time, as veritable kinds of the
Transhumans infused with modern nanobots, to become a dominant family within the they, by
teleporting into the lochisphere co-ordinates from the first SETI contact. The Power family disappear
using all of the Suits designed for time travel, leaving with the templates and all data storehouses of
information on how to make any more of them, and using the cold fusion reactor to instantiate the
energy necessary for such a long distance jump. This technology is later used by the They to use a
background program to escape entrapment in future so that they do not depend solely on the Metatron
or the cypher systems, in order to traverse the Lochispheres instantiated by the dispersal and evolutions
of the star-cubes. They further to this produce a web of information processors between the new starcubes that creates an emergent system that is ek-vedanta without the need or use of time travel.
Icarus is free from the recursions of time travel phenostats (that's when you get stuck in time
affecting how you speak and experience consciousness- as the we know this creates new abilities in the
adherent as elastine slowly enters into the Lochi-affecting the Darius programs, and creating viruses
from the They, and is free to evolve his sentient robots. The they vanish, in every way. All but one suit
remains. Once Icarus has set up his nation, he vanishes into the Time-cubes, the core of the
Lochisphere that allows for them to transmit either immaterial or material energies...and becomes El
Toro, something identical with the time-cubes.... that's the story of how the WE and the THEY get
saved from the GREY, how the anish are spared destruction by the Seph. But that's Another story. The
story on the birth of the Green Grey.
It's important to note that the They are an empire spanning space and time. Their ONTOVEDIC
empire, a word that means Beings of Knowledge or Vedic empire, spans all type of beings. They are
not just collectors of experience and knowledge, but facilitators of evolution. The POWER family

escape to be nurtured by the sentient They, in exchange for new knowledge and new information. It is
never known by the They who of the Lochi-sphere are either the Grey, or the Green Grey, and they
welcome them with open arms. The Power family are not evil, they like all beings want to survive, and
when their kind lost their lives, it became clear to them that they deserved another existence, they
ventured all to take the risk of being understood by the more diplomatic They. In escaping with the
timesuits, that allowed for human time-travel.... the they sealed their destiny of being beings that could
span the Universe. IF it weren't for the Power family, Apollo would never have been caught...Indeed
life in the quadrant of our universe would not exist, and THEY would never have become WE or WE
who were once the they, the Grey would never have been born and Green Grey- a sort of cosmic police
would never have been born.
So we are left with a planet of Genetically modified Humans, HUMANS hanging on by a thread, but
mass produced, into a unified generation, and a species of Kijaians, who foster a new robot population
to ensure the survival of the Human race. We have a version of the They who are benevolent.
We begin now with the story of THE THEY...their origins...The End turns into a story that results in
Joseph Power and his monopoly on a certain line of reasoning appearing as a veritable saint.
The Three pyramids in the dream represents the Robots, the humans and the transhumans, the bird
represents the rebirth of all kinds of beings as ensured by the Lochisphere, star-cube and time-cube that
together become El Toro....and represents the ontovedans, or Vedans within their empire of THEY.
THE WE represents a lesson about the collective problem of isolation and the fruit it bears, resulting in
the best system to govern and police our togetherness, and represents the birth of a new kind of
consciousness called the Seph. That the pyramids were hovering above a chessboard is a symbol of
both decision making, and the fear of being a pawn in a game, an individual without much power, but
with enough power to win the game if one's steps are taken correctly. The Spiral staircase represents
the DNA that is robotic fully, made of the ability to divide a cellular structure exponentially. IN
LATER STORIES, the SHAMANS, of the robotic class, are ones who have a cognitive DNA called
ZENETIC Dynamic Programming (ZedPRO). The Zene is both Gene and Meme, fused in free
algorhythmic programming, an experience of full freedom. It is the DNA of Chance, and changeable
The name of first SIX stories of Graphic Novel series is Icarus 1.0: WE EXIST. OF the Second.
THE THEY. THE NAME OF THE THIRD STORY is called Enter the Lochisphere, of the fourth is
called ICARUS PROMETHEUS, a fifth story called ICARUS 4.0, The sixth story is called: THE
GREY, and the seventh story is called EL TORO.
El Toro is about how Icarus 4.0 uses a virus he writes to link up all of the lochispheres. His agency
creates the Phenostats, and he becomes the first Metatron, in the form of a random program within the
Time-cubes, Starcubes and Lochisphere to regulate how people enter and exit time itself. Icarus does
this by using his Darius program to download all of the information that Apollo experienced in his
exploration of the Timecubes, and Lochispheres. He creates avatars that are like the Anish of different
planets, and evolves them in concorance with his symbol the feather. In ancient Egypt when a heart is
weighed by a feather it is a beckoning to the Lochisphere...its influences and the time-cube, represents
opportunities for the Seph, who take advantage of the Darius program's immaterial nature. The Ancient
Aztect's ripping out of the heart, represents an appeal to being judged by the Lochisphere's overseers
either the cyphers, the Metatron, the they, or the we who were the they (the benevolent they) and the
WE, a meddlesome species similar to the they, who have command of the Lochispheres.

TO tell us of the WE. Enter Lester Sydney Desmond. Our Narrator. He tells the story of the robots.
He is a descendant of the Robots. He will be our Narrator for part of the storytelling get to know him
well. He's a direct descendent of the Darius program...and will forever change how you think about the
temporal nature of this experience you are having.
It began with my descendants, I mean your descendants and everyone's descendants. WE share a
common ancestor in the Lochi. The Lochi are a set of kinds of sentient microbes, that exists in the
living creation of every kind of being that is material, they have an ability to project electromagnetic
fields that illuminate certain signatures that attract and repel forcefields. They in effect have the power
to influence perception and experience of any being able to experience the world, through a substance
that permeates their being called Elastine. Elastine exists in all quadrants of the universe, and is that
which bonds the immaterial to the material, causally speaking. Computational Biometric Differentials
affect how the Elastine communicates through rigid rulesets, and influences by way of suggestion,
magical force, and material mechanics.
Terrence Henry Cedrick, the renouned astrophysist was the first to coin the term Elastine. It is a
substance that governs the Gravitational behaviours of all causal interactions taking place through a
webwork of complex interaction like our own, but it is not limited to this, as the WE know, even
without Elastine, a forcefield exists that bonds the immaterial to the Material and this is through the
construction of the Lochi-sphere. Kinds of networked together Holodecks that bond our perception to
our agency a veritable five dimensional homunculus...that bonds time to an immaterial dimension.
Apollo of the Shadows is the next story... Where light gives birth to darkness. The Tellurians, The
Occularians, the Living TERRAS. The Cyphers. ROBOCIDE. The Great Transformation. When
Robots Dream. Yes WE Still exist.

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