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Week Four Assignment

Brian Stracner
Capella University

Client Demographic Data:

Name: George MacGillacutti
Age: 68
Gender: Male
Social-Cultural Information (Race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.): White, Ittalian,
Catholic, Straight.
Current Employment: Currently Employed as a Proctologist.
Educational Background: George currently holds a nursing degree, with a special focus on proctology
Military Background: George was an Airborne Ranger in the Vietnam War.
Family History:
Who was in family of origin?
Georges family originally consisted of only him and his mother.
Describe family environment in childhood/adolescence:
Georges mom was gone most of his life working, hanging out at the bars, or drinking alone in her
room. Georges dad was addicted to methamphetamine, and used to hide away from the family to do
drugs and watch pornography.
Special circumstances or events in childhood/adolescents:
At a very young age George was exposed to pornography through his father. His father gave him
pornography, so that he would learn about sexuality and manhood.
Immediate Family:
Marital/partnership status:
George is seemingly happily married, except for one detail. Georges pornography obsession has
impacted the sexual relationship between him and his wife.

Intimate Relationships:
George is currently only in an intimate relationship with his wife. However, he states that he has paid
for sex a couple of times in the past. He further explains that this was before he was with his wife.
Relevant Relationship History:
George states that he only had a couple of girlfriends before he was married to his wife, but he did
sleep around in a few no-strings attached situations between relationships.
Children (ages and where they are currently living)
George has a daughter who currently resides in Chowchilla prison for women. He says
she has a hard time living a normal life. He says that she is in prison for attempting to trade a controlled
substance for sex. George said he wishes that his daughter would not prostitute herself for drugs, but
that they never talk about her issues. Even so, George supports her when she is out of prison, but he
doesn't let her bring methamphetamine or her Johns to his home.
Current Living Situation and Environment
3 bed on bath home/owns
Who is living in current household?
Currently only him and his wife live in the home, but sometimes the daughter stays there also.
Social Connections
George is active in the Catholic Church, and does a lot of public service on top of his professional and
private life.
Financial Situational
George works at the local hospital and makes around $100,000 a year. He owns his home and car, and
is not an any serious debt. He spends a lot of money on monthly online pornography memberships, and
online sex partner search sites. George states that his wife likes to gamble, and she spends a lot of her
money on the tables. George states that his wife is a dental hygienist at small office downtown, and she
makes around $50,000 a year. George further states that his daughter costs them a lot of money in legal
fees, and missing items.
Other circumstances: legal, transportation, etc.
George states that he enjoys riding his bike to work on days that has weather permitting outdoor
Personal History:

Major Life Events:

First given a pornography magazine by father when George was a pre-teen. Georges first time having
sex was when he was 14 years old. Georges first real girlfriend was at the age of 15. He states that his
first threesome with two bisexual women was when he was 16. Georges first encounter with
homosexual exploration occurred in his 20's, when we was involved with a swinger couple. The first
time George used meth was when he was about 14, and he first smoked marijuana when we was 12.
George continued to smoke pot and do meth until he got busted in his 30's. In his 30's his daughter was
already 10 years old, and had been taken from his custody by Child Protective Services.
History of Trauma:
George only states that there have been two incidents of major trauma. George mentioned a
sadomasochistic homosexual experience which caused an anal fissure, this eventually let him to have a
surgery to repair the damage. Before he was busted for possession of a controlled substance, George
almost was killed in a drug deal mishap. George states that he used to cut his drugs, so he could get a
little for free. Apparently he cut the buyers drugs too much, and they put a hit out on George, which has
since been resolved.
Physical/Medical History
George has a medical history having of herpes simplex 1 on his genitalia. George also complains about
ongoing hemorrhoids. George is about 80 pounds overweight for his body mass index. George regular
smokes, cigarettes, and drinks occasionally. George says that he no longer uses illegal drugs.
Current physical/medical state
George seems to be in good overall shape. Seems to dismiss his porn obsession as normal. George has
not had a herpes breakout for about 2 years. Doctor would like him to stop smoking due to George's
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). George suffers from neuropathy in the lower legs.
Use of medications
George is on prescriptions for herpes simplex 1, COPD, and neuropathy. The medication he takes for
herpes is to manage the frequency of breakouts. The medication he takes for COPD sometimes
involves an occasional steroid, an regular inhaler, and oxygen at night. The doctor has prescribes
nicotine patches, but George does not regularly use them. George is on morphine and soma to manage
the pain associated with the lower leg neuropathy.
Substance Abuse/Addiction History and Current Situation:
George has been involved with some sort of a substance abuse since he was a preteen. Currently he still
uses prescription narcotics, cigarettes, and alcohol. George also shows strong signs of pornography
Emotional/Psychiatric History:
Previous psychological issues (depression, anxiety, etc.)

George was involved in a drug treatment program when he was 31. After he got off of drugs he became
more interested in pornography. He states that there have been many times in his past when he felt
Previous therapy; hospitalizations:
George was in a residential drug treatment facility when he was 31. After the residential treatment
program, George continued to work with an outpatient counselor. The treatment program lasted 18
months including non-residential status.
Family History of mental/psychological issues:
Georges father was in WWII, and came home to America with a trauma currently recognized as Post
Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Current Symptoms:
Georges current symptoms include an obsession with pornography, erectile disfunction, and
communication and sexual issues within the marriage.
Other Information
George seems to be in a strong state of denial that his obsession with pornography is a problem.
However, he states that he will try anything if it means he will be abel to maintain an erection again.
Possible Consultations/Referrals Needed:
It is possible that George and his wife would benefit from Marriage and Family Therapy, so a referral
to a MFT may be beneficiary. It will be important for George to follow up with his primary care
physician about using non-narcotic medications for his pain management. George may need the help of
a drug counselor, and a smoking cessation program. George may need to be consulted by a sex
therapist to help him explore more about what is going on with his erectile disfunction and
pornography obsession. George may also need to see a counselor for depression.
Mini Mental Status Exam of Other Assessment Instruments Administered:
Mini Mental Status Exam or Other Assessment Instruments Administered:
Assessments to be administered in this case include the Brief Symptom Inventory 18 (BSI 18), Cyber
Pornography Use Inventory (CPUI), and the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Instrument-3 (SASSI3). These three assessments showed depression, an over consumption of pornography, and a substance
abuse issue.

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