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amniotomy: artificial rupture of the amniotic sac.

done to stimulate or enhance

contractions, stimulates prostaglandin secretion
amniotomy complications: prolapse of the umbilical cord, infection and abruptio
cephalopelvic disproportion: inability of the fetus to fit through the pelvis
chignon: circular swelling on the neonates head caused by vacuum extractor
chorioamnionitis: infection of the amniotic sac
dystocia: difficult labor
hydramnios: excessive amniotic fluid
laminaria: substance that swells within the cervix, dilating it slightly
macrosomia: large body size, weighs more than 8.8lbs
induction: is the artificial initiation of labor before spontaneous labor has begun
augmentation: is the stimulation of labor that has already begun
Benefit of Augmentation: usually requires less total oxytocin than induction, uterus is
more sensitive to the drug when labor has already begun
what softens the cervix? prostaglandins
what stimulates labor contractions? oxytocin
Oxytocin induction and the augmentation of labor: used to initiate or stimulate
contractions, most commonly used method
what inhibits uterine contractions? tocolytics
PROM: is rupture of membranes at term a hour or less before labor
PPROM: is rupture of the membranes before term without uterine contractions
uterine rupture incomplete: uterus tears into a nearby structure
uterine rupture dehiscence: separation of an old uterine scar
aminoinfusion: injection of warmed sterile saline or lactated ringers solution into the
uterus via IUPC (intra uterine pressure catheter)
oligohydramnios: lower than normal amount of amniotic fluid
if under 36 weeks report a fever of: 100
if full-term report a fever of: 100.4

what are some indications for labor induction?: gestational hypertension, infection within
the uterus, and placental insufficiency.
laminaria: is an alternative to cervical ripening by swelling inside the cervix
what is used to stop uterine contractions?: potassium
nipple stimulation of labor causes: the pituitary glad to secrete natural oxytocin
walking helps eases pressure of the fetus on the mothers back, and adds gravity to the
downward force of contraction.
version: is a method of changing the fetal presentation, usually from breech or oblique to
episiotomy: controlled surgical enlargement of the vaginal opening during birth

perineal lacerations first degree: superficial vaginal mucosa or perineal ski

perineal lacerations second degree: involves vaginal mucosa, perineal skin and
deeper tissues of the perineum
perineal lacerations third degree: same as second degree, plus involves sphincter,
gets nothing in rectum
perineal lacerations fourth degree: extends through the anal sphincter into the
rectal mucosa, gets nothing in rectum

after incision you want to check the fundus for firmness, height, and midline by? walking
fingers from the side of the uterus to the midline
soft tissue obstruction is usually cause by a full bladder
most favorable bony pelvis for a vaginal birth is: gynecoid pelvis
precipitate birth: a birth that is completed in less than 3 hours
preterm labor occurs when? after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks gestation
maternal symptoms of preterm labor are: UTIs, dehydration, a change in vaginal
magnesium sulfate: stops premature contractions. smooth muscle relaxer
uterine inversion: uterus turns inside out out after delivery of the fetus
fetal heart rate outside normal range 110-160, suggest umbilical cord prolapse
First stage: dilation and effacement (4-6 hours)
uterine incision for c-section: low transverse-not likely to rupture during another birth
Prolonged pregos = 42 weeks

Signs of fetal compromise: loss of variability, late decal, HR out of range

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