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ng researeh in


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that organizing and launching a business is the easiest part of
getting started, while sustaining the business is the most difficult and challenging part.

Some experts argue

As we've seen in earlier chapters, buiinesses fail at an alar:ming rate, yet too often we
blame lack of finances or pool.flianagement for the demise. A closer look often reveals
that the reat problems relate to marketing issues such as

identifying.the customer, defining the right product or

servce to meet customer needs, pricing. distribution, and

... '


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As technology continues to.change, providing easier access to extended interna,.' tional rnarkets, it is significantly mo re important that today,s entrepreneur become
., more focused on developing a- comprehensive and detailed marketing plan. Markets

-r: ' "
' t'. . '. . ..t' .,' -. are much more dynamic than ever before. making it necessary to anticipate changes in
1:::-: :i '"- -- 'consumer needs and make the necessary changes in marketing actions. Planning, as
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The marketing plan is a tool that can assist the entrepreneur
-term goalsand objectives and marketing strategies, as well

entrepreneurto make necessary changes in those strategies

ant marketing challenges facing the entrepreneur is to effec's products or services in a highly competitive environment.
tain major players that may dominate the market and have

efend against any new venture. However. within many of

are custorners who are not completely satisfied with the
marketing planning that targets and positions the new vencan meet the needs of these customers, leading to opportu. Such an approach was taken by Circulation Expert, Ltd.
y is a wholly black-owned public relations. advertising, marm. lt officially began in 1968 as the brainstorm of Warren
d that major newspapers were not effectively reaching the





Warren Jackson entered the newspaper busness atThe New York Times in 1952,
where he eventually became an assistant manager in the circulation department. Later
working for the Amsterdam News, he was asked by Time, lnc., to assist that firrn in the

circulation and distribution of a new general market daily afternoon publication.

Although it was never published, Warren realized that his newspaper knowledge and
expertise could be beneficial to media and major corporations all across the country.
With this knowledge and a $12,500 contract 'from Tuesday magazine, he then started
Circulation Expert out of his home. Withn a year of this beginning, Expert's contract
volume reached $200,000, leading Warren to move the business out of his home to a
new small office in Hartsdale, New York. Although he was not armed with a formal
marketing plan. Waren's understanding and recognition of the unmet needs of a sig-

nificant and growing consumer target market led Expert to become the largest and
most prominent minority-owned public relations agency n the Unted States.
This successful company is unique-not only in the growth it has experienced over the
years but also because the firm has remained a family-owned organization involving

Warren's wife, Tena, who came on as CFO in 1972. and their three children, Tenley-Ann,
Terrance, and Garrison. Warren and Tena have since given up the reins of the day-to-day

activities, with Garrison now assuming the position of president and cEo.
Over the years the company has added an advertising division (1978) and a Hispani<

division (1988). Both new divisions have allowed the company to offer one-stop
shopping to clients looking for African American and Hispanic marketing. This effort
has provided opportunities

to add major clients to an already noteworthy list.


compny has serviced many major Fortune 500 clients such as JPMorgan Chase. ColgatePalmolive, lBM, Miller Brewing, seven-up, Kraft, General Motors, Reebok, sears. Ryder

to name a few- Billings have also grown, from

around $1 to $2 million in the early years to $20 million in more recent years. The company has positioned itself well to withstand the current economic downturn. Anticipating minimal growth in 2009 from large multinationl clients, the company has shifted

Systems, unilever, and General Mills,

its primary focus toward rnidsize companies and welf-funded start-ups that can benef


from Expert's marketing and multicultural experience. The agency will continue to
manage several company-owned initiatives launched in 2006 as well.
The Jacksons represent a unique success story dating back to Warren's recognition of a
need that he felt he could meet with a marketing plan. This firm's success is not notable

for its client base alone but also because of the significant amount of charity and philanthropic work in which all members of the family are actively engaged. For its success in
business and related philanthropic endeavors the company has been recognized with numerous awards from PRWeek, Black Enterpnse magazine, National Association of Market
Developers, Public Relations Society of America, and Family Digest magazine, in addition

to receiving numerous

awards from major corporations and the New York City Department of Health. The firm was inducted into the Business Council of Westchester's Cham,
ber of Commerce Hall of Fame in 2006. Under the direction of Garrison and his brother
and siste and with Warren and Tena always there for support, the firm's outlook is ex-

tremely favorable. Today the company plans and sets clear goals and objectives and continues to evaluate market opportunities to sustain successful long-term growth.l



As we can see from the example of Circulation Expert, many opportunities exist in
a competitive environment. warren's efforts in creating the venture began with an
understanding and assessment of the needs of a particular segment of the market.
Developing an appropriate strategy to meet those needs includes an understanding
and assessment of the industry, which is where we will begin our discussion in this


Prior to the preparation of the marketing plan the entrepreneur will need to complete the
industry analysis sction ofthe business plan. The primary focus ofthe industry analysis
is to provide suffrcient knowledge of the environment (national and local market) that can
affect marketing strategy decision making. In Chapter 7 we described this informationseeking process as an upside-down pyramid (see Figure 7.1). It begins with the broadestbased assessment of environmental and industry trends. Then it proceeds to more local
market environmental and industry trends, including competition. The entrepreneur should

review this section of Chapter 7 to understand what information is included and how it can
be obtained.
Secondary sources can provide much of the information needed on each of these issues.
Sample sources along with an appropriate example are also identihed in Chapter 7. In addition to the secondary sources, the entrepreneur may also decide that a market research
initiative is needed to secure more specihc information on such variables as customer
needs, competitive strengths and weaknesses, price, promotion, distribution, and product

or service benefrts. This market research project may add important valuable insights that
can assist the entrepreneur in determining the most effective market position, setting market goals and objectives, and determining what action programs are necessary to meet
those goals and objectives. The steps in the market research process and the avenues available to the entrepreneur for obtaining assistance in this process are discussed later in this
One of the important benehts of the upside-down pyramid approach to industry analysis
is that the entrepteneur can begin to understand competitors' strengths and weaknesses,
which may provide valuable insight into how to position the products or services of the
new venture. Techniques for recording and evaluating this information on the competitive
environment are discussed in the following section.

Competitor Analysis
The entrepreneur should begin this step by hrst documenting the current strategy of each
primary competitor. This can be organized by using the model in Table 8.1. The informa-

tion on competitors can be gathered initially by using as much public information as possible and then complementing this with a marketing research project. Newspaper articles,
Web sites, catalogs, promotions, interviews with distributors and customers, and any other
marketing strategy or company information available should be reviewed. A simple
Google, Yahoo!, or MSN search can link the entrepreneur to many good sources of information on competitors. A library search using such databases as Business Source Complete, LexisNexis, Factiva, or Hoover's can also provide access to any newsworthy articles
on specific competitors. These articles should be scanned for information on competitor





strategies and should identify the names of individuals who were interviewed, referenced,
or even mentioned in the article. Any of these individuals as well as the author of the article can then be contacted to obtain further information. All the information can then be
summarized in the model provided in Table 8.1. Once the strategy has been summarized,
the entrepreneur should begin to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor,
as shown in the table.
All the information included in Thble 8.1 can then be utilized to formulate the market
positioning strategy of the new venture. Will the new venture imitate a particular competitor or will it try to satisfy needs in the market that are not being hlled by any other
company? This analysis will enlighten the entrepreneur and provide a solid basis for any
marketing decision making discussed in the marketing plan. If a more formal data collection process is being considered, the following paragraphs will help explain the steps in
gathering primary data as well as some of the secondary sources that can provide data to
the entrepreneur.


lnformation for developing the marketing plan may necessitate conducting some marketing research. Marketing research involves the gathering of data to determine such information as who will buy the product or service, what is the size of the potential market what
price should be charged, what is the most appropriate distribution channel, and what is the
most effective promotion strategy to inform and reach potential customers. Since marketing research costs vary signihcantly, the entrepreneur will need to assess available resources
and the information needed. There are also some research techniques that are not costly and
can provide, at least initially, signihcant evidence to support the market potential for the
new venture. One ofthese techniques is the focus group, which is discussed later in this

Marketing research may be conducted by the entrepreneur or by an external supplier

or consultant. There are also opportunities for entrepreneurs to contact theirlocal colleges
or universities to identify faculty who teach marketing and are wilting to have external
clients for student reseach projects. Suggestions on how to conduct market research are
discussed next.



Step One: Defining the Purpose or Objectives

The most effective way to begin is for the entrepreneur to
information that will be needed to prepare the marketing p
neur may think there is a market for his or her product but
roduct is appropriate in its present fo*n Thus, one objective
they think of the product or service and whether they would
ackground demographics and attitudes of these individuals.
This would satisfy the objective or problem that the entrepreneur defined earlier.
objectives may be to determine the following:


How much would potential customers be willing to pay for the product or service?
where would potential customers prefer to purchase the product or service?
Where would the customer expect to hear about or leam about such a product or service?

Step Two: Gathering Data from Secondary Sources

Commercial data may also be available, but the cost may be prohibitive to the entrepreneur. However, business libraries may subscribe to some of these commercial
such as Nielsen Indexes, Audits and Surveys' National Market Indexes, and Information
Resources, Inc.
Before considering either primary sources or commercial sources of information, the
entrpreneur should exhaust all free secondary sources. At the federal level, the U.S Census Bureau publishes a wide range of census reports, as does the Department of
commerce. Other excellent sources at the state and local levels ae the State Department of
Commerce, chambers of commerce, local banks, state departments of labor and industry,
and local media. A comprehensive list of Web sites (some ae fee based and others are
free) as well as a number of excellent databases can be found in Table 8.2. Some of the
actually be accessible through a local university or community
all the sources of data described in Table g.2, the entrepreneur
possible sources of research data at the Small Business Admin_
istration Web site (
The mo
that will as
product or
tive source
pletion of this task will also determine if more daaare needed, in which case a primary data
gathering will then need ro be planned.




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a small

clusive contract with Ford Mototi but that contract
in 2009. We need additional sales reps that
are very well connected with buyers.:How would I
find them, and what else can t do to our corporate profile?-D.G., Escondido, Calif,
A: Small companes that rely on long-term;.exclusive can help you educate. train, and
manage your sales
contracts often find themselves in difficult straits when team, says Trailer. "The bad news
is a crowded
those contracts expire. They can havethe best products

and the most innovative technology, but without a

coherent marketing strategy, saleJ infrastructur. and
customer relationships, they won,t succeed.
. Before you hire additional
sales staff, build a brief
but concise go-to-market strategy, says Joanne Black.
a speaker, sales trainer, and founder of NoMoreColdcalling- while automakers struggle, for instance, can
you find applications for your products and technology in other markets? Should you think about start-

new markets, you'll know whether you can handle

sales in-house, or whether you shouid expand your
sales team with independent reps. you can find them

through associations such as the Manufacturers,

Agents National Association and Web sites such as

ing a government division that supplies federal or*

state agencies with stainless steel tubing? Evaluate
your technology's bottom-line value and find a way
After reading the above article how would you
to demonstrate it to customers.
respond to the following questions?
Next, redefine the profile of your ideal customer .
and identify half a dozen new industry segments. l once yo: l:u" developed the marketing strategy,
ar: yo.u better off hiring your own sales staff or
Rather than bringing in commission-based sales reps
using independent reps or both?
who don't know your product or how best to sell it,
"your money will be better spent hiring someone 2. What if your company has both excf usive contracts and open contracts. Do you still need to
who does strategic planning or marketing plans and
developa marketing strategyfirst?
can help you devise a strategy and implement it,',
she says.

Barry Traile founder of CSO Insights, a research *source:ReprintedfromAugust28,200gissueof BusinessWeek

rirm that studies sates effectiv"n"rr, .e,""s. ,,rhe
notion of investing in infrastructure in sales ano Krein,

Step Three: Gathering Information from Primary Sources

Information that is new is primary data. Gathering primary data involves a data collection procedure-such as observation, networking, interviewing, focus groups, or
experimentation-and usually a data collection instrument, such as a questionnaireObservation is the simplest approach- The entrepreneur might observe potential customers and record some aspect of their buying behavior. Networking, which is more of
an informal method to gather primary data from experts in the field, can also be a valuable low-cost method to learn about the marketplace. One study of new ventures found that




the most successful ventures (based on growth rate) were focused on information about
competitors, the customer, and the industry, using networking, trade associations, and recent publications. Less successful ventures were more focused on gathering information on
general economic and demographic trends and hence had less of a sense of what was
happening in their specific target market.3
Interviewing or surveying is the most common approach used to gather market information. It is more expensive than observation but is more likely to generate more meaningful
information. Interviews may be conducted in person, by telephone, through the mail, or online, an approach growing in popularity, particularly for frrms with an existing customer
base. Each ofthese methods offers advantages and disadvantages to the entrepreneur and
should be evaluated accordingly.a Table 8.3 provides comparisons ofeach ofthese three
methods of data collection.
The questionnaire, or data collection instrument, used by the entrepreneur should
include questions specifrcally designed to fulfrll one or more of the objectives the entrepreneur listed earlier. Questions should be designed so they are clear and concise, do not bias
the respondent, and are easy to answer. Thble 8.4 illustrates a sample questionnaire employed
by an entrepreneur trying to assess the need for a personal errand service, such as the
venture Gopher It, whose business plan is used as an example in Chapter 7. The questions
are designed to satisfy the objectives ofthe entrepreneur, which are to ascertain the need,








locatiorL and determination of the most important services to offer and price. Support in the
design of questionnaires can often be attained through small-business development centers,
members of the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), or students in marketing
reseach classes at a local college or university. Since the instrument is important in the research process, it is recommended that enhepreneurs seek assistance if they have no experience in designing questionnaires.
Focus groups are a more informal method for gathering indepth information. A focus
group is a sample of l0 ro 12 potential customers who are invited to participate in a discussion relating to the entrepreneur's reseach objectives. The focus group discusses issues in
an informal, open format, enabling the enfepreneur to ascertain certain information.
For example, two entrepreneurs were considering a chain of hair salons that would specializ,e in hair styling and hair cae services for African Americans- To understand the hair
cae needs and most effective marketing strategy for this market, focus groups of a cross
section of African American women were organized. The focus groups were designed to
ascertain what services should be offered, the demand for these services, pricing strategy,
and the most effective advertising/promotion strategy. The information gathered was then
used in the preparation of the marketing plan.
Someone other than the entrepreneur should lead the focus groups. Often this is a good

project for students at a college or university in a marketing research class.

Step Foun Anatyzing and Interpreting the Resutts

Depending on the size of the sample, the entrepreneur can hand-tabulae the results or enter them on a computer. In either case, the results should be evaluated and interpreted in
response to the research objectives that were specified in the first step of the research
pftrcess. Often, summaizing the answers to questions will give some preliminary insights.
Then datacan be cross-tabulated to provide more focused results. For example, the entrepreneur may want to compare the results to questions by different age groups, sex, occupation,
location, and so on. Continuing this fine-tuning can provide valuable insights, particularly
regarding the segmentation of the maket, which is discussed later in this chapter.


Once the entrepreneur has gathered all the necessary information, he or she can sit down
to prepare the marketing plan. The marketing plan represents a signihcant element in the
business plan for a new venture. It serves a number of important functions or purposes.
Primarily the marketing plan establishes how the entrepreneur will effectively compete
and operate in the marketplace and thus meet the business goals and objectives of the
new ventur. Once the strategies of how the business will operate have been established,
the entrepreneur can assign costs to these strategies, which then serves the important purpose of establishing budgets and making financial projections. The marketing plan, like any
other type of plan, may be compared to a road map used to guide a traveler. It is designed
to provide answers to three basic questions:5

1. Where

have we been? When used as a stand-alone document (operational plan), this

would imply some background on the company, its strengths and weaknesses, some
background on the competition, and a discussion ofthe opportunities and threats in the
marketplace. When the marketing plan is integrated as part of the business plan, this
segment would focus on some history of the marketplace, marketing strengths and
weaknesses of the hrm, and maket opportunities and theats.



2. where do we

want to go (in the short term)? This question primarily addresses the
marketing objectives and goals of the new venture in the next 12 months. In the initial

business plan, the objectives and goals often go beyond the frrst year because ofthe
need to project profrts and cash needs for the first tfuee years.

mined and used in the income and cash flow projections.

Management should understand that the marketing plan is a guide for implementing
marketing decision making and not a generalized, superf,rcial document. The mere or-

recognize the citical issues but also to be prepared in the event that any change in the

environment occurs.

Each year the entrepreneur should prepare an annual marketing plan before any decisions
ae made regarding production or manufacturing, personnel changes, or financial resources


siness and


or service,
as well as the general company mission. The remainder of this chapter focuses on the shortt'erm aspects of the maketing plan, while not ignoring the fact that the entrepreneur will also
need to provide market projections for years 2 and3 as part ofthe business plan.


The maketing plan should be designed to meet certain criteria. Some important characteristics that must be incorporated in an effective marketing plan are as follows:


It should provide

a strategy for accomplishing the company mission or goal.

based on facts and valid assumptions. Some of the facts needed are
illustrated in Table 8.6. It must provide for the use of existing resources.

It should be




Allocation of all equipment, financial resources, and human resources must




An appropiate organization must be described to implement the marketing plan.

[t should provide for continuity so that each annual marketing plan can buitd on it,
successfully meeting longer-term goals and objectives.

It should be simple and short. A voluminous plan will be placed in

a desk drawer and

likely never used. However, the plan should not be so short that details on how to
accomplish a goal are excluded.

The success of the plan may depend on its flexibility. Changes, if necessar
should be incorporated by including what-if scenarios and appropriate responding

It should specify performance criteria that will be monitored and controlled.


For example, the entrepreneur may establish an annual performance criterion

of l0 percent of maket share in a designated geographic area. To attain this
goal, certain expectations should be made at given time periods (e.g., at the end
of three months we shouldhave a 5 percent share of market). [f not attained,
then new strategy or performance standards may be established.


It is clear from the preceding discussion that the market plan is not intended to be writ-


statement of marketing
objectives, strategies, and

activities to be followed
in business plan

mrketing sJStem
lnoeracting intemal and
external factors that affect
venture's ability to provide
goods and services to
met customer needs

It is intended to be a valuable document that is referred to often and

guideline for the entrepreneur during the next time period.
Since the term mnrketing plan denotes the signihcance of marketing, it is important to
understand the marketing slstem. The marketing system identihes the major interacting
components, both internal and external to the firm, that enable the hrm to successfully provide products and/or services to the marketplace. Figure 8.1 provides a summary of the
components that constitute the marketing system-
As can be seen from Figure 8.1, the environment (external and internal) plays a very
important role in developing the market plan. These factors should be identihed and
discussed in the industry analysis section of the business plan discussed earlier in this
ten and then put aside.



chapter' It should also be noted that these factors are

typically uncontrollable but need to be
recognized as part of the marketing plan.

In addition to the external environmental factors, there are

internal environmental fac-


which, although more controllable by the entrepreneur, can

also affect the preparation

of the marketing plan and implementation of an effLctive

marketing strategy. Some of the
major internal variables are as follows:


Financial resources. The financial plan, discussed in chapter

10, should outline the
hnancial needs for the new venture. Any marketing phn r
strategy shourd consider
the availability of hnancial resources as well as the amount
of funds needed to meet
the goals and objectives stated in the plan.


Management team.It is extremely important in any organization

to make appropriate
assignments of responsibility for the implementation
of the marketing pran. In some
cases the availability of a certain expertise may
be uncontrollabl @..,a shortage
of certain types of technical managers). In any event, the
entrepreneu-r must build
an effective management team and assign the responsibilities
to implement the
marketing plan.


S-uwliers' The suppliers used are generally based on a number

of factors such as price,
delivery time, quality, and management assistance. In some
cases, where raw materials
are scarce or there are only a few suppliers of a particular
raw material or paf, the
entrepreneur has little control over the decision. Since
the price of supplies, delivery
time, and so on' are likely to impact many marketing decisions,
it is important to
incorporate these factors into the marketing plan.

Do your sales ieps know how far is too far when it
comes to landing that sale? Ethics in sales may not be

the quickest rute t suicess-cutting corner3 is almost always a more expeditious, if shortlived, route
to riches. But, in addition to the morality of adhering
to ethical business practices, entrepreneurs know
that selling with a conscience makes good balancesheet sense over time. Here are a few reaSons to encourage your sales force to behave honorably in a
frequently shameful world:

Reputation rules. Every business owner understands that an impaired reputation is death to
trade. 5elling ethically translates into treating

customers. suppliers, and employees with


Reps are your brand's emissaries. lf a salesperson

crosses the ethical line-whether by lowballing a

price or by making unrealizable promises-the

client will not trust your product or service in the


Cynicism is nipped in the bud. Having been

burned by companies ranging from telecommunications to financial services. consumers are warier
than ever. Working with clients in an aboveboard
way helps you surpass less trustworthy competitors and make your company a safe place to do


good for business. Dell Computer, for instance,

encourages its employees to report integrity issues. lt thus sets high standards for mployee
conduct and gives employees a forum for report,,,,
ing unethical behavior.
be clear
In establishing
about which behaviors are acceptable and which
cross theline, and then hold your emp[oyees accountable. There will be times when a employee
will need to be disciplined or even fired.
You must piactce what you preach. Keep tabs on
employees by investigating credible ethics violations claims from co-workers and customers. The
problem may be easily corrected by a sit-down
with the employee and by taking time to reterate company ethics policies.

By requiring your reps to sell with class, you'll prove

to your staff you do more than just lip-sync empty

dogmas about values.
Source: Adapted from Kimberly L. McCall, "Devil's Advocate."
Entrepreneur tn gazine (May 3,2003), p.75.

Company mission. As indicated in Chapter 7, every new venture should def,rne the
nature of its business. This statement helps to dehne the company's mission and
basically describes the nature of the business and what the entrepreneur hopes to
accomplish with that business. This mission statement or business definition will guide
the frrm through long-term decision making.




Combination of product,
price, promotion, and

distribution and other

marketing activities
needed to meet marketing



The preceding environmental vaiables will provide much important information in deciding
what will be the most effective marketing strategy to be outlined in the maketing plan. The
actual short-term marketing decisions in the maketing plan will consist of four important
marketing variables: product or service, pricing, distribution, and promotion. These four
factors are referred to as the marketing mix.Eachvariable will be described in detail in the

strategy or action plan section of the marketing plan discussed later in this chapter.
Although flexibitity may be an important consideration, the entrepreneur needs a strong



base to provide direction for the daytoday marketing

decisions. Some of the critical decisions
in each areaate described in Thble g.7.


Figure 8.2 illustrates the various stages involved in preparing
the marketing plan. Each
of these stages' when completed, will provide the necessary information
to fbrmally prepare the marketing plan. Each of the steps is outlined
anddiscussed, using examples to
assist the reader in fully undcrstanding the necessary information
and procedure fbr
preparing the marketing plan-7

Defining the Business Situation

situttion analysis
Describes past and present
business achievements


new venture



group of potential
customers toward

which venture aims its

marketing plan

The stuation analysis is a review of where we have been.

It responds to the hrst of the
three questions mentioned earlier in this chapter. It also
considers many ofthe factors that
were dehned in both the environmental analysis section of
the business plan (see Chapter 7) and the industry analysis section discussed earlier in
this chapter.
To fully respond to this question, the entrepreneur should provide
a review of past
performance of the product and the company. trims is
u n"* u.nio.", the background will
be more personal, describing how the product or service
was developed and why it was de_
veloped (e.g-' to satisfy consumer needs). If the plan is being
wrifte; after the new venture
has started up, it would contain information on piesent
market conditions and performance
ofthe company's goods and services. Any future opportunities
orprospects should also be
included in this section of the plan.
The industry and competitive environment has already.been
discussed in an earlier section of the business plan. Thus, at this point the entrepreneur
should simply review some of
the key elements of this section to help provide a context
for the marketing segmentation
and actions that will be stated in this section of the business plan.

Defining the Target Market 0pportunities and Threats

Either from the industry analysis or from the marketing reseach
done earlier, the entrepreneur should have a good idea of who the customer ot target nnrkel
will be. Knowledge of the
target market provides a basis for determining the appropriate
marketing action strategy that
will effectively meet its needs. The defined target market will usually re-present
one or more




Sourca: Adapied t-rcm David

mnrkel segmentatian
Process of dividing a

market into definable and

measurable groups tbr
purposes of targeting
marketing strategy

S HopkinlThe

Mtrkering Plan (NewYork: The Conferene Boad, 198t), p. l7

segments of the entire market. Thus, it is important even before beginning the research to understand what market segmentation is before determining the appropriate target maket.
Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market into small homogeneous
groups. Market segmentation allows the entrepreneur to more effectively respond to the
needs of more homogeneous consumers. Otherwise the entrepreneur would have to idena product or service that would meet the needs of everyone in the marketplace.
Henry Ford's vision was to manufacture a single product (one color, one style, one SiZe,
etc.) for the mass market. His Model T was produced in large numbers on assembly lines,
enabling the hrm to reduce costs through specialization of labor and materials. Although





his strategy was unique, any successful mass-market strategy employed today would be
In 1986, Pau l F"lreslone of Reebok discovered that many consumers who bought running
shoes were not aLhletes. They bought the shoes for eomfort and style. Firestone then developed a marketing plan dlat was targeted direetly to this segmento
The process of segmenting and targeting customers by the entrepreneur should proceed
as follows :8

1. Decide what general market oc industry you wish to pursue.

n. Divide the market into smaller groups based on characteristics of the customer or
buying situations.
A. Charaeteristics of the customer
L Geographic (e.g., state, country, city, region)
2. Demographic (e.g., age, sex, occupation, education, income, and cace)
3. Psychographic (e.g., pecsonality and lifestyle)
B. Buying situation
1. Desired benefits (e.g., product features)
2. Usage (e.g., rate of use)
3. Buying conditions (e.g., time available and product purpose)
4. Awareness of buying intention (e.g., familiarity of produet and willingness
to buy)
liI. Select segment oc segments to target.
IV. Develop a marketing plan integrating product, price, distribution, and promotion.
Let's assume that an entrepreneur is eonsidering offering an after-sehool student shuttle
service in a local community in the suburbs of Boston. The service wiU be marketed to
households that have high income, both spouses working (most likely professionals), and
young children typically between 10 and 15 years old. The shuttle service is designed to
taxi children (lO to 15 years old) using a minivan or similar vehicle to medicaI or othee
related appointments and after-school aetivities. These aetivities wouId be non-school-related
activities since sehools would most likely offer bus service foc their students.
The first decision to be made, since we know the target market, is to identify candidate
communities that would match the user profile. Town census research and any othee available
secondary soueces are a logical starting place and wiU reveal demographic data on income,
ages of children, and employment. Once this step is complete and a few towns have been
identified, the entrepreneur can then conduct marketing researeh in the identified towns that
seem to match the target market profile. This would help the entrepreneur understand the
needs and buying intentions of any potental target market. The analysis from this research
would then assist the entrepreneur in selecting the cornmunity in which to launch the service.
The buying situation is dependent on the venture's establishing credibility in the community. Even if specific households can be targeted, the marketing strategy (particularly
sales strategy) wi ll /leed to concentrate on firsl e tablisbing credibility and community
trust T his can be accompLished in a number of ways but will likely begin with an effort to
gain the support of the key townspeople. sueh as schooI administrators, PTA members, or
other local agencies. roadditioll , marketing actions will need to focus on getting the targel
rnarket's anention and creating an awareness of the benefits chat this service can provide.
For example, the venture might choose to sponsor sehool events and activities, appoint
local respected community members to its board, place advertisements in local newspapers,
or send company information through direct mai!.
The major issues initially involve careful targeting, using che approach mentoned earlier, as well as understanding the needs of this target market. With a clear understanding of




who the customer is and a combined sales effort and marketing progranl the entrepreneur
can be more assured of sales gtowth and increased revenue. A continued presence in the
community may also allow the entrepreneur to expand this shuttle service to include other
segments of the market, such as senior citizens. Once credibility has been established in
one community, it will be easier to expand to other communities.

Considering Strengths and Weaknesses

It is important for
ket. Foi example,
in its market are:

r strengths and weaknesses in the target mafshuttle service venture, its primary stfengths
tition, the company has the support of local
schools, and its usage base in the selected community is an excellent match for the pronce gained from initiating this service in one
g new business in other communities'
inability to gain complete credibility in the
of children.
the success
sensitive to
consumer needs. Thus, it will be important to carefully select

Estabtishing Goats and Objectives

marketing goals and
objecves Statementsof
level of performance
desired by new venture

resent key areas to ensure marketing success-

Defining Marketing Strategy and Action Programs


marketing strategy and

actinn plan Specific
activities outlined to met
the venture's business

and objectives

g strategy and
to the question:
marketing mix
made for each variable are discussed next-

plan goals and objectives

ProdUct Or Service Ths element of the marketing mix indicates a description of the
product or service to be marketed in the new venture. This product or service dehnition
may consider more than the physical characteristics. For example, Dell Computer's



In each of these examples the entrepreneur may frnd it necessary

to consider the role of
com-petition and markups (discussed later) as well
as an overall positioning strategy befbre

finalizing price.




the final price to the consumer would be $3.). Given that the re0ailer maintains costs
equivalent to the industry standards, this markup would be expected to cover overhead
costs and some profit. Standard markups can be ascertained from trade publications
or by asking suppliers. A retiler may look at the $3.00 price and decide that, since
competition offers the same product for $2.99, he or she would like to offer the item at
$2.89. The lower markup and hence lower proht accepted by the entrepreneur in this
case is a strategy used to increase demand in the short term (market penetration
strategy) but could influence the competition to also lower its price, thus eventually
reducing the profit margins for everyone.
Competition. Often, when products cannot be easily differentiated (see the earlier
T:shirt example), the entrepreneur is forced to charge the same price as the competition.
For the oxygen-based rug cleaner, the entrepreneur may f,rnd it possible to justify a
higher price (say $6.50) than the competition's price of $5.75 because the product has
unique benefits (oxygen and other ingredients). The ctothing retailer may be able to
charge more than $9.00 for the T-shirt if it is unique enough. If competitors'T:shirts
are $9.00 but the quality of our clothing retailer's shirts is graphically superior, then a
higher than $9.00 price may be charged. Otherwise, if consumers are unable to discern
any difference, the price will need to be equivalent to that of the competition. In our
student shuttle example, it is more difficult to compare prices with competitors since
the competition is more indirect. Here we might compare taxicab prices or bus prices.
However, this service is more likely to be considered a convenience by the target
market, and as such, price may not be a concern. The target market is also in the
upper-income category, and therefore convenience may be more important than the
cost of the service.
A higherprice may also be supported by market research data. Innovations such as
technology products (LCD televisions or interactive games such as those for the Wii)
or new drug products may warrant a higher price or skimming straegy for the new
venture to recover some of its high development costs. In a nondifferentiated product
market (such as clothing or a portable radio), marketing research may reveal that
consumers are willing to pay more if you offer service benefits such as free home
delivery, guarantees on the life of the item, or free long-term repair. Although these
services would increase the costs to the entrepreneur, they would establish a distinctive
image for the product in a nondifferentiated product category, allowing a higher price
and, potentially, a higher quality image than that of the competition.

Generall in a nondifferentiated product market there is little room for price variations
from the competition. Any attempt to increase profits in this situation would have to come
from reduced costs. For those situations where the product or service is unique in the marketplace, the entrepreneur has more flexibility and should have a clea understanding ofthe
inherent costs. The important thing to remember is that there is a total cost and proht margin to get to the final price. Changing one of these items will impact the other two factors

ln some


Distribution This factor provides utility to the consumer; that is, it makes a product convenient to purchase when it is needed- This variable must also be consistent with other maketing mix variables. Thus, a high-quality product will not only carry a high price but
should also be distributed in outlets that have a quality image.
Channel of distribution strategy considerations are summaized in Table 8.8. If the market
for a new venture is highly concentrated, such as a major metropolitan aea the entrepreneur
mav consider direct sales to the customer or to a retailer rather than usins a wholesaler. If the



market is dispersed across a wide geographic are4 the cost

of direct sales may be prohibitive
of a longer channel with wholesalers and retailers may be necessary.
. Attributes ofthe product also affect the channel decision. Ifihe product is very expensive, perishable, or bullry, a more direct channel would make
sense because the costs of
handling and shipping would drive the costs up to a prohibitive
and the use

Middlemen such as wholesalers and retailers can add important

value to the product.
Their costs for providing these benefits are much lower thanihe
costs for a small, singleproduct start-up because they operate with economies
of scale by representing many other
businesses- They can provide functions such as storage,
delivery, a sales staff, promotion or
advertising, and maintenance that would not be feasible
for a siart-.rp venture. Middlemen
also have important experience in the marketplace that
can suppof and assist the entrepreneur in his or her marketing strategy.
Environmental issues may also be important in channel strategy.
Special considerations
and regulations regarding such products as chemicals
or food unJ*i products, ro name a
few, are too costly for a small start-up to absorb. Competitor
strategf is also important to

consider since alternative choices may help to differentiate

the product. For example, Dell
Computer initially chose to use direct maiiand the Internet to
distribute its products, creating a major differentiation from its direct competitors. Once
it became esiablished in the
market, it then sought other channels such as electronics retailers.
new venture may also consider brokers'or manufacturers' representatives
to reach re.,4
tailers or end users. Manufacturers' representatives do not
take title Lr physical possession of
any products' Theirrole is to act on behalf of a number
of noncompetingtompanies
share the cost of their services. In our oxygen-based rug









may consider contracting with manufacturers'representatives that sell commercial producs

(such as cleaning supplies, furniture, or carpeting) that would add the rug cleaner as a complement to their other products. They would be paid a commission only when a product was
sold (usually 6 to 8 percent depending on the product). Manufacturers'representatives could
also be used to market to the consumer or household market. In this case the entrepreneur
may look for those representatives that ae presently marketing household cleaners or other
similar products to retail outlets. Orders then would be sent directly to the new venture and
would be shipped from there to the end user This saves on the costs of a sales staff, storage,
and multiple shipping points. Brokers ae similar to manufacturers' representatives and are
cornmon in food or dry goods businesses.
In selecting the channel, the entrepreneur should look at all the preceding factors. In
some instances it may be necessary to use more than one channel to service customers
more efficiently as well as increase sales potential. Clothing retailers such as Sports Authority, L- L. Bean, Macy's, Wal-Mart, and Targeq to name a few, all sell their products
using multipte channels such as retail stores, Web sites, catalogs, and newspapers. Each
of these may require a different communications channel to enable the customer to buy
the desired products. Channel decisions will also change over time. As the venture grows,
the entrepreneur may hnd that hiring its own sales force is more efficient and is no longer

cost prohibitive.
is usually necessary for the entrepreneur to inform potential consumers
about the product's availability or to educate the consumer, using advertising media
such as print, radio, or television. Usually television is too expensive unless the entrepreneur considers cable television a viable outlet. A local service or retail company such
as a pet store may find that using community cable stations is the most cost-effective
method to reach customers. Larger markets can be reached using the Internet, direct
mail, trade magazines, or newspapers. The entrepreneur should carefully evaluate each
alternative medium, considering not just costs but the effectiveness of the medium in
meeting the market objectives mentioned earlier in the marketing plan. As stated earlier,
a Web site may also be valuable to create awareness and to promote the products and

Promotion It

services of the new ventute.

Sometimes the entrepreneur has to be creative with the existing budget and costs of buying major media space or time.
Tom First is not new to being creative, as he learned as one of the founders of Nantucket
Nectars. Tom recently launched a new venture Owater, a nutrient-enhanced water. Not

able to compete with larger companies in this market, Tom has chosen to promote his
productthrough an intensive sampng campaign. Owater may do as many as Six or seven sampling events a day in key markets such as Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York,
and Phitadelphia. The ability to focus on specihc large markets has enhanced sales at a
rate that would have been much more costly using more traditional mass media-e

Marketinq Strateqv: Consumer versus

Busi ness'-to - Busiess Markets
Marketing strategy decisions for a consumer product may be very different from the decisions for a business-to-business product. [n markets the entrepreneur
sells the product or service to another business that uses the product or service as part of
its operations. Dell Computer markets its products to both consumers and businesses. [n
marketing to consumers, the company uses direct mail and the lnternet, and to businesses
it uses its own sales force. This sales force calls on businesses with the intent of selling a
larse volume of PCs or accessories in one transaction. The consumer marketing effort,


It5 eqsy,to educate prospects about your proiluct gr,,
osr1on in search enging -that rqnk sites according tor'
lo: rlink popularity..r lf you ould
like feedback n a_
.tion to getting free

rooms. As a fitness
people what preve
tenily. Let people

-. :.

search. Chat room particpants may hppily share

their thoughts with you online.
content may still be king, but it's n expensive Find your
target audience by starting with the inkingdom to maintain- Many organizations can't af- dustry
web sites you frequent. Also, run a keyword
ford webmasters whose only job is to develop new qr"ry i.r
search engines. Tell web site managers.what
site content' But because you're an expert'in.your yorr.o.p"ny
does and how your information can
field' many companies will be more than thrill;d if relp th:eii visitors. you
may be offered a link or a
you give them content in exchange for a link to.your
site. Your content can be posted on Web sites or sent
out in their e-mail. The ,,publisher.' benefits by offer_
free pR
ing relevant information to itssite visitors. when you can lead
to immediate and long-term sales.
teach these visitors something new, you also create a
"soft sell" marketing opportunity. Don,t pitch your ADVICE TO AN
business. Rather, share some educational information
An entrepreneur who has a Web site for his business
to establish trust and brand awareness.
has read the above article and comes to you for advice:
Just what is "educational information,,? lt,s content
. Seems like a lot of work in writing articles and
, problems.
For example,
spending time in chat rooms. Although it might
if yo
equipment, you can probe a way of getting people to my Web site with
istics about fitness. your
a small expense, do you think that this apreaders will want to know how you, the fitness expert,
is worth the investment of time?
can help them achieve their goals. With a simple click
are the other benefits of this approach over
URL, prospects can travel to your site and dis_
and above simply a cost saving?
cover your company,s line of fitness products.
Of course, you aren't limited to providing articles 3. Are there particular businesses and products
to Web sites. Try asking for a link to your site or a link
more suitable for this approach?
trade. Just don't put sorneone else,s link on your
home page-that encourages people to leave your
site as soon as they arrive! Link from sites related
yours provide another benefit: They boost your
however, does support the business marketing effort since the advertising
and promotions
will be seen ot read by both markets. Consumer markets involve sales to households

personal consumption. Food, beverages, househord products,

furniture, and computers
would be a few examples.
Usually b




the ne
the bu

more trade magazine

shows. For a starr_up venrure,
attendance at a trade show can
means to reach many potential
buyers in one location. At trade
ribute material on the venture,s
products and services and to keep a log of all interested
visitors to the trade show booth.




Have visitors sign in or leave their business cards. From the log or business cads, a list
can then be prepared and used as a prospect list for sales reps. It is also important that, right
after the trade show, a follow-up lette be sent to all visitors thanking them for thei interest
and explaining how they might be contacted.
Overall, the marketing mix for the consumer or business makets is the same. However,
the techniques and strategies within the mix of these factors will often vary signifrcantly.
All these marketing mix variables will be described in detail in the marketing strategy
or action plan section of the marketing plan. As indicated ealier, it is impofant that the
marketing strategy and action programs be specifrc and detailed enough to guide the entrepreneur through the next year.

Budgeting the Marketing Strategy

Effective planning decisions must also consider the costs involved in the implementation of
these decisions. If the entrepreneur has followed the procedure of detailing the strategy and
action programs to meet the desired goals and objectives, costs should be reasonably clear.
If assumptions are necessary they should be clearly stated so that anyone else who reviews
the written marketing plan (e.g., a venture-capital fum) will understand these implications.

This budgeting of marketing action and strategy decisions will also be useful in
preparing the hnancial plan. Details of how to develop a financial plan are discussed in
Chapter 10.

lmplementation of the Market Ptan

The maketing plan is meant to be a commitment by the entrepreneur to a specihc strategy.
lt is not a formality that serves as a superficial document to outside financial suppofers or
suppliers. It is meant to be a formal vehicle for answering the three questions posed earlier
in this chapter and a commitment to make adjustments as needed or dictated by market
conditions. Someone in the venture should be assigned the responsibility ofcoordinating
and implementing the plan.

Monitoring the Progress of Marketing Actions

Generally, monitoring of the plan involves tracking specif,rc results of the marketing effort.
Sales data by product, territor sales rep, and outlet are a few ofthe specifrc results that
should be monitored. What is monitored is dependent on the specific goals and objectives
outlined earlier in the marketing plan- Any "weak" signals from the monitoring process will
provide the entrepreneur with the opportunity to redirect or modify the existing marketing
effort to allow the firm to achieve its initial goals and objectives.
In addition to monitoring the progress of the existing plan, the entrepreneur should also
be prepared for contingencies. For example, reliance on a single supplier in a geographic
area that is vulnerable to hurricanes could be disastrous if that supplier were to be shut
down as a result of a hurricane. Adjustments in marketing actions are usually minor if the
plan has been effectively devetoped and implemented. If the entrepreneur is constantly
faced with significant changes in the marketing strategy, then it is likely that the plan was
not prepared properly. Weaknesses in market planning are usually the result of poor analysis of the market and competitive strategy, unrealistic goals and objectives, or poor implementation of the outlined plan actions. There are also acts of God-such as weather
or war-rhat can affect a marketing plan. These are usually diffrcult to predict but may be
considered in a contingency plan-

Before beginning the marketing plan sectiorj. of~e busineSs " tb~, ent.repreneur
should provide a c0rriprehensive revi.e w an"d ass~s~ment of the indllstry ~t;1d mark;:t
trends at the national and local ..levels. Ir'l addition, a comprehensive. aSSE;ssment of
competitor strategies ahd their Strengths and weaknesses should b$ docu~ehte,d.
From this analysis th entrepreneur canbegin to formulate 'the marketing plan sectlo.n
of the business plan. The marketing plan designates the rE)~ponse 19 t.hree questions:
Where have we been? Where are we goin97 and How. do we g~~ th~rel '
To be able to respond effectively to these questions, it 15 generqlly necessary for the
entrepreneur to conduct some marketing research. This research m.ay lnvolve'secondary sources or a primary data collection process. Information from the research Will pe
very important in determjning the marketi~g mix.'factors or the marketing strategy to
be implemented in the marketing plan.
The marketing plan entail~ a number of ~~jor~~eps. First, it is importan.~ tp c.onduct
a situation analysis to assess the question, "Wh,ere have we beenr' Market segrnerits
must be defined and opportunities ~dentified:.This will help the elitrepre'neur determine a profile of the customer. Goals and objectives must be establshed.. TheSe goals
and objectives must be realistic and detail~d (quantifed if possiqle). Next, the'marketing strategy and action programs must be defined. gain, these should b detailedso
that the entrepreneur clearfy understands how 'the venture is gOlng t~ get ~here it
wants to go.
The marketing strategy section or ctionplari describes how to achieve .the goals
and objectives already defined. There may be alternative marketing approaches that
could be used to achieve these defined goals: The use of creative strategles such as Internet marketing may give the entrepreneur a more effective enti"y into the market.
The action programs should also be assigned to someone to ensure their implementation. If the plan has been detailed, the entrepreneur.should be ableto assign some
costs and budgets for implementing tbe marketing plan. During the year, the marketing plan wiIJ be monitored to discern the success of the action programs, Any "weak"
signals will provide the entrepreneur with the opportunity to modify the plan and/or
develop a contingency plan.
Careful scrutiny of the marketing plan can enhance its success. However, many plans
fai!, not because of poor management or a.poor product bul beca use the plan was not
specific or had an inadequate situation analysis, unrealistic goals, or did not anticipate
competitive moves, product deficiencies, and acts of God.

1. Participate in an online focus group. Then conduct research on the advantages
and disadvantages of conducting a focus group online versus a "face-to-face"
focus group.

2. Choose an industry and then use the library or the Internet to find data from
secondary sources that will be highly useful in developing a marketing plan.
3. Find five examples of product advertising (e.g., advertisements cut out of a
magazine or recorded on videotape). Bring them to class and be prepared to




explan how they fit in with the rest of the marketng mix and which group of
customers is being targeted.


Find a marketing strategy that s being used now that you believe will be
ineffective. Be prepared to justify your answer.

1. What are the three most effective advertisements on television? Why are they
effective? What are the three least effective advertisements on television? Why are
they ineffective? Are they really ineffective if you have been able to recall them?
2. Define a customer group and then invent a product and come up with a price,
promotion, and distribution strategy. Have some fun in coming up with a
particularly creative marketing mix.
3. Segmentthe class into groups, label those groups, and determine a specific
demand that is unique to each group. You may be asked to reveal your rnarket
(class) segmentation to the rest of the class, and people will have a chance to
respond to your classification.
4. ls market segmentation just a nice way of using "sterotypes" to sell your :
products? Can people really be classified so easily into groups that share cornmon
needs, wants, and demands?

Baker, Stephen- (February 16, 2009). Will Work


Praise. BusinessWeek, lssue 41 19,

This article

illustrates how an online social Web site, ThisNexl allows entrepreneurs

to build their image and enhance sales through social interaction. Customers log
their satisfactions or experience with a product on this platform that is seen by
other interested shoppers. The site attracts advertisers and with increased popularity provides a means of enhancing the reputation of firms that have satsfied customers willng to praise their transactions.
Cardamone, Joseph R. (January 26, 2009). Open a New Business Now. Accounting To:
day, vol.23, no. 2, pp.10-11.
The author offers tips for entrepreneurs who are trying to start a business during
an economic crisis. Emphasis is placed on launching businesses with products and
services that are needed or a necessity during economc decline. Guerrilla marketing
techniques are also mentioned as strategies to keep cosS at a minimum.
Cooper, Marjorie J.; Nancy Upton; and Samuef Seaman. (July 2005). Customer Relationship Management: A Comparative Analysis of Family and Nonfamily Business Practices.
Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 43, no. 3. pp. 242-56.
The importance of customer relationship management implementation among family
and nonfamily businesses is analyzed. Resu/fs indicate that both.types of organizations show similar attitudes toward the implementation of customer relationship

management. However, the study found that actual implementation strategies

differ significantly between these two types of firms.
Dibb. Sally. (2002). Marketing Planning Best Practice. The Marketing Revew, Summer
2002, vol.2, no.4, p. 1.
Ths paper explains the role that marketing planning plays and shows how it is used
by organizations. Each stage of the marketing planning process is described in



marketng plan document are explored. The

ustrated usng a detailed case example from
and guidance on est marketing planning

Goldsborough, Reid' (November 2008). Social Networks vs. Blogs vs. Discussion
Tech Directiont vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 14-15.

Lehmann, Donald R.; and Russelr s. winer. (200g). Anatysis

7th ed. (Burr Ridge, lL: McGraw-Hill/lrwin).



Marketing pranning,

Lerch, Renata L. (January/February 2009). International Marketing planning

for Home
Business Entrepreneurs. Home Business Magazine, vol. 16. no. i.
f,p. 36_39.

Pilma[ John. (July 2005). Small Business? Small Budget? How to Measure for Success.
Public Relations Tactics, vol. 12, no.7, p. 23.
This article su

small business
more competi
research, plan

Schindehutte, Minet; Michael Morris; and Akin Kocak. (January 200g). understanding
Market-Driving Behavor: The Role of Entrepreneurship. Journal of Smalt Business
Management, vol.46, no. 1, pp. 4-26.

Song, Jaeki; and Fatemeh Mariam Zahedi. (2006). Internet Market strategies: Antecedents and fmplications. rnformation & Managemenf vol.43, no. 2, pp-222-3g.
ln this paper the autho
ternet and traditiona! market
channels and define t
They develop a concep

operaung on the lnternet.

appropriaie channel.







An Exploratory Inveligation into the Question of Direct Selling via the lnternet in Industrial Equipment Mar'
kets. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, vol' 12, no- 2, pp. 37-70.
This study seeks to provide exploratory insight into considerations of tnternet-based
direct marketing strateges aimed at industrial consumers. The research provides
managerial and research implications regarding the use of the lnternet n industrial

Taylor, Steven A.; Stephen Goodwin; and Kevin Celuch. (2005).


Wlli"r, David. (2001). Wiiting a Marketing Report.


Marketing Revievl vol.


This article looks

at the process of construding a

basic marketing

rePott an




of the marketels time



'!. "Making

: '


Black Enterprise (July 1975). p. 6; Wendy Beech, "Keeping



tion Expert, Ltd. (2005), pp. 1-16; and Discussionswith

to this profile.
2. Joseph F. Hair, Jr.. Robert P. Bush. and David J. Ortinau, Marketing Research,
' 4th ed. (8urr Ridge, lL: McGraw-Hill/lrwin, 2009), pp. 42-51Activities and Growth
.3. M. P Peters and C. Brush, "Market Information Scanning
in New Ventures: A Comparison of Service and Manufacturing Businsses,"
Journal of Business Research (May 1996). pp.81-89.
r...Garrison Jackson. pisident and CEO, also contributed

4. Hair et


al., Marketing Research, pp. 236-65.

P. Peters, Marketing Decisions for New and Mature
Products,2nd ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991), pp. 63-78.
R. Kerin, 5. Hartley, and W. Rudelius, Marketing,9th ed. (Bur Ridge, lL:
McGraw-Hill/lrwin, 2009), pp. 5-50.
D. R. Lehman and R.5. Winer, Analysis for Marketing Planning, Tth ed. (Burr
Ridge, lL: McGraw-Hill/lrwin, 2008), pp. 10-11.

R. D. Hisrich and M.

8. Kern et al., Marketing, pp.23042.

9. Gwen Moran, "Try 5ampling," Entrepreneur (October 2008), p.



Black Eniterpnse (November 1998), pp.98-104: Agency Profile, Citcula'


'l .


Marketing Plan for a Consumer Products Company-

Exhibit 2. Marketing Plan for a Business-to-Business Company.

Exhibit 3. Marketing Plan for a Service Company.







regont etc.)?






Marketing Plan Outline

For each major producVproduct categorlx Time Period-One. Three, and Five-Plus Years




What is our marketing plan forthis product in brief?

This is a one-page summary of the basic factors involving the marketing of the product in the plan period. along
with the results xpected from implementing theplan. lt is intended as a brief for management.
What factors in the overall economy and industry
and how?

This section

will affect the marketing of the product in the plan period,

will contain a summary of the specific ecoomic and industry factors that will affect the marketing

ofthis product during the plan period.


THE MARKET--qualitative

Who or what kinds of market segments consttute the major prospects for this product?
This section will define the qualitative nature of our market segments. lt will include definitive descriptions and
profiles of major distributors, specifiers, users, and/or consumers of the product.
lV. THE MARKET---quanttative

the potential market for this product?

will apply specific quantittive measures to this product. Here we want to include numbers of
potential custdmert dollar vdlne of business, our currentshare of the market-any ipecific measures that will
outline our total target for the product and where we stand competitvely now.



This section


Eased on the history of

this product, where do we appear to be headed?

Thissection is a review of the past history of this product. ldeally, we should include annual fgurs forthe last
five years showng dollar volume, accounts opened, accounts closed, share of market, and all other applicable
historical data.



Who are our competitors for this product. and how do we stand competitively?
This section should define our current competition. lt should be a thoughtful analysis outlining who our
competitors are, how successful they are, and what actions they might be expected to take regarding this
product during the comng year.



Internally and externally, are there problems nhibiting the marketing of this product, or are there opportunities
we have not taken advantage of?
This section will include a frank commentary on both inhibitng problems and unrealized opportunities. lt
should include a discussion of the internal and external problems we can control, for example, by changes in
policies or operational programs. lt should also point to areas of opportunity regarding this product that we
are not now exploring.



Where do we want to go with this product?
This section will outline the immediate short- and long-range objectives for this product. Short-range goals
should be specifc and will apply to next year. Intermediate to long-range goals will necessarly be less specific
and should project for the next three to five years and beyond. Objectives should be stated in two forms.
(l) Qualitative-reasoning behind the offering of this product and what modifications or other changes we
expect to make.
(2) Quantitative-number of accounts, dollar volume, share of market, and profit goals.


Given past history, the economy, the market, competition, etc., what must we do to reach the goals we have set
for this product or service?
will be a description of the specfc actions we plan to take during the coming plan period to ensure
reaching the objectives we have set for the product in Vlll. These would include the full range of factors
comprising our marketing mix. The discussion should cover what is to be done, schedules for completion,
methods of evaluation, and assignment of accountability for executing the program and measuring results-

This section

Source: David S. Hopkins,The Marketing Plan (NewYork: The Confeene Board,

l98l). Reprinted with pernission ofThe

Conference Boad



Marketing Plan Outline

For each major bank service:






is our marketing plan for this srvice in brief?

This is a one-page summary of the basic factors involving the marketing of the service next year along
with the
from implementing the plan. lt is intended as a biief guide for *"nrg"."t.


What factors n the overall economy will affect the marketing'of tis service next yeai and how?
a summary of the specific economic factors that will affect the marketing of this service
These might include employment, personl ircome. business expectations, inflationary


e5, etc.

Who or what knds of organizations could conceivably be considered prospcts for this service?
fhis sectionwill define the qulitative nature of our will nclude demographic information, industrial
profites. business profiles. -nd ,o on, for atl people o.'..g";it",i;;r ii.,
be customers for this service.

lV. THE MARKET-quantitative

What is the potential markt for this service?


This section'wil} apply specfic quantitative measures


to this bank service- Here we want to include numbers of

potential cfmers, dollar-volume of business, our curent share of the market-any specific measures that
outline our total target for ihe service nd where we stand comptitively now.

Based.on the_:history gf this service, where do we appear to be headed?
This sectl-on is a review of the past histo.ry of this service. fdeally, we should include quarterly figures for the last
five years showing dollar volume, accounti opened, accounts closed, share of markei, and all olher


historicaf data.



who are our competitors for this


service, and how do we stand competitively?

This section should define our current competition, both bank and nonbank. lt should be a thouQhtful analysis
outlning who our competitors are, how successful they are, why they have (or have not) been iulcessfuf, and
what actions they might be expected to take regarding this servic during the coming year.

Internally and externally, are there problems inhibiting the maiketing of this service, or are there opportunities
we have not taken advantaoe of?
This section will contain a frank commentary on both inhibitng problems and unrealized opportunites- lt should
include a discussion of the internal and external problems we can control, for example, changes in policies or
operational procedures. lt should also point to areas of opportunity regarding this service that we ar not now



Where do we want to go with this service?

This section will outline the immediate short- and long-range objectives for this service. Short-range goals should
be specific and will apply to next year. Long-range goals wiil necssarly be less specific and shoulJprect for the
next fve years. Objectives should be fated in two forms:

(1) Qualitative-reasoningbehindtheofferingofthisserviceandwhatmodificationsorotherchangesweexpect



(2) Quantitative-numberof accountt dollar volume, share of market. profit goals.



Given past history the economy, the mrket, competition, and so on, what must we do to reach the goals we have

set for this service?

This section will be a description of the specific actions we plan to take during the coming year to ensure reaching
the objectives we have set for the service in Vlll. These would include advertising and promotion, direct mail, and
brochure development. lt would also include programs to be designed and implemented by line officers. The
discusson should coverwhat is to be done, schedules for completion, methods of evaluation, and officers in
charge of executing the program and measuring results.


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