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General Assembly

Syria(Caeley McClain)
Palestine and Israel


The Security Council and General Assembly,
Recognizing before any of this fighting between Israeli and Palestinians, the Palestinians
were the first ones to be in Israel and what started all this fighting was Israeli coming into
the Palestinians land,
Having received the information that the Israeli people have nowhere else to go since the
Holocaust and in the bible it notes that Israel is there holy place,
Having examined Palestine and Israel both have different beliefs and neighboring
countries more have the belief of the Palestinians then the Israeli,
Deeply concerned about the Palestinians refugees, that were forced out of there homes in
the Gaza Strip and West Bank into refugee camps because the Israeli scared them away
with a rumor,
Observing sanctions put on the Gaza Strip and West Bank is creating an economic
struggle for the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Convinced if we dont solve the problem soon, it will cause a bigger problem and
possibly a World War 3
Bearing in mind both sides have struggled equally and deserve something that will
benefit both of them in some kind of way,
Aware of the events and issues, the following should be considered in making a peaceful
resolution for the Israel-Palestine conflict.

1. Urges coming to a solution on the matter in the next 20 years, before it gets worse;

2. Calls upon the United Nations to support Palestine with humanitarian aid if the
palestine accept this resolution;
3. Considers these countries to be monitored by the United Nations Peacekeepers to make
sure there is safety, and both sides can live in peace;
4. Encourages military action used against either side to be limited and to only be used
when absolutely necessary:
(a)With the exception of any violent action against a party, neighboring countries
and if need the Peacekeepers will step in;
5. Further requests we look into other possible solutions before we try a two state
solution, seeing that resolution 242 was unable to work and caused more damage;
6. Takes note both parties have different beliefs and should still have access to their holy
land within each other's territory:
(a)With both sides being monitored by peacekeepers to ensure safety for both
sides and for peacekeepers force to only be used when there is violence;
7. Further invites other countries to help with palestine refugees and give them a place to
live and aid;
8. Emphasizes the importance of this solution for this crisis so that both sides may be safe
and live at peace;

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