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Theoretical Exploration of the Universe,

The Encounter Resources & Ideas, The Exchange of Technologies

Danielle Muro

Individual Website/Senior Division

Regional History Fair

Primary Sources:
"American Experience: John F. Kennedy." PBS. PBS. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
This website contains a primary speech given by John F. Kennedy, who was president at the time
of the rise of Physical Space exploration. He is urging citizens that a trip to the moon is essential,
and he mentions technology such as Transit Satellites and the Saturn C-1 booster rocket. His
speech reveals the advancement of technology and how it has facilitated space exploration.
"Apollo 11." A&E Television Networks. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
This source is a picture of Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11) on the moon. I used this image on the
physical exploration page of my website because it illustrates one very important mile stone in
Space Exploration that set the stage for further advancement of technology and future
"First Woman Space Shuttle Commander." First Woman Space Shuttle Commander. Web. 21
Oct. 2015.
This primary source is a speech coming from the very first woman, Elieen Collins, to command a
space mission. This information is important to my research because it provides a perspective on
how space craft also effected the role and importance of women space exploration.
"NASA Technologies Benefit Our Lives." NASA Technologies Benefit Our Lives. Web. 21 Oct.
The NASA website provides relevant information on modern day appliances we use today and
how Space Exploration has made them possible. This source is extremely relent to my research,
as it is crucial evidence for my argument on humans encounter of new technologies through
Space Exploration.
"Official White House Transcript of President Eisenhower's Press and Radio Conference #123."
Eisenhower Archives. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
President Eisenhower was involved with funding and developing technology so that America
could advance physical exploration of space, which can be taken from this primary document. It
is important to note that certain factors did play into the competitiveness of the Space Race, more
precisely the lasting tensions of the Cold War.

"Proposed News Release From the Academy of Science." Eisenhower Archives. Web. 13 Oct.
Physical exploration of space sparked intensive competition between the Soviet Union and the
United States. This primary document is an article informing people of the Soviet Unions plans
to send an artificial satellite into space. This accomplishment on Russia's part is what set the
standards for the space race and started the competition.
Secondary Sources:
"Ancient Egyptian Agriculture, Farming, Diet, Animals - Crystalinks." Ancient Egyptian
Agriculture, Farming, Diet, Animals - Crystalinks. Web. 10 Oct. 2015.
This Source is significant because it provided a visual representation of Egyptian farming and
further explained Egypt's reliance on Astronomy as a resource for farming and collecting crops
"Cosmology & Astrophysics." Education. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
This website discussed much about what scientists and astronomers believe today about the
creation and formation of the Universe. It discusses relevant theories that are important to my
research, for they reveal theoretical exploration.
Dunbar, Brian. NASA. NASA, 5 Aug. 2011. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
The NASA website was relevant to my research, as well as the information it provided, because
it informed me of current day physical exploration NASA is planning on completing, or has
already completed. This information is important because it illustrates the theme Exploration.
Fraknoi, Andrew. "Astronomical Pseudo-Science: A Skeptics Resource List." Astronomy
Society of the Pacific. 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 9 Dec. 2015.
This website was relevant to my research because it provided me with information to support my
argument for Modern Cosmologies. This provided an outlook for a scholar on how current
cosmologies are based on small independent observations rather than broad evidence.
"Galileo's Telescope - Chromatic Aberration." Galileo's Telescope - Chromatic Aberration. Web.
10 Oct. 2015.
This source provided me with essential background information on Galileo's telescope and how
it has evolved from its current standards over time. This information is significant because it
shows how technologies from long ago have been developed and eventually exchanged for our
modern day equipment.

"History of the Space Technology Hall of Fame." History of the Space Technology Hall of Fame.
Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
This secondary source is relevant to my research and website content because it provides an
explanation of technologies developed in the new age that have contributed to my Exchange of
Resources argument.
"Modern Cosmology: Science or Folktale?" American Scientist. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
This secondary source was an essential component to my research because it provided me with
background information regarding cosmologies. It also distinguished pseudoscience and
scientific cosmologies.
PBS. PBS. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
This secondary source was important to my research because it provided me with relevant
information regarding the birth of cosmology. This information is important to my research and
website because it supports my stance on how past cosmology has effected current day
theoretical exploration.
"Space." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records
Administration. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
This archive dedicated to Space Exploration is extremely crucial to my research because
provides secondary, along with primary, documents that not only informed me of space
exploration, but technologies and resources as well.
"StarTeach Astronomy Education." StarTeach Astronomy Education. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.
This secondary source provides a brief overview of how Egypt incorporated astronomy into their
agricultural lives and building structures. This source is important to my research because it
reveals the impact that cosmologies had on ancient civilization in Egypt.
Steman, Thomas. "Space Exploration Rescources." St. Cloud State University The Repository at
St. Cloud State. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
This source is an essay discussing space exploration resources. This essay was very important to
my research, as it provided links to various databases and primary photos of the Universe,
achieved through modern day technologies. This information is relevant to my research because
it elaborates on the Resource element in this years NHD topic.

"The Orgin of Modern Astronomy." ASTRO An Introduction to Astronomy. 1st ed. Vol. 1.
Seeds/Backman. 32-71. Print.
This textbook excerpt provided me with essential knowledge, such as the fact that Aristotle and
Ptolemy founded the basis of ancient astronomy in Greece. It also informed me of theories that
were developed from other astronomers afterwards and what principles shape our modern day
Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
This data base, centered on the study of Pseudoscience, provided me essential information on
Astrology and the more abstract ways that people theoretically explore the Universe.

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