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Hello ATS, I tried

nd it seems nobody
information is in
ask the moderators

to look if anybody had posted this case before on this site a

did, not a surprise because it is an old case and most of the
Italian, German, Spanish and some in English. If I'm wrong I
of this forum to please let me know and then remove this thre

This is by far one of my favourite contacts of the third kind, it is quite old b
ut yet fascinating to me. Like I said before most of the information is in itali
an and other languages and just a handful in the english language and from that
source is the text that I will be using in this thread.

The Walter Rizzi Case

The story of the meeting and the conversation of Rizzi with an extraterrestrial
having descended from a flying saucer at Passo di Gardena in 1968 and recounted
by him for the first time ten years later was widely known, especially in German
-speaking countries, to the point that the man was often invited to hold lecture
s and even published a book in Germany.
The Walter Rizzi Case - Fascinating contact of the third kind
(starts at page 22 and ends at page 28).

I hope that you read it all and found it as fascinating as I did. It makes me th
inking of why aliens do not show up or interfere directly and
publicly in our world. It makes sense that there should be a cosmic law that hig
her civilizations cant or should not interfere with growing civilizations like o
urs. Also it reminds me of the words of Carl Sagan said in Cosmos that maybe we
have no sign of aliens because of that same reason (If I am not wrong it is said
in episode 8 but he said it in that show, no doubt about it).
Can I say I would like to encourage you to keep on posting stories like this on
these forums. Especially if you bring something original and interesting. Which
this story is.
I also hope you are open to some constructive criticism?
I think this could have been an OUTSTANDING post had you taken a bit more time t
o do your own write up (as you did with your previous post). Ultimately it relie
s on a link elsewhere for people who want to know the details of the story.
I think you rushed this one after seeing how well flagged and starred your previ
ous thread was. This one is a bit lacking in your own content so instead you've
padded it out with lots of pictures.
Thank you for your kind comments. Yes I plan to make threads of stuff not listed
on this site or maybe add more information to others which lack information. My
first plan was to translate one source in Italian to English which was shorter
but the English one was more complete but my thread was deleted before I even fi
nished it and had to reorder it all over. But now I know what I can and I cant d
o and what I should do and should not do. I have never done this before and all
I want really is to spread information to other people just like this site did t
o me for many years also because I love how this site saves every thread so mayb

e other people in the future will find it and look it up and learn about it just
like it happened to myself

We all were advised that scientists clone...they cloned sheep
Dolly (July 5, 1996 - February
en successfully cloned from an
e in Midlothian, Scotland, and
s old. Her birth was announced

14, 2003), a ewe, was the first mammal to have be

adult cell. She was cloned at the Roslin Institut
lived there until her death when she was six year
on February 22, 1997
A series of bizarre incidents involving sheep in Shropshire have led to farmers c
laims that aliens are attacking their livestock. ... Farmers near Shrewsbury cla
im to have witnessed sheep being lasered by unidentified light from UFOs. They hav
e linked the unexplained incidents ...
A Large Ion Collider Experiment ... Its first research run took place from 30 Ma
rch 2010 to 13 February 2013 at an initial energy of 3.5
Gene, the first cloned calf in the world was born on February 7, 1997 at the Ame
rican Breeders Service facilities in Deforest, Wisconsin, United States. Later i
t was transferred and kept at the Minnesota Zoo Education Center.[5] Three more
cloned calves were born in 1998.[6]
A Holstein heifer named "Daisy" was cloned by Dr. Xiangzhong (Jerry) Yang using
ear skin cells from a high-merit cow named Aspen at the University of Connecticu
t in June, 1999, followed by three additional clones, Amy, Betty, and Cathy in J
uly, 1999.[7]
Second Chance, a Brahman bull was cloned from Chance, a beloved celebrity bull.
Second Chance was born in August, 1999 at Texas A&M University
Idaho Sees Worst Cattle Mutilations In April 2010 - The ...
Jun 16, 2010 - Cattle Mutilation Phenomena refers to thousands of cases in North
America ... Idaho Sees Worst Cattle Mutilations In April 2010 - Phantoms and Mo
nsters Wiki ... I've had animals killed on my ranch by mountain lions before and
... Zukowski, who has been a UFO and cow mutilation investigator for more than
We review images leaked to the public...photographic evidence. We also know that
photographic evidence can be tampered with...but what about real physical evide
nce of cloning and then the test experiments of the COLLIDER.
When you review the COLLIDER the information states that the science relates to
changes of gravitational see a cow lifted up in the air.
The COLLIDER also states a science for the gain of a plasma formed energy body t
o use...and then replace, which would mean an atmospheric reaction/interaction a
nd gain for the machine.
We all live in the atmosphere.

Why did Scientists do cloning.....other than to study the DNA model for plasma f
ormation/plasma interactions/plasma create an artificial model
for resourcing artificial plasma.
We get attacked....I was attacked, I advised that in the attack my eyes burnt an
d I thought I was going to be made blind. My eyesight since blurred with a white
The ancient information.....human skulls changed...grew horns.....they were nuke
d as a religious belief that then honored cows and vowed to never harm the cow a
gain....the information in India....the INDIAN RELIGIOUS QUOTES studied regardin
g UFO formation advice and vimyanas.
Is it any wonder that human beings have become aware of an evil occult science e
xperiment, that is attacking our life?
We should all ask ourselves how evil is an occult incompassionate co
uld a human actually be, as a thinking being?
Would scientists go to the extent of secret human cloning.....and caused the cre
ation of mutated then study them?
I would believe that they are this evil...after my own experiment experience.
To study a cell production and then produce a machine to try to emulate the radi
ation light/sound condition, would then impose another the actual i
nheritance of an evil spirit manifestation caused by the machine/nuclear power p
lants radiation a manifested witness to the evil science of cloning
Hence the alien does not arrive out of the is a spirit manifest
ation of the applied radiation light sound data gained from the cloning investig
The old alien photographs would provide the evidence that occult scientists were
secretly cloning human cells and producing physical abominations...and then tri
ed to impose the manifested spirit as the owner of the alien body.
How else would cows fly....cows cell state be attacked....sheep suddenly be atta
cked and also humans by the condition of the preceding data collecting from clon
ing cells itself.
Why is it that a natural lived life is suddenly attacked and advised that I was
being used to collect data for a healthy, lived real human existence?
What next Scientist....the actual human attacks, as demonstrated by the animal k
The animal kingdom...a lower cell than claim knowledge and wisdo
m of a sheep and then cause it to be formed unnaturally/artificially from its ow
n body cells....along with your studies of procreation.
Without the status of informed would not have been able to produce
a cellular reaction.
You then inform the public about alien bodies, by photographic evidence.

You are a human being looking at human cell information imposing your own evalue
d cannot replicate your own person as the same status as the cell yo
u review....instead you produce alien beings/mutated life forms from an unnatura
l science.
Your theories for forming a natural human life from cloning you take
your experiments into the atmospheric/ground relay and use a program to then stu
dy life from a different perspective to gain data.
How sick are you all you believe that an alien cloned human cell is
part of a human life.....or an abomination/artificial cell outcome from an occu
lt science practice?
Can you produce mutated life forms naturally.......nature demonstrates you most
certainly can.
Why is it that some alien photographs look like a mutated human baby?
So your own occult review states....the sheep was never created and in the UFO a
ttacks identifies that you are trying to make the sheep not be created.
Evolution...all spirit and all data of a spirit belongs personally to the body o
f the spirit.
If a sheep died and did not procreate to continue its existence...then no sheep
would be present for you to study and abominate.
You imply that a sheep is created from a fake is this review are you
truly that unintelligent? Sheep gain creation by being birthed as a natural eve
nt....a machine does not clone a sheep....but you can aritificial GOD personas..
.occultists at their worst.
I am still alive...I exist as my own organic did not create me by a m
achine....and your machine is not creating my life cell interaction. My own orga
nic body coded to reform my cells does so....if the atmosphere is not present in
its correct radiated light sound, my cells will not form properly as demonstrat
A machine does not own our life.
A satellite is a machine...the computer is a machine...the collider is a machine
Everything created is created....we do not have a beginning.
The beginning on Earth is above ground atmospheric to earth stone interactions..
.without any life present.
Water and oxygen was first created in the atmosphere by a radiation attack. The
body fell upon the face of Earth and whilst on Earth water gained microbial crea
tion. The water...evaporated and placed microbial populations in the atmosphere.
All of our life is not connected...each species owns it own life...its own procr
eation and its own death.
If we did not procreate we would have no presence or life on Earth....where is y
our so called review of evolution then?

You imposed a theory upon our Nature that does not even exist occultist.
Gravity is a fact....what about all other bodies that exist for you to make a si
ngle statement about imply that gravity exists by itself.
All of your theories impose this evaluated consideration as if a form of power i
s self explained without any other condition involved.
If you were not alive, you could not impose a condition...therefore the conditio
n you do impose does not exist.
Delusional is the personal aspect owned by the occultist are tr
uly self deluded to make statements that you own powers...or that you can create
powers. Everything created is created.
You review single minded informed reviews about conditions that exist as a non e
xisted reality.
You say the beginning is a collision...yet you exist in a totally formed evoluti
on of all energy bodies making statements about a reaction that does not exist w
hen no energy exists....fake and false statement.
You then impose this review as a condition to the actual experiment and try to r
emove the energy that you placate does not exist before the collision...yet it d
oes exist...and so does the collision.
The theory then is self advised as it peruses the data that it caused....all of
the attacks upon the Nature that it tried to remove to claim ownership of a coll
ision that was considered to belong to a condition where no life exists or exist
ed....and the data states the observations, that you are by theory evil minded..
..a attack life...consider the attacks as if it is simple data th
at one day will provide other evidence for your correct data that you want to ga
What correct data are simply evil minded and self possessed your
theories are fake...are applied by a fake machine that you created to try to fo
rce a condition that it not natural to life on Planet Earth.
The data observed states that you attacked our life and then you imply that our
life is going to give you extra data that you did not have before to make your t
heory work. Yet your theory is already about a collision that did not happen....
..and you claim yourself intelligent?
quote. Collider's don't change the force of gravity or lift cows either. Where d
o you get this crap from?
The ancient PHI information is about the levitation of stone by application of n
uclear dust.
The modern occultist used the information for PHI and nuclear dust and created f
You then do experiments with the collider relating to changes of gravitational f
orces.....the test experiments are applied...and then Nature by photographic evi
dence gets attacked.
Of course the collider caused it.
The collider just as nuclear fuel's creation affects the atmospheric wavelength

interactions and changes the natural magnetic forces of Earth.

Ice melted and the poles have moved as science has already confirmed.'s confirmed: both Antarctica and Gree
nland are losing ice around 350 billion ... This photo shows a summertime channel
created by the flow of melted ice,
The moon got closer to Earth.
The migration of the Moon away from the Earth is mainly due to the action of the
Earth's tides.
The Moon is kept in orbit by the gravitational force that the Earth exerts on it
, but the Moon also exerts a gravitational force on our planet and this causes t
he movement of the Earth's oceans to form a tidal bulge.
Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth
Sun Moon & Earth out of kilter 01.55 Hrs 19th November 2010 Wiltshire UK So what
has happened To The Moon it looks to be almost 90 degrees out of kilter !
We had the collider experiments 2010...the attacks on the nature of animals when
the experiments were reactivated.
The moon belonging to the gravitational review....changes by evidence 2010.
The ancient occult memory states that when our ancient brother decided to alter
the gravitational forces of light and sound fusion on Earth......the Universe al
so changed and it attacked the creation.
Our occult brother does new experiments and a similar condition is witnessed....
phenomena and changes to creation.
When he does a review he considers that the moon was caused by an asteroid.
I would ask our occult brother, why does he review information and then be conce
rned about the information he is reviewing....if he believes in his scientific p
Is he concerned about changing gravitational forces?
Does he actually understand cooled radiation streams and what he might not be ab
le to see?
Clear plasma functions are stated to exist...what if he has changed this existen
ce and watches as the moon moves away from Earth after it had been held?
Why was it known that the Planets had sent an attack to Earth, as released radia
tion....that would cool a trajectory and would this trajectory be clear occultis
ts? Did you break a bond to Earth that belonged to our moon?
How would you know occultist unless a change occurs? Is it always a too late sce
nario for your own persons as a situation of cause and effect for trying to emul
ate and replicate a creative act?

How much destruction and how many attacks does our Nature have to endure until y
ou realize how evil you all are?
So you say to your own personal review.
I am not One, and nor is any human implies a review of a human mind w
ho considered powers in creation....I have nothing to do with stone levitating.
The spirit holographic memory states that our brother was present on origin Eart
h when he activated the levitation of stone....and was his own person converted
into a lower organic form. This allowed his human self to understand conversion.
....the only reason why he did understand.
Science tries to imply that DNA gave the life the information....but DNA does no
t exist in the form that you exists in the form of a human organic se
lf presence. Therefore your information is review information from a
single review that is not true to the condition of life.
As you cannot review a status for creation ownership, you impose values and then
claim that these values exist as your own organic life states....yet if you did
not exist who are you to lay claim to such information? fake and false reasonin
If human beings all died without procreation, the animals and Nature would exist
without you imposing a value upon their presence.
Who do you really believe you are.....all knowing by self review....a considerat
ion that is truly fake.
If you were all knowing you would never have to consider any
would know everything and would not need to experiment for a review.
If you did know it all, the first review considered would also imply a non choic
e to change....for you would be self advised that change causes change. So why w
ould you want to change what supports your current life status?
Oh dear.
I quite like the practice of confining one's personal beliefs unto oneself.
Science is not a belief system.
Assuming that aliens exist, and like to zoom around the skies and conspire with
American politicians without ever stopping in for a cup of tea with the rest of
us, then how could they have been created by human people who are not on the sam
e technological level?
UNLESS. A mad scientist working in Area 51 attempted to create a human clone, bu
t got the body shape wrong, and it came out with grey skin and big stupid eyes a
nd no c*ck. BUT. All the problems in its body had inverted themselves into a mas
sive brain, which was part computer, and part brain! This made the crap clone re
ally smart, and he learned how to clone himself, but he technically did a better
job than the scientist, because he got his clones looking just like him. AND TH
EN. The clone and his clones started building circular flying roombas, and began
to covertly take over the world. The scientist stopped being mad, and tried to
warn the world. HOWEVER. Nobody believes him.
God damn, I should be a famous novelist.
Tell me more about your experiment.

I too was experimented on. They put me in a room rigged up with cameras, and att
ached electrodes to my head. They monitored me for 72 long, boring hours. Afterw
ards, they made me take this pill on a regular basis. The pill alters the electr
ic in my mind brain. Or something, I don't know. To be honest I wasn't listening
. But sometimes, I break through, and start flopping around on the ground like a
n electrocuted fish. So I feel ya bruv, I feel ya.
I am not an angel...the angels were never human beings...they were always energy
reactions of cooled radiated light sounds.
Change the Earth O sound...and then the radiation in out of space heats....for e
volution of cold is evolution of cold.
O planets combusted in origin Universal attacks, caused by our ancient occult br
other left dust swirling in star systems. The cooling radiation and the dust for
med a nuclear condition via the status of evolution....nuclear fuel was formed.
The status of this information allowed scientists on Earth to gain information a
s single stated radiated light sound reactions...for the stated single journey h
appened to create nuclear fuel.
Therefore there was never an instantaneous "bang" or collision...the collision o
nly occuring in the star systems for the purpose of nuclear fuel's creation.
I advised our occult brother how he gained his ancient memory for stone levitati
on, as he was present on origin Earth when it was attacked...had his own spiritu
al presence converted in the same information as stone's own conversion to allow
for levitation.
As no human life exists in the information for stone to be levitated, this is ho
w he gained the information through radiation transmitting to radiation on diffe
rent wavalength any human of an organic nature, that has no c
onscious presence in nuclear reactions, could receiving the transmitt
ed information.
As I stated, I knew that our atmosphere did not manifest our spirit life...but o
bviously occultists believed that it did...from first viewing alien spirit manif
estations from the extra irradiated atmospheric light signals interacting with h
uman life....causing fake/artificial spirit presences.
They then considered artificial chemicals as a reasoning for a new resource so b
egan to gather the data.
They then cloned sheep/cows...and hence when they used the data that they gained
from cellular cloning, the experiment then transmitted the light/sound informat
ion to Nature...and Nature got attacked as a direct result of the data gained fr
om alien transmitted messages.
The obvious cloning of animals, then led to human cloning...which is why they fo
rmed abominated partial human bodies. Obvious actually...for the alien never man
ifested and disappeared.
So when they used the data gained from the cloning experiments....the alien form
changed and manifested differently...for this is what the experiment is about.
To take information already created....make believe it is not created, then impo
se an evalued then move the information of the collision through
all of the created then gain an artificial plasma reaction for t
he collider.

In other words a fake/false theory about alteration of time and movement of matt
er...when it is a fake theory.
You gained data...imposed single reviews of information that is untruthful and d
ishonest to the information itself....and you cannot collide on Earth, where col
lisions only happen inside of a nuclear power plant.
You are now trying to take this information from out of a power plant...pass it
through our atmosphere to get it inside of the collider.
Nuclear fuel does not create plasma as a constant...for you burn the fuel.
If uranium and plutonium were not being would have no data to bel
ieve in a collider.
So you are in fact playing make believe in your mind, whilst reality
d reality cannot alter its status to suit your occult evil minded collider theor
Our life is not a cell....your cloning produced life from a cell...yet the whole
animal and whole human exists....our life does not exist as a cell.
A real life body....conceives the baby as an adult present.....and you took the
cells from an adult formed species.
Your theory plays make believe tha the species itself does not exist and that yo
ur cloning information does.
Since when does a cell exist without its parent body being present?
Hence your evil demonstrates by all of its manifested stated reviews...that you
could not be any eviler than what you are.
If a spiritual review was considered by humanity in comparison to what its occul
tists have achieved as a real evil act...then no wonder humanity is so close to
its own self destruction, via the evil that you have all demonstrated.
I am protected by my light spiritual Father....the reason I am not afraid.
Also by self evident information, the cloning of human cells was done for data..
.for the plasma resource artificial studies you theorized about.
Obviously the humans who saw the results of your occultist cloning, tried to war
n the public...and a story was invented for disinforming the the con
dition and ancient method of occultism itself.
The images photographed are not aliens...they are human clones...and obviously y
our cell cloning demonstrated that you cannot create a human life from cells.
No wonder the human psyche was trying to advise itself by making statements abou
t our spirits being abducted and placed inside of test tubes...for psyche spirit
ual informed status has always existed.
You believed that spirits manifested into cell life straight out of the atmosphe
re...but they never did. The occultist never believed in origin spirit, they onl
y believed in themselves.
Experimented upon, obviously my information is true....for the science demonstra
tes that it did not gain the data that it wanted and then began an illegal groun

d feedback experiment on humans living...just as I stated.

Early mediumships produced a state photographed called this wha
t you considered to gain from human life occultist?
As the early 1900s demonstrate via the non healed ancient irradiation of stone l
evitation attacks, the human life was still being irradiated, as an unnatural st
I was told spiritually that Mediums who were interacting with spirit in this rev
iew were physically harmed....hence it was always an attack on life that allowed
this type of Medium to all forms of spiritual phenomena exist as a
n attack.
Science of the occult took this type of attack and placed it inside of a nuclear
fuel's power plant creation....and human life affected differently from this fo
rm of atomic/nuclear condition. The human psyche and spiritual condition therefo
re also altered by the situation of owning the nuclear attack condition on Earth
Nuclear irradiation of any form of increase is an attack and always has caused h
uman phenomena.
Therefore this type of phenomena is not natural to natural life....yet obviously
was considered by the occultist for occultist reasoning is evil minded...and ob
viously the later day occultist without a new theory, then began to study phenom
ena and consider information of spirit....yet you already took this phenomena fr
om life and placed it in a power plant.
This is why your new occultist theory evil minded nasty human, no longer works f
or you...and instead when you tried to form a human life from a cell....alll you
got was a mutant.
As the natural cellular life of all of Nature already naturally mutates in the n
uclear irradiated was your new theory ever going to be achieved
by rational use of information?
I truly believe that our occult brother has finally lost his own spirit and it m
ust certainly be existing as a record amongst the aliens.

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