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A Modified Risk Assessment to Establish Molybdenum Standards

for Land Application of Biosolids
George A. O’Connor,* Robert B. Brobst, Rufus L. Chaney, Ron L. Kincaid, Lee R. McDowell,
Gary M. Pierzynski, Alan Rubin, and Gary G. Van Riper

ABSTRACT provided by biosolids (O’Connor and McDowell, 1999).

The USEPA standards (40 CFR Part 503) for the use or disposal Similarly, rangelands—the predominant land use in the
of sewage sludge (biosolids) derived risk-based numerical values for arid and semiarid western regions of the USA—offer
Mo for the biosolids → land → plant → animal pathway (Pathway abundant acreages for land application of biosolids.
6). Following legal challenge, most Mo numerical standards were Aside from providing plant nutrients and enhancing soil
withdrawn, pending additional field-generated data using modern bio- conditions, land application of biosolids can increase
solids (Mo concentrations ⬍75 mg kg⫺1 ) and a reassessment of this plant cover, decrease runoff, and reduce erosion (Drae-
pathway. This paper presents a reevaluation of biosolids Mo data, ger et al., 1999). Pastures and rangelands also typically
refinement of the risk assessment algorithms, and a reassessment of
represent low-population areas that minimize aesthetic
Mo-induced hypocuprosis from land application of biosolids. Forage
Mo uptake coefficients (UC) are derived from field studies, many of
problems and traffic issues associated with biosolids use.
which used modern biosolids applied to numerous soil types, with Biosolids, however, also contain trace elements whose
varying soil pH values, and supporting various crops. Typical cattle fate must be considered in pasture and rangeland im-
diet scenarios are used to calculate a diet-weighted UC value that provement programs involving land application. In 1993,
realistically represents forage Mo exposure to cattle. Recent biosolids the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
use data are employed to estimate the fraction of animal forage (FC) promulgated regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations
likely to be affected by biosolids applications nationally. Field data [CFR] Part 503) that, coupled with state regulations, gov-
are used to estimate long-term Mo leaching and a leaching correction ern biosolids recycling (USEPA, 1994). The federal rule
factor (LC) is used to adjust cumulative biosolids application limits. is risk-based (to protect against reasonably anticipated
The modified UC and new FC and LC factors are used in a new
adverse effects), and assesses exposure of animals, hu-
algorithm to calculate biosolids Mo Pathway 6 risk. The resulting
numerical standards for Mo are cumulative limit (RPc) ⫽ 40 kg Mo
mans, and the environment to biosolids-borne metals
ha⫺1, and alternate pollutant limit (APL) ⫽ 40 mg Mo kg⫺1. We regard through 14 pathways. One of the assessment pathways
the modifications to algorithms and parameters and calculations as pertinent to biosolids use on pastures and/or rangelands
conservative, and believe that the risk of Mo-induced hypocuprosis (Pathway 6) evaluates metal transfer from biosolids →
from biosolids Mo is small. Providing adequate Cu mineral supple- soil → plants → animals. Exposure to molybdenum (Mo)
ments, standard procedure in proper herd management, would aug- via Pathway 6 is critical because ruminants (especially
ment the conservatism of the new risk assessment. cattle) grazing forage containing excessive Mo can de-
velop a Mo-induced Cu deficiency known as molyb-
denosis. Pathway 6 was, by far, the limiting pathway for

A pplication on agricultural land is the most common

beneficial use of biosolids today (National Re-
search Council, 1996), and pastures frequently represent
Mo in land application programs, and calculations of
allowable biosolids Mo loads to soils from the pathway
were used to set numerical standards for Mo in the
attractive application sites. For example, pastures in federal rule. The next most limiting pathway was Path-
Florida occupy ⬎5 million ha, are frequently underfertil- way 3 (direct human consumption of soil), and yielded
ized, and respond well to nutrients (e.g., N, P, S, Fe) a Mo limit ⬎20-fold greater than Pathway 6. Four tables
in the Part 503 rule define various types of pollutant
limits: Ceiling Concentrations in Table 1, Cumulative
G.A. O’Connor, Soil and Water Science Dep., and L.R. McDowell, Pollutant Loading Rates in Table 2, Pollutant Concen-
Dep. of Animal Science, Univ. of Florida, P.O. Box 110510, Gaines-
ville, FL 32611. R.B. Brobst and A. Rubin, USEPA, 401 M St., SW, trations in Table 3, and Annual Pollutant Loading Rates
Washington, DC 20460. R.L. Chaney, USDA/ARS, Beltsville, MD in Table 4. Molybdenum was included in all tables, with
20705. R.L. Kincaid, Dep. of Animal Sci., Washington State Univ., numerical values of 75 mg Mo kg⫺1 (Table 1), 18 kg Mo
Pullman, WA 99164. G.M. Pierzynski, Dep. of Agronomy, Kansas ha⫺1 (Table 2), 18 mg Mo kg⫺1 (Table 3), and 0.9 kg
State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506. G.G. Van Riper, Montgomery
Watson, Lakewood, CO 80228. Although employees of the USEPA Mo ha⫺1 yr⫺1 (Table 4).
were involved in the preparation of this document, it has not had the
USEPA’s peer and policy review, and does not necessarily reflect the Abbreviations: BC, background concentration of pollutant in forage;
views of the agency. Contribution of the Florida Agric. Exp. Stn. FC, fraction of animal forage likely to be affected by biosolids applica-
Journal Ser. no. R-07599. Received 15 June 2000. *Corresponding tion; HEI, highly exposed individual; LC, leaching correction factor;
author ( RF, allowable Mo increment in plant tissue; RPc, cumulative biosolids
application limit; TPI, threshold pollutant intake at which a toxic effect
Published in J. Environ. Qual. 30:1490–1507 (2001). is noted in animals consuming the forage; UC, uptake coefficient.


Climax Metals Company, and several other compa- Table 1. Summary of Mo analytical results from the 1988 national
nies engaged in Mo production, use, and processing sewage sludge survey of waste treatment plants (USEPA,
activities, filed a petition with the United States Court
of Appeals for the 10th Circuit seeking a review of the Treatment No. Percent Mean Standard
plant capacities samples detection concentration deviation
land application numerical limits for Mo. Petition review
was subsequently transferred to the Washington, DC mg kg⫺1
⬎4.38 m3 s⫺1
Circuit Court. The litigants claimed that the data used (⬎100 MGD)† 26 69 8.08 6.10
in the critical pathway risk assessment were faulty, and ⬎0.438⬍4.38 m3 s⫺1
(⬎10⬍100 MGD) 61 77 12.98 17.18
that the Mo numerical limits were, thus, overprotective ⬎0.044⬍0.438 m3 s⫺1
of public health and the environment. Litigants also (⬎1⬍10 MGD) 70 66 10.31 11.05
claimed that the USEPA had disregarded the basis of ⬍0.044 m3 s⫺1
(⬍1 MGD) 42 48 8.89 17.54
a previous rule (USEPA, 1990) banning the use of hexa- National 199 53 9.24 16.58
valent chromium (chromate) as an algaecide in comfort
† MGD, million gallons per day.
cooling towers. In the proposal to the rule, the USEPA
recommended molybdate as a cost-effective and non- than offered here. Molybdenum toxicity (molybdenosis)
toxic replacement for chromate (USEPA, 1988). The was first identified in 1938 as the cause of severe diar-
USEPA agreed with the petitioners’ assertions, and sub- rhea and emaciation in cattle-grazing areas called teart
sequently agreed to temporarily suspend the Mo numer- pastures in England. In the same reference, Ferguson
ical limits for Tables 2 through 4 of 40 CFR, Part 503, et al. (1943) reported that the problem could be cor-
but retain the ceiling value of Table 1 (USEPA, 1994). rected by copper sulfate addition to diets. Clinical signs
The Agency committed to reconsider its risk assessment of a Mo-induced Cu deficiency in ruminant animals,
of Mo, including evaluating new data pertinent to the such as cattle and sheep, are exacerbated by increased
effects of biosolids Mo land application. The USEPA S in the diet. Severe Mo toxicity signs in cattle include
committed to formulate, and propose for public com- debilitating diarrhea leading to emaciation, loss of
ment, new Mo numerical standards for 40 CFR, Part weight, and sometimes death. Mild Mo-induced hypo-
503 Tables 2 through 4 after this reevaluation (USEPA, cuprosis may be expressed by hair color changes (achro-
1994). The USEPA expects to propose new Mo stan- motricia). A direct effect of Mo on animal reproduction
dards in 2001, respond to public comments, and promul- has also been demonstrated (Phillippo et al., 1987).
gate Mo standards for Tables 2 through 4 thereafter (A. Cattle appear to be the most susceptible species to
Rubin, personal communication, 2000). Mo toxicity, followed by sheep. Horses grazed the teart
This document represents the reevaluation of biosol- pastures of England with no clinical signs of Mo toxicity.
ids Mo data and risk assessment. We begin with brief Differences in susceptibility among species are usually
reviews of Mo sources and uses and Mo toxicity. We interpreted to suggest that processes in the rumen en-
then address recent data for Mo in biosolids and, finally, hance the toxicity of Mo by reducing the availability
consider Mo risk assessment. The latter effort includes of Cu. However, ruminants like mule deer and goats
a review of the initial risk algorithms and their parame- tolerate up to 1000 mg Mo kg⫺1 diet, about the same
ters, and updated databases pertinent to their use. We as chickens, rabbits, and rats (Ward and Nagy, 1977;
then offer a new algorithm, and provide data for its use Anke et al., 1985).
to calculate Mo numerical standards. No clear evidence of Mo toxicity has been reported
in humans (Frieberg et al., 1975), but Ward (1994) rea-
Sources and Uses of Molybdenum soned that human tolerance would be expected to be
Molybdenum was not described chemically until the much higher than for cattle or sheep, as is the case for
late 18th century, but its use had been documented as all nonruminant species studied.
early as the 14th century (International Molybdenum Copper intake is the primary interaction factor in
Association, 1999). Steel and cast iron production is the Mo toxicity because sufficient Cu supplementation can
largest user (⬎75% of the Mo produced), but Mo is also counteract almost all disorders associated with high Mo
used in the manufacture and use of pigments, catalysts, intakes (Clawson et al., 1972). Ward (1994) identified
lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, and fertilizer (Interna- dietary factors clearly related to Mo-induced hypo-
tional Molybdenum Association, 1999). cuprosis as Cu intake, Cu availability, S intake, Fe in-
Besides Mo in food and feces, the most common take, and the physical form of the feed.
source of Mo discharged to sewer systems is from com- Dietary Cu is poorly absorbed in most animal species,
fort cooling towers, where water is used as a recirculat- although absorption is greater in young than mature
ing cooling medium in the towers. Chemicals are added animals and in Cu-deficient than Cu-sufficient animals.
to control corrosion, mineral deposition, scaling, and Mature sheep absorb less than 10% of the Cu ingested
bacterial and algae growth (Bastain and Brobst, 1993). (Suttle, 1973). Often, only 1 to 3% of dietary Cu is ab-
sorbed in ruminants. The Cu availability in cereal grains
may be 10 times greater than in forages (Suttle, 1986).
Molybdenum Toxicity This partially explains why Cu deficiency can be a prob-
An extensive review of Mo requirements, toxicity, lem with grazing bovines, but usually not with dairy
and nutritional limits for humans and animals (Ward, cattle or finishing cattle that receive greater amounts
1994) is recommended for those desiring more detail of concentrates in their diets.
Table 2. Data used to estimate Mo uptake coefficients (UC values) for various crops.
Study Soil Mo Tissue Mo Uptake
type† Plant, tissue Soil pH load‡ concentration coefficient§ Reference Comments
kg ha⫺1 mg kg⫺1
Forage nonlegumes
A corn, stover NR¶ 0–9.7 0.24–0.67 0.04 Soon and Bates (1985) Ca-enriched biosolids Soil Mo loads calculated
from initial biosolids loads.
A NR 0–6.1 1.0–3.7 0.44
A NR 0–10 0.24–0.28 0.004 Fe-enriched biosolids
A NR 0–12 1.0–0.65 0.001# Point estimates of UC.
A NR 0–12 0.24–0.28 0.003 Al-enriched biosolids
A NR 0–13 1.0–0.72 0.001#
A corn, stover 7.8 0–2.4 0.28–0.29 0.004 O’Connor et al. (2001b) Fulton County long- Soil Mo load calculated
term plots, 1975 from soil Mo concen-
tration each year.
Continuous corn.
A 7.8 0–4.0 0.28–0.29 0.002 1977
A 7.8 0–7.3 0.34–0.38 0.006 1981
A 7.8 0–10.5 0.36–0.18 0.001# 1985
A 7.8 0–13.7 0.13–0.15 0.002 1989
A 7.8 0–16.9 0.32–0.29 0.001# 1993
A 7.8 0–20 0.21–0.16 0.001# 1997
A corn, stover 7.8 0–20 0.13–0.38 0.001# 1975–1997 average
A corn, stover 6.2–6.6 0–0.65 0.51–0.38 0.001# O’Connor et al. (2001b) Rosemont Experiment Soil Mo load calculated
from soil Mo concen-
1977 continuous tration each year.
A 6.2–6.6 0–1.4 0.42–0.51 0.001# 1979 corn
A 6.2–6.6 0–1.0 0.89–3.0 0.79 1995 corn following soybeans
A corn, stover 6.2–6.6 0–1.4 0.4–3.0 0.19 Pooled 1977, 1979, and
1995 data
A winter wheat 6.7 0–2.0 0.2–1.0 0.24 Basta et al. (1999) Soil Mo load calculated
from soil Mo concentrations.
A bahiagrass 5.0–5.9 0–2.2 0.1–3.0 0.50 O’Connor and McDowell Soil Mo loads calculated from soil Mo concentration each year.
(1999) Plant Mo represents yield-weighted average over several
harvests each year. Multiple biosolids sources. Three-year
study (data pooled).
A bahiagrass 5.7–6.9 0–1.0 0.7–10 4.6 Nguyen (1998) Lower Fe ⫹ Al bio- Soil Mo loads calculated
from soil Mo concentration

solids Years 1 ⫹ 2
pooled each year. Plant Mo repre-
sents yield-weighted average
over several harvests. Two-
year study.
A 5.5–6.5 0–1.0 0.7–4 0.39 Higher Fe ⫹ Al bio-
solids Years 1 ⫹ 2
A bromegrass NR 0–4.1 0.38–1.9 0.36 Soon and Bates (1985) Ca-enriched biosolids Soil Mo loads calculated
from initial biosolids loads.
Plant Mo represent means
of two cuttings.
A NR 0–9.4 0.38–0.70 0.03 Fe-enriched biosolids
A NR 0.11 0.38–1.2 0.07 Al-enriched biosolids
Point estimates of UC
Continued next page.
Table 2. Continued.
Study Soil Mo Tissue Mo Uptake
type† Plant, tissue Soil pH load‡ concentration coefficient§ Reference Comments
kg ha⫺1 mg kg⫺1
Grains, cereals
A corn, grain NR 0–9.7 0.13–0.25 0.012 Soon and Bates (1985) Ca-enriched biosolids Soil Mo loads calculated
from initial biosolids loads.
A NR 0–6.1 0.25–0.73 0.08
A NR 0–10 0.13–0.17 0.004 Fe-enriched biosolids
A NR 0–12 0.25–0.25 0.001
A NR 0–12 0.13–0.18 0.004 Al-enriched biosolids Point estimates of UC.
A NR 0–13 0.25–0.29 0.003
A soybean, grain 4.6–5.3 0–66 14.3–122 1.6 Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) Year 1, Experiment 1
A 4.7–6.4 0–141 8.9–241 1.7 Year 2, Experiment 1
A 5.0–6.9 0–141 19.9–56.4 1.6 Year 3, Experiment 1
A soybean, grain 7–8 0–18 0.2–70.0 1.7 O’Connor et al. (2001a) Long-term biosolids appli- Soil load calculated from soil
cation (cumulative Mo concentration in 0–15
loads 苲650 Mg ha⫺1 ). cm depth.
Point estimates of six
plots used to cal-
culate mean.
A soybean, 4.6–5.3 0–66 2.7–56.4 0.81 Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) Year 1, Experiment 1 Identified whole plant as sample
whole plant type.
A 4.7–6.4 0–141 3.1–321 2.3 Year 2, Experiment 1
A 5.0–6.9 0–141 5.4–459 3.2 Year 3, Experiment 1
A soybean, leaf 4.6–5.3 0–66 2.1–52.8 0.77 Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) Year 1, Experiment 1
A 4.7–6.4 0–141 2.4–268 1.9 Year 2, Experiment 1
A 5.0–6.9 0–141 9.3–452 3.2 Year 3, Experiment 1
B soybean, 6.0–6.6 40–188 300–986 4.2 Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) Second cutting Identified whole plant as sample
whole plant type. Soil Mo concentra-
tions multiplied by two to
give loadings.
B 7.0–7.5 40–188 736–1070 2.0
B 7.7–8.2 40–188 391–692 1.9
B soybean, 6.0–6.6 63–300 300–986 2.6 Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) Second cutting Identified whole plant as sample
whole plant type. Calculated slopes using
actual loading rates from field
study used as source of soil

for greenhouse study.

B 7.0–7.5 63–300 736–1070 1.3
B 7.7–8.2 63–300 391–692 1.2
B alfalfa 6.0–6.6 40–188 201–659 2.9 Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) Second cutting Soil Mo concentrations
multiplied by two to give
B 7.0–7.5 40–188 487–895 2.4
B 7.7–8.2 40–188 483–944 2.9
Continued next page.

Copper bioavailability in forages is greatly influenced

§ For plant tissue data sets with more than two application rates, a linear regression was used to determine the slope. Application rate was the independent variable. For those with only two applications
Soil Mo loads calculated from
Calculated slopes using actual

study used as source of soil

by forage levels of S and Mo and, to a lesser degree,

solids Mo concentration.
biosolids load times bio-
loading rates from field
by forage Fe, Zn, and Cd levels. In the presence of S,

for greenhouse study.

Point estimates of UC.

high intakes of Mo can induce a Cu deficiency due to
formation of insoluble Cu–Mo–S complexes (e.g., thio-
molybdates) in the digestive tract that reduce the ab-
sorption of Cu (Mason, 1986, 1990). Several pathways
exist by which Cu ⫻ Mo ⫻ S interactions mediate Cu
deficiency (Dick, 1956; Ryan et al., 1987). Sulfur also

rates, the tissue concentration of the control was subtracted from the concentration of the nonzero application rate and the difference was divided by the application rate.
exerts an independent effect on the availability of Cu
to ruminants, and the effect of S alone may be greater
Alkaline-stabilized sludge than the S-dependent effects of Mo (Underwood and
Suttle, 1999). Sulfides react with molybdate in the reduc-
ing medium of the rumen to replace oxygen, producing
thiomolybdates. These concepts of Mo–Cu antagonism
Dewatered sludge
Second cutting

in ruminants envisage that Mo acts, not by direct interac-

tion with Cu, but as a secondary consequence of Mo
affinity for sulfide generated within the rumen. Ex-
cessive quantities of dietary S (⬎3 to 4 g kg⫺1 ) as sulfate
or elemental sulfur may cause toxic effects and, in ex-
treme cases, can be fatal (Kandylis, 1984). The effects
of soil ingestion and Fe excess on Cu absorption (Suttle
Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986)

et al., 1975; Suttle et al., 1984) are believed to result

from Fe binding of sulfide in the rumen, with subsequent
McBride et al. (2000)

release of sulfide in the intestine that interferes with


Cu absorption.
Most clinical signs attributed to the three-way interac-
tion are the same as those produced by simple Cu defi-
ciency and probably arise from impaired Cu metabo-

lism. The tolerable risk threshold of Cu to Mo ratio in

feed is not fixed, but declines from 5:1 to 2:1 as pasture
Mo concentrations increase from 2 to 10 mg kg⫺1 (Suttle,
1991). Alloway (1973) suggests that the critical Cu to

Mo ratio is 4:1, whereas Miltimore and Mason (1971)




suggest a narrower ratio of 2:1. Inclusion of S in the

interaction is preferable to use of only Cu to Mo ratios,
but this consideration has not been reduced to a field-
validated formula or ratio.

For grazing bovines, the problem of Cu deficiency

Tissue Mo





due to low forage Cu or a conditioned Cu deficiency


(e.g., high forage Mo and/or S) is restricted to the usual

six-month season for grazing of green forages. The con-
dition is rarely seen during the feeding of stored forages
in either beef or dairy cattle. Copper deficiency can be
Soil Mo




highly detrimental for cattle grazing fresh forage in some




regions, but when this same forage is dried as hay, there

‡ Reported application rate unless otherwise noted.

Default UC ⫽ 0.001 when slopes are negative.

is no Cu deficiency (Huber et al., 1971; Allaway, 1977).

These authors suggested that drying forage makes Cu
more available for absorption and reduces the availa-
† A ⫽ field study, B ⫽ greenhouse study.
Soil pH




bility of Mo.
Suttle (1980) evaluated Cu bioavailability of grazed
pastures, dried grass, hay, and silage by responses in
plasma Cu during repletion of hypocupremic ewes. Cop-
Plant, tissue

per in cut hay and grass was more bioavailable than Cu

Table 2. Continued.

red clover

¶ NR ⫽ not reported.

in fresh grass and silage from the same field. Copper


absorption in fresh grass ranged from 0.5 to 2.8% in

three of the four grasses. Copper absorption was 0.9 to
1.9% for grass silage, 3.1 to 4.9% for dried grass, and
5.2 to 7.2% for hay.

Bioavailability of Cu is affected by the genetics of

ruminants as well as antagonists such as Mo and S. There



Table 3. Base information used on the calculation of fraction of diet affected (FC).
Total Crop, Pasture, Total Biosolids Land Pasture Weighting Weighted
States in farms† pasture range pasture‡ produced§ required¶ affected# factor†† FC‡‡
3 3 3
10 ha 10 Mg 10 ha %
AL 3 523 643 430 1 073 47 9 0.88 62 0.54
AK 357 3 265 269 15 3 1.1 0 0.00
AZ 10 873 47 9 584 9 631 43 9 0.09 100 0.09
AR 5 813 813 593 1 406 28 6 0.39 60 0.24
CA 11 210 504 5 821 6 326 720 144 2.3 77 1.7
CO 13 207 284 8 071 8 355 60 12 0.14 100 0.14
CT 145 11 8 19 83 17 88 26 23
DE 235 4 2 7 22 4 66 100 66
FL 4 231 362 1 647 2 010 253 51 2.5 100 2.5
GA 4 319 438 332 770 274 55 7.1 42 3.0
HI 582 17 364 381 17 3 0.90 14 0.12
ID 4 788 330 1 857 2 188 32 6 0.29 100 0.29
IL 11 010 334 273 607 474 95 16 89 14
IN 6 115 251 147 399 297 59 15 89 13
IA 12 613 810 583 1 393 98 20 1.4 100 1.4
KS 18 652 1 390 5 691 7 081 100 20 0.28 100 0.28
KY 5 396 1 255 456 1 712 47 9 0.55 18 0.10
LA 3 188 340 407 747 60 12 1.6 60 0.97
ME 490 26 11 38 19 4 10 89 8.9
MD 872 60 39 99 172 34 35 100 35
MA 210 16 10 26 203 41 160 33 52
MI 3 995 195 76 271 402 80 30 47 14
MN 10 520 404 383 787 47 9 1.2 90 1.1
MS 4 097 455 378 833 45 9 1.1 100 1.1
MO 11 666 2 124 1 504 3 627 250 50 1.4 53 0.72
MT 23 718 651 15 368 16 019 10 2 0.01 38 0.00
NE 18 424 745 8 853 9 598 64 13 0.13 100 0.13
NV 2 594 105 2 118 2 223 39 8 0.35 36 0.12
NH 168 9 6 15 18 4 25 48 12
NJ 337 26 14 40 236 47 120 47 55
NM 18 530 237 16 486 16 724 19 4 0.02 60 0.01
NY 2 936 256 192 448 340 68 15 47 7.1
NC 3 692 357 156 513 170 34 6.6 100 6.6
ND 15 929 580 4 200 4 779 9 2 0.04 100 0.04
OH 5 707 343 233 576 330 66 11 60 6.9
OK 13 443 2 016 6 245 8 261 50 10 0.12 100 0.12
OR 7 062 368 3 911 4 279 98 20 0.46 100 0.46
PA 2 901 276 151 426 464 93 22 100 22
RI 22 2 1 3 32 6 220 9 20
SC 1 859 206 99 305 118 24 7.7 45 3.5
SD 17 950 932 9 546 10 478 13 3 0.02 100 0.02
TN 4 501 990 398 1 388 96 19 1.4 100 1.4
TX 53 140 4 824 34 833 39 657 268 54 0.14 83 0.11
UT 4 866 226 3 742 3 968 16 3 0.08 39 0.03
VT 511 53 34 87 13 3 2.9 100 2.9
VA 3 330 615 435 1 050 235 47 4.5 75 3.4
WA 6 143 204 2 001 2 205 75 15 0.68 100 0.68
WV 1 398 266 214 480 20 4 0.83 100 0.83
WI 6 030 388 286 6 744 156 31 4.64 100 4.6
WY 13 796 298 12 162 12 460 3 0.6 0 100 0
US 377 092 26 089 16 017 186 706 6 856 1 371 0.73 81 0.59
† Hectares (ha) listed as acres and converted using 2.471 ha⫺1 in the 1997 agricultural census (USDA, 1999).
‡ Total pasture in hectares (Columns C ⫹ D).
§ Biosolids produced by state in Mg yr⫺1 in 1996 (Bastain, 1997).
¶ Total hectares required if all of the biosolids produced in the state were applied to pasture at 5 Mg ha⫺1.
# Percent of pasture if all of the produced biosolids in a given state were applied at 5 Mg ha⫺1 to pasture.
†† Weighting factor is the percent biosolids land-applied in 1996, times 1.5 to a maximum of 100% of the biosolids produced.
‡‡ Weighted FC based on biosolids that are land-applied in a state.

are marked variations within breeds in the efficiency of Underwood (1981) suggested that Mo is readily and
absorption of minerals from the diet, varying from 2 to rapidly absorbed from most diets. Hexavalent water-
10% for Cu in adult sheep (Field, 1981). When different soluble forms, sodium and ammonium molybdate, and
breeds of sheep grazed certain pastures in Scotland, one the Mo of high-Mo herbage, most of which is water
breed exhibited signs of Cu poisoning, whereas another soluble, are particularly well absorbed by cattle (Fergu-
showed signs of Cu deficiency (Wiener and Field, 1969). son et al., 1943). Absorption of Mo from the disulfide
Goonerante et al. (1989) reported that Cu deficiency in (MoS2 ) is poor, owing to low solubility and the antago-
Simmental cattle from Canada was more frequent than nistic effect that S has on Mo absorption. Molybdenum
in other breeds. Feeding high levels and combinations absorption depends on animal species, age, and level of
of Cu, Mo, and/or S resulted in greatly enhanced biliary Mo in the diet, but the average value is 20 to 30%
Cu excretion in Simmental versus Angus cattle. based on experiments involving stable and radioactive

Table 4. Estimates of Mo leaching rates.

Study k Climate conditions
% Mo leached yr⫺1
Phillips and Meyer, 1993 1.86† California, irrigated. Low rainfall, circumneutral pH.
McBride et al., 1999 4.0 Eastern U.S. moderate rainfall, pH 7–7.3.
Nguyen, 1998 12.5 High rainfall, pH 5.5–6.9.
Hornick et al., 1977 1.8 Eastern U.S. moderate rainfall, circumneutral pH.
Average k 5.0
† Calculated assuming that alfalfa uptake of molybdenum is proportional to soil concentration of molybdenum.

isotopes of Mo (Georgievskii et al., 1981). Molybdenum pretreatment program. The concentration of Mo in bio-
is rapidly absorbed, but very rapidly excreted, mainly solids in many regions of the USA began to decrease
in the urine and in part through the bile. High Mo quickly to the 20 mg Mo kg⫺1 mean (and 75% tile) con-
forages (11 to 32 mg kg⫺1 ) grown on soils containing centrations seen today.
reclaimed mine tailings in Canada had little effect on
Cu status of grazing cattle, suggesting low bioavailability RISK ASSESSMENT
of Mo (Gardner et al., 1996).
Rates of Mo absorption, retention, and excretion are Molybdenum-Induced Copper Deficiency
inversely related to the level of dietary S. In sheep, for The limiting risk assessment pathways pertinent to
instance, increasing the dietary S from 1 to 3 g kg⫺1 in Mo issues associated with land application of biosolids
a diet supplemented with 10 mg Mo per day decreased is Pathway 6 (biosolids → soil → plants → animals).
the Mo retention from 37 to 4%. A working hypothesis The original USEPA assessment of molybdenosis risk
for the effect of S on Mo retention is that sulfate inhibits calculated the allowable, long-term biosolids Mo con-
membrane transport of molybdate, thus decreasing ab- centration in soil from the algorithm (USEPA, 1992):
sorption of Mo in the intestine and decreasing reabsorp-
tion of Mo by the renal tubules (Dick, 1956; Ryan et RPc ⫽ RF/UC
al., 1987). For sheep with a Mo intake of 0.3 mg d⫺1, where RPc ⫽ cumulative biosolids application limit (kg
total body Mo decreased from 92.9 to 16.8 mg when Mo ha⫺1 ); UC ⫽ linear uptake slope of forage [(mg
sulfate was increased from 0.9 to 6.3 g d⫺1 (Dick, 1956). Mo kg⫺1 forage)/(kg Mo ha⫺1 )] from biosolids-amended
soil; and RF ⫽ allowable Mo increment in plant tissue
Molybdenum Concentrations in Biosolids (mg Mo kg⫺1 forage):
In 1988, the USEPA undertook a major effort to char- RF ⫽ TPI ⫺ BC
acterize biosolids chemical composition for use in estab-
where TPI ⫽ threshold pollutant intake at which a toxic
lishing the numerical pollutant limits in the final Part
effect is noted in animals consuming the forage (mg Mo
503 rule (USEPA, 1990). The National Sewage Sludge
kg⫺1 forage) and BC ⫽ background concentration of
Survey (NSSS) data collection effort began in August
pollutant in forage (mg Mo kg⫺1 forage).
1988, and was completed in September 1989. The
The initial risk assessment assumed: BC ⫽ 2.08 mg
USEPA collected biosolids from 177 wastewater treat-
kg⫺1, TPI ⫽ 10 mg kg⫺1, and UC ⫽ 0.423, resulting in
ment plants and analyzed them for 419 analytes, or
RPc ⫽ 18 kg ha⫺1.
pollutants, including Mo. Multiple samples were col-
lected at some treatment works to characterize the dif-
ferent types of biosolids end products. The NSSS mean
Background Concentration (BC)
national concentration for Mo was 9.24 mg kg⫺1, with The USEPA selected the BC value of 2.08 mg Mo
a standard deviation of 16.6 mg kg⫺1 (Table 1). Many of kg⫺1 from the Pierzynski and Jacobs (1986) study, but
the detection limit problems (e.g., low percent detected) this represents a very high background concentration
have been attributed to analytical problems (Bastain for forages grown in low Mo (uncontaminated) soils.
and Brobst, 1993). Numerous recent literature citations for forages world-
Numerous studies (e.g., Logan, 1997) report that con- wide (summarized in Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1991;
centrations of most metals in modern biosolids are now Gupta, 1997a; O’Connor and McDowell, 1999) suggest
lower than in biosolids sampled for the NSSS. An excep- that a more typical background value for Mo is almost
tion is Mo, the concentration of which increased until always ⬍1 mg kg⫺1. Plant Mo concentrations vary with
the early 1990s (Logan, 1997). Historical and modern plant species, stage of development, plant part, soil pH,
Mo data compiled by Brobst (R.B. Brobst, personal soil drainage, soil Mo loads, etc., but uncontaminated
communication, 2000) suggest an effect of national regu- (naturally or anthropogenically), well-drained, non-
lations on biosolids Mo concentrations. Sales of molyb- peat-like soils (normal organic matter contents) rarely
dates decreased 苲25% following promulgation of Part support plants with Mo concentrations ⬎1 mg kg⫺1,
503 in 1993 as publicly owned treatment plants (POTWs) and frequently result in Mo concentrations ⬍1 mg kg⫺1.
attempted to reduce biosolids Mo concentrations to Legumes (e.g., alfalfa [Medicago sativa L.], clover [Tri-
meet the proposed Table 3 pollutant concentration folium pratense L.], soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr],
value of 18 mg kg⫺1. Control of Mo discharges to sani- etc.) can accumulate much greater concentrations (2
tary sewers is achieved through local limits in the POTW to 40 mg Mo kg⫺1 ) under natural conditions, but the

literature (e.g., Miltimore and Mason, 1971, and refer- Mo without reasonable and practical considerations of
ences cited therein) suggests wide variations in legume Cu and sulfate inputs in forage grown on biosolids-
forage Mo contents, many ⬍1 mg kg⫺1, for areas as amended soil and from normal mineral supplements
diverse as British Columbia and Nevada. High soil pHs provided to grazing livestock seems unnecessarily re-
and elevated natural soil Mo concentrations, or high strictive. Ward (1994) concluded that it was nearly im-
organic matter (peat), poorly drained soils that accumu- possible to identify the equivalent of a NOAEL for Mo,
late Mo from leaching (Kubota et al., 1961) typically as the interactions surrounding Mo toxicity are too great
support vegetation with ⬎1 mg Mo kg⫺1. Such soils have to establish the lower limit. He summarized numerous
been mapped for the USA (Kabota, 1977), or are known data sets to conclude that 100 mg Mo kg⫺1 is definitely
historically to produce high-Mo crops and to require toxic (molybdenosis, e.g., rapid scouring) to cattle, 25
Cu supplementation of grazing animals (Allaway, 1977). to 50 mg kg⫺1 gives mixed results (sometimes no effect),
Such soils are not likely candidates for additional Mo and that the Mo effects attributed to feeds with ⬍25 mg
input via biosolids, unless special precautions are taken Mo kg⫺1 are often associated with very low, and poorly
to address Mo issues. For most soils, we believe that available, Cu. We conclude that using the higher end
BC can be realistically and conservatively estimated as of the NRC critical range (10 mg Mo kg⫺1 ) as the TPI
1 mg Mo kg⫺1, and that the USEPA should adopt the is justified.
lower value. The TPI is derived for domestic animals, as there are
few data for wild (nondomesticated) animals. Mule deer
Threshold Pollutant Intake (TPI) reportedly tolerate up to 1000 mg Mo kg⫺1 in their diets
(Ward and Nagy, 1977). Flynn et al. (1977) hypothesized
The threshold pollutant intake (TPI) value used ini- a possible Cu ⫻ Mo ⫻ S interaction to explain abnormal
tially by the USEPA was based on guidance from Na- hoof material in moose, but acknowledged that their
tional Research Council (1980), and was taken as 10 mg overall data were consistent with the conclusions of
Mo kg⫺1 animal diet. Ruminants are by far the most Kubota (1974) and others that “available information
susceptible herbivore to Mo-induced Cu deficiency, and does not suggest an existence of nutritional problems
cattle are the most sensitive ruminants (Ward, 1994; in moose due to imbalances of Mo and Cu in feed
Suttle, 1991). Most references (Ward, 1994; Suttle, 1991; plants.” Domestic cattle may not be the most sensitive
McDowell, 1997; Gupta, 1997a) report TPI values that animal to Mo toxicity, but there are no data to justify
range from a few (2 to 5) to tens (10 to 50) of mg kg⫺1, selecting another species for use in the risk assessment.
and stress the importance of other issues (e.g., forage Further, large, nondomesticated ruminant species typi-
Cu to Mo ratios, forage S content, age and condition cally graze large areas, and could be expected to receive
of the forage, degree of mineral supplementation of the much less biosolids Mo exposure than domestic species
animals, etc.) as significant complicating factors. Unfor- confined to biosolids-amended pastures.
tunately, attempts to predict Cu–Mo–S–other elemental
interactions under field conditions have been largely Highly Exposed Individual
unsuccessful (Suttle, 1991). The risk assessment in Pathway 6 seeks to protect a
The expert committee report of the National Acad- highly exposed individual (HEI), defined as “the most
emy of Sciences (National Research Council, 1980) eval- sensitive/most exposed herbivorous livestock that con-
uated low-level, chronic Mo toxicity, and identified “5 sumes plants grown on biosolids-amended soil. It is as-
to 10 mg Mo kg⫺1, which has been weakly associated sumed that 100% of the livestock diet consists of forage
with impaired bone development in young horses and grown on sewage sludge–amended land, and that the
cattle” as the critical level. However, substantially animal is exposed to a background pollutant intake”
higher levels of Mo are tolerated in the presence of ade- (USEPA, 1994). Grazing ruminants may, indeed, be
quate Cu and inorganic sulfate. Forages grown on bio- limited to forage growing on biosolids-amended land,
solids-amended soils (high cumulative biosolids loads) but dietary intake of common mineral supplements con-
are typically normal (nondeficient) in Cu and sulfate, taining Cu (that can obviate low Cu to Mo ratios of
so the higher permissible Mo concentration recommen- forage) is ignored in the risk assessment. Further, con-
dation of 10 mg Mo kg⫺1 seems appropriate. A large fined ruminants (finishing beef cattle or dairy cows) are
body of data on the toxicity of Mo in forages grown on usually fed a variety of forages, grains, and mineral
soils naturally high in Mo (not Mo salt additions to supplements to maximize performance. How reasonable
animal diets) supports the use of 10 mg Mo kg⫺1 for is it to assume that 100% of the ruminant diet is one
forages with normal Cu concentrations in the diet (Na- kind of forage grown exclusively on biosolids-amended
tional Research Council, 1980 [Table 1]; Suttle, 1991). land? What mitigating effects do supplemental Cu and
The TPI used by the USEPA represents the best avail- possible increased forage Cu (as a result of biosolids)
able data for domestic animals, and may be considered to the diet have on the risk of Mo-induced hypocu-
a lowest observed effect level (LOEL) rather than a no prosis? We examine the diet assumptions used to assess
observed adverse effect level (NOAEL). This distinction Mo toxicity risk to ruminant livestock below.
is important, as other pathway analyses in Part 503 relied
on NOAEL values (when available) to build conserva- Dietary Assumptions
tism into the risk assessment. Given the complexity of Those livestock classified as ruminants include cattle,
Cu–Mo–S interactions, however, focusing exclusively on sheep, and goats. Given the greater sensitivity of cattle

to Mo-induced hypocuprosis, we focus on cattle. Cattle and slaughtered after about 120 d on feed, they are not
can be separated into beef and dairy because of the dif- considered at risk for Mo-induced hypocuprosis. Beef
ferences in their feeding management. Risk assessment cattle are fed conserved roughages (hays, silages, and
for sheep and goats can be considered similar to either crop aftermath) during the nongrazing seasons. During
dairy or beef cattle, depending upon their relative feed- the growing season, pastures for beef cows are domi-
ing management. nated by grasses, although variations exist among re-
Dairy Cattle. Feeding management of dairy cattle can gions in the USA. Legumes (alfalfa and clovers) are
be divided into calves (0 to 3 mo), young heifers (3 to often incorporated into pastures, but they rarely consti-
6 mo), growing heifers (6 mo to breeding), pregnant tute the entire ration of beef cows for extended periods.
heifers (15 to 20 mo), lactating cows (305 d), and nonlac- Mixed plant species in a pasture assist in lengthening
tating cows (60 d). Calves typically are born with high the grazing periods and allow for plants that are best
concentrations of Cu (⬎300 mg Cu kg⫺1 of dry matter) in suited to the soil conditions within a pasture (Etgen et
their liver (Underwood, 1981) and these concentrations al., 1987). Young beef calves consume some fresh for-
decline over several months to those typical of adult age, and the amounts progressively increase as the calf
ruminants (Kincaid et al., 1986). Concentrates comprise grows and the milk production of the dam declines.
most of the dry feed for calves and young heifers; thus, Weaned beef calves (age ⬎ 259 d) may be fed only
Mo-induced hypocuprosis is unlikely to occur in calves roughage until they enter the feedlot for fattening. The
and heifers because of the endogenous Cu reserves, use diets of these weaned calves (stockers) can include crop
of concentrates containing Cu supplements, and restricted residues (corn stalks, cereal grain straws, and stubble),
intakes of fresh forages in diets of these animals. Grow- winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (or other small
ing heifers (6 mo to breeding) are typically fed concen- grain) pastures, irrigated pastures, silages, and hay (Ens-
trates along with their forage. Once heifers are pregnant, minger et al., 1990).
they are usually fed only forage and mineral supplements The cattle groups perhaps at greatest risk of Mo-
until 2 to 4 weeks prepartum. Lactating dairy cows are induced Cu deficiency are beef cows, growing beef
fed diets containing between 40 and 60% forage, and 60 calves, and pregnant heifers because of the dominance
to 40% concentrates (Ensminger et al., 1990). Concen- of fresh forages in their diets. Attention to the concen-
trates for lactating cows consist of about 50% grain (e.g., trations of Mo, Cu, and S in their diets is needed and
corn [Zea mays L.] or barley [Hordeum vulgare L.]), 20% especially to the trace mineral supplementation pro-
by-product feeds (e.g., whole cottonseeds, beet pulp, and grams provided for these animals when Mo problems
wheat mill run), and 20% protein supplement (e.g., soy- are expected.
bean meal), with the remainder (10%) being molasses, The risk of Mo-induced Cu deficiency is greatest dur-
sodium bicarbonate, mineral supplements, vitamin sup- ing the period of active growing forage, which is only 5
plements, and various other ingredients. to 6 months in many areas of the country. Molybdenum-
The forage portion of dairy cow diets varies among
induced Cu deficiency is not a problem for ruminants
regions of the country (Mowrey and Spain, 1999). Often,
receiving stored forages, apparently because of in-
the forage consists of near equal proportions (dry matter
creased availability of Cu and reduced availability of
basis) of hay and silage during the nongrazing seasons,
Mo in these feeds (Underwood and Suttle, 1999). Most
to as much as 100% fresh forage during the 4- to 6-month
important, Mo-induced Cu deficiency regions in the
grazing season. The fresh forage can consist entirely of
grasses and legumes, although mixed pastures are most USA are well known and farmers have learned to com-
common (Etgen et al., 1987). Regardless of the pasture pensate by providing Cu in mineral supplements (Alla-
forage species, the entire ration of the dairy cow rarely way, 1977).
consists of more than 60% fresh legumes because of the The use of a single TPI value of 10 mg Mo kg⫺1 is an
need to incorporate other feed ingredients into diets to oversimplification of general animal response to forage
maximize milk production. Most large herds of dairy Mo exposure. Nevertheless, we believe that the TPI
cattle in the USA do not graze pastures, and their diets value chosen is reasonable for a national risk assessment
remain fairly constant during all seasons of the year. for biosolids Mo when practical aspects of animal (HEI)
Nonlactating (dry) dairy cows are fed roughages until management (e.g., mineral supplementation and total
14 d prepartum, when limited amounts of concentrates animal diet considerations) are recognized.
are introduced into the diet to prepare the cows for the
lactation ration fed after parturition. Nonlactating dairy Allowable Molybdenum Increment (RF)
cattle normally consume forages consisting of grasses or
legume–grass mixes, but are not fed 100% fresh legumes Based on the above discussion, the allowable Mo in-
because of possible health problems associated with ex- crement in plant tissue (RF) is:
cessive intakes of protein, energy, potassium, calcium, RF ⫽ TPI ⫺ BC
and increased incidence of bloat (Etgen et al., 1987;
Ensminger et al., 1990). During the nonlactating period, ⫽ 10 ⫺ 1
cows are provided mineral supplements. RF ⫽ 9 mg Mo kg⫺1
Beef Cattle. Beef cattle production can be divided
into the cow–calf operation, stockers, and feedlot cattle. To complete the risk assessment using the USEPA’s
Because feedlot cattle are fed high-concentrate diets original algorithm, RF is divided by UC to arrive at RPc.

Uptake Coefficient (UC) contribution of deeper soil profile Mo to plant uptake.

Problems associated with appropriate selection and/ Thus, even if surface soil sampling occurs each year of
or calculation of UC values are many. Analytical prob- a multiyear study, soil Mo accessible to deep-rooted
lems with Mo (e.g., falsely high Mo analysis due to Fe plants may be underestimated. Another shortcoming of
and Al interference and high limits of detection with many studies is the minimal range or number of soil
some methods; McBride et al., 2000) probably confound Mo loadings studied. Under these conditions, single-
interpretation of even some modern literature. Further, point estimates of UC must be made. This is done by
many plant Mo uptake studies were conducted in the subtracting the Mo concentration found in the control
greenhouse, and probably suffered greenhouse effect er- (no added Mo) plants from the concentration in plants
rors (higher uptake slopes for contaminants compared grown on the biosolids-amended soil, and then dividing
with those found in the field at similar contaminant by the biosolids Mo load.
loads) discussed in the Part 503 Technical Support Doc-
ument (USEPA, 1992). Variations in Uptake Coefficient with Time
Ideally, the UC value is obtained from field experi- and Plant Part
ments where ranges of soil Mo loadings are evaluated. Using point estimates of UC values is appropriate
In this case, UC is calculated as the slope of the linear for whole plant estimates of Mo exposure when, for
regression of plant tissue Mo concentrations (mg kg⫺1 ) example, corn silage is fed, but not when perennial for-
versus biosolids Mo application (kg ha⫺1 ). The approach ages are consumed. In such cases, UC values change
implies that the plant tissue Mo response to soil Mo monthly (and widely) over an entire grazing season (e.g.,
load is linear and that the applied Mo remains in the Ferguson et al., 1943; Nguyen, 1998), with plant part
root zone indefinitely. The linear model was assumed actually consumed (grains vs. stover, e.g., Gupta, 1997b),
by the USEPA in the initial risk assessment for all metal and with forage condition (fresh vs. dried hay, e.g., Mills
uptake calculations, but data in the Part 503 Technical and Davis, 1987). O’Connor and McDowell (1999) rec-
Support Document, and more recent data (e.g., Barbar- ommended calculating (yield) weighted average Mo
ick et al., 1995) suggest a plateau model as more appro- concentrations of grass grazed for 6 mo by cattle. The
priate for at least some metals or crops. Limited data weighted average concentration was thought to more
presented by O’Connor and McDowell (1999) and Ngu- accurately represent the forage Mo concentration the
yen (1998) suggest that the plateau model may also be cattle experienced throughout the growing season than
appropriate for biosolids Mo applied to a pasture grass. simply calculating the average concentration of several
Using a linear model when a plateau model is appro- cuttings. The weighted average Mo concentration was
priate overestimates crop Mo (and risk) at higher bio- also thought to more reasonably represent the animal
solids application rates and over extended periods of forage consumption (Mo exposure) that varied with
application. Given the incompleteness of the database, grass yield throughout the grazing season.
a linear model is assumed herein.
Variations among Plant Species
Soil Molybdenum Load
Variations in plant species Mo concentrations—at the
Obtaining the plant Mo concentrations for the UC same soil Mo load—are widely acknowledged (e.g.,
calculations is relatively straightforward, but determin- Gupta, 1997b; Vlek and Lindsay, 1977; Kabata-Pendias
ing the soil Mo loading is less so. The most desirable and Pendias, 1991; Johansen et al., 1997) and, in fact,
situation is to have measured total soil Mo concentra- form the basis for management of cattle Mo intake on
tions from a sampling time close to when the plants were (known) high-Mo areas. Ranchers are advised to plant
grown. These concentrations can then be converted to nonaccumulating grasses or grains, rather than accumu-
soil Mo loadings (applied from biosolids) by multiplying lators such as legumes (e.g., alfalfa, clover, and soybean).
by the appropriate factor, considering sampling depth Miltimore and Mason (1971), however, cite several data
and bulk density, and the background Mo concentration sets that show little difference in Mo concentrations in
in similar nonamended soil. For a sampling depth of 15 grass, grass–legume, legume, or corn silage cattle diets
cm and a bulk density of approximately 1.3 Mg m⫺3, grown in areas as diverse as British Columbia, Canada,
one multiplies soil concentration by two to obtain soil Kansas, Virginia, and Nevada. Soil pH, wetness, Mo
Mo loading in kg ha⫺1. This approach is consistent with concentration, and climate can all apparently play more
the assumption in the risk assessment that Mo is not a important roles in determining forage Mo concentration
conservative element in the soil. That is, if some time than forage species alone. Nevertheless, legumes are
has passed since the biosolids Mo was applied, leaching particularly susceptible to excessive Mo accumulation
may have reduced the soil Mo concentration to levels (high uptake slopes), and databases used to assess Mo
lower than those predicted from the original Mo loading toxicity should include legume UC values.
rate (biosolids rate ⫻ biosolids Mo concentration). Un-
fortunately, few published studies report total soil Mo
concentrations for each of multiple cropping seasons, Variations with Soil Properties
and the original Mo loading rate must be used in the UC Variations in plant-available Mo with soil pH are
calculation. In most studies, soil sampling and analysis is well known (e.g., Gupta, 1997a,b; Kabata-Pendias and
restricted to the 0- to 15-cm depth, and ignores possible Pendias, 1991; Pierzynski and Jacobs, 1986; Williams

and Gogna, 1981). High soil pH favors low Mo sorption viously mentioned, total soil Mo concentrations that
and high plant availability. Molybdenum adsorption en- could be used to calculate Mo loadings would be prefer-
velopes typically exhibit maximal Mo sorption at soil able to calculated Mo loadings based on biosolids com-
pH values ⬍5, so near-neutral and calcareous soils tend position and application rates. Few studies satisfy all
to retain little Mo (e.g., Goldberg et al., 1996, 1998). these criteria, and the selection of appropriate data sets
Most molybdenosis problems occur on such high-pH frequently requires use of professional judgement. One
soils (Allaway, 1977). essential requirement is that the UC values be generated
Variations in soil moisture and soil organic matter from studies in which biosolids were the Mo source.
contents affect plant Mo concentrations. Kubota et al. Data from greenhouse pot studies would only be used if
(1963) showed that the same soil Mo concentration re- no other data were available for a particular forage type.
sulted in vastly different plant Mo concentrations, de- The USEPA attempted to resolve the UC value varia-
pending upon the soil moisture regime. Ready supply tion issues by calculating a geometric mean of UC esti-
of Mo in moist (poorly drained) soils is well recognized mates from a limited set of field- and greenhouse-gener-
(Kubota, 1977), and is one reason given for the abundant ated data, where biosolids were the sources of Mo load.
Mo in plants growing in wet, high-organic soils (e.g., The original Mo data set used in the 1993 rule devel-
peats) even at relatively low soil Mo concentrations opment was quite limited, but a few significant studies
(Allaway, 1977). In “normal” soils (well-drained, ⬍50 g (Basta et al., 1999; O’Connor and McDowell, 1999; Mc-
kg⫺1 soil organic matter), pH is usually the dominant Bride et al., 2000; O’Connor et al., 2001a) that meet
factor determining Mo phytoavailability. Soils with pH most of the criteria described above are now available.
values ⬎6 frequently result in forage with excessive The data are included in Table 2, along with selected
(10 to 20 mg kg⫺1 ) Mo concentrations if soil Mo concen- data from Tables C-39, C-40, and C-41 of the Technical
trations are significantly above background levels (1 Support Document (USEPA, 1992). Still underrepre-
to 2 mg Mo kg⫺1 ) (Gupta, 1997a; Kabata-Pendias and sented in the table are data from field studies where
Pendias, 1991; Barber, 1984; Allaway, 1977). legumes are grown in biosolids-amended soils of high
pH, and where the biosolids have less than the ceiling
Biosolids Source Effects Mo concentration. A paper (O’Connor et al., 2001b)
describing one such set of soybean grain data has been
Biosolids source effects, based on excessively high published; data are included in Table 2.
total biosolids Mo concentrations (e.g., Pierzynski and Uptake coefficients (UC values) of nonlegumes are
Jacobs, 1986), or other constituents (Fe and Al) in the low and almost always ⬍0.5 (Table 2). The lone excep-
biosolids (e.g., Soon and Bates, 1985; O’Connor and tion (UC ⫽ 4.6) in the database comes from a study
McDowell, 1999) can also lead to vastly different UC involving a pasture grass grown in soil amended with
estimates. Such a biosolids effect was not directly con- one biosolids that was inadvertently overlimed in the
sidered in the original USEPA risk assessment, although second year of a 2-yr study (Nguyen, 1998). Another
the Technical Support Document (USEPA, 1992) in- biosolids (slightly higher Fe and Al content) applied to
cludes reference to data of Soon and Bates (1985) show- the same soil yielded a more representative UC value
ing lower Mo phytoavailability on soil amended with Fe for the grass of 0.39. The arithmetic average of the UC
or Al biosolids compared with Ca biosolids amendment. values for 29 nonlegume entries in Table 2 is 0.24. We
Ferric chloride and/or alum are routinely added in waste conclude that a UC value for nonlegumes (vegetation
treatment processes to improve P removal, and would or grain) is conservatively estimated as 0.5.
be expected to be similarly effective at immobilizing Mo. Field data for estimating UC values for legumes are
Lime-stabilized biosolids can raise soil pH and increase limited, so greenhouse data (Pierzynski and Jacobs,
uptake slopes correspondingly (Soon and Bates, 1985; 1986; McBride et al., 2000) are included in the database
McBride, 1998). (Table 2). The arithmetic average of UC values for 24
The original USEPA risk assessment included the legume entries is 2.2. Given the limited diversity of
very high (1500 mg Mo kg⫺1 ) biosolids data of Pierzyn- studies, we conclude that a UC value for legumes is
ski and Jacobs (1986), but data for such a biosolids (Mo conservatively estimated as 4.0. No adjustment of the
concentration 20-fold greater than the 98th percentile UC value is made for the well-recognized decreased Mo
of national biosolids) represent unique conditions. We availability to cattle in dried (vs. fresh) forages (Mills
believe that the USEPA should omit the Pierzynski and and Davis, 1987).
Jacobs (1986)-derived UC values when better data are Based on the dietary considerations presented pre-
available. viously, we estimate that grazed fresh legumes will typi-
The ideal data set for purposes of risk assessment cally constitute no more than 50% of beef cattle or dairy
would be from field studies in which Mo was added at cow animal diets, and frequently less. The remainder of
various rates from biosolids containing less than 75 mg the diets would typically consist of hay silage, roughage
Mo kg⫺1 (maximum biosolids Mo concentration allowed (grain by-products), and grains, plus mineral supple-
for land application). In addition, having UC values for ments. If an average UC value for fresh legumes is taken
all types of forages typically consumed by animals in conservatively as 4, and an average UC value for all
the exposure pathway of concern would be desirable. other plant-feedstuffs is taken very conservatively as
Data for corn silage, stover, or grain would be preferable 0.5, a diet-weighted UC value of [4(0.5)] ⫹ [0.5(0.5)] ⫽
to corn leaf diagnostic tissue data, for example. As pre- 2.25 is obtained. We believe that such an UC value

represents a worst-case estimate of typical forage Mo Brobst, personal communication, 2000) conducted
exposure, and note that it ignores normal mineral (Cu) an informal survey of contemporary biosolids use in
supplementation recommended for good animal man- 15 states, from Georgia to Oregon and from Minne-
agement. sota to Arizona. Twelve of the states applied ⬍1% of
their biosolids to pastures; Oklahoma and Georgia ap-
Algorithm Modifications plied ⬍10%, and Virginia applied 苲33%. Agricultural
producers tended to use the nutrients in biosolids on
Fraction of Diet Affected (FC) croplands (rather than pastures) whenever possible to
Not all feed consumed by cattle is grown in the same reduce production costs associated with commercial
place, nor is all the land used to grow animal feed likely fertilizers.
to be biosolids-amended. It is particularly unlikely that The land application weighting factor (Column I) esti-
the feed-producing land would be amended every year mates the possible increases in biosolids production and
for a total application rate of 1000 Mg ha⫺1 (10 Mg ha⫺1 the resulting fraction of land affected by land applica-
yr⫺1 ⫻ 100 yr), as was assumed in the risk assessment tion. Column I values were derived by multiplying the
(USEPA, 1992). More likely, the feed-producing land percent of biosolids currently land-applied by 1.5, up to
would be amended at 5 to 10 Mg ha⫺1 (N-based applica- a maximum of 100% of the biosolids produced. Column
tion rates) only periodically (e.g., once every 3 to 5 yr). J is the product of Column H and Column I, and repre-
We examined biosolids production and use on crop and sents a conservative estimate of pasture land (cattle
pasture land in each state to estimate the fraction of feed) likely to be affected by biosolids (FC). Twenty-
cattle diet (FC) likely to be affected by biosolids use. four states have FC values ⬍1%, 15 have values between
Biosolids production is likely to remain the same or 1 and 10%, 5 between 10 and 20%, and 6 have FC
increase only slightly over the next several years. Waste- values ⬎20%. None of the six states (Pennsylvania, New
water treatment plant construction has slowed, and Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and Massa-
increases in biosolids production are related to improve- chusetts) was among the top 28 beef-producing states
ments in existing treatment rather than new construc- in 1997 (USDA, 1999). We conclude that a reasonable
tion (Bastain, 1997). Estimates of biosolids production estimate of the fraction of ruminant forage likely to be
and final use and disposal were surveyed in 1996; the affected by biosolids (FC) is 0.1 to 0.2, and recommend
totals for the USA at that time were 6.8 ⫻ 106 dry Mg using the more conservative value of FC ⫽ 0.2 for a
produced, with 54% of the total being land-applied (Bas- national approach to rule making. The FC factor we
tain, 1997). Table 3 contains a summary of the quanti- propose may not be universally applicable, but is consis-
ties of biosolids produced and land-applied in each state. tent with USEPA policy that estimates the fraction of
Column B (Table 3) represents total acreage in farms HEI diet probably affected by food grown on biosolids-
and ranches held as private lands in 1997 (USDA, 1999). amended land in Pathways 1, 2, 4, and 5 (USEPA, 1992).
Column C represents land in crop rotation that, during Local conditions may warrant using a different FC,
the year of the survey, was in pasture for at least part which would allow site-specific considerations in a bio-
of the year. Reviews of past USDA agricultural surveys solids land application program.
suggest that acreages in this category differ little from
year to year. Pasture and rangeland acreage (Column Leaching Correction (LC)
D) represents lands remaining in pasture for several
years; generally considered permanent pasture. Past Maximum Mo loading considerations ignore the fact
USDA agricultural surveys (back to 1987) suggest simi- that Mo is not a conserved element when biosolids are
lar acreages. Column E values are the total acreages in applied to the same field for many years, especially to
pasture (Columns C ⫹ D), but do not include grazing soils having high soil pH where Mo leaching, bioavail-
lands leased from government agencies. Addition of ability, and risk are all maximized. Few studies have
these public lands would significantly increase the acre- been conducted with the primary objective of directly
age, particularly in the 11 western states. Data for bio- characterizing Mo leaching dynamics and the parame-
solids produced in each state (Column F) were summa- ters affecting leaching rates. Nonetheless, several stud-
rized by Bastain (1997). The values do not account for ies provide indirect evidence of Mo leaching from bio-
intrastate transfer of biosolids, such as occurs from areas solids and industrial Mo sources. These studies are
with small land bases to areas with large land bases. summarized below, and demonstrate that Mo leaching
A biosolids load of 5 Mg ha⫺1 was chosen as a typical from the plow layer occurs, sometimes at high rates. Ad-
application rate to pasture land, and was used to cal- ditional studies of Mo leaching from biosolids sources
culate the acreage required to accommodate the load are recommended to develop a more complete data set
(Column G). and to validate the approach used here.
Column H represents land required for biosolids ap- Molybdenum is adsorbed by acidic soils, and exhibits
plication (Column G) as a percentage of total land in maximal retention at soil pH values ⬍5 (Goldberg et al.,
pasture (Column E). The calculation included all bio- 1996, 1998). O’Connor and McDowell (1999) presented
solids produced in each state, regardless of use and/or data for Mo sorption on biosolids-amended soils that
disposal practice (e.g., land-applied, landfilled, or in- confirm Mo behavior noted by Goldberg for unamended
cinerated), and all biosolids were assumed to be applied soils. Their data also confirm the dramatic reduction in
to pastures, a conservative assumption. Brobst (R.B. Mo retention as soil pH increases, with sorption becom-

ing negligible above pH 6. Thus, Mo availability to plants concentrations at ⬎25 cm. They were unable to account
(and to leaching) increases dramatically at higher pH. for all of the Mo added, and hypothesized Mo leaching.
Artiola (J.F. Artiola, personal communication, 1999) Nguyen (1998) noted about 50% loss of biosolids Mo
conducted column studies with calcareous soils (pH ⫽ from the surface 0- to 15-cm depth of a limed acid (pH
7.8) amended with biosolids Mo. The biosolids applica- 5.5–6.9) Spodosol 3 to 4 yr after biosolids application.
tion rate was about 200 Mg ha⫺1, and the New York Thus, even slightly acid soils under high-rainfall condi-
biosolids Mo concentration was 6 g Mg⫺1 (Mo load ⫽ tions can be expected to allow leaching of biosolids Mo.
1.2 kg Mo ha⫺1 ). Molybdenum moved through the col- Leaching would be promoted if the soils were limed
umns essentially unimpeded, and reached low relative or amended with high-pH (alkaline-treated) biosolids
concentrations (C/Ci ⫽ 0.1) in drainage after only about (McBride, 1998).
two pore volumes of drainage. There was little differ- Leaching of Mo under nonirrigated, semiarid, or arid
ence in Mo leaching behavior whether the Mo was conditions is often difficult to predict. Infiltration below
added as biosolids or Mo salts under such high-pH (7.8) the root zone occurs when the magnitude and duration
conditions. O’Connor and McDowell (1999) and Brin- of moisture events (e.g., snow melt, rainfall) exceed evapo-
ton and O’Connor (2000) reported data that suggested transpiration, runoff, soil moisture retention, and ab-
different effects of biosolids source on Mo retention sorption by surface materials (e.g., biosolids). McCurry
and/or release depending upon biosolids total Fe and (1995) summarized infiltration data collected in several
Al contents, but soil pH effects dominated Mo behavior states. Data represented infiltration studies on biosolids
in two soils amended with the various biosolids. High projects in Colorado and New Mexico and basic infiltra-
soil pH reduces soil retardation of Mo movement and tion studies conducted in New Mexico, Idaho, Califor-
increases the likelihood that applied Mo will leach away nia, Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah. Infiltration data from
from the zone of biosolids incorporation. The effect the biosolids studies were consistent with data collected
would be greatest under irrigated conditions, where net for nonbiosolids studies. Moisture infiltrated 40 to
downward flow of water is maintained (positive leaching ⬎270 cm depending upon location and type of excess
fraction) to control salinity. Chang and Page (2000) re- moisture event (McCurry, 1995). Excess moisture in
cently conducted an input–output balance of trace ele- arid and semiarid regions is usually only available in
ments in soils of the San Joaquin Valley’s West Side. the spring and early summer, following snow melt, and/
Numerous inputs were considered, including Mo from or for briefs periods following intense summer thunder-
biosolids additions. Despite the inputs from various storms. McCurry’s data demonstrate that water (and
sources, there was a net depletion of Mo from cropland dissolved ions) can move below the root zone during
on the West Side (Chang and Page, 2000). Amounts of these periods. Additional measurements of solute move-
Mo dissolved from soils and transported to tile drains ment through biosolids-amended soils under semiarid
exceeded amounts of Mo added from all input sources and arid conditions have been made (Janonis et al.,
combined. Leaching of Mo from these near-neutral soils 1996; Michalk, 1995; Moffet et al., 1995). Molybdenum
accounts for the net depletion of Mo, and is inevitable was not specifically monitored in either study, but is
for sustainable irrigated crop production (Chang and expected to move as readily as other anions (e.g., PO4,
Page, 2000). and SO4 ) whose migration was detected. Thus, leaching
Phillips and Meyer (1993) studied alfalfa growing in of Mo can be expected in all but the driest of environ-
calcareous (soil pH ⬎ 7) fields with natively high soil Mo ments, and can be expected to be significant under
concentrations in Kern County, CA. An earlier (1950) irrigated or high-rainfall conditions. Under dryland con-
survey of alfalfa from the county had identified average ditions, salt accumulation typically limits biosolids ap-
alfalfa tissue Mo concentrations of about 10 mg kg⫺1. plication rather than N, P, or Mo loads.
Resampling the same fields 35 yr later revealed average Leaching loss of Mo is expected to be greatest under
alfalfa tissue Mo concentrations of about 3.5 mg kg⫺1. high soil pH conditions, where Mo bioavailability is
No quantification of soil Mo concentrations was at- problematic. Not accounting for Mo losses to leaching,
tempted, but Phillips and Meyer concluded that the even over the long periods (⬎100 yr) needed to attain
lowered tissue Mo concentrations were associated pri- limiting cumulative soil Mo loads, is unrealistic.
marily with leaching of soluble salts (including Mo). Pollutant leaching can be characterized using rigorous
Similarly, McBride et al. (1999) reported that nearly quantitative approaches or more qualitative approaches.
80% of biosolids Mo applied at high rates to a calcareous The USEPA, for example, used two transport models
silty clay loam (pH 7.0 to 7.3) had been lost from the (quantitative approach) to predict ground water effects
topsoil under natural rainfall conditions over the nearly of land-applied biosolids-pollutants in the Pathway 12
20 yr since the biosolids were applied. and 14 (drinking water) risk assessment. The VADOF
Leaching of Mo is not restricted to high-pH soils. subroutine of the RUSTIC model (USEPA, 1989) was
Hemkes et al. (1980) applied moderate rates (6 to 18 Mg used to estimate flow and pollutant transport through
ha⫺1 ) of high-Mo biosolids (117 to 170 g Mo Mg⫺1 ) to the unsaturated zone. A second model (AT123D; Yeh,
a pH 5.9 sandy, permanent pasture soil in the Nether- 1981) was then used to estimate transport in the satu-
lands each year for 3 yr (total Mo loads ⫽ 2.1 to 9.2 kg rated zone (aquifer). The combined model outputs esti-
Mo ha⫺1 ). Molybdenum concentrations in the surface mated pollutant transport to a receptor, a drinking water
(0–2.5 cm) soil reached 7.4 mg kg⫺1 at the greatest bio- supply well. Results of the simulations were used to
solids Mo load, and decreased with depth to background back-calculate reference pollutant application rates that

result in threshold ground water effects at the receptor rather, most reported changes in soil Mo concentrations
(USEPA, 1994). This rigorously quantitative approach many years after initial Mo contamination. The field
is data- and assumption-intensive, and is deemed inap- data are presented in Table 4, and do not include the
propriate for Pathway 6 risk assessment for two reasons. detailed laboratory data of Artiola (J.F. Artiola, per-
First, the receptor of interest in Pathway 6 (the most sonal communication, 1999), which suggest very high
sensitive pathway of risk for Mo) is a ruminant grazing biosolids Mo leaching rates under uniform, short-term
biosolids-amended forage, not a human drinking water leaching conditions. Data in Table 4 represent estimated
from a downstream well. Second, model parameters annual Mo leaching rates of biosolids Mo (McBride et
were set to maximize pollutant leaching in Pathways 12 al., 1999; Nguyen, 1998) and natural (Phillips and Meyer,
and 14 (USEPA, 1992), so risk in Pathway 6 is simultane- 1993) or anthropogenic (Hornick et al., 1977) Mo
ously underestimated (less Mo remaining in the soil for sources. The data represent leaching periods of 3 to 35
plant uptake). For these reasons, we chose a simplified, yr. The average leaching rate (k) for data in Table 4 is
but conservative, model that uses a first-order leaching about 5% yr⫺1, with a range of 1.8 to 12.5% yr⫺1. The
algorithm and empirical data for pollutant leaching USEPA (1992) used a leaching rate of 12% yr⫺1 for As,
characterization. The algorithm describes leaching that an anion expected to exhibit soil mobility similar to Mo.
annually removes Mo from the root zone in proportion Net soil Mo load (kg Mo ha⫺1 ) is calculated as a
to the total Mo concentration in the soil (Eq. [1]): function of time, assuming an application of 10 Mg ha⫺1
dCy/dt ⫽ ⫺kCy [1] yr⫺1 of biosolids containing 40 and 75 mg Mo kg⫺1 at
1.8% yr⫺1 leaching (Fig. 1) and 5% yr⫺1 leaching (Fig.
where Cy is the Mo concentration (load) in soil (mg 2). Figure 1 predicts that a biosolids containing 40 mg
ha⫺1 ) for any year, t is time (yr), and k is the leaching Mo kg⫺1 can be safely applied for 100 yr without ex-
percentage per year (% yr⫺1 ). The loss of Mo annually ceeding the 20 kg Mo ha⫺1 diet-weighted (FC-corrected)
due to leaching is represented by dCy/dt, and the concen- criterion when the smallest annual leaching rate (k ⫽
tration of Mo in soil in any year (Cy ) is calculated as 1.8% yr⫺1 ) is assumed. Figure 2 predicts that even a
the sum of Mo left after leaching the previous year biosolids containing the ceiling concentration of 75 mg
(Cy⫺1 ) and Mo added in the current year (Cadded ); Cy ⫽ Mo kg⫺1 can be applied for 100 yr without exceeding a
Cy⫺1 ⫹ Cadded. plateau Mo load of 16 kg ha⫺1 when k ⫽ 5% yr⫺1. A
The model assumes relatively constant climatic condi- biosolids containing 40 mg Mo kg⫺1 could be applied
tions over, for example, the maximum assumed 100-yr for 100 yr (at 5% leaching yr⫺1 ) and never exceed 8 kg
biosolids application period. Further, one assumes a Mo ha⫺1, well below the soil load associated with Mo-
constant pollutant addition rate and a constant (aver- induced hypocuprosis, even when the dietary factor
age) pollutant leaching rate (k). If no leaching is as- (FC) is ignored. High soil pH exacerbates plant Mo
sumed (k ⫽ 0), Mo accumulates in the soil in direct uptake, but also promotes Mo leaching, so long-term
proportion to the addition rate. When k ⬎ 0, the model Mo risk is minimized.
projects that the quantity of Mo leached will eventually A leaching correction (LC) factor can be derived from
equal the quantity added, resulting in a steady-state the figures by dividing the net soil Mo load remaining
(plateau) soil Mo concentration (load). The plateau con-
centration depends on the annual Mo addition rate and
the assumed annual Mo leaching rate. The critical condi-
tion in the risk assessment for Pathway 6 is that the
plateau Mo concentration be less than the soil Mo con-
centration associated with forage Mo effect on cattle.
Average (long-term) leaching rates do not character-
ize pollutant leaching in the short term. Leaching is
typically nonlinear, with high initial rates, followed by
progressively slower rates in subsequent years as pollut-
ant mass decreases. We regarded constant linear rates
as appropriate for two reasons. First, biosolids additions
are incremental over the assumed 100-yr site life, which
better fits a constant, linear loss per year assumption.
If the entire cumulative biosolids load were applied in
one year, a nonlinear leaching model would be more
appropriate. Second, selection of an average (long-
term) annual loss rate results in less leaching estimation
in the short term (when soil Mo concentrations are
high), which leaves more Mo available for plant uptake.
Overall, we believe such assumptions are more protec-
tive of the Pathway 6 HEI.
Fig. 1. Net soil Mo load with time when soil is amended with biosolids
We estimated long-term Mo leaching rates (k values) containing either 75 or 40 mg Mo kg⫺1 at 10 Mg biosolids ha⫺1
from various literature sources mentioned previously. yr⫺1 and the leaching coefficient is either zero (no leaching) or
Few published studies quantified annual Mo leaching; 1.8% yr⫺1.

Numerical Standards for Molybdenum

Based on the above considerations and the modified
algorithm presented, we suggest the following numerical
standards for Mo in the land application of biosolids:
Ceiling concentration ⫽ 75 mg Mo kg⫺1
Cumulative pollutant loading rate ⫽ 40 kg Mo ha⫺1
Alternate pollutant limit ⫽ 40 mg Mo kg⫺1

Additional Considerations
Animal and Pasture Management
Copper deficiencies in forage are common worldwide
(Gartrell, 1981), and copper deficiency significantly af-
fects ruminant livestock production in large areas of the
world (McDowell, 1992, 1997). Similarly, Mo-induced
hypocuprosis has been widely recognized as a problem
in selected areas of the USA, Canada, Europe, and
Australia for decades, and livestock owners have had
Fig. 2. Net soil Mo load with time when soil is amended with biosolids
containing either 75 or 40 mg Mo kg⫺1 at 10 Mg biosolids ha⫺1
corrective management practices recommended to them
yr⫺1 and the leaching coefficient is either zero (no leaching) or for ⬎50 yr (e.g., Lewis, 1943; Cameron and Goss, 1948).
5% yr⫺1. The best primary management practice is to supplement
cattle feed with added Cu; typically, 10 mg Cu kg⫺1 of
after 100 yr by the total Mo load added. Thus, for a diet, but increasing to 25 mg kg⫺1 during pregnancy,
biosolids containing 40 mg Mo kg⫺1 and at 1.8% leaching and to as much as 50 mg kg⫺1 if “animals have access to
per year (Fig. 1), the leaching correction factor is: high sulfate water” (Gooneratne et al., 1989). Allaway
(1977) concluded that “stockmen in the USA have met
18 kg Mo ha⫺1 remaining
LC ⫽ ⫽ 0.45 the problems of Mo toxicity by treating the animals,
40 kg Mo ha⫺1 added rather than measures applied to the soil or crop. The
and at 5% leaching per year (Fig. 2): general utility of Cu therapy to prevent Mo toxicity has
minimized efforts to meet the problem through soil or
8 kg Mo ha⫺1 remaining plant management.”
LC ⫽ ⫽ 0.2
40 kg Mo ha⫺1 added Thus, Mo-induced Cu deficiency problems are well
known, easily recognized, and easily corrected by
We believe that a conservative correction for leaching ranchers operating in areas prone to Mo toxicities.
(LC ⫽ 0.45) makes the risk assessment appropriately Ranchers and farmers, who know from decades of expe-
realistic, but recognize that a different LC value could rience that their soils produce crops prone to Mo accu-
be necessary as additional field-scale leaching data be- mulation, are unlikely to intentionally add high Mo
come available. loads via biosolids, or any other soil amendment, unless
Incorporating Mo leaching considerations into the this is done in conjunction with Cu supplementation.
Pathway 6 algorithm yields the following: Ranchers or dairymen receiving forage from elsewhere
RPc ⫽ (RF/UC) ⫻ (1/FC) ⫻ (1/LC) are not likely to feed cattle excessive amounts of Mo-
accumulating plants (e.g., legumes) indiscriminately.
⫽ (9/2.25) ⫻ (1/.2) ⫻ (1/.45) Imported forage is typically dry hay, which has a much
⫽ 44 kg Mo ha⫺1 lower risk of Mo-induced hypocuprosis (e.g., Suttle,
1983; Mill and Davis, 1987; Underwood and Suttle,
Following the USEPA policy of rounding down criti- 1999). Large animal feeding operations typically keep
cal limits, we derive an RPc value of 40 kg Mo ha⫺1, close watch on animal condition and diet, and would
and a corresponding alternate pollutant limit (APL) of logically address a potential Mo problem quickly with
40 mg Mo kg⫺1 for Part 503 Table 3. additional Cu supplements, or alternative feeds. The
Leaching of Mo at a particular site will be influenced common sense and practicality of good pasture and ani-
by local climatic and management (irrigation leaching mal management should add significant confidence to
fraction) factors, but should not be less than the 1.8% the risk assessment presented here.
yr⫺1 assumed here except under acid soil pHs where
molybdenum availability is low and Mo toxicity is un-
likely. At high soil pH, where Mo availability and toxic- Uncertainties in the Risk Assessment
ity can be problematic, leaching should be greater than A weakness in the original USEPA risk assessment
assumed here, and ignoring its influence on permissible was the limited animal (HEI) response database, espe-
Mo loads is unnecessarily and inappropriately conser- cially animals consuming forages grown on biosolids-
vative. amended land. Much of the animal response data used

to justify low (⬍10 mg Mo kg⫺1 ) threshold intake (TPI) (species most susceptible to molybdenosis) allow calcu-
values, for example, were based on Mo salt additions lation of a diet-weighted UC factor that better repre-
to diets of confined animals. There are very few studies sents forage Mo exposure to cattle. Recent biosolids
involving biosolids-Mo fertilized forage grazed by rumi- use data allow estimating of the fraction of animal forage
nants (e.g., O’Connor and McDowell, 1999; K. Bro- likely to be grown on biosolids-amended land (FC) and,
ersma and W.C. Gardner, personal communication, thus, a more reasonable estimate of possible biosolids
1999). Gardner et al. (1996) recently reported minimal Mo effect on animal diets. Data from both laboratory
responses of cattle to grazed forages with total Mo con- and field studies show that biosolids Mo is not conserved
centrations of 20 to 40 mg Mo kg⫺1 and forage Cu to when land-applied and that estimates of Mo leaching
Mo ratios ⬍1. Forage (including legumes) was grown (LC) are necessary to realistically assess long-term soil
on mine spoils with high pH (calcareous). Molybdenum Mo status.
concentrations in animal plasma and livers increased, We incorporated these various improvements into a
but there was no evidence of molybdenosis or detrimen- modified Pathway 6 algorithm as follows:
tal effects in the animals. Cattle supplemented with Cu
RPc ⫽ (RC/UC) ⫻ (1/FC) ⫻ (1/LC)
had the same adequate Cu in plasma and livers, and
the same overall health, as nonsupplemented cattle. For- where RF ⫽ 9, UC ⫽ 2.25, FC ⫽ 0.2, and LC ⫽ 0.45.
age S concentrations were apparently low (but normal: This algorithm results in a cumulative biosolids Mo
苲2 g kg⫺1 ) in their study, and may have minimized application limit (RPc ) of 40 kg Mo ha⫺1 and a corre-
thiomolybdate (or direct cupric sulfide) formation. sponding alternate pollutant concentration (Table 3 of
Also, Loneragan et al. (1998) noted that high Mo could Part 503) of 40 mg Mo kg⫺1. We regard our modifica-
decrease ruminal production of sulfide. Thus, there may tions and calculations as conservative, and believe the
actually have been too much Mo in the forage to pro- risk of Mo toxicity from biosolids Mo is small in the
mote adequate sulfide, and thiomolybdate, formation vast majority of situations. Normal good pasture and
in the Gardner et al. (1996) study. Canadian researchers animal management (especially, providing adequate Cu
(K. Broersma and W.C. Gardner, personal communica- mineral supplementation) would complement the con-
tion, 1999) hypothesize that forage Mo is somehow un- servatism of the risk assessment presented here.
available for reaction in the ruminants, an effect similar
to reduced Mo availability when forage is dried (Alla- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
way, 1977). Research into the form of Mo in the forage
and the effects of increased S in the diets is underway. Many people provided invaluable input to this effort. Some,
Animals are being grazed on leguminous forages grown for example, J.T. Artiola, N.T. Basta, K. Broersma, W. Gard-
ner, T.C. Granato, and M. McBride provided critical data
on biosolids-amended land (K. Broersma and W.C. (unpublished at the time) for consideration. These and others
Gardner, personal communication, 1999). (notably J. Ryan, T.J. Logan, and R.H. Dowdy) offered in-
Forages grown on biosolids-amended soil frequently sightful comments to the modified algorithm development.
have increased S contents (Nguyen, 1998; O’Connor Too numerous to name are the many people who responded
and McDowell, 1999; McBride et al., 2000). Low-main- to phone calls and emails from the senior author requesting
tenance pastures and rangelands are often underfertil- help to understand the system and normal agronomic and
ized, and respond well to nutrient inputs provided in animal management practices, nationwide. We warmly thank
biosolids. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum flugge) (Ngu- all who cooperated and rightfully accept responsibility for any
yen, 1998; O’Connor and McDowell, 1999) was espe- misinterpretation of their input.
cially responsive to biosolids S, and the response was
seemingly independent of biosolids source or rate of REFERENCES
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