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Express Letters
Complex Domain Backpropagation
George M. Georgiou and Cris Koutsougeras
Abstract-The well-known backpropagation algorithm is extended to
complex domain backpropagation (CDBP) which can be used to train
neural networks for which the inputs, weights, activation functions, and
outputs are complex-valued. Previous derivations of CDBP were necessarily admitting activation functions that have singularities, which is
highly undesirable. Here CDBP is derived so that it accommodates
classes of suitable activation functions. One such function is found and
the circuit implementation of the corresponding neuron is given. CDBP
hardware circuits can be used to process sinusoidal signals all at the
same frequency (phasors).

The complex domain backpropagation (CDBP) algorithm provides a means for training feed-forward networks for which the
inputs, weights, activation functions, and outputs are complex-valued. CDBP, being nonlinear in nature, is more powerful than the
complex LMS algorithm [l] in the same way that usual (real)
backpropagation [2] is more powerful than the (real) LMS algorithm
[3]. Thus, CDBP can replace the complex LMS algorithm in
applications such as filtering in the frequency domain [4].
In addition, CDBP can be used to design networks in hardware
that process sinusoidal inputs all having the same frequency
(phasors). Such signals are commonly represented by complex
values. The complex weights of the neural network represent
impedance as opposed to resistance in real backpropagation networks. The desired outputs are either sinusoids at the same frequency as the inputs or, after further processing, binary.
By decomposing the complex numbers that represent the inputs
and the desired outputs into real and imaginary parts, the usual
(real) backpropagation algorithm [2] can be used to train a conventional neural network which performs, in theory, the same
input-output mapping without involving complex numbers. However, such networks, when implemented in hardware, cannot accept
the sinusoidal inputs (phasors) and give the desired outputs.
In [5] and [7] complex domain backpropagation algorithms were
independently derived. The derivation was single hidden layer
feed-forward network in [SI and for a multilayer network in [6].
Both derivations are based on the assumption that the (complex)
derivative f( z) = d f ( z ) / dz of the activation function f(z) exists.
Here we will show that if the derivative f ( z ) exists for all ZE@,
the complex plane, then f(z) is not an appropriate activation
function. We will derive CDBP for multilayer feed-forward networks imposing less stringent conditions on f(z) so that more
appropxiate activation functions can be used. One such function is
found and its circuit implementation is given.

More information on the definitions and results from the theory of

complex variables that we will use can be found in [7], [8], or in
any other introductory book on the subject.


Let the neuron activation function be f(z ) = U( x , y ) iv( x , y )

where z = x @, i =
The functions U and U are the real
and imaginary parts of f,respectively. Likewise, x and y are the
real and imaginary parts of z . For now it is sufficient to assume that
the partial derivatives U, = a u / a x , u y = a u / a y , U, = & / a x ,
and vy = a v / a y exist for all z E@. This assumption is not sufficient that f ( z )exists. If it exists, the partial derivatives also have
to satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations (see next section). The
error for an input pattern is defined as


Ek =

dk -


where d k is the desired output and ok the actual output of the kth
output neuron. The overbar signifies complex conjugate. It should
be noted that the error E is a real scalar function. The output oj of
neuron j in the network is

oj = f ( z j ) = U J + i v J ,

z j = xi

+ iyj = I =

WjlXjl (2)

where the Wjlsare the (complex) weights of neuron j and Xjls

their corresponding (complex) inputs. A bias weight, having permanent input (1,O), may also be added to each neuron. In what follows,
the subscripts R and Z indicate the real and imaginary parts,
respectively. We note the following partial derivatives:

In order to use the chain rule to find the gradient of the error
function E with respect to the real part of Wjl, we have to observe
the variable dependencies: The real function E is a function of both
u(xj, y j ) and v(xj, y j ) , and x j and y j are both functions of
WjlR (and WjlI).Thus, the gradient of the error function with
respect to the real part of Wjl can be written as

Manuscript received September 9, 1991; revised February 19, 1992. This

paper was recommended by Associate Editor R. Liu.
The authors are with the Computer Science Department, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118.
F E E Log Number 9200589.
This paper [6] was published at about the same time that this letter was
submitted. It came to our attention soon after submission.
1057-7130/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE


= -SjR(u{XilR

+ u $ X i l I ) - S,jl(~iXi/R+ vj!Xjlr) (4)

Using the chain rule we compute SiR:



with S i = - a E / a u J - i a E / a v i and consequently S j R =

- a E / a u J and SjI = - a E / a v J . Likewise, the gradient of the
error function with respect to the imaginary part of Wj/ is





auk a x ,

auk a y ,

a x , auJ

a y , auJ


a d a x j +--)
a d ayj
- -aE -a d ax, awi,I a y j aw,,,



+ '$



= -SjR(U{(


- Sir( v i ( - X j / I )

+ .$ICilR)


where the index k runs through the neurons that receive input from
neuron j. In a similar manner we can compute SiI:

+ UjXj/R)



Combining (4) and (S), we can write the gradient of the error
function E with respect to the complex weight Wjl as
def aE
Vw,,E= - i -



+ iu$)SiR + ( v i + i u i ) S j r ) .



To minimize the error E , each complex weight Wjl should be

changed by a quantiy A Wjl proportional to the negative gradient:
A y r = aXjl((u;

+ iu$)SiR + ( v i + iv$)Sjr)

+ u$WkjR)



+ v$WkjR)


Combining (12) and (13), we arrive at the following expression for


6, = SiR
where CY is the learning rate, a real positive constant. A momentum
term [2] may be added in the above learning equation. When the
weight Wjl belongs to an output neuron, then Si, and Si/ in (6)
have the values

or more compactly:

When weight Wjl belongs to a hidden neuron, i.e., when the output
of the neuron is fed to other neurons in subsequent layers, in order
to compute Si, or equivalently S j R and Si/, we have to use the chain
rule. Let the index k indicate a neuron that receives input from
neuron j. Then the net input z , to neuron k is

where the index I runs through the neurons from which neuron k
receives input. Thus, we have the following partial derivatives:

+ iSjI =

+ iuf)SkR


Training of a feed-forward network with the CDBP algorithm is

done in a similar manner as in the usual (real) backpropagation [2].
First, the weights are initialized to small random complex values.
Until an acceptable output error level is arrived at, each input vector
is presented to the network, the corresponding output and output
error are calculated (forward pass), and then the error is backpropagated to each neuron in the network and the weights are adjusted
accordingly (backward pass). More precisely, for input pattern X i ,
Si for neuron j is computed by starting at the neurons in the output
layer using (9) and then for neurons in hidden layers by recursively
using (14). As soon as Si is computed for neuron j, its weights are
changed according to (7).

In the next section the important properties that a suitable activation function f(z) must possess will be discussed. For the purposes
of this section, we identify two properties that a suitable f ( z )
should possess: i) f(z ) is bounded (see next section), and ii) f(z ) is
such that Si # (0,O)and Xi/ # (0,O)imply Vw.,E # (0,O).Noncompliance with the latter condition is undesirahle since it would
imply that even in the presence of both non-zero input ( X j l # (0,O))
and non-zero error (Si # (0,O))it is still possible that A Wi/ = 0 ,
i.e., no learning takes place.
The deviations of CDBP in [5] and [6] are based on the assumption that the (complex) derivative f ' ( z ) of the activation function
exists without giving a specific domain. If the domain is taken to be
@, then such functions are called entire.
Definition 1: A function f(z) is called analytic at a point zo if



its derivative exists throughout some neighborhood of zo.If f(z) is

analytic at all points z E G,is called entire.
Proposition I : Entire functions are not suitable sctivation functions.
The proof of the proposition follows directly from Liouvilles
theorem [7],[8].
Theorem 1 (Liouville): If f(z) is entire and bounded on the
complex plane, then f(z) is a constant function.
Since a suitable f(z)must be bounded, it follows from Liouvilles
theorem that if in addition f(z) is entire, then f(z) is
constant-clearly not a suitable activation function. In fact, the
requirement that f(z) be entire alone imposes considerable structure on it, e.g., the Cauchy-Riemann equations should be satisfied.
An exception in which f(z) is taken to be entire is the complex
LMS algorithm (single neuron) [ l ] , where f(z) = z, the identity
Proposition 2: If f(z) is entire, then ( 6 ) becomes



to G,i.e. there exists a real number M such that I g(z) I IM for

all z E
It can be easily verified that when z approaches any value
in the set (0 f i(2n 1 ) ~ n: is any integer}, then I g( z)I -+ 00,
and thus g(z) is unbounded. Furthermore, other commonly used
activation functions, e.g., tanh (z)and e - z 2 [ l o ] ,are unbounded as
well when their domain is extended from the real line to the
complex plane. One can verify that 1 tanh ( 2 ) I
00 as z approaches a value in the set (0 k i((2n 1)/2)?r:nis any integer}
00 when z = 0
iy and y
and I e-* I
In order to avoid the problem of singularities in the sigmoid
function g(z), it was suggested in [6] to scale the input data to
some region in the complex plane. Backpropagation being a weak
optimization procedure has no mechanism of constraining the values
the weights can assume, and thus the value of z , which depends on
both the inputs and the weights, can take any value on the complex
plane. Based on this observation the suggested remedy is inadequate.
It is clear that some other activation function must be found for
CDBP. In the derivation of CDBP we only assumed that the partial
derivatives u x , U,,, v x , and uy exist. Other important properties the
activation function f( z) = U( x, y ) iu( x, y ) should possess are
the following




Proof: Since f ( zj) is entire, the Cauchy-Riemann equations

U: =
and U; = - U: are satisfied and the derivative of f(z,) is
f(zj) = U: iu:. Using these equations we can write (6) as


Vwil E = - X j l ( ( U: - iui) S j R

+ (U: + i u i ) S j r )

- FjISjf(Zj).


In a similar way we may derive (16). Expressions ( 1 5 ) and (16) are

essentially the ones derived in [5] and [ 6 ] .If the activation function
is the identity function, f ( z ) = z , and if neuron j is an output
neuron, then f( z) = 1 and the gradient (15) further reduces to the
one in the complex LMS (delta) rule [ l ] :


Proposition 3: If uxvy = u x u y , then f(z) = U

i u is not a
suitable activation function.
Proof: We would like to show that an activation function with
the above property violates condition ii) (see beginning of section).
Suppose that Xjl # (0,O). We will show that there exists Si # (0,O)
such that Vwi,E = 0. From (6) we see that V,,!E = 0 when
(u:SjR v i S j r ) i(u;SjR u$ijr) = 0, or equivalently, when
the real and imaginary parts of the equation equal to zero:

A nontrivial solution of the above homogeneous system of equations

in S j R and S j r , i.e., 6jR and Sjr not both zero, can be found if. and
only if the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero: U$$ vju; = 0, or u{vi =.;.:U
Corollary: If U = U
k, where k is any complex constant, then
f( z) = U iu is not a suitable activation function.
The corollary gives us a better feeling of how large the class of
unsuitable activation functions really is.


In [5] the sigmoid function g(z) = 1 / ( 1

e-) was incorrectly
assumed to remain bounded when its domain was extended from W

f(z) is nonlinear in x and

y . If the function is linear, then the

capabilities of the network are severely limited, i.e., it is
impossible to train a feed-forward neural network to perform a
nonlinearly separable classification problem.
f(z) is bounded. This is true if and only if both U and U
bounded. Since both U and U are used during training (forward pass), they must be bounded. If either one was unbounded, then a software overflow could occur. One could
image analogous complications if the algorithm is implemented in hardware.
The partial derivatives u x ,
v x , and
exist and are
bounded. Since all are used during training, they must be
f(z) is not entire. See Proposition 1 in the previous section.
uxuy uxuy. See Proposition 3 in previous section.

A simple function that satisfies all the above properties is

where c and r are real positive constants. This function has the
property of mapping a point z = x
iy = (x, y ) on the complex
plane to a unique point f(z) = ( x / ( c
( l / r )I z I), y / ( c
( l / r )I z I)) on the open disc { z : I z I < r } . The phase angle of z
is the same as that of f ( z ) . The magnitude I z I is monotonically
squashed to I f(z)1, a point in the interval [0, r ) ; in an analogous
way, the real sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent functions map a point
x on the real line to a unique point on a finite interval. Parameter c
controls the steepness of I f(z) I. The partial derivatives u x , U,,, v x ,
and uy are



Input Pattern
(and Desired Output)

Actual Outputs After 1500 Epochs

((1, O), (0,O), (0,O))

{CO,, O), (1, O), (030))

{(O,O), (O,O), (0, - 1))

((0.9166E + 00,0.4907E - 03), (0.4681E - 01,0.2388E - 02),

(-0.3326E - 02,0.4553E - 01))
{(-0.2776E - 01, - 0.2885E - Ol), (0.9136E + 00, - 0.7155E - 03),
(0.2145E - 01, - 0.2797E - 01))
((0.3028E - 01, - 0.3061E - 01),(-0.3409E - 01,0.1932E - Ol),
(0.1474E - 02, - 0.9148E + 00)}








1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 300 3 5 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 5 0 0

Fig. 1. A run of CDBP


network with c = 1, r = 1 , (Y = 0.2, and momentum rate 0.9. The

actual outputs after 1500 epochs appear in Table I.
Since sinusoidal signals at the same frequency (phasors) are
commonly represented and manipulated as complex numbers, it is
natural to use CDBP for processing them. CDBP-trained neural
networks with activation function (20) can be directly translated to
analog circuits. Such circuits, though nonlinear, yield outputs at the
same frequency (see below).
A simple circuit diagram for the complex neuron j with
activation function f(z) when c = 1 and r = 1 appears in Fig. 2.
The inputs and output are voltages. The quantity I z j I represents
the amplitude of the sinusoidal voltage z j and in the circuit is
obtained as a dc voltage using a peak detector (demodulator) with
input -zj. If the ripple associated with the output of the peak
detector is unacceptable, then the peak detector should be followed
by a low-pass filter [lo]. Each weight Wj, represents admittance.
Proposition 4: If all input signals to a neural network circuit
consisting of neurons of the type that appears in Fig. 2 are sinusoids
at the same frequency w , then the output(s) is (are) sinusoid(s) at the
same frequency w . .
Proof: It is sufficient to consider a single neuron (Fig. 2).
Given that the Xj,s are sinusoids at the frequency w , certainly the
output -zj of the summer (first op-amp) is a sinusoid at frequency
w . The remaining circuitry inverts -zj and scales its magnitude by
a factor l/(c ( l / r ) I z j I); thus, there is no effect on the frequency and the output f ( z j )is also a sinusoid at frequency W .
It is interesting to note that the activation function f(z ) , z E R,
being a sigmoid, can be used in the usual (real) backpropagation
[ l l ] , [12]. In that case the neuron circuit of Fig. 2 can also be used,
with the exception that the peak detector is replaced with a full-wave
rectifier in order to obtain the absolute value I z I from the now real
-2; weights Wj, represent conductance.

Fig. 2. Circuit for complex neuron. The output voltage is f ( z J ) =


zJ /U

+ I zJ I ), where zJ =



IzI = O

The special definitions of the partial derivatives when I z I = 0,

i.e., at z = (O,O), correspond to their limits as z + (0,O). Being
thus defined, the singularitks at the origin are removed and all
partial derivatives exist and are continuous for all z E
We successfully tested the CDBP algorithm on a number of
training sets. The error-versus-epochs graph of a simulation example appears in Fig. 1. By error we mean the sum of the errors
due to each pattern in the training set (1). A form of the encoding
problem [2] was used: The desired output of each of the three input
patterns in Table I is the input pattern itself. We used a 3-2-3


CDBP is a generalization of the usual (real) backpropagation to
handle complex-valued inputs, weights, activation functions, and
outputs. Unlike previous attempts, the CDBP algorithm was derived
so that it can accommodate suitable activation functions, which were
discussed. A simple suitable activation function was found and the
circuit implementation of the corresponding complex neuron was
given. The circuit can be used to process sinusoids at the same
frequency (phasors).
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Reply to Comments on Pole and Zero Estimation

in Linear Circuits
Stephen B. Haley and Paul J. Hurst
This reply appears on p. 419 of the May 1992 issue of IEEE


IEEE Log Number 9200418.

1057-7130/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE

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