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Between 1650 and 1750, family life in the English colonies changed such that in?: northern
colonies it grew less patriarchal, while in southern colonies it grew more patriarchal.
By the early 1700s, the slave codes of the English colonies in North America established all
of the following rules EXCEPT that they?:
allowed a slave with some white ancestry to apply for freedom. (slavery did become permanent)
Thomas Jefferson once observed that the best school of political liberty the world ever saw
was the?: New England town meeting.
Women did not set moral standards to how children were raised-men did
One of the purposes for writing the Declaration of Independence was to?: convince potential
foreign allies of American determination to gain independence.
Spinning bees and dressing down in homespun?: contributed to the solidarity of resistance by
displaying fewer differences in appearance between rich and poor.
In order to become a law, a bill in Congress must?: pass both houses of Congress in identical
All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation government
it lacked the power to borrow money.
According to the U. S. Constitution, revenue bills must originate with?:
the House of Representatives.

In James Madison's tenth Federalist, the most dangerous threat

to the U. S. Constitution was presented by?: factions.

was written to
make it
difficult for the
majority of the
population to
impress their
will on the
Which of the
following gave
the people the
most impact on
the federal
length of the
term of office
for members of
the House of
Which of the
following civil
protected by
the Bill of
Rights was in
Constitution as
ratified?: trial

by jury
According to the United States Constitution, each of the following may be accomplished by a simple majority vote
the Senate ratifies a treaty.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established what precedent for new territories?:
Equality of new states with old
The Judiciary Act of 1789?:
established a system of lower federal courts.
While Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the Supreme Court, its decisions?:
laid the groundwork for a "broad" interpretation of the Constitution.
In the election of 1796?:
the Federalist party divided when southern Federalists refused to support Adams.
The Battle of New Orleans in 1815?: 1--resulted in the emergence of
Andrew Jackson as a military hero.
2--ended the possibility of a British Empire on the lower Mississippi
NO 3--strengthened the Federalist party's grip on the national

NO 4--assured the ratification of the treaty ending the war without
changes by the British. (happened afterwards!)
The issuance of the Monroe Doctrine
in 1823 was prompted by?:
the fear that France might intervene in Latin America to restore Spanish colonial
The outcome of the election of 1824 between John Quincy Adams and
Andrew Jackson was decided by? House of Representatives
During both the Washington and Jefferson administrations, the Western
settlers' most urgent and consistent demand on the federal government was
for the?: guaranty of an outlet to the sea for their produce.
The Panic of 1819 was the result of a speculative boom in the economy that
ran for a number of years before the panic. All of the following were causes
of that speculation EXCEPT?: tight credit from the Bank of the United States.
In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt, the Massachusetts Supreme Court
ruled that?
labor unions were not necessarily illegal combinations or monopolies.
turnpikes --> steamboats --> canals --> railroads.
Andrew Jackson's Specie Circular sought to?:
slow down speculation in public land.
What was the opinion of Andrew Jackson, and probably most of his
contemporaries, regarding the spoils system?:
the frequent rotation of officeholders had a beneficial effect on the government.
The political purpose for proposing the Tariff of 1828 was to?:
discredit the administration of President John Quincy Adams
The Whig Party turned against President John Tyler because?:
he opposed the entire Whig legislative program. John C. Calhoun advocated
nullification of a federal law in 1828, and again in 1832 to?: avoid secession
In the 1830s and 1840s, the primary difference between Whigs and the
Democrats was that? (READ CAREFULLY)
the Whigs favored an expanded, activist federal government while the
Democrats favored a limited non-interventionist federal government.
Before the Civil War, the movement for women's rights was particularly strong among
Manifest Destiny was based on all of the following ideas EXCEPT?:
conquest of new territory would prove American military superiority. (it was more
All of the following were aspects of Protestantism in the United States during the
period 1800-1850 EXCEPT?: consensus of abolition movement

Paternalism (or parentalism) is behavior, by a person, organization or state, which limits some person or group's
liberty or autonomy for that person's or group's own good.
Late 1850s north still did not want immediate abolishment yet
Abraham Lincoln opposed the Crittenden Compromise because?: he opposed the expansion of slavery in the

In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that?: Dred Scott was not a citizen of the United
Dred Scott could not legally sue in a federal court.
the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
Congress had no power to ban slavery from a territory. Yes, all of these choices are correct.
The United States Congress during the Civil War?: adopted a tariff, a homestead law, and a
transcontinental railroad.
Lincoln gave presidential pardons too nothing about distributing plantation land
During the Reconstruction, what groups was the backbone of the Republican party in the South,
providing eight out of ten Republican votes?:freedmen
Grant owed election1868 to freedmen
A closed shop requires workers to?: join a union to secure a job

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